Whispering Verse

Chapter 224 Cave

Unlike the strange movement of space when he went to St. Byrons, Shade didn't see any illusions. The sound in his ears fell, and immediately, all the white mist around him disappeared.

He felt that he was standing still at all, and looked around. After the white mist dissipated, he stood in the familiar circular space. In front of him was still the statue of the ancient god that lit up as he looked. .

But this time it is no longer the statue space under the Saint Teresa Square. There is no debris accumulated on the wall, and it is clean without even dust. Although it is still a circular space, the area here seems smaller and the ceiling height is higher:

"Successful... However, this statue is actually in this circular space. It seems to be the same person who placed the statue in Saint Teresa Square."

A smile appeared on his lips, then he looked down at the suitcase. Open it and look at it, all the items are there. This represents movement in space and can carry items containing extraordinary powers.

But he still didn't relax in his heart, and immediately used the thaumaturgy [Echoes of the Past].

For five consecutive times, no human voice was heard, which also proves that this space has most likely not been used for a long time.

But Shade did not rush to explore the outside world immediately. Instead, he turned back and reached out to touch the statue of the ancient god again.

After uttering the mantra, he returned to the white mist area of ​​the "Space Maze". As expected, the two wooden signposts were still on the blurry path in the white mist.

After touching the road sign numbered 1, the voice in my ear whispered softly:

[The guide will guide you. 】

The white mist dissipated and the circular space was seen again. The debris piled up on the wall told Shade that this was the underground of his home. When I returned to the first floor from the basement and saw Saint Teresa Square in the rain outside the window, I finally realized that there was no waiting time for the long-distance teleportation of the statue, which was really the best thing.

Just now, Mia was placed with Miss Louisa, but now it seems that it is unnecessary. But there was no need to take the cat back immediately. Shade returned to the basement with his suitcase and umbrella, and returned to a new circular space through the statue, ready to start a new adventure.

Looking at the statue, the statue immediately glowed softly. Then he opened the suitcase, put the important items on his body, then held the revolver and looked at the curved wall facing the statue. As a rule, the location of the hidden wall is here.

"Can you feel what's on the outside of this wall?"

[You are just a soul sensitive to elements, not a clairvoyant. 】

"Oh well."

He stared nervously in front of him, then summoned his life ring to illuminate the wall, and the wall disappeared.

There seemed to be no light outside, just deep darkness. The light from the statue behind him only stayed in this space and could not illuminate the outside environment.

"Silver Moon."

He walked out of the circular space with a gun in one hand, and then shouted softly, letting his fingers emit the faint light of the silver moon.

What you see in front of you is a deep and dark passage, and the location of the hidden wall is the end of the passage.

The feet were not soil, but rugged hard stones, surrounded by slippery rock walls, with some green moss like water plants growing on them. The surroundings were extremely dark, and under the deliberately dim light, a permeating chill made Shade unable to help but think of many horrific scenes. At this time, he would not be surprised even if an ugly fish-man pounced on him in the darkness.

The passage is not very wide, and can probably accommodate three people of Shade's size standing side by side. As for the height, Shade believed that as long as he took off lightly, he would immediately hit the rock wall above.

Because it is too low, you can see the full view of the standing position without lifting your fingers:

"But why no bats?"

He thought to himself, and searched under his feet, but did not find any animal droppings or footprints:

"It's really weird."

The air is moist and cold, and when you stir your nose slightly, a strange smell pours into your nasal cavity, which is rotten and fishy. No matter where this place is, no human has probably set foot there for a long time.

So I slightly enhanced the light on my fingers to see further. Only then did he realize that where the passage extended forward, there was a dark thing lying there.

After approaching cautiously, I discovered that it was a group of sea turtles. These turtles looked a little ferocious in the dark. After being illuminated by the light of the silver moon, they just slowly moved their positions. It seemed that Shade had disturbed them:

"Where am I?"

As the passage moves forward, it also moves slightly downward, which means that the hidden wall at the end of the passage is actually higher up.

Walking along the passage, you need to be extra careful under your feet. The uneven ground and rocks are becoming increasingly slippery.

This passage is not very long, and you can see the end in about fifty steps. During this period, in addition to a group of turtles, Shade also saw a nest of crabs, a few rotting dead fish, and something like an anemone.

During this period, he also tried [Echo of Blood] and [Echo of the Past] many times, but no traces of human activity were found. It seems that not only the inside of the wall, but also this passage has been untouched for a long time.

As they continued to move forward, the sound of water became clearer and clearer, and when they were more than twenty steps away from the hidden wall, there was already a layer of water on the ground. Continuing forward, the terrain becomes lower and the water becomes deeper.

By the time they reached more than fifty steps, the water had already reached Shade's knees. He could not continue to move forward. The light shone forward and he could clearly see that the entire downward passage was completely submerged in water not far away.

He could feel the flow of the water, which meant that this was not stagnant water but living water. It should be outside...


This was the answer that Shade tasted after dipping his hand into a little water. The animals and plants he just saw also proved this.

Considering that there is sea water in front of this place and there is oxygen in the closed channel with hidden walls in the back, and no pores can be seen inside the channel, then there is reason to believe that at some time between high tide and low tide, at least the channel Part of it will be directly connected to the outside world.

"In other words, if you enter the water and swim outward, it shouldn't take long to reach the outside world."

Thinking in his mind, Shade turned around and returned to the hidden wall, and returned home again with the suitcase through the statue.

Reorganize items and return them to boxes, focusing on a dry set of clothing and boots. Then he found a large piece of impermeable canvas left by the previous detective, cut it out and wrapped it completely around the suitcase.

I found some hemp ropes at home, connected them end to end, and used the remaining ropes to tie the suitcase that had been strictly waterproofed to my back, and then returned to the cold and damp passage.

After walking fifty steps forward, the water was almost at the knees. Tie one end of the long rope to the rock pillar protruding from the ground and water, and tie the other end to your waist.

After confirming that both ends were very secure, Shade waded forward and could already feel the fish swimming under the water.

After the water was completely submerged up to his waist, Shade took a deep breath:

"Spell-breathing underwater."

Plunging forward into the water is the same as trying spells in a basin before. Your eyes can open in the water, and breathing in the water is as comfortable as breathing in the air. The feeling of oxygen entering the lungs from the outside world makes the whole body feel happy. He stepped on the extremely slippery ground and walked dozens of difficult steps forward, confirming that the water was deep enough, and then swam forward in the winding downward channel.

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