Whispering Verse

Chapter 2247 Elevator, Fog and Reef

The dim light from the gloomy window shines into the room, and the sound of rain is all the sound that the ears can catch. The smiles on the faces of the Countess and the maids at the door of the room were not malicious smiles, but debauched smiles, but in this environment, such smiles were even more disturbing.

"So, where is Miss Belindle? She hasn't come back from the bathroom yet?"

Shade asked calmly.

"You are really rude. How can you enter someone else's bedroom without permission?"

The beautiful countess said with a smile, walked in with her maids, and reached out to touch her red lips:

"But now that you're in, do you want to play some adult games with us?"

Her eyes almost seemed to be dripping with water:

"Mr. Watson, you have also seen that my husband is a very useless man. Look at his pitiful appearance now."

She made a disdainful expression, and then smiled and approached Shade:

"But you are different. I can see how strong you are. Only a nan like you can be called a nan, you know? The first time I saw you just now, I was already *. Now I just need to take a deep breath and smell your scent, and I can reach the next dianfeng."

A strange flush appeared on her face:

"Come and play games with me. If you like many people, my maids are at your disposal. Don't worry, my husband has never touched them. His little ability can't even satisfy me. Come on~ Come on~ As long as you can satisfy us, everything here is yours. I can see that you have learned the pink spell, and we will get along very well."

Her breathing gradually became rapid, and the blush spread to her neck and the back of her hands. Staring into Shade's eyes, it was as if he wanted to eat him. The strange pink halo appeared in the room again, and the charming floral fragrance filled the surroundings again:

"Not only this house and property, your countess, the girls she brought, even the secrets you want to know, as long as you can sleep with me, you can have anything you want, yes, anything."

The right hand painted with red nail polish reached for the second button of Shade's coat, but the hand penetrated the air and touched nothing.

Shade, who came to the corridor through space movement, looked at the backs of the countess and maids and asked again:

"I'm just asking once, where are Mademoiselle Belindle and her maids?"

The right hand took out the moonlight sword shining with the brilliance of the silver moon from the air, but when the girls turned around, instead of being afraid, they giggled:

"Look at his serious look. He is really handsome."

"The look in his eyes that wanted to kill us was so powerful. Just by looking at him, I felt like he had already entered my body."

"Oh, then come and kill me and make us sisui as you like."

They were not afraid of Sha De at all. Instead, they came to the corridor noisily and wanted to surround Sha De again. Fortunately, the beautiful countess stopped her maids and looked at Shade with regret:

"You are a man who really doesn't know how to be charming. I already said that as long as you satisfy me, you can do whatever you want. Bella Belindel, is it really that attractive to you?"

"Yes, she is indeed prettier than you."

Shade said honestly. The countess made an annoyed expression, glared at Shade complainingly, and then stroked her cheek with self-pity:

“What a cruel man.

Then go find her and the young girls, as long as they are alive. There is a door at the end of the basement. I know your perception is very powerful. In fact, every time your perception sweeps over me, I can feel that you are gently stroking me. But I'm sure you didn't realize there was space behind that door. Go, cruel man, if you can come back, there will always be a place for you in my bedroom. "

Shade's "enhanced space perception" did not notice that there was extra space in the basement. In his perception, the basement of this mansion was a standard rectangle, and there were no even partitions.

And when he actually reached the end of the basement and opened the door, what appeared behind the door was a circular space with a radius of 30 feet. The walls and floors were made of gray masonry, and oil paintings of mermaids were hung on the walls, and they were carved on the stone walls. The patterns are also related to mermaids. The 20-foot by 20-foot (approximately 6.1m) square elevator stopped in the center of the secret space behind the door.

The bottom of the elevator is a gray-black metal plate engraved with a mermaid pattern. The four pillars at the corners extend upward, forming a cage style together with the metal plates on the ground and overhead. When Shade walked into it and stepped on the bulge in the center, after a dull rumbling sound and a slight shaking feeling, the elevator descended relatively smoothly downwards.

Shade had only seen this ancient lifting device in the sacrificial site of the [Spiritual Cult].

Count Darmanin's mansion is originally located on a cliff facing the sea, so there may indeed be space for moving up and down in the mountain below. As the elevator continued to descend, the badge on Shade's chest finally began to generate heat. When the elevator took Shade to the bottom and stopped, the heat of the badge was already telling Shade that the witch was nearby.

The bottom that the elevator reaches is also a circular space with a radius of thirty feet. There seems to be a pressure sensing device on the ground, because after the elevator stops, the gas lamps on the surrounding walls light up.

A total of 7 gas lamps illuminated the girls lying on the ground.

Including Miss Matilda, all the maids who had gone out with Miss Belinder this morning were lying here. Shade briefly checked and found that they were just unconscious for unknown reasons. Because there was no immediate danger to his life, Shade was still worried about Miss Belindel's condition, so he did not try to wake them up.

After standing up, he did not stay here. Instead, he found the door on the wall opposite the direction where he had just entered the elevator, opened the door and walked out.

The sound of rain and waves came, and the humid air on a rainy day was swept by the wind and hit his face. There was complete silence inside the door separated by the wall, but after the door was opened, the clattering sound rushed in.

Outside the door is the exposed reef under the rugged sea cliff. It is higher than the sea level. The waves formed by the sea surface hit by the rain hit this large reef one after another, but it happened to be in the right place. Stop not far from the metal door of the room where the elevator is located.

The area of ​​the reef is almost as big as the bedroom and living room of Shade's family. In front of them is the sea on a rainy day, but an unusual circle of white mist surrounds it, making it impossible to see the sea in the distance. And in the center of the reef that is constantly washed by the tide outside the door, the blonde witch is lying there with her eyes closed. Her dress has been completely wet by the rain and sea water, her long hair is soaked in the sea water, her messy hair and pale Her cheeks showed her current bad state.

The gold bracelet she often wore on her hand was lying quietly on her right hand. Under the weak skylight, the gold bracelet still had a strange light. This was her witch jewelry.

"Oh! Miss Belindel~"

Shade hurriedly ran over in the rain to help her up, tested her breathing, and put his hand on her forehead. Then he took out half a piece of gold from his pocket and threw it directly to the wet ground regardless of frugality:

"Spell - Traveler's Camp!"

The precious metal collided with the wet ground, splashing out abnormal sparks, which then exploded into a blazing bonfire. Warm air immediately filled the surroundings, and the wet marks on the ground receded around the bonfire at a speed visible to the naked eye, while soft cushions also appeared around the bonfire.

An invisible protective shield seemed to appear around the bonfire, allowing the rising tide to spontaneously avoid this area. At the same time, when Shade helped Miss Belindel sit down by the campfire, he even discovered that even rain would not fall in this area.

Then he took out a small bottle of holy water from his pocket, carefully fed it to the blond lady who still had the instinct to swallow, and then called softly again:

"Miss Belindel~Miss Belindel~"

The comatose witch's eyelashes trembled slightly. When her confused eyes opened and she saw that it was Shade who was hugging her, she instinctively wrapped herself around his body like a snake and stretched out her head to kiss him. After being dodged by Shade, he bit Shade's neck again, then gently licked his wound, and began to kiss Shade's neck in a very excessive kissing posture.

"Please wake up, wake up quickly~"

Her breathing was rapid and her temperature was unusually high. Shade wanted to push her away, but he was worried about her current state. He learned a lot of ways to arouse girls' lust from the "Pink Book", but he never learned any spells that could easily quell the flames of desire.

Fortunately, "she" whispered in Shade's ear:

【Shoulder. 】

Shade immediately understood. He took out his right hand that was tightly held by Miss Belindel and pressed it on her right shoulder. After easily sensing the special whispering element of [Source of Chaos], as the light of the silver moon appeared on Shade's fingertips, the bright yellow beads on the witch's shoulders also lit up after sensing the moonlight. glow.

The fusion of relics and the human body has very complex and dangerous side effects, but a few crazy organizations such as the [Truth Society] still need to study it, because the benefits of the fusion of relics and the human body are also obvious. In the moonlight, the movements of the blond lady who was still kissing Shade's neck gradually slowed down, and she stopped completely after more than ten seconds.

She didn't speak. At first, Shade thought she was embarrassed because of what happened just now, so she didn't want to say that she was awake, but then he realized that the whole body of the lady who was entangled with him was trembling.

The whispering elements in the witches' bodies were originally quite unbalanced compared to ordinary ring sorcerers. At this moment, the whispering elements in her body were completely agitated.

PS: This chapter contains many pinyin, please forgive me, safety first.

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