Whispering Verse

Chapter 2251 Rainy Afternoon

The water drops continued to slide down her cheeks. Bella Belindel looked at Shade stubbornly, while Shade almost retracted half of his head into the water.

"Don't you like me?"

"Didn't we answer this question when we were at the ranch outside the city? Yes, of course I like you. But can you wait until I get out of the tub and get dressed before we talk? I'm not escaping, but here This is really not what we’re talking about.”

"When you hugged me on the reef just now, was your reaction just because of the mermaid?"

She was able to say "mermaid" because she probably didn't just hear what Shade said at that time. Before Shade arrived, she had definitely been in contact with [Desire] instead of just passing out.

"It was a natural reaction, I'm a healthy person."

She pursed her lips and looked at Shade, who could clearly see her reflection in the golden eyes.

"Yes, sir, I have an instinctive reaction now. I want to kiss, now."

As she spoke, she stood by the tub and opened her arms to Shade, obviously wanting Shade to hug her. Shade knew what she wanted to do, but he had to let the witch figure it out:

"I want to remind you that I have no clothes on right now."

"I know."

The countess looked at him condescendingly:

"What happened in the morning is very important. I can feel a fire burning in my heart. This cannot be the blessing of a unicorn."

Blushing and pursed her lips, she finally said;

"I want to finalize your gender and your intentions before they arrive. If it hadn't been for what happened in the morning, maybe I would never have said it, but the situation is different now. Since fate has arranged all this, I You can’t go against your fate. Of course, I don’t just do this because of fate, you are worth it.”

Looking at her expression, Shade felt as if his heart had been hit by an arrow:

"you think."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm a clean girl, and I haven't made that kind of determination. I just want to inspect the goods in advance."

Shade looked at her in surprise, making sure that she was not joking, and that the stubbornness in his golden eyes was completely from the heart, so he tried to reach out and hold her hand, and just pulled it gently——


The water in the bathtub splashed outwards, and soon the water surface flowed downward because it submerged the edge of the tub. The sound of rushing water covered up other sounds. After a few seconds, the soaked bathrobe was casually thrown on the carpet. She smiled and hugged Shade's neck and kissed her again. Her whole body was indulged in the warmth. In her arms, she was satisfied that Shade was not sent by other witches specifically to joke with her.

Gloomy weather always puts people in a bad mood, and this hazy drizzle began to show ice particles at noon, and almost turned into small hailstones.

The air is so dull that it makes people feel uncomfortable breathing, but at least in Belindel Manor, the brightly lit and warm and dry interior still makes people feel happy.

Shade and Miss Belindel arrived at the lunch restaurant a little later than the scheduled time. They had already washed up and changed clothes, but there was not enough time. Miss Belindel did not dress up, and even her hair was still wet. of.

She seemed to be in an extremely good mood, and even the aftereffects of the incident in the morning seemed to have completely disappeared. After sitting down at the main table of the restaurant in the sound of rain, she first glanced at Shade beside her with a charming look, then smiled and asked what Amelia had done in the manor this morning, and then she told Shade and Emilia, tomorrow, Saturday, her mother and sisters will come back to stay for a day. The young Belindel ladies don't like to stay outside the city all the time. They also need the social life in the city.

"I know, I will keep an eye on little Liana and not let her run outside."

Emilia said, looking carefully at Shade and the Countess. Of course she could tell that there was something wrong between the two.

But at least during lunch, Miss Belindell did not show any intimacy with Shade beyond the previous level. After lunch, Shade called Emilia and the witch to go to the study together:

"Sit down first."

He took out the pitch-black raven feather from his pocket. The countess took it and inspected it first, then handed it to Emilia. The little unicorn immediately made a warning voice from the side, telling Emilia not to come into contact with such a powerful cursed item.

"So, is it the owner of this feather who cursed me?"

The girl with pointed ears asked uneasily, Shade nodded:

"Today it has found Miss Belindel and I. My situation is special. The curse of bad luck has been offset. Miss Belindel has encountered some troubles, but it has been solved for the time being."

Now that the crow has taken the initiative to send a clone to show up, it's time to tell Emilia some truth. Of course, Shade still doesn't plan to tell Emilia everything now. He can't reveal that he knows her well.

"The main body is suspected to be a black crow, and its ability to curse doom is quite powerful. The operation of Belindel Big Ben remains unchanged for the time being. Emilia, just wait for my notification."

He took the black feather from the elf girl:

"I want to apologize to you, Miss Belinder. I didn't expect it to come to you. What happened today is all my fault."

The blonde countess gently held Shade's hand and shook her head gently:

"I don't care about this, and I don't need your apology."

In fact, she wanted Shade to call her "Bella" directly, but she was worried that the witches who arrived on Sunday would see something in advance.

"Actually, it's me who has brought misfortune to you."

Emilia said softly, trying hard to conceal her inner hesitation and frustration, and then asked Shade:

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to recently? I don't want to cause trouble for you. I also want to do something."

The witch sitting with her gently hugged her shoulders as encouragement. She could see what Emilia was thinking at this time. The emotion of "I can't do anything" is something that everyone will experience. of.

Shade still had a confident expression on his face;

"There is only one thing you have to remember: trust my arrangements. Apart from that, nothing else matters."

Emilia nodded heavily, then turned to look at the rain outside the window. The worry in her eyes still did not fade away, and she had a very bad feeling.

The three of them sat together and talked for a while. Seeing that Miss Belindel still had some private matters to discuss with Shade, Emilia took the little unicorn away first. Even Miss Matilda was asked to leave the study with the maids first. When the door closed, she immediately stood up, hugged Shade's neck with a smile, and sat in his arms.

"Vanessa asked you to come to Moon Bay to help me, and now you help me deal with desire. Vanessa won't be angry if she knows about it, right?"

As she spoke, she kissed the side of Shade's face. Shade looked at her:

"They will arrive the day after tomorrow, and I will handle this matter then. They won't be very angry. I hope they know my true identity by then, and you won't blame me too much for hiding it for so long."

Miss Belindel nodded slightly, pursed her red lips and looked at him:

"We are all like this, why should I blame you? Even if you have an affair with other witches, can I, a latecomer, let you drive Vanessa away?"

She hugged Shade's neck affectionately:

"Before lunch, I was only busy with you and didn't have time to ask you, who is that mermaid?"

Speaking of this, she trembled instinctively. Shade reached out and brushed her long golden hair:

"An unknown relic. In fact, even if you don't know what she is, a word should automatically appear in your heart."

The witch nodded quickly, but did not dare to say the word "desire":

"What happened to Yuewan? Before today, I thought that giant dragons were very dangerous. But compared with..., what are dragons? Apart from gods, I can hardly think of anything else that can fight against that kind of existence."

As he spoke, he buried his head in Shade's arms again, placing his ear against Shade's chest and listening to his heartbeat.

"She and I are old acquaintances, at least we don't have to worry too much now. Don't think about reporting it, and don't have any contact with Countess Darmanin in the future. Just pretend you don't know anything. Although it's a bit too much to say this. Pessimism, but probably the church has no good way to deal with her.”

"So, will that thing always be in Moon Bay?"

She asked worriedly, and Shade nodded:

"Yes, but her presence or absence will not actually affect this city. Because no matter what she does, it is difficult for us to detect it. She is almost equivalent to the word itself, and none of us can disobey that word. I will make her promise not to mess with you or the people around you, and forget about this matter, it has nothing to do with you."

"This is our city"

The witch said softly, but she could only accept that she had such a dangerous "neighbor".

Complaining, her left hand held Shade's right hand, and her five fingers inserted into Shade's fingers:

"That thing is not something I should know about. If I hadn't encountered it, I would never want to talk to you about that kind of existence in my life. I know you have always been very capable, but promise me you won't have too much contact with that thing, okay?"

"Well this is not something I can control."

As he spoke, he thought of the beautiful mermaid oil painting hanging at home. If it wasn't related to "desire", Shade would actually be very satisfied with the artistic level of this painting. The witch sighed softly, grabbed Shade's left hand with her right hand, and took him and put him on her lap:

"Can you stay with me here this afternoon? After what happened in the morning, I'm still a little scared. Can you stay with me? Just this afternoon, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight."

As he spoke, his aqua-colored golden eyes looked at Shade.

She said so, and of course Shade would not refuse. But Xia De felt that besides being really afraid of [desire], she actually had other purposes, but he had to admit that after the siwa was wrapped around the slender legs, the shougan was indeed very good.

"Vanessa is right, you are really useful."

"Miss Benenice probably didn't mean that...can I kiss you?"

"Of course, there's no need to ask. Haven't you done more extreme things?"

"Um... I mean, can I kiss the birthmark between your eyebrows?"

"You are really a pervert~"

Of course, she didn't refuse.

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