Whispering Verse

Chapter 2277 Dragon Language Spell: Sword of Light

"Okay, then I'll wait to encounter those illusions."

Shade nodded. His feet would make a sound when stepping on the gravel, but the lady beside him would not. He was already sweating profusely, and the sound of his breathing became heavy and obvious, but the lady beside him was still very loud. normal.

"I actually have one last question, really the last one. What do you want to do when you appear here?"

Of course, this kind of question is a bit offensive, and Shade only asked it boldly after thinking about it.

Fortunately, the god was not angry. The brown-skinned lady smiled and asked:

"What do you think?"

Since God asked a question, Shade must answer:

"Mother-in-law Siam Nord believes in tree fathers, and Miss Sandel is a mermaid, and her status should not be low. I happen to know that mermaids always believe in gods of the ocean. Miss Knight is just an ordinary person, but when I heard her pray just now, she believed in Gods are associated with justice.

The beliefs of the three of them have nothing to do with you. You are not here because of them, at least this is what I infer for now. Illusion Do you want to use illusion to enhance your power? No, no, I am too naive to consider this kind of thing from a mortal perspective. The Heart of Oasis is also useful to your followers? Of course, this is just speculation. "

God did not evaluate whether Shade's guess was correct. He continued to ask with a smile:

"Since you asked me about the purpose of coming here, what are you planning to do in this desert?"

"The most important thing is definitely to find the heart of the oasis."

Shade panted heavily and climbed the dunes with the lady beside him. The slope of the sand dune was so exaggerated that he almost had to use his hands and feet to go up. The brown-skinned lady just bent over slightly to maintain balance. Although this was a bit blasphemous, the figure of the saint's body she used was really good.

"Wait, am I corrupted by desire? What do you think about this now?"

He shook his head slightly:

"But besides that, there are three other things now. The first one is the sun, and next time I'm going to bring my cat and try to see how it reacts to that altar. Now that I can be blessed by it , my cute cat should be able to do it too.”

Talking while climbing the dunes consumes more energy. Shade actually wants to take off his clothes. Anyway, he won't get sunburned now, but obviously he can't do this:

"The second extra thing is light. The light in this desert is weird. Maybe I can figure out what's weird about the light here."

He bent down and grabbed a handful of sand, placed it close in front of his eyes and laughed:

"Sure enough, the sand itself is glowing. Everything here is actually glowing, not just reflecting and refracting, which is similar to what's happening around me."

"What about the extra third thing?"

The tall God of Mist asked again, showing no intention of helping Shade walk easily in the desert.

Shade took a few breaths before answering:

"I have a unique thaumaturgy: dragon roar, which allows me to record only one kind of dragon spell. I recorded one a few days ago, but I dare not use it in the normal world to prevent it from causing too much noise. Something's wrong."

He paused for a moment to catch his breath:

"It's really hot. But you don't have to worry about disturbing other people here, so you can try the effect of dragon language here.

I'm not sure whether this is a spell, but I really recorded it. The golden thunder fell from the sky and fell from the bell tower. The brave man raised the sword of light to face the devil. The dragon roar at that time will probably be forgotten by many people in their lifetime. Don't fall off. "

"For mortals, especially ordinary people, the spiritual pollution of dragon roar itself is indeed difficult to eradicate."

God commented, then smiled and encouraged Shade:

"Try it now. It can be considered entertainment before reaching your destination."

So the two of them stopped together. On the golden sand dunes, Shade closed his eyes and raised his head to face the sun. After taking a deep breath, the life ring behind his back emerged from the extremely hot steam mist.

Miracle-[Echo] and Profanity-[Dragon] bloomed together, but they didn't shine much under the dazzling sunlight.

Using thaumaturgy - Dragon Roar, Shade made a sound to the sun:


The dragon's language vibrated the air, causing changes in spirits and elements. There was no golden thunder falling from the sky, and thunder was unlikely in the cloudless sky.

Only the warm light gathered towards Sha De's right hand. When Sha De lowered his head to look at his hand, he was holding a golden sword of light in his hand.

The shape of the great sword is very similar to the [Moonlight Great Sword], but the translucent sword body is definitely not emitting moonlight. The blazing light that represents the supreme and the ancient sun thorn pattern on the sword jointly express what this is:

"Hmm, Sunshine Sword?"

Shade said suspiciously, waved the sword in his hand a few times, then jumped up suddenly and struck a sword towards the distance of the sand sea.

Golden blazing sword marks streaked through the air, flying to an invisible place. After landing, Shade looked again at the sword in his hand, danced it a few more times, and then looked at the god.

The light brown-skinned lady smiled at him and continued to lead Shade into the distance with her bare feet:

"Any answers?"

Shade thoughtfully:

"Yes, the incantation represented by the dragon's roar is to let me condense the light into a sword under the light. Under the sun, it becomes the sunlight sword, under the moonlight, it becomes the moonlight sword, and under the strange light, it becomes the strange sword. Strange sword. From this point of view, the origins of [Sunshine Great Sword] and [Moonlight Great Sword] may really be related to the sword of the Dragon God."

He walked on the sand with the sword in his hand:

"Although I expected that the sword of the ancient god could not be summoned by this method, the effect of the sword summoned by this dragon spell seems to be weaker than the [Moonlight Great Sword] summoned by my own spell. Much more.”

Of course Shade didn't know how to use [Sunshine Great Sword] before this, but he had seen Mr. Hog Rendell, the thirteen-ring warlock "Sunshine Great Sword" in Tobesk, use this magical technique, and he also heard that he was committed to learning this magic. Iluna of Xiang Qi Shu once described the specific power of [Sunshine Great Sword].

To put it simply, the "Sunshine Great Sword" summoned through the Dragon Language spell is far weaker than the [Moonlight Great Sword] cast by Shade himself in any form, and the latter does not have to be as troublesome as roaring when casting the spell.

As he spoke, Shade summoned the silver moonlight sword from the void with his left hand. When the bright moonlight and the gorgeous sword appeared, even the gods turned their attention to it.

Shade raised two different weapons with his left and right hands, and while thinking whether he would be the first ring warlock to hold these two great swords at the same time, he violently struck them in the air.

After the clang sound, the sword did not shatter as expected with golden light, but silver debris and golden debris splattered in all directions, and then quickly merged into the blazing sunlight.

"But the advantage of the Dragon Roar Spell is that when the light I borrow is strong enough, the great sword summoned can also be strengthened. For example, in this environment, the power of the Sunshine Great Sword is actually very close to that of the moon. The Great Sword of Light. But obviously, the light in this desert will not appear in reality."

Shade said, dispersing the two weapons at the same time and continuing to follow the god. He politely walked half a step behind the lady instead of walking side by side with her.

God then commented:

"The dragon roar you imitated is actually the sound made by the ancient dragon god in the second era, the echo that remains in the material world. If your body and soul were not strong enough, and your thaumaturgy came from trees, Father, even you have no chance of making the dragon roar work effectively in human form."

"You mean, if I use this dragon spell in the form of a dragon, the effect will be better. So is it possible for me, with the help of this spell, to finally call out the sword? After all, it's only my first time practicing. "

Seeing that the gods didn't mind giving advice, Shade asked for advice again.

But the lady with light brown skin smiled and did not answer the question. So Shade didn't ask any more questions, but thought that since the "transformation posture" would be restored by the tree father when he returned to the Sixth Era, he might as well give it a try before leaving this time.

He continued to follow the god and walked deeper into the desert. Just now at the Temple of the Sun, Miss Meister said that if he walked faster, he could reach the destination in fifteen minutes, but when Shade was far away, his body was twisting due to the heat. When he saw the ruins half covered by yellow sand in the air, he felt that it was only ten minutes before departure.

The blazing sun made it impossible for evil spirits and other creatures to survive, so there were no monsters blocking the way near the ruins. When Shade followed the god closer, he found that it was a very standard temple complex.

Among the third-year courses at St. Byrons, there are courses related to ancient architecture, especially temple architecture. Shade made a simple distinction and identified the location of the main hall and the entrance.

The god had no intention of standing aside and letting Shade find clues on his own. After entering the ruins, He was still leading the way. When the two of them reached the core of the ruins, which was supposed to be the main hall of the temple, he stopped. After raising his feet, he gently tapped the gold-like dust with his right thumb:

"Last time she was here with the elf, she noticed something down here."

After saying that, he took two steps back. Shade nodded, closed his eyes and sensed the space. After confirming that there was no big hole under the ruins, he called out the "Moonlight Sword" again and used that sword to strike. Digging in the dust.

Soon, a stone tablet half covered by yellow sand appeared in front of Xia De. He squatted down and carefully cleaned the stone tablet out of the sand. He tried [Toy Making] to see if it would work on it, so he turned it into a toy, planning to interpret it after returning to the temple.

"And here."

The brown-skinned lady continued to lead the way, and after bypassing the ruins of the wall, she stopped behind an earthen wall that was only half a person tall:

"There is something inside the wall, close to the sand surface."

“Okay—fossil to mud.”

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