Whispering Verse

Chapter 2260 Chase

The gorgeous traces of light were like dividing the sea, defeating the darkness that could be seen in Emilia's field of vision. Even the protruding human figures on the wall seemed to be afraid of the moonlight, and actively retreated with the receding darkness. On the floors further down, even the cracks in the walls caused by them have disappeared.

[Night Watch], who is also an angel, naturally restrains [Corpse in the Wall], so Shade can defeat the opponent with one blow.

But when he put down the sword and took a breather, he also knew that his current strength alone could not completely defeat the relic, so he just slashed the sword and immediately turned to look at Emilia.

The red-eyed elf girl didn't even have time to speak to Shade, so she hugged the sword he handed her. Then, Shade, who was empty-handed, bent down, clamped Emilia to his side, raised his right hand, put the little unicorn on his shoulder, and then walked up the stairs in three steps and two steps at a time. run.

The darkness under the stairs was only temporarily repulsed. When the power of the moonlight and [Night Watch] dissipated as Shade continued upward, the renewed darkness continued to chase the people who wanted to escape.

Shade's perception is much stronger than Emilia's, so the "bulging human figures" and "cracks in the wall" that Emilia saw in his eyes are just the appearance of [the corpse in the wall], and what he can perceive , there really is an unknown entity inside the wall slowly moving upward.

Those corpse-like human figures protruding from the walls, and even the rising darkness, are just the natural relic effects caused by the presence of the core of the relic in the walls of this bell tower. Its slowly upward body is the most dangerous thing. It is a true angel-level relic.

Emilia didn't know what Shade was thinking. She only felt that she was spinning up very smoothly. Probably because she was holding the "Night Watcher", when the bright yellow runes on the silver sword reflected in her emerald green eyes, Emilia gradually came back to her senses.

"Xia De~"

She shouted softly, but Shade, who was trying to climb the stairs with Emilia and the little unicorn, had no time to respond.

The ancient runes "My heart is clear and my sword slays demons" are in ancient Elvish language. After all, the long sword itself was forged using Elf forging techniques in the Third Age. Emilia recognized those runes, and after reciting them softly in her heart unconsciously, she felt that all the effects of the relics had disappeared.

She felt as if she was back to that night when Shade held her hand and ran through the woods. But unlike last time, this time they faced real danger. The same as last time, she was protected by Shade again:

"I can't do anything."

"No, that thing can climb stairs faster than me!"

Just as he was thinking in his mind, Shade stumbled, just like Emilia and the little unicorn just now, they were unlucky enough to stumble. "She" in my ear smiled softly:

[Outlander, you have sensed the attack of "bad luck". 】

"That damn crow!"

But Shade didn't stumble, he just stumbled forward and then stood firm. So he simply adjusted his posture, first put down the little unicorn on his shoulders, then grabbed the hilt of the [Night Watch] sword in Emilia's hand, turned her back towards him, and held her to his chest , Shade's hands grabbed Emilia's hands, and then led her together, piercing the long sword into the ground of the stairs at his feet:

"Thumbs - Moonlight Thorns!"

The sharp sword penetrated the stone ground very smoothly, and then dense silver moonlight thorn bushes quickly grew from the cracks on the stairs. Before the surging darkness emerged, the thorn bushes blocked the stairs like a spider web. between.

The fastest human figure in the wall was the first to come into contact with the large net, and then traces of thorns appeared inside the wall. The thorns quickly pierced the human figure and emerged from the cracks in the wall caused by the appearance of the human figure. Let the web woven by thorns become denser.

"Let's go!"

After doing this, Shade turned around with Emilia in his arms and continued upward. The elf girl was carried by him and moved together, but still could not find a chance to speak. The little unicorn, which had regained its ability to move, ran in front of them. The unicorn emitted a faint light, and the light point touched Shade's body downwards, making him feel that his movements became smoother and smoother.

Facts have proved that in such a small space, the effect of "Moonlight Thorns" increased by [Night Watch] is far better than all other abilities. Shade ran upwards with the little unicorn for at least twenty seconds before he felt that the thorn bush he released was directly destroyed by powerful force.

At this time, they were not far away from the top of the clock tower. Even though Belindel Big Ben was the tallest building in the city, for Shade's speed, this was just a warm-up.

"Shade, you came to save me again."

It was only then that he heard Emilia's voice again. Emilia was still held by him with one hand, and [Night Watch] was still in her hand for the convenience of running.

"I promised that I would let you get through this crisis safely. Of course I will come to save you."

He said this while adjusting his breathing, and at the same time felt the space. The end of the stairs was not far away.

"If, I mean, if we encounter a problem that you can't handle, Shade, you can let me go and let me do it by myself."

"What are you talking about?"

The little unicorn running in front jumped out of the stairs and entered the maintenance staff passage of the clock tower room on the top floor. Then it continued to rush forward and rushed towards the door connecting the clock tower mechanical room to the observation deck. You can take the elevator from the bottom of the bell tower directly to the observation deck, but you have to go through the mechanical room when taking the stairs.

Shade rushed out soon after. He didn't have time to observe the interconnected gears and shafts on the back of the clock tower dial next to him. He followed the unicorn and saw that the door in front of him was locked. The little beast didn't even give Shade a chance to take action. He lowered his head slightly and rushed forward. His horn directly smashed the door, allowing it to enter the open viewing platform first.

The sound of pounding rain and the icy wind suddenly broke into the room. On rainy days, the roof of this viewing platform is usually open to prevent waterproofing. However, at Shade's request, Miss Belindel opened the automatic retractable roof in advance. The roof is closed. So when Shade also rushed out of that door, they were immediately wet by the pouring rain.

But no one had time to care about the rain. He quickly turned around and looked at the broken door with the little unicorn. As a white electric light flashed across the top of the head, the entire bell tower began to vibrate amid the dull sound of rumbling. Dense black tentacles clung to the wall from inside the door and stretched out into the rain. The doorway blocked by black mist could no longer see the scene in the corridor inside the bell tower.

Shade did not release the [Moonlight Thorn] again, but hugged Emilia and backed away with the little unicorn, as far away from the wall as possible.

One by one, raised human figures moved from the wall in the corridor to the wall outside the door, causing more dense cracks to spread all over the wall. It's just that this time they didn't try to break away from the wall, they just solidified inside the wall, but this made them more like corpses imprisoned here.

Black is soaking the walls, and the sound of rain cannot cover up the "whining" emitted by the bell tower itself. Shade and the little unicorn didn't even dare to blink. After Shade put Emilia down, they stood in front of the pointed-eared elf girl to protect her. They also waited together for the thing that was the core of the relic. to here.

"The Staff of Yggdrasil."

[Night Watcher] was already in Shade's hand again. Emilia pursed her lips and looked at Shade, and suddenly heard his soft whisper.


Her pointed ears twitched, and she felt like she had heard this word somewhere. And as Shade pulled down the key hanging on his chest, the key held tightly in his hand emitted white light from between his fingers.

This light extended to the left and right sides until it turned into the long black staff that Emilia had seen before, which made her feel familiar.

Of course, this is what Iluna asked her to help investigate.

Holding a sword in his right hand and a staff in his left hand, Shade, who was holding his breath, could feel even if he closed his eyes that the most terrifying thing had wandered from the wall into the corridor at the top of the bell tower.

It's coming.

at the same time--

The rushing rain was blown by the wind and passed by the side of Belindel Big Ben, and then hit the ground of the square below.

In the square under the clock tower, the man who looked up and saw that most of Belindel's Big Ben clock tower was dyed dirty black sighed, and then said to his companions behind him:

"Isn't Mr. Joshua Brooklyn, the 'Glorious Hand' of Dawn Church, here yet?"

The five-ring warlock who also belongs to the Church of Creation shook his head:

"That gentleman went to the north of the city to investigate the ruins this morning and has not returned yet. However, the Thirteenth Ring 'Giant Beast Hunter' gentleman who just came to the local Nature Church yesterday should be here soon."

Belindel's Big Ben, which changed color inexplicably in the rain and emitted strong whispering elements, was naturally discovered immediately by the monitoring ceremony in Yuewan City, with the five cathedrals as the core of the ceremony. While Shade, Emilia and the little unicorn were climbing the tower, the team from the Church of Creation closest to Belindle's Big Ben was the first to arrive.

However, the team of twenty people who had arrived did not even dare to touch the outer wall of the bell tower. Instead, they observed the changes in the bell tower from different angles to determine what exactly happened here.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

Then the ring warlocks from Dawn Church and Peace Church appeared together. The gray-haired twelve-ring old man led by Dawn Church looked up at the bell tower in the rain and couldn't help but sigh:

"Is this formation an angel-level relic?"

PS: Additional update 3/3.

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