Whispering Verse

Chapter 2266 Carriage Funny Quotes

It was still raining outside, but there was a roof over the train platform. But even so, when the train stopped firmly on the platform, the thick steam mist coming out from the bottom of the carriage still had a damp and cold feeling that it didn't usually have.

Earl Belindell, Earl Eddington and Earl Hawthorne walked at the front to greet them, and the red carpet was already laid out at the carriage door. As the carriage door opened with the sound of metal friction and transmission rod movement, the guard who came out first quickly laid the metal plate for stepping on the crack between the carriage and the platform.

The band started to play, and the royal maid came out and opened an umbrella and stood on the side of the carriage to block the rain from above the door.

While people applauded enthusiastically and reporters quickly pressed the shooting button, Margaret Ann, wearing a golden dress and a brown coat, with her long golden hair tied behind her head, looked cool and elegant. His Highness Ru walked out of the carriage.

The smoke from burning magnesium rods and steam mist mix together to make the scene look hazy, and the swaying hats and waving arms also make the messy background even more bizarre.

The photo recorded the beautiful face of Princess Margaret standing outside the car door, but more people noticed that when facing the three earls, she was the first to reach out to Countess Belindell.

This may be polite, but it also conjures up more than one layer of political implications.

"Your Highness, welcome to Yuewan City."

Holding Margaret's silk-gloved hand, the Great Witch of Destiny greeted her softly, and the princess responded appropriately in Kasenric with a Willendale accent. The two looked at each other, and the earth witch's apprentice gave a slight nod to the official great witch.

But that was not what Miss Belindel cared about, because the lazy voice of Miss Bernice, who had not yet appeared in the carriage, had already appeared in her mind:

"Bella, train travel is really boring, so we won't meet you at the train station. After sending Margaret to the mansion later, we will go to your place together."

This is Margaret's first day in the local area. There will be no formal welcome banquet today, and she will not even keep the local nobles for dinner. The princess's itinerary has been arranged from the beginning, and she did come to the local area with a mission.

Yuewan City has not received members of the royal family for four or five years, but the reception process was very decent. Of course, the key point is that although the nobles of the City of Fortune say they are dissatisfied with the Angevin royal family in Willendale, they also want to try their best to show off their wealth. This is a kind of showing off and a somewhat sad desire to be recognized. idea.

In short, after the welcoming ceremony at the train station, Margaret gave another brief speech, and then took a carriage to Margaret Manor, where she was staying this time.

Although this manor is said to be royal property, it is actually Margaret's private property. The manor was purchased in Margaret's grandfather's generation. Later, in order to commemorate Margaret's birth, the name of the manor was changed from "Baihua Manor" to her name. This actually regarded the manor as her. birth gift.

Of course, due to the subtle relationship between Yuewan City and the royal capital, Margaret had never been here before today. The manor has been idle for so many years, but because it has no unique historical or commemorative value, the manor is occasionally rented out for large banquets or grand weddings.

Therefore, it is very well maintained here, and Margaret Manor, located in the west of the city, is only about fifteen minutes' carriage ride away from Belindle Manor.

The princess and her entourage have traveled a long way and need to rest this afternoon. Therefore, only the princess's spokesperson and the civil servants accompanying the group were interviewed. Princess Margaret herself will not appear in the public eye.

She has a group of maids (followers of witches who disguise their identities) by her side, and does not need any additional arrangements from the seven major local families. Therefore, after arriving at Margaret Manor for a little greeting, the nobles left. Tomorrow Monday, Margaret will receive some important people here, and the grand welcome banquet will be held on Tuesday night.

After everyone left the reception room, Margaret let out a sigh of relief, leaned against the soft sofa and closed her eyes for a while to be quiet. Then the maid knocked on the door gently, and she stood up and left through the back door of the manor with only one of her personal maids.

The motorcade was already waiting there. Margaret entered the carriage in the middle alone and greeted the three ladies in the carriage in turn:

"Ms. Bernanise, Miss Sylvia, Miss Belindell."

The three great witches sitting in the carriage each nodded. After Margaret sat down, Miss Belindel looked through the window at Margaret's Manor under the dark sky:

"Can Margaret leave with us now? There should be things she needs to deal with here."

"Xiris borrowed the most authentic memory and transformed into her appearance. I can help take over for the time being. She'll be fine."

Miss Benenice said as the carriage started slowly and left through the side door of the manor's backyard.

The blond female opera singer looked at the street scene of Yuewan from the car window with interest, while the young black-haired witch smiled and asked the local countess:

"What was the situation in Moon Bay in the morning, around 10:30?"

"You already know?"

Miss Belindel was very surprised, and Miss Benanis turned around and smiled:

"We had already entered the Yuewan area at that time, and were actually not far from Yuewan City. Sylvia's perception was not very clear, but I felt very strong fluctuations in elements. What happened in the morning? I saw People in the city are living normally, and they don’t look like they’ve just experienced something big.”

Pedestrians walking outside the window holding umbrellas on a rainy Sunday afternoon will actively avoid convoys when encountering them. Even in rainy weather, the prosperous citizen economy can be seen from the street scene. This place is indeed different from other cities.

"This matter is very complicated to say, probably"

The Countess thought for a while, then faced three pairs of curious eyes and summarized the key points:

"That man's friend was entangled by Fanarius, the ancient evil spirit demon of doom. He dealt with the matter at Belindle Big Ben this morning, and ended up attracting another angel-level relic. Then somehow Yes, his friend who was cursed by the devil pulled out the sword of light, an artifact left behind by the ancient god - the Dragon of Light, and then together they defeated and expelled the ancient evil spirit."

"Ancient evil spirit demon?"

"Angel-level relic?"

"Sword of Light?"

The three of them have different problems, and Miss Belinder also knows that this matter is difficult to explain. Although the process is not complicated, there are too many unexpected things in the process:

"When you get to the manor, you can ask him yourself. He is still taking care of his friend there. Oh, speaking of which, Carina's maid group also arrived this morning. I don't know what Carina thought, but she actually took care of him. Her great-niece who just took the first ring was sent here. So it is so good that Cavendish has many heirs. I heard that there is a female ring warlock in their family now?

Oh, look, there are more people, the base has increased, and even the number of awakened people has increased. "

But Miss Benenice and Miss Sylvia did not care about this:

"You mentioned the matter of the Sword of Light in the Council. So, the Chosen One of Light has appeared? Are we too late?"

The countess shook her head quickly:

"Of course not. Drawing the sword is only part of the ritual requirements, and it is also the most difficult part. She only completed drawing the sword, and did not complete the other ritual requirements at all. This is what he told me, and he also said that the girl is pure blood How could a high elf become the chosen one of light and dragon?"

Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia looked at each other, and became more and more confused as they listened. They didn't know about Emilia, and they didn't know why another pure-blooded high elf appeared next to Shade.

Margaret asked in a low voice:

"So, is he okay?"

The carriage fell silent immediately, and the three witches stared at each other without speaking immediately. They just made a tacit agreement not to mention Shade himself, just thinking that when they got to the manor, Shade would explain everything by himself.

From the perspective of Miss Belindel, the relationship between Shade and the two colleagues in front of him was indeed unusual, and from the perspective of Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia, Shade had indeed "eliminate" the possible threat.

But it was obvious that Margaret didn't understand the meaning at the first time, but when she said the words, she understood it immediately. Knowing that she had said something wrong, Her Royal Highness also shut her mouth. The carriage was quiet for a while before Miss Sylvia asked a question that puzzled the countess:

"You just said that you left him alone with Carina's apprentice?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

The convoy soon returned to Belindel Manor in the rain. On the way, the witches did not mention Shade's matter again. Miss Benanis just asked about the news of the church in the city. But because of Iluna's existence, of course the church can't find it here, but at least they have basically solved the thing under Belindel's Big Ben.

Like the doctor, when the Sword of Light appeared with golden lightning and dragon roar, [Corpse in the Wall] was also affected, and the situation was more serious than the doctor.

"Welcome to my home, Vanessa. The last time you came here was seven years ago. Sylvia, the last time you came to my place, you were just a witch's apprentice."

In the foyer of the manor house, the blonde countess warmly welcomed the two witches, and then said to Margaret:

"Your Highness, you are just a witch's apprentice here today, so I won't do much to welcome you."


Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded, then followed Miss Benanis without saying anything.

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