Whispering Verse

Chapter 2210 The story is temporarily over

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The weird spider web-like cracks in the sky in front of them were getting bigger and bigger, and the royal maids on the deck of the Kingdom of Witton immediately gathered around them, but Miss Violet just waved her sleeves and let them retreat:

"Do I still need your protection?"

She took a step forward, and then everyone on the deck came to the bow of the ship to take a closer look at the spatial anomalies in the sky. At the same time, the muzzles of the witches' alchemy warships began to turn towards the sky, and the lights of various rituals almost reflected the blue sky into colorful colors.

And after that series of strange sounds that made people feel sad, the sky finally shattered into a dark hole as if it was hit by something huge. Then the injured luminous silver dragon grabbed a "small boat" from there. It flew out of the hole.

They were extremely fast, and after rushing out of the cave, they seemed to have lost their strength and began to fall. The dragon tried to flap its wings to counteract the falling trend, but it only swayed and trembled for less than five seconds. It still fell from high altitude to the sea together with the ship.

"This dragon is really..."

Miss Violet heard her maid whispering softly:


"It is indeed beautiful."

The Witch Emperor also praised the dragon that was in line with her aesthetics. She smiled and took another step forward. So without her needing to do anything, the maids raised their hands consciously and controlled the falling ship and the seriously injured silver giant. The dragon slowly fell from the sky like a feather, and then landed smoothly in front of the bow of the "Weedon Kingdom".


After the Radiant Messenger stopped firmly on the water, the excited Miss Teresa on the deck immediately waved her hands and shouted loudly. She still remembered that she could not call "aunt" in front of outsiders, but could only call her "teacher".

When the maid, Miss Maxim, saw her master, she immediately bowed from a distance to greet her. Professor Evans looked at the scene around him and let out a long breath after confirming that this was not an illusion:

"I never thought I would be able to experience something like this before I retire."

Then he greeted Miss Violet respectfully, and then waved to say hello to the old professor behind the Witch Emperor.

Miss Elise, who had never seen so many witches at once, automatically hid her figure, but in fact not many people paid attention to her, because everyone's eyes were fixed on the dragon lying on the water. .

The head of the silver dragon happened to be facing the bow of the "Weedon Kingdom". The tired Shade opened his eyes and saw the familiar Witch Emperor looking at him.

Miss Violet raised her hand to cast a spell to prevent the sound from the surrounding area from being transmitted, and then continued forward alone, standing at the end of the deck, her trembling hands crossed the railing and touched the scales on the dragon's head:

"Xia De, you showed up again as expected."

"I'm curious how you recognized me."

The dragon said in a weak voice, and the lady, who pursed her lips and looked nostalgic, pointed to the top of the dragon's head:

"I recognized your cat, but I didn't expect you to allow your pet to step on your head."

"What? Oh, Mia!"

Even if the weather is fine, the dragon already has a dazzling silver light, and the silver moonlight is even brighter now. In that ball of light, the girls watching this scene screamed in surprise, because the dragon disappeared, and then two cats, one silver and one orange, fell from the sky and were caught by the smiling Miss Violet at the same time.

The wind blew her long hair, and the smile on her delicate face became gentler. She lowered her head and asked:

"Is this a reward for me after we reunited after a long separation? I didn't expect that your transformation skills are so good. I knew that a beautiful person like you would be very beautiful whether you turn into a cat or a dragon. Speaking of which, Is there something wrong with your dragon transformation? Do you need my help?"

She really saw the uncontrollability of Shade's transformation technique, but Shade, who was smelling the charming perfume in her arms and pushing away the cheerful little Mia, had no time at this moment.

The mission given by the tree father has finally come to an end at this moment. All four fishing trips have been completed, and the girls who were lost in the lightless sea have also found themselves again. At this time, the white mist around Shade had already risen, but he was not in a hurry to turn little Mia back into a toy. After all, previous experience proved that when time comes, little Mia will also be kicked out of this time that does not belong to it.

"The problem with transfiguration is not big. I have found a solution."

The silver cat stood up hard in her arms and looked into her worried eyes:

"I'm really sorry. We haven't seen each other for too long this time, so I have to leave again."

"Why are you sorry to me? It's because I don't have the ability to keep you here."

The Witch Emperor said, gently kissing the cat's forehead:

"Although I don't know what you have been through, thank you for saving Teresa this time. Otherwise, this worried girl would not know what would happen. Return to your time and have a good rest. We will finally See you soon."

She said the lines that only Shade had spoken in the past, and smiled as she watched the silver cat push away the orange cat that was pressing against her.

"Goodbye then."

The three witches on the "Brilliant Messenger" also arrived here from that ship at this time. Although they had never seen Shade in his cat form, they recognized him immediately. After all, this cat was too beautiful:

"Bye now."

"Goodbye, Mr. Hamilton."

The professor and the maid said, Miss Theresa pursed her lips and looked at Shade. Considering that her aunt was present and had just kissed him in human form, she just said softly:

"See you next time, Shade."

The white mist was now so thick that Shade's vision was affected. Miss Eleser, whom Shade thought would not appear, now appeared beside the Witch Emperor.

She ignored Miss Violet's surprise and finally summoned up the courage to ask the cat:

"Can you give me a kiss?"

She pointed to her left cheek, and Miss Violet smiled, Miss Teresa pouted slightly, Professor Evans was a little pleased, and Miss Maxim showed no expression. The silver cat wanted to take advantage of the last chance to jump, and the orange cat took the opportunity to grab its tail.

The two cats jumped up almost at the same time, and in the next moment, they disappeared into Miss Violet's arms.

"he left."

Miss Elise showed a disappointed expression, lowered her head and sighed. Although Miss Violet didn't know who the beautiful girl with a graceful figure was in front of her, she still said in a good mood:

"Sometimes life is like this. If you just hesitate for a second, you will miss a lot of things."

The blue-eyed girl nodded slightly and looked at the calm sea again.

She took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. The "living" and "freedom" she had longed for had now been grasped, but she was even more lost and melancholy than before.

"Will I see him again?"

She whispered again, and Miss Violet and Miss Theresa also looked at the calm sea:

"Most definitely."

(Iluna is praying.)

"Oh, Mia!"

In the space filled with white mist, Shade, who fell to the ground, caught the cat that fell on him, and then asked it "viciously":

"Who asked you to change back without authorization? Don't you know that the situation just now was very dangerous?"

He didn't blame Xiao Mia for "having evil intentions" against him in cat form, but blamed the cat for actually changing back in such a dangerous place without authorization. In fact, Shade didn't know the time when the cat transformed back, whether before or after the god detonated the ball of light that finally saved them.

But no matter what, this behavior of this cat must not be promoted, otherwise it will definitely dare to do it again in the future:

"I will never take you back to the past again."

He said to the orange-white cat standing on his palm. The cat's big amber eyes looked at him. From its "innocent" eyes, Shade knew clearly that it didn't understand at all.


He stroked little Mia's head very quickly, and then Shade put it on his shoulder, and little Mia cried out softly. Then Shade looked at his hands again, and sure enough, after returning from the past time, he automatically turned back into a human being. This shows that in the eyes of the tree father, the transformation technique that cannot be transformed back into a human form can also be regarded as a kind of "injury" suffered by Shade:

"Fortunately, I saved one potion. Emilia only gave me three potions. I used one last time. The remaining two can't be wasted."

Looking up and looking ahead, sand~sha~sha~, in the windless space, the illusory tree that seemed to connect the sky and the earth made the sound of swaying leaves. Ancient trees record the stories of time, and every leaf has the song of time.

Shade stared at the tree, holding his hands together and stretching them upward. And in the crown of the tree that continued to rustle, two green leaves swayed down, and happened to fall into Shade's hands.

The curious cat immediately went to look, but when he saw that it was a leaf he had seen before, he immediately lost interest.

After putting the leaves away, Shade found that he still had something on him that he didn't have before. Two rolled canvases were inserted diagonally into his coat pockets, and Xia De naturally knew the contents on the canvases:

"A painting of dragons and ships?"

This is indeed the best souvenir of this trip, and Shade, who is usually melancholy at this moment, is not melancholy at all this time:

"This is how Miss Elisa was born. Tomorrow is Saturday. Let's go see her again."

In fact, I still had some regrets in my heart, not being able to send that kiss before leaving, but then I remembered something else:

"She asked me to give her the kiss on the left cheek yesterday at the cemetery, but I refused, and she said I owed her two. That's what it meant."

With a smile on his face, Shade held the dishonest cat in his arms, nodded slightly to the illusory giant tree in front of him, then turned and walked into the depths of the thick fog.

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