Whispering Verse

Chapter 2332 The inherited power

Seeing that the cat had no intention of continuing to use its power, the light brown-skinned "Dancing Girl" breathed a sigh of relief, took another look at the burning demon corpse, and then walked towards Shade.

As for the armor parts that had just vaguely left the sand and floated into the air, they had now fallen back to the sand, but each piece was still emitting a brilliant light.

"Oh, don't lick me!"

Shade, whose entire upper body had struggled out from under the sand, tried to keep little Mia away, but the cat was unwilling to leave. These sands are very weird. It is clear that the top of the sand can move and deform at will, but after falling into the sand, Shade can no longer do that.

Fortunately, Miss Meister had also come over, stood there and bent slightly, stretching out a hand to him.

Shade tried his best not to look where he shouldn't. After holding Miss Meister's hand, he felt a huge force suddenly appear, and then he was pulled out by the lady like a carrot. Pulled out from the sand.


The cat was picked up by Shade, stood on his shoulders and rubbed his face affectionately. Shade, who was sweating profusely, wiped the sand off his body, and then looked at the still burning demon corpse:

"If I remember correctly, evil spirits and demons cannot be killed."

"Don't worry about it, it will be burned under the sun for a thousand years, and then it will probably be reborn in any corner of the material world."

Miss Meister said, and Shade nodded hesitantly. But the devil was finally released by him. If he had not opened the coffin, it would have been sealed until another group of people broke in.

"Can you seal it again?"

Shade asked softly, Miss Meister's beautiful brown eyes blinked at him:

"Does this count as you asking me for help?"

Last time, this lady said that if Shade never asked for help, then in the end, Shade could get a gift.

Of course Shade wanted a gift, but at this moment he nodded:

"Yes, God of Mist. Please allow me to seek help from you. Please seal this unknown ancient one so that it cannot harm the world."

"Then, I'm here to help you."

Pure white mist floated out from the lady's hand, drifted towards the burning flames, and then enveloped it.

When Shade stepped on the hot yellow sand and came to the wet white mist, the white mist dissipated, and there was a white glass bead lying on the sand. After picking it up, you can see the mist inside. The flames were still burning deep in the mist, and the demon's blurry figure seemed to have stopped at the moment of being burned.

This is not an ordinary item, but a powerful magical item. In addition, there are "living creatures" in it, so Shade will definitely not be able to bring it back to his own time and space. He planned to give it to Granny Siam. The witches of St. Byrons must have the appropriate means to deal with this thing.

On the other side, the female knight Miss Knight, who was buried under the ruins of the church, was not injured because of Miss Meister's protection. She was unconscious due to the phantom pain of digging out her own heart, but while Shade picked up the glass beads, she climbed out from under the ruins on her own, and then quickly put on her helmet to block the sun:

"Mr. Hamilton, the coffin is over here."

She did not mention the vision just now, but pointed out the location of the coffin with the petrified heart in her hand.

Shade and Miss Meister then cast a spell together to make the coffin float in the air. Before the lid of the coffin was closed again, Shade glanced inside, and then at a glance found the compass fragments they were looking for among the messy burial objects.

Instead of checking out the rest of the stuff, I decided to go back to the Temple of the Sun and do other things. Without the mausoleum to block the sun, Shade just wanted to go back as soon as possible.

Of course, there is one more thing to do before leaving here:

"You two, please wait for me a moment."

He said to the ladies, then, with the cat on his shoulders, he walked quickly towards the statue of the knight that still stood in front of the ruins.

Miss Knight and Miss Meister watched from a distance as he looked up at the statue of the knight, then held the sun sword in both hands, as if he wanted to chop the air with some uneasiness. But he did not do so immediately. Instead, he held the sword in one hand and summoned the big sword with silver moonlight in his other hand.

Shade took a deep breath. Although he didn't know whether he could succeed, he still had to try after all:

"Death's Door!"

The two big swords slashed forward at the same time, and at the same time, the spirit in the body drained away quickly. Usually, opening the door of death is as easy as opening the door of a home, but this time Shade felt like he was opening the damaged door downstairs in his home in "The Past and the Sixth Era".

But fortunately, as the two big swords left two light traces, one gold and one silver, in the air, a dark crack still appeared between the two light traces.

The thaumaturgy "Death's Door" opens a one-way passage, so the power on the other side of the crack will not affect Shade's location. But when he saw the peaceful beach through the crack, saw the dark water, and saw the thousands of souls patrolling towards the half-sinking moon, Shade immediately felt a chill to his bones.

This coolness was definitely not a psychological illusion, but a reality, because even the cat on Shade's shoulder barked in dissatisfaction.

"It's okay, it's okay."

The heat and sunshine of the desert were resisting this cold power, and the gaping gaps continued to consume Shade's spirit. So he quickly picked up the stone statue, took two steps back, accelerated forward, and then threw the statue into the crack with a sudden force.

Because the force was strong enough, the statue flew over the beach and crashed directly into the calm water. Shade even saw a circle of ripples appear on the water.

"It turns out that this water surface really exists below."

Shade had never seen anything sink to the bottom in the waters of death, and just when he was thinking this, in the middle of the spreading ripples, the figure of a man wearing armor and holding a long sword appeared flickeringly. .

The knight turned around, stood at the edge of the water, bowed slightly to Shade outside the crack, and then waved goodbye. The armor on his body was disintegrating, revealing the original appearance of his soul. The petrified body sleeps under the water, and only the soul leaves towards the "end".

"Goodbye! Let the demons be dealt with by the people of this era!"

Shade also waved his hand at the figure. Just as he was about to close the crack that continued to consume souls, he suddenly saw something flying straight over from the man's hand. It was obviously a one-way passage, but the flying object actually flew into Sha De's hands.


Subconsciously catching it, Shade looked at the petrified sword in his hand in surprise. When he looked up again, the ancient knight had already set off towards the dark moon in the distance together with thousands of souls.

The dark crack slowly closed, and the khaki aura on the petrified sword penetrated into Shade's body. "She" reminded softly:

[Outlander, you have experienced a "miracle". 】

【Foreigners, you have learned that "the power of the earth protects all things". At the cost of connecting his body and soul to the earth and turning into a stone statue, he can achieve a certain "miracle" to a limited extent in a certain area. The power and effect of the miracle are related to the strength of his own soul. You need to believe in the ancient gods; you need casting materials, high-level alchemy materials such as Philosopher's Stone/Blood of Mercury/Blood Essence of All Things to shape life. 】

"Let me just say, this is basically a sacrificial ceremony, but the effect is really... Wait, what can I do with this ability? Do you think I can do it in the future?"

"She" continued to smile and said in Shade's ear:

[Outlander, because you have extremely high resistance to petrification, and have the blessing of the earth and part of your origin, you cannot use this thaumaturgy. 】

[This thaumaturgy has special characteristics. You can pass it on to only one person. After passing it on, you will lose the thaumaturgy. 】

Shade nodded, looked at the stone sword in his hand that had lost its power and turned into an ordinary stone, sighed softly and then patted little Mia on the head.

The moonlight sword in his left hand dispersed, and he waved his hand towards the sand. For some reason, the glowing armor reorganized into the shape of a lion and stood on the sand. Shade took an inquiring look at the armor parts, threw out the armor's storage box and stored them away. He breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they could still be turned into toys.

"Let's go back."

He walked quickly towards the ladies who were waiting for him, feeling glad that his outing for investigation was finally over.

Although it was still unbearably hot on the way back, at least this time we didn't encounter any other conditions. Little Mia still acted very happy, and Shade not only had to walk at the end of the team to ensure that Miss Knight did not fall behind, but also kept the coffin containing the trophies flying around them.

Fortunately, Miss Meister would help from time to time, otherwise Shade would feel that returning would take more time.

The blue-haired mermaid girl who came to greet the three of them waved and shouted from a distance as soon as she spotted them above the sand dunes. Soon after meeting her who came to greet her, the group finally successfully returned to the Sun Temple.

Entering the shade covered by the temple, Shade sat down on the bench and felt like he never wanted to get up again. When Miss Knight struggled to take off her own armor, Shade felt that the metal armor was already hot and smoking.

"Really brought it back."

Shade once again looked at the petrified heart that was temporarily put aside by the female knight. It was brought out by her from the illusion, just like the wreath brought out by Granny Siam Nord from the illusion of bones, which is still in the old elf's mind. Wearing it on my head, the flowers are still bright as if they had just been picked.

The illusion of the desert is very special. Even Shade sometimes can't tell whether it is real or fake. But fortunately, he doesn't need to distinguish clearly.

"But, this can also be considered a heart of stone, right?"

He was thinking about it, but he didn't think about taking it as his own.

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