Whispering Verse

Chapter 2288 Tavern Game

Having just confirmed that the other party was not suspicious, Mr. Bernhardt actually wanted to leave, but when Captain Rudolf emphasized again that he didn't know anything, he became interested instead.

The elegant Lord Vampire Seed smiled and said:

"Captain, please stop joking. Just because you have been running ships all year round does not mean that you know nothing about things on land. I don't believe that someone who knows nothing about Moon Bay can own such a huge fleet."

The sturdy vampire also smiled:

"Okay, if I do have some information that you probably need, how do you want me to talk?"

"How about Rhodes?"

Shade said suddenly, but Captain Rudolph shook his head and refused without thinking. This kind of thing is very rare:

"I wanted to propose this just now, but since you proposed it, I definitely can't agree. Generally, people who dare to talk like this must be good Rhodes players, or they are pure gamblers. I see that you are obviously not a gambler. But we You can play some other tavern games.”

"for example?"

Mr. Bernhardt raised his eyebrows, so the captain put his right elbow on the table, raised his right palm and gestured toward the two of them:

"Sailors' favorite game besides Rhodes is arm wrestling. Which of you two wants to give it a try? But let's make a deal first, I won't let you do it."

Shade and Mr. Bernhardt looked at each other. The latter stood up decisively and gave up his position with self-awareness.

"Look, there is someone here who wants to compete with the captain!"

When the idlers around saw the two men's actions, they gathered around them noisily. In fact, many of them were sailors from Captain Rudolph's fleet. He was not drinking alone here.

Mr. Bernhardt stood behind Shade and was very reassured about Shade. After Shade moved the stool to the middle of the side of the table, he also stretched out his right hand and put it on the table:

"What rules?"

"You can't leave your elbows off the table, and you can't stand up and exert force. You can put your left hand on the side of the table, but if you damage something, you have to pay for it."

As he spoke, his right hand and Shade's right hand were held together. The captain's right hand was also slightly larger than Shade's right hand. From a physical point of view, Shade had no chance of winning.

"I'll be the referee."

A tall man in the crowd said, raising his left hand:

"You can't exert force until the countdown is over! Fair play, get ready - three, two, one, let's start!"

There was a bang, and even the wine glasses on the table were shaken to their feet. Shade's hand overwhelmingly pressed Captain Rudolph's hand on the table, and the latter seemed unable to even react.

This was definitely not a sudden force from Shade when no one was paying attention. The two of them had already used force when the countdown started. Such a result can occur only because Shade's power is completely dominant.

The people watching the excitement fell silent as if they were being choked together, and a loud discussion broke out after a few seconds. Shade let go of Captain Rudolph's hand, and the latter looked at his palm in surprise:

"This is really surprising, do it again!"

"Are you going to regret it?"

Mr. Bernhardt asked immediately, and the captain shook his head:

"Of course I'm not going back on my word. What I wanted to tell you just now was information 1. If you do it again, if you win, I will tell you information 2."

After saying that, he stood up and took off his coat neatly. Although it was indecent to be naked from the waist up in a public place like a tavern, the onlookers just admired the captain's muscles and strength.

He shook his arm vigorously, and when he turned around, Shade saw a large tattoo on his back. It was a red dragon tattoo, and the tattoo looked lifelike. If Shade read it correctly, this tattoo should be made with the blood of the dragon beast. This is also one of the ways to borrow the power of the dragon.

"Do it again, as long as you win, I will tell you whatever you want to ask."

With that said, the captain sat down again, and Shade also became serious. But he just took off his coat, then rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, and once again held hands with the captain opposite, whose body temperature seemed to be rising.

"Three, two, one, start!"

After the words fell, there was no overwhelming victory this time. Instead, Captain Rudolph's hand actually pressed Shade's hand down slightly.

The face of the strong vampire who was gritting his teeth has turned red. The cyan blood vessels in the bulging muscles and the entire right arm are almost bursting out of the sun-dark skin.

He lowered his head slightly to facilitate the use of force. Shade also held back his breath and pretended to be working hard, but in fact he was just pretending that he was exerting force.

Captain Rudolf is a 6th level warlock. Coupled with the tattoo on his back and the advantages of his body shape, he is indeed very powerful. It's just that this is not enough to compare with Shade, who is one step above him.

The people who watched the two arm wrestling thought that this was a genuine contest, cheered and cheered for the two.

Even Mr. Bernhardt became a little nervous about this, and then he saw Shadhu shouting "Ha", and then his hands straightened their hands little by little, and then little by little Push the captain's hand down.

Although Captain Rudolph had two opportunities to successfully stop Shade's hand midway, in the end, amid the cheers of "force" and "overwhelm him" from everyone, the back of Captain Rudolph's right hand was the first to touch the table.


"Ha, what kind of monster are you?"

When the game was over, he took back his right hand and kept rubbing his sore wrist. Looking up, he saw Xia De rubbing his wrists, so he didn't ask for any more comparison:

"I haven't lost in an arm-wrestling game for a long time. This time I'm willing to admit defeat. I'm willing to call you the strongest.

It’s true, today’s young people are more amazing than the last. Oh, have you seen enough? Disperse, I want to talk to these two gentlemen alone. "

He quickly got dressed, and after dispersing the crowd, he moved to a corner table and invited the two of them to sit down. But this time Captain Rudolph's attitude was obviously much better, and he even called the waiter in the tavern to come over and treat the two of them to drinks for free.

"I really don't know who is cooperating with those dragon-eating cultists locally."

He emphasized while holding the wine glass, but continued:

"But I do know some other things. As for whether it is useful to you, you have to judge for yourself."

"It would be nice to have news."

Herr Bernhardt took out his notebook, and the captain said:

"I run a boat at sea, so I have some connections. Sometimes the local people will ask me to do things that are not convenient for exposure. Of course, we will definitely not break the law, but it is not very honorable after all. You know Mrs. Jude."

Shade and the Viscount looked at each other. This was the widow they planned to meet at the auction house tomorrow:

"Yes, she is very rich and sponsors many charities. She also opened an orphanage herself and has a good reputation in the local area."

The captain raised his eyebrows:

"Mrs. Jude and I have known each other for a long time. She once asked me that if I encounter poor orphans who have no support at the docks everywhere, I can bring them to the ship and then send them to the orphanage she runs in Yuewan City. Not only did she pay the boat fare, she was even willing to pay an additional subsidy based on the number of people.”

"Are you selling children?"

Shade asked in surprise. Captain Rudolph shook his head quickly:

"Don't say that. If others hear it, I will be investigated by the police and the port authority.

The children volunteered to come on board with me, and I placed them in an orphanage that could take care of them. This is not illegal, neither for Delrayon nor for Kasonrik. I specifically asked a lawyer for advice. "

Shade was very sure that Mr. Bernhardt, who was sitting next to him, had the same expression as his:

"This thing just sounds like something is wrong. A widowed vampire woman, a private orphanage, willing to adopt helpless children from all over the world. Well, it's not that we are careless, but this is like asking monkeys to guard the peach orchard. Just as ridiculous. Isn’t she.”

"I had my doubts too."

Captain Rudolf said in a low voice and knocked on the table lightly:

"I have been to that orphanage more than once, secretly or publicly. I am very sure that none of the children I sent are missing. They are either still in the orphanage or taken away by adoptive families.

By the way, I have visited even those children who were taken away by adoptive families. They are all still alive, and some of them are still living quite well. "

He raised his glass and saluted Mr. Shade and Mr. Bernhardt:

"I know what you are thinking, but I will not let myself get involved in such trouble. Mrs. Jude is indeed weird, and you must have guessed something in your mind. But don't say it, you go find her yourself, I just I just rescued some children who really couldn't survive."

"We'll go."

Mr. Bernhardt sighed:

"The people of the same race in Yuewan are really. Any other news?"

"About a month or two ago, I don't remember the specific time, Viscount Crown asked me if I could bring a batch of goods from the New World. But I rarely travel to the New World. I was busy with other things at that time. Refused."

That Viscount Crowne was not the five people who needed to be investigated.

"Did Viscount Crowne say what kind of cargo it was?"

Shade asked.

"No, but from his tone, I can tell that it must be related to illegal activities such as smuggling. Otherwise, we can just go to a serious fleet and come to test me for what?"

"He is indeed smuggling some illegal plants and plant products, but this has nothing to do with our investigation."

Mr. Bernhardt said, and the sturdy vampire exhaled:

"There is another piece of news, and this is the last news. The old butler of the Silver family, we all call him Old Billy, has made a fortune recently for some reason. Not many people know about this. I also accidentally heard what others said. Just think of it as what I heard."

This "Old Billy" is not one of the three people who will be contacted at tomorrow's banquet.

"I know this person. Although his surname is not Silver, he has served in the Silver family for nearly fifty years and is an important figure in the Silver family. Is this person also a relative of yours?"

Shade asked curiously. The Silver family was mainly engaged in fleet business in Moon Bay and had a hostile relationship with the Avora family, a long-established shipping family in Carsonlik, so Shade also paid a little attention.

It was still Mr. Bernhardt who answered:

"Yes, I chatted with him last week, and he didn't suspect much. As for suddenly getting rich, I shouldn't have said it, but it's nothing. His illegitimate son made a lot of money doing business outside, and he wanted to Take your biological father to live in old age. This matter involves a big shot in Willendale, so let’s not talk too much.”

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