Whispering Verse

Chapter 2316 The battle of witches

"Ride a unicorn. Well, thank you for your hard work, little Liana."

Shade patted the pure white little beast, which cried softly, and then took the initiative to lie down so that Shade could sit astride it.

After Shade sat firmly, the little beast ran forward a few steps in the manor courtyard, and then spread its white wings curled up beside him. As their wings flapped, they flew into the sky, and then Shade's illusion suddenly made them disappear under the night sky.

East of Yuewan City, Pompeii Street.

The scenery under the night sky became distorted with the appearance of large blocks of strange colors, and then the mystery chain was broken. Miss Elisa flapped her dragon wings and appeared together with Miss Aurora holding a long staff inlaid with moonlight-colored diamonds.

The two fell together, but as the life ring behind the twelfth-level witch rotated slightly, the downward trend of the two suddenly weakened, making them seem to be floating in the air.

Opposite them, the light giant who also appeared after the Mystery Lock was broken was slightly embarrassed, and the light on his body flickered as if it was about to go out, but he did not disappear this time.

He stood in the city with his feet on the streets. Compared with him, Miss Elisa and Miss Aurora were like grains of rice. Of course, because this is a battle in the city, so far neither side has used moves that can directly change the surface of the land:

"Are you the great witch of light in the [Witch Council]? I have heard of your reputation for a long time, and I have always wanted to see what kind of light you are following. But now it seems that the so-called 'witch' is nothing more than in this way."

As he spoke, a sun-colored light appeared again in the palm of the giant's right hand.

Miss Aurora and Miss Elise looked at the city below. They gritted their teeth and did not avoid it. Instead, they held up their shields to face the blow of the injured "Light Chaser".

And below the block in the east part of the city that was covered by illusions, while the bursting sunlight burst out in the air and collided with the two ladies, Miss Sylvia grabbed Miss Bernice's hand and disappeared. The ground suddenly appeared behind the giant of light through space movement.

"Power of the Earth·Calling the Stone Statue!"

As the stone man was thrown to the ground below by Miss Bernice, the giant of the earth roared and was summoned from the citizen square by the witch of the earth.

The clay giant restrained the light giant's neck from behind, and then Miss Aurora, who was still in front of the giant, waved and threw a ball of light that also shone with the power of exploding sunlight.

The light giant struggled hard. While the soil giant continued to peel off soil and falling rocks, he put his hands together to extinguish Miss Aurora's light ball, but then suddenly screamed:


Miss Sylvia cut off his right arm with a dimensional slash, and then hurriedly pulled Miss Benanis away from the clay giant's shoulder.

The next moment, dense cracks appeared on the soil surface, and then white light shone from the cracks, and the huge stone statue exploded completely.

The girls moving on the ground hurriedly put up shields to block the rain of gravel, while the ray giant waving one arm continued to try to attack Aurora flying around him like it was chasing away flies. Mademoiselle and Miss Eliaser.

Similar to the anxious battle in the air, the battle on the ground did not advance particularly smoothly.

Under the command of Bella Belindel, the followers of the High Ring Witch quickly eliminated the Ring Warlocks outside the stronghold. The Volcano Club on Pompeii Street was the most important base of the [Light Worshipers Training Society] in the city during Operation Moon Bay. But even if it is the most important, there are no more than fifteen ring warlocks who are active here daily. After all, this is still an urban area.

So now, when faced with the attack of three times their number of witch followers, the ring warlocks guarding the stronghold were retreating steadily. If they hadn't had the ability to create that alien light that could melt everything, this club would have been razed to the ground by Miss Belindle, who was bent on revenge.

She didn't want to cause any damage to the girls she was leading, so she was extremely cautious when pushing inward.

Intermittently, the countess would look up to the sky, watching the "Light Chaser" continue to counterattack, attack, defend and finally attack again under the restraints of the other great witches and Miss Elise.

It seemed that the battle on the ground ended quickly. The thirteen-ring warlock was limited by the urban environment and could not take effective countermeasures. However, the great witch of fate was still feeling uneasy in her heart.

The most unsettling thing was of course the large-scale illusion that suddenly appeared half an hour ago and enveloped the surrounding area. She originally thought this was to prevent people from other parts of the city from seeing this place, so that the "Light Chaser" could use the move of transforming into a giant of light. But inside the area covered by the illusion, even she couldn't sense what was happening in the city outside.

Inspiration told her that something big must have happened in the outside world at this time, and the seemingly smooth attack might encounter danger at the next moment.

"Still unable to send the message out?"

The girl who came from a distance stopped behind Miss Belinder. The witch glanced at the space around the Volcano Club that was almost completely filled with alien light, and asked the girl again.

The brown-haired girl said softly:

"No, this large-scale illusion itself will confuse the space. We did not bring a high-level warlock who is proficient in [Space Perception] this time."

The corners of the witch's mouth trembled. She knew that Shade was good at this kind of magic.

"Then don't worry about the city outside for now. With them in the manor, nothing will happen."

She looked at the alien light that had been unable to break through and the club that had collapsed by one-third, and raised the long sword wrapped in linen in her hand:

"Although I'm not good at fighting, I am still an eleventh-level witch."

The [Angel's Right Arm] was unsheathed, and the angel's shadow, emitting soft white light, appeared behind her.

In the sky, the light giant's reborn right arm slammed down. The blue dragon girl, who was as big as a grain of rice, raised her hand to catch it. In the floating state, with a size difference of a hundred times, she actually resisted the huge arm.

As her roar gradually grew louder, the blue dragon's shadow flashed behind her, and then she pushed the ray giant's arm upward little by little.

The blue eyes continued to shine, their own light competing with the light from the giant. And with another cry of "Dimension Slash", Miss Sylvia held the [Night Watcher] and slashed two illusory lights from the night sky, leaving cross sword marks on the chest of the light giant again.

The Volcano Club at the foot of the giant lit up with a burst of holy white light that illuminated the dark night. The shadows of three huge cross swords fell from the sky and were inserted into the remains of the remaining buildings of the Volcano Club like tombstones.

The Radiant Cross Sword was not melted by the special white light, and finally completely destroyed the remaining parts of the Volcano Club.

Sensing the unusual power, the "Light Chaser" lowered his head to look at his stronghold, and then happened to see the shadow of an angel swinging a sword at him.

The sword mark was only of ordinary size at first, but became larger and larger as the light rose. The giant of light waved his hand to block it, but was shocked to realize that he seemed unable to resist the sword from any angle:

"The power of destiny?"

Fate guided the sword to hit his forehead, and the huge sword light struck by the angel made the giant fall backwards. The light finally shrank in size and turned into the human form of the "Light Chaser" in the air.

He quickly stabilized his body, thick steam mist covered the night sky, and the complete thirteen-ring life ring floated behind the "Light Chaser".

"Be careful! He's going to use his true full strength!"

The "Light Chaser" floating under the night sky opened his eyes and looked seriously at the club at his feet. After confirming that the most important stronghold in the city had been destroyed by the unknown angelic power, he pointed a finger at the night sky.

The thirteen-ring life ring rotates, and each twinkling spiritual rune seems to be resonating with the starry sky:

The core enlightenment rune - call, the miracle rune - stars, the profane rune - power -

"Thumbs - Starfall."

Suddenly, the clouds in the night sky above disappeared, hundreds of stars twinkled in the deep night, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

The speed of the meteorite was extremely fast, and it seemed that in just the next second, everyone saw those densely packed semi-energized meteorites with a diameter of more than 50 feet appearing in the sky above the city.

The scene of hundreds of bright white streams of light falling should have been quite charming, but if no one really intercepts them, let alone the Dongcheng District of Yuewan City, the terrain of the entire Yuewan Port may be permanently changed.

"Damn it!"

Miss Aurora, who had long wavy brown hair, cursed unladylikely, and then flew high into the sky to intercept with Miss Sylvia and Miss Elisa.

Miss Benanis landed back to the ground to join Miss Belindel, and the "Light Chaser" in the air did not chase the witches who tried to intercept the meteor shower. Instead, while slowly descending, it used it on the ground again. My own special thaumaturgy:

"Lin and light rain fall."

A distorted light curtain appeared in the sky parallel to him, and then a dense array of white light points fell to the ground like rain. This move almost covered half of Pompeii Street, and when the light rain gradually ended, half of the buildings on the street had turned into a dense hornet's nest.

The huge stone balls raised in the middle of the street helped the girls of the Witch Council block most of the light rain. When the giant shadow appeared behind the "Light Chaser", he punched the stone ball where the two great witches were, only to find that there was nothing in it.

He frowned and looked around. Amidst the constant explosions of meteorites in the air above him, he was about to attack the high-level sorceresses who escaped from the stone balls and force the two great witches out, but suddenly he felt that he had changed. It feels heavy and is falling towards the ground accelerating:


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