Whispering Verse

Chapter 230 Fish

The rain in Tobesk is much gentler than the rain in the seaport city. The rain that lasted throughout the day has greatly weakened the polluting fog that shrouded the city, while also refreshing the city's air.

Summer is a sultry season, but when traveling in the summer rain, you don't feel any heat at all, nor do you feel the excessive humidity like the rain in Lengshuigang City.

When Shade knocked on the door of Miss Louisa's rented apartment downstairs with a paper bag and an umbrella under his arm, rainwater fell from the eaves into huge umbrellas. The landlady who opened the door looked a little unhappy.

It's not that he doesn't welcome the tenant's guests, but he's blaming Shade for disturbing his home for the second time today. All the people living here are women, and the landlady does not welcome men to visit frequently, which is also a requirement in the rental contract.

Miss Louisa was even more surprised when she saw Shade. The skirt she was wearing was still the same as when they met in the morning. It seemed that she didn't go out today because of the weather:

"Xia De, haven't you set off yet? Is there anything else you want to explain?"

"No, no, it's not that I didn't leave. I'm back now. Look, I brought you a souvenir."

When he arrived at the living room on the third floor, he handed over the freshly dead fish in a paper bag. The smell of fish was very strong.


Amid the cry, the cat that was standing on the windowsill pounced over. But little Mia didn't want to pounce on the unlucky fish. She jumped from the window sill to the chair, jumped from the chair to the table, and then used the height of the table to hug Shade's arm without letting go of her claws at all.

He said "meow~" several times in a voice that seemed aggrieved, for fear that Shade would leave it behind again.

"It lay on the window sill almost all afternoon, looking out at the street."

Miss Louisa said with a smile, and then looked at the fish with disgust:

"Shad, why do you think I have mastered the skills of handling fish? I have never done anything so troublesome. But this fish looks very good, did you catch it yourself?"

After asking, he looked at the fish suspiciously:

"But... it's very fresh, and it seems to be sea fish. Where have you been?"

"Well...this is a very long story, please allow me to keep it secret for now."

In fact, I don’t want to reveal the secret of my house for the time being:

"I'm really tired today. I came here to pick up Mia. I have to eat when I get back. Miss Louisa, thank you very much for helping to take care of this cat. I hope it doesn't cause you any trouble."

"This cat is very well-behaved, but haven't you eaten yet?"

The blonde girl asked with concern and stood up from the sofa:

"Since you got a big fish, why not eat the fish together? It just so happens that your cat and I haven't eaten yet."

"Don't you know how to handle fish? Oh, I can't either."

"So we went out to eat. I know a nice restaurant that allows guests to bring their own ingredients. Also, I think your cat will like the fish too, but be careful not to get the thorns stuck in it."


Mia probably didn't hear what the blonde girl said. She was held in Shade's arms, squinting her eyes and concentrating on rubbing her face against Shade's clothes.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to ask this morning, why did you think of suddenly going on a far journey?"

Miss Louisa went into the bedroom to change her clothes for going out. Shade sat on the sofa and did not move. The two were talking through a door, but it was completely different from talking to Miss Carina through the door. Talking to the blond writer like this would only make Shade feel friendly and trustworthy. But at that time, talking to the big witch whom he was not familiar with made him just nervous.

"Reason for going out..."

Shade thought for a moment and did not tell him about going deep into the ruins to face the Silver-Eyed Man. This matter is very dangerous, and there is no need to involve Miss Louisa. He held the tea cup in one hand and stroked the cat with the other, and said to the closed door:

"It's just a sudden thought. As you know, ring warlocks can sometimes have wonderful inspirations. I recently had the inspiration to take a long trip."

"It's great to have inspiration, but you must also be careful of the traps brought by inspiration, Ring Warlock..."

She paused, and Shade's overly sensitive hearing allowed him to hear the sound of the closet door being opened.

"The inspiration for a ring magician sometimes does not come from what he thinks of, but from something that reminds him of something."

Miss Louisa continued to teach her experience through a door, her tone was a little lazy:

“So, you must think carefully before doing something, but you must not be timid because of it.”

He heard the racks in the closet clinking against each other, heard footsteps, heard clothes being thrown onto the bed, and then heard the drawstrings of skirts being untied...

The picture broke into his mind, and Shade's face turned red:

"Oh, Miss Louisa, let me borrow the bathroom. Little Mia's paws need to be washed. It has already left two marks on my clothes."

"Okay...I remember, aren't its paws very clean?"

Shade didn't answer, but walked quickly to the bathroom. The bathroom was far away from Miss Louisa's bedroom, so Shade couldn't hear the sounds he shouldn't have heard.

The bathroom in the apartment where the female writer rents is smaller than the bathroom in Shade's house. The steam pipes are not buried in the wall, but go directly through the wall and cling to the wall, making the interior area of ​​the bathroom look smaller. .

There is a strong smell of spices in the bathroom. This is not because the perfume has been spilled here, because the Shade family bathroom actually has a similar smell. The sewer system in this era was not very perfect, so in order to prevent strange smells from emerging from the bathroom and spreading to the entire house, poor families used orange peels, and people with a little money would get some inferior spices and put them at the door of the bathroom. Or drain pipe connection to cover the smell.

He stretched out his hand to turn on the gas lamp and walked straight to the sink without looking around. There is a bright mirror in the middle of the metal frame, and the faucet under the mirror is brass-colored, with a series of numbers stamped on the side. Then he turned the faucet squeakingly, and the clear water first gurgled out a few streams, and then flowed out of the faucet normally:

"When did my hearing get so good?"

He was still blushing a little, holding the cat in one hand and looking into the mirror, while using the other hand to sweep under the faucet, creating the sound of real water being used. .

[This should be the unimportant property of Thaumatology-Echoes of the Past, which slightly improves your hearing level. Otherwise, how do you keep capturing the sound of footsteps in a busy city? 】

There was obviously no one behind him in the mirror, but the sound still made Shade think that the woman was lying behind him, whispering softly in his ear.

He looked at the mirror and carefully touched his shoulders with his wet hands, but he didn't touch anything either inside or outside the mirror.

The woman chuckled in Shade's ear, as if she was laughing at his behavior at this time:

[But why were you blushing just now? 】

"Why are you saying I'm blushing?"

He asked rhetorically, looking at himself in the mirror who looked obviously Western, and waved to the mirror. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he also laughed at his stupid behavior.


Cat Mia noticed Shade's movements, squirmed in his elbows and stood up, then waved her paws at the small orange cat in the mirror. After seeing the cat in the mirror waving its claws in the same way, Mia the cat made a threatening sound towards "it".

Foreigners are not good at cooking, so they spend most of their time looking for cheap restaurants around Saint Teresa Square.

This time, the restaurant Miss Louisa took Shade to was a so-called high-end restaurant. Fortunately, it was not very high-end, otherwise they would have to change their clothes before entering.

The restaurant allows you to bring your own ingredients, and the chef is very knowledgeable and recognizes that what Shade brought is a common sea fish on the West Coast called 'Orlick'. Although he was dead, it seemed that he had not been dead for long.

"Don't worry, this fish of yours will not be wasted."

Shade still remembered Delarian's poor eating standards, so because of the chef's confidence, he was worried that he would see terrible meals like "fish head pizza" next.

Unexpectedly, I ended up enjoying delicious fish soup and butter-fried fish with Miss Louisa and Mia.

They sat at a table against a wall hung with landscape paintings of lavender fields and windmills.

Miss Louisa noticed that Shade was worried. During the meal, she tried to find out what he was doing, but was blocked by Shade in the end. Therefore, in the end, she just hinted that she could ask her for help if there was anything, but Shade really didn't want to involve Miss Louisa in that trouble.

But overall, the dinner was quite enjoyable. Miss Louisa talked happily about the recipes here, and Shade told an interesting story about how he went to attend an academic report last Friday and met Professor Manning by chance.

As for Mia, out of consideration for the cat’s health, Shade did not share the fish soup with it, but the restaurant’s chef specially separated a piece of meat with clean fish bones from the big fish. Mia, the cat, was eating her own Before the meal, I probably wouldn't have time to pay attention to Shade.

You also have to pay for the ingredients you brought, but when leaving, Shade just put the tip under the plate and didn't pay anything else, because Miss Louisa said she wanted to put this meal on the account as before.

And when they held an umbrella in front of the restaurant in the rain, and Shade was about to send the blonde girl back to Quill Street, Miss Louisa said that this meal was not paid for by her:

"Lecia is such a regular customer. She often sneaks out to eat here, so just charge it to her account."

The two walked together on the rainy street, the cat huddled on Shade's shoulder. The gas streetlights were dim in the rain, and the three full moons were obscured behind dark clouds. Judging from Miss Louisa's nonchalant tone, this was not the first time she had done this.

Her relationship with Princess Lesia Cavendish, whom Shade has not yet met, seems really good.

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