Whispering Verse

Chapter 2208 New Blessings

The god raised his right hand, and a colorful bubble slowly emerged. The god looked at the bubble with a smile. Even the darkness could not suppress the color of this strange creation that represented the "childhood dream":

"I promised you I would give this to you when you found the truth, and now it's yours."

The bubbles slowly flew towards Shade and entered Shade's chest.

After waiting for a second, "she" said softly:

[Newborn children don’t know that their ignorant childhood is the happiest time in their lives. When standing on the other side of life and looking back at the beginning, I don’t know how many people will smile, how many people will cry, and how many people will long to return to that sweet and sour era with only a little trouble. 】

[Outlander, you have experienced a "miracle". 】

[Outlander, you have received a new blessing - a childhood dream. When you fall into a dream, the power of beauty and innocence will help you get through it. 】

Although this blessing was somewhat vague, since it was a permanent blessing in a constant state, Xia De liked it very much.

"thanks for your help."

He bowed and thanked the god, and the god pointed to the dark undulating sea:

"Let's go fishing for the last time. The direction to leave is above. I will use a ray of light to guide you. Fly upward and take them to touch that ray of light."

Shade thanked her again, and took Miss Elisa's hand to ask her not to hide behind him:

"God, you saved this newborn child. Are you willing to let her become your believer?"

The witches naturally understood what Shade meant, while the somewhat ignorant blue-eyed girl was surprised, but did not refute Shade's idea.

The child-like god still maintains a smile:

"I do not prohibit anyone from believing in me, nor do I object to anyone praying to me, just like the three ladies behind you did in their childhood. This is the freedom of mortals."

Even though Miss Elisa didn't understand the meaning of doing this, after Shade squeezed her palm, she still said to the god cautiously:

"I am willing to believe in you. Thank you for awakening me from the dark and dreamless world."

"You have more than just me to thank. I hope you can also be the last ark in this dark world."

God sent his blessing and indicated that Shade could start his final fishing.

Shade then bent down and picked up the slender fishing rod, and then looked at all the girls around him. The blond Miss Teresa, the maid Miss Maxim, the slightly white-haired Professor Evans, and the black-haired Miss Elisa all stretched out their hands and grabbed the fishing rod together with Shade. , after Shade nodded, they stood up straight on the floating board together, and under the oppressive black sky, they threw the fishhook toward the rough sea.

The "plop" sound of the fishhook falling into the water was completely covered up by the sound of wind and rain, but the huge force coming from the ocean almost caused the five people to fall into the sea together.

Thick steam mist appeared above the heads of the group of five people, and the buzzing bells and whistles finally suppressed the sound of wind and rain for the first time. In the steam mist, the twelfth, eleventh and tenth steps of the golden stairs extended to the left rear, right rear and right rear, and to higher places behind them. The strange golden color seems to break through the "matte" limit, and in the direction where the stairs extend, three brass-colored rings appear with rapid rotation, and are then penetrated by three golden stairs in sequence.

The three life rings collided and rubbed against each other while rotating, causing sparks. At the end of the three golden steps, where the steam mist was thickest, a seven-ring huge life ring covered with golden cracks was penetrated by three golden steps at the same time. It's also like the end of those stairs is Shade's life ring.

The golden stairs and the life ring bloomed together, finally illuminating everything on the floating board for the first time. The power that the five people who cast the spell together at this moment was also shaking the huge force coming from the bottom of the sea little by little.

Finally, as the light above them became brighter and brighter, and as the five people retreated little by little, the fishing line rose from the sea inch by inch, until the highest mast finally emerged from the dark sea.

"Let's all work hard together, it's coming out!"

Following Shade's voice, the five people pulled back hard again. At this moment, the originally not very long fishing line seemed to be extended infinitely, and after the mast and huge chimney gradually emerged, the dark shadow of the deck finally emerged underwater.

Strange rumbling sounds continued to resound from the bottom of the sea, and in the originally completely dark sky, a few jet-black lightning flashes suddenly across the sky. The rain became heavier and heavier, and the entire lightless world seemed to be trembling because of their actions.

Shade already regretted not turning little Mia back into a toy in advance. But now he couldn't free his hands. While the "Red Dragon Power" was being pushed to its limit, he felt like he was squeezing every inch of muscle and every bone in his body to generate power.

Finally, the huge cruise ship "Shining Messenger" that sank in the Sunless Sea completely emerged from the ocean. The entire ship was intact. When the huge thing floated next to the small floating board, it was like an ant standing next to the mountains. And when the ship tilted toward the floating board with the turbulent waves, even Professor Evans wanted to escape immediately.

There is no need to describe the majesty of the cruise ship. The upright masts, black smoke-belching chimneys, tall hulls and densely packed layered portholes have explained everything. It is worth mentioning that this strange cruise ship seems to be alive at this moment. The surface of the hull is covered with subtle traces of dragon scales, and on the left and right sides of the deck, there are clearly a pair of huge curled wings.

"Originally, we didn't have these on the ship."

The breathless Professor Evans explained. Shade nodded and looked at Miss Eleser. The blue-eyed girl closed her eyes. After the false body collapsed into sea water, her soul turned into a ray of light and entered the sea. On a huge cruise ship.


The cry that almost caused Shade's heart to stop came from deeper in the ocean, and then the dark sea water that was originally undulating suddenly began to oscillate as if boiling.

As the first tentacle-like tentacle that could not be seen clearly or carefully rose from the sea, everyone understood that the evil thing in the deep sea that had also come to this sea area - the Seven-Tails Player had awakened.

The densely soaked and swollen human hand finally stretched out from the bottom of the sea at this time. Driven by the power of evil, thousands of swollen hands continued to slap the dark sea surface, and the chaotic sounds actually formed a pleasant tune in the violent storm.

"Plug your ears and go!"

Professor Evans shouted loudly, grabbing Miss Theresa with his left hand and Miss Maxim with his right hand. After noticing Shade's hand on her shoulder, the four of them formed a not-dazzling wave. The white light flew to the deck of the giant cruise ship, leaving only the god who picked up the fishing rod still sitting on the floating board, watching them in the faint light of the campfire.

At this time, the swaying sea surface had caused the "Brilliant Messenger" itself to shake even more violently. After the witches and Shade stood firm on the deck, Miss Eleser's figure seemed to appear out of thin air, directly appearing in front of them. in front of:

"Please help me defend against attacks from below, stand firm, we are about to set off!"

As the wings on both sides of the ship turned into huge blue dragon wings that stretched out, the cruise ship broke away from the water and flew into the sky without warning.

Without thinking, Professor Evans shouted a spell and raised his hands upward. A golden shield with flowing light instantly enveloped the top of the cruise ship, and then he was greeted by three black thunderbolts from the dark sky.

Amidst the rumbling sound, although the professor's shield was not broken, the "Glory Messenger", which was flying smoothly, began to shake violently. At the same time, slender tentacles ejected from below that were invisible to everyone, directly climbed onto the deck in the rain, firmly attached to the ship, and tried to pull the entire ship downward again.

"Miss, Mr. Hamilton, cut it off!"

Miss Maxim said hurriedly. After the golden sword appeared in her hands, the maid cut off one third of the tentacle with a jumping chop. This miraculous technique was clearly the "Sunshine Great Sword".

Miss Teresa did not step forward, but muttered something and called out a large green-colored book from the void. This was some kind of spiritual weapon. As she chanted the incantation, various positive effects were continuously added to the witches and Shade.

No one took back their golden steps and life rings. While the three high-level witches were casting spells, the light erupting on the deck was even a bit dazzling.

But this was still not enough. The speed of the tentacles below and the speed of thunder and lightning in the sky far exceeded everyone's defense limit. After another "bang" sound, it seemed like a cannonball from the ocean hit the right chord of the cruise ship, and the deck Miss Eleser, who was trying hard to control the flight of the ship, groaned, and then the ship actually tilted and began to fall downwards.


"I'll protect the bottom, Miss Elisa, fly up quickly!"

Shade took back the moonlight sword in his hand and ignored the tentacles on the edge of the deck. As he spoke, he forcibly turned little Mia into a toy, and then ignored Miss Teresa's obstruction and jumped directly from the deck to the dark sea covered with swollen human hands.

And in the next second, the bright silver moonlight rose from under the ship. Before the witches could react, the shocking roar of the dragon overwhelmed the increasingly louder evil song.


The wings flapped, first the glowing dragon head, and then the giant dragon whose body exuded soft moonlight, appeared next to the "Brilliant Messenger". Not only Miss Teresa, Miss Maxim and Miss Eliaser, but also the well-informed Professor Evans were shocked:

"Dragon Transformation? Wait, what kind of dragon is this?"

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