Whispering Verse

Chapter 2280 White Bones Girl and Flower Crown

The bones grew taller and taller, and eventually it seemed like a high wall of bones had been erected on both sides.

Shade, who was dizzy from the heat, felt as if he had unknowingly walked into the path sandwiched by the towering wall of bones. Shadows appeared, but the heat did not change at all.

Everything in front of him was becoming blurry, and hands stretched out from the high wall of bones to grab him, but Shade threw them away. Bones stretched out his hand to grab Siam Nord's mother-in-law behind him, but after Shade roared, he swung the [Sunshine Sword] he just summoned and chopped it into pieces.

Holding the skeleton with one hand and wielding the sword with the other, Miss Meister's figure disappeared in front of her unknowingly. Shade, who was tired, thirsty and hot, could only mechanically keep moving among the bones surrounding him. While walking, I would only occasionally think suspiciously, "There are so many undead, why is it not cool around me?"

Walking between the high walls made of bones, passing through the terrifying temple made of bones, and walking through the courtyards and treehouses of elves made of bones, here is everything in the memory of Granny Siam Nord’s hometown made of bones.

But all of them are just bones, and there is not a single living person here.

Holding the elf skeleton with one hand, although Shade felt more and more tired, the heat he felt in his body made the light from the Sunshine Sword become stronger and stronger. He knew that he was most likely fighting the air, but it didn't matter. He was too hot to think about it.

Miss Meister had completely disappeared, and Shade didn't know how he climbed up the hill made of bones, and then defeated the oncoming bone elf giant with a sword. He continued to walk towards the mouth of the giant's skull, and the road ahead seemed still long.

Suddenly, he felt that Granny Siam on his back seemed to be getting heavier. He turned his head subconsciously, and found that Granny Siam’s head had also turned into white bones, with only gray hair and some pink flesh still attached to it:

"Why does the body become heavier when it becomes bones?"

Shade thought vaguely, then continued to move forward. After Grandma Siam also began to turn into bones, there were fewer bones blocking the road around her. The [Sunshine Great Sword] no longer even had to be swung by Shade at this time, it had almost turned into a piece of golden sand and bones. With burning torches in the world, battles gradually became sporadic until Shade no longer needed to wield his sword:

"If I continue walking, will I realize the [Sun] Spirit Rune on my own?"

But obviously there will be no such good thing. No matter how big the pit is, there will always be an end. When Shade saw the young elf girl standing in front of his field of vision, he knew that he was finally reaching his destination.


Every step he took seemed like his legs were filled with lead, and the bones of Grandma Siam Nord that he was carrying on his back finally moved:


The barefoot elf girl greeted the two of them with a smile on the edge of the sand pit. She gently hugged Shade, who just wanted to drink water, and then wanted to put down the bones on his back:

"Thank you for your hard work. Now leave your mother to me."


Although Shade is dizzy, he has not become stupid:

"We are going back to the Sun Temple. You are a fake. I can't leave my mother-in-law to you. Can you let me pass? I know you are a fake. Don't waste time, okay? Otherwise, I will let the cat bite you next time. .”

The smile on the elf girl's face remains unchanged:

"Neither you nor I are qualified to make choices for our mother."

As he said this, he looked at the white skeleton on Shade's back:

"Mother, you are so persistent in trying to find a way out for the clan, but now that the clan is gone, you can let go of your responsibilities."

She gently patted the old elf's shoulder blade:

"Stay with us, mother, there is no need to move forward."

Shade opened his mouth and said:

"Mother-in-law, you are so persistent and have already come here, why don't you continue to move forward? Whether it is true or not, you will never know until you have completely walked the next step. You don't look like someone who gives up halfway. , your persistence will not let you stay here.

Even if you know the results may not be good, would you give up before you actually see the results? "

The elf girl wearing a flower crown looked at Shade angrily:

"This man is really good at talking, but mother, I am here, we are all here, everyone in the Yuexi clan is here. Do you really want to leave us?"

Shade felt that the bones behind his back seemed to be trying to get down from his back, so he was really eager to go back as soon as possible and said:

"It seems like someone from the Yuexi clan is not here. In fact, that's what I wanted to tell you just now, but you didn't listen to me just now."

He dropped the Sunshine Sword and grabbed it with his left hand to the side. Bright stars appeared in the sun, and the illusory bookshelf appeared more transparent than before.

Shade then grabbed a translucent book with starlight colors from the bookshelf. After opening it, he saw the faces of Emilia and the little unicorn who poked their heads out of the car window last Sunday morning. , appeared together in the pages of the book.

The elf girl and Granny Siam both looked at the book, and Shade said with certainty:

"This is also a girl from the Yuexi clan, and she is also a high elf. It is said that she is qualified to become a priest. I don't understand. But in short, not all Yuexi elves are here."

"You lie, who is this? Why haven't I seen it?"

The elf girl retorted that Shade didn't want to say it originally:

"Emilia Siam Nord, an elf living in the future, grew up in St. Byrons. Yes, her surname is Siam Nord. Mother-in-law, you know that I have the blessing of the tree father. In the name of the tree father, I won't lie."

The elf skeleton behind him is becoming lighter again, and the flesh and blood on the skeleton is being refilled as if time and space are traveling backwards:

"Her last name is Siam Nod too?"

The old elf confirmed, and Shade, who was almost anxious, nodded firmly:

"Yes, she said that her mother, grandmother, grandmother's mother, and so on, all have this surname. Only then did I realize that the Yuexi clan is a matriarchal clan."

The old man, whose body had returned to normal, stared at the book in Shade's hand, and then looked at his daughter in front of him:

"Look, this is a descendant of the clan. He is really beautiful, just like you were when you were little."

The elf girl nodded helplessly:

"He just looks stupid. He looks like he could easily be deceived by this man."

After saying that, he glared at Shade inexplicably, then shook his head, and his flesh and blood disintegrated into golden gravel and disappeared.

Shade didn't say anything more. He carried the old elf with the skeleton in his arms and continued to climb the sand dune.

When he finally climbed to the top of the dune, the figure of Miss Meister, who had gone somewhere just now, was already waiting for them there. The brown-skinned lady even kindly gave Shade a hand so that he did not have to go back to the sand dune. Fall into the sand pit.

The group of three people took a few more steps forward, and it seemed that in the next moment, the Temple of the Sun appeared in front of them. Miss Knight and Miss Sandel were anxiously waving at the door, waiting for them to return from their journey.

And when Shade turned to look behind him, there was rolling golden sand. There were no deep pits at all, and there were no bones on the golden sand burned by the blazing sun.

He looked at the skeleton in his arms again, but all he saw was sand falling from his clothes and hands. Part of the golden gravel even penetrated directly into Shade's skin, and Shade also heard "her" prompt:

[Outlander, your spell "Fossils to Mud" has been improved. You can turn stones into mud and sand. 】

When the dust cleared, all that remained was the corolla made of flowers.

Shade put the flower crown on the head of the Siamese mother-in-law who was carrying her on his back. The latter had already squinted her eyes and was half unconscious.

"Is this the first vision?"


Miss Meister smiled and said:

"It is also a test for Siam Nord. She passed it and she is qualified to continue searching for the Heart of the Oasis."

"Is this a test for her or for me? My mother-in-law was obviously just carried all the way by me!"

The smile on Miss Meister's face became brighter, and the two of them moved forward quickly, getting closer and closer to the temple, and then——


When his body entered the coolness of the temple, Shade let out a long sigh, feeling that this was the happiest thing. After leaving the hot environment, the sweat on my body still made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Miss Sandel helped Siam Nord's mother-in-law behind Shade to sit down. Shade tried hard to resist the urge to lie down on the floor tiles and reluctantly sat down. Miss Knight handed over a piece of cloth for Shade to wipe his sweat.

The two girls who stayed behind did not immediately ask what happened just now, but nervously checked the state of Siam Nod's mother-in-law at this time.

But Shade wasn't too worried. Although Grandma Siam Nord fainted, it was just due to her mental fluctuations. She would recover quickly. After all, she was a genuine thirteenth-level witch.

Miss Meister had also sat down on a bench nearby, and smiled and thanked her when she took the water bottle from Miss Knight.

Shade put the sweat towel aside and took the water bottle. After drinking it in one gulp, I felt that the heat in my body had subsided a little.

The shirt was completely soaked, and he planned to change it after he got home. Miss Knight stood aside and asked Shade what else he needed. Shade shook his head:

"No need for the moment."

As an ordinary person, Miss Knight could not make much contribution, so she consciously took on such chores that did not require witches to do. This was also the way of survival for ordinary people in this era.

Putting the empty water bottle aside, Shade, who felt that he had recovered, thought for a while and said:

"Help me pack my things. I also have some supplies here. You may need these."

All he took out before departure was food and water. He was not familiar with it at the time, so it was not appropriate to take it out directly to change clothes or something.

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