Whispering Verse

Chapter 2257 One-hit killer gun

The doctor showed Shade the relic used for spatial movement in his bedroom on the third floor of the clinic. The appearance of the relic surprised Shade:


It was a small pocket pistol, smaller than any pistol relic that Shade had seen so far, such as the [Gun of Kindness] and [Faded Memories]. The little silver pistol can be easily concealed, and if its magazine is not spatially specific, it can only hold one round at a time.

There is a row of cursive letters on the side of the barrel of the pistol, and its meaning is easy to identify:

[Concentrate your faith and kill with one strike. 】

Shade hugged little Mia who was full of energy after taking a long nap:

"Doctor, could you please explain its function?"

"Okay, keeper-level relic [one-hit kill gun]. The relic's characteristics are that every time it is fired, it will definitely hit the target, but its bullets will not be automatically generated and can only be filled by itself. Fortunately, it can adapt to most calibers. Bullets. Because bullets are ordinary items with an upper limit on their power, although the range of bullets is almost unlimited, they can only reach unimpeded locations.

For example, if you are hiding in a completely enclosed house made of ten-foot-thick steel plates, the gun will definitely not be able to hit you but you need to be aware of the risk of suffocation. "

The doctor put the gun in Shade's hand:

"Although it is 'certain to hit' in a conceptual sense, in reality it is only 'certain to arrive'. If the bullet reaches the target but the target dodges, the bullet will not turn around to chase the target."

Shade nodded to show that he understood:

"For example, if you wear a clerical relic [Arrow Enemy], you won't be afraid of this relic."

He cited this example because this relic was captured by him on the central island of Green Lake and is now in the hands of Agelina.

"But if it's just ordinary bullets and one-hit hits, the relic won't be rated as a keeper of secrets. It will only be a poet at best."

Shade raised this question, and the doctor nodded again:

"Yes, after all, only low-level warlocks are afraid of bullets. This gun can actually be filled with special bullets, even relic bullets. But because there are few such items, and the effect of alchemy bullets is not very strong, so Its Keeper-level rating is not due to the fact that it can use special bullets.

Research has found that the bullet fired from this gun is not simply about flying a long distance, but about jumping in space about 10 feet away from the muzzle and randomly appearing within 20 feet around the target. Subsequent research showed that if the muzzle of the gun is pressed against an entity and fired, the entity will also be brought to the corresponding location. "

Shade squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then pushed away little Mia who stretched out her paw to touch the gun:

"Interesting, so the gun will be fired at you, and the bullet will take you to the place in Moon Bay where you want to hit. Can you do the same when you come back?"

"That's the theory."

The doctor nodded, and Shade looked at the pistol with interest:

"This way I understand that the value of space jumping is indeed worth the evaluation of a 'secret keeper'. Wounds caused by bullets can be easily healed, which is almost equivalent to space movement without cost. So what are the negative characteristics and limitations?"

"The restrictions are easy to understand. Space travel by excited bullets is not suitable for humans. As a user of space power, you should understand that normal space jumps, the most important thing is to protect the user, but this gun does not have this This kind of ability. Even for me, this method of spatial movement cannot be used multiple times. One time is the limit. I don’t want to let myself lie in bed for a long time like last summer when I forced myself to use the word of sublimation. .”

The doctor said, taking the pistol handed back by Shade and carefully storing it in an empty metal biscuit box. Such a "unique" storage method is related to the storage requirements of relics:

"The negative characteristics are quite troublesome, which is the main reason why the relic is rated as 'Keeper of Secrets':

One hit kills, and you must reap lives by pulling the trigger. This gun can only be used to target living creatures. If the target is a human or similar highly intelligent creature, then if the target is not killed, the shooter will have to kill one person with his own hands afterwards to compensate. Otherwise, the shooter will die himself. ; If the target is a low-intelligent creature, then regardless of whether the target is killed or not, you need to personally kill a creature with an intelligence level no lower than that of a human afterwards. "

Shade frowned:

"Sounds like a demonic creation."

"I'm pretty sure this is not a creation of the devil. Detective, the scary things in our world are not just demons."

The doctor shook his head and then expressed his plan:

"Tomorrow we will meet at your house, and then you go to Moon Bay. I will shoot at myself, and the target is you. Don't worry, this bullet can be easily dodged. As for me, Old John has something to offset the cost of killing. ’ method, he also sold it to me as a set meal.”

As he spoke, he pulled out the silver chain hanging on his chest and shook it. There was a silver skull on the chain. This is a very powerful alchemy item:

"Old John also refused to sell this gun to me. He rented it to me and had to return it after using it. You probably can't imagine that the price of this alchemy item is more expensive than the rent of this gun. Old John said that alchemical items are also made from relic derivatives.

I have already told you the action plan for tomorrow, and the bell tower you described is indeed very suitable for hunting crows. I feel reassured about you, but I'm worried about Miss Siam Nord. I can't guarantee 100% safety. Even if there is a unicorn, she has to bear risks just like us. "

"Nothing in this world is 100% safe."

Shade sighed:

"Just rest assured and carry out the plan tomorrow. I believe in her, and I believe in us. What I'm worried about is, what if it runs away? Although two marbles, one for each of us, will be useful no matter who takes action, but doctor, you also I said that the other party has never been caught in all these years."

The middle-aged psychiatrist with blue eyes sat on the chair, folded his hands on his chest, pursed his lips and snorted from his nose:

"Nothing is 100% sure, so do your best. If it really escapes, I will find a way to expel the curse of that thing by other means for Miss Siam Nord. But it's better not to do this, than to To successfully expel the curse, I think the probability of success is higher if we catch the black crow."

The plan had not changed, and the details had already been discussed, so Shade did not stay at the doctor's clinic for long and left at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Because it was still early when I got home, the maids who cleaned the house as usual every Saturday afternoon had not yet left.

Shade didn't interfere with the cleaning at home, so he took little Mia for a trip to Moon Bay. After agreeing with Emilia on a departure time tomorrow morning, I chatted with the reluctant Miss Belindel for a while before going home before dinner. After all, today is Saturday. Since Dorothy is not here, Lesia's teaching time is tonight, and Shade must not be late.

"Princess Margaret will be arriving tomorrow afternoon. When Vanessa and Emma meet you, we won't have any time alone."

When we parted, the Countess, who had a fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows, was still reluctant to leave. She kissed Shade for a long time before letting him go.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when I returned home after throwing away my glass slipper. It was still very bright at five o'clock in the summer, and it was impossible to tell that evening was approaching. Shade thought it would take a while before anyone would come to the door, but when little Mia returned to the second floor from upstairs with anticipation for dinner, he actually saw Luvia sitting on the sofa, flipping through a pile of information.

"Good afternoon, Shade."

The purple-eyed fortune teller smiled and greeted, pointing to the letter on the coffee table:

"Lesia sent someone to deliver a message to me. It is with great regret that I tell you that she has something to do and cannot leave the Yodel Palace tonight, so she can only ask me to come here to spend this Saturday night with you. She is really very Pity.

As for why she asked me to come, in her letter to me, she seemed to express her hope that you could develop the habit of being energetic every Saturday night, so this tradition cannot be broken. "

Shade didn't know how to evaluate Lesia's thoughts, but he could only say that she was worthy of Lesia.

After picking up the letter, she immediately smelled Lesia's perfume, and she sprayed a lot of it on the letter paper. As for the letter, it was an apology to Shade for not being able to hold night classes this week, and a complaint about the ambassador of Kasenlik in Tobesk, who actually accepted her father's invitation to be a guest at the Yodel Palace tonight. and have dinner.

"Lecia said that Miss Carina will also attend tonight's dinner."

Shade said, and then saw that there was no signature from Lesia at the end of the letter, but a bright red lip print.

"Even if Carina is fine, I don't think Lesia would want her to come."

Luvia said, and then handed the pile of information in her hand to Shade:

"These are the ones you gave me. Sparrow Hamilton's landscape photos correspond to the actual shooting locations. I have confirmed each location repeatedly, and there should be no mistakes."

"Oh, Luvia, you have worked so hard."

Shade did not go through the information first, but hugged the purple-eyed girl first, which was very helpful to Luvia.

The two took little Mia out for dinner first, and then walked the cat while taking a walk after dinner. They did not return home together until almost seven o'clock when the street lights in St. Teresa Square came on.

The photo analysis results given by Luvia are very useful, because although the scene of Mount Karas does not appear in the landscape photos that Detective Sparrow left in the attic of his home, there is a photo of a large lake, which was taken from a location close to Karas. The mountain is not far away, or it is right at the foot of the mountain.

These photos have not been stained by the power of time, so Luvia easily divined that the photos of the Great Lakes were taken in 1850, four years ago.

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