Whispering Verse

Chapter 2334 Legacy

"Wait, the light will not melt the light. If the warm sun's rays on this armor are sustainable, then can this armor help the wearer resist the special light that appears in the Sixth Age to a certain extent?"

Shade thought in his mind, and because of the addition of the miraculous element, the current armor has also undergone some changes.

In addition to the warm sunlight emitting from itself, Shade could tell with just a simple touch that the physical defense and defense against spells of this armor had been slightly enhanced.

"Since you don't know what happened to it, why not leave it to continue to be exposed to the sunlight and take it away with you next time you leave?"

The old elf suggested again. Shade thought about it and felt that this was a good idea. Although he had never actively left any items in the past time and space, even if he failed, the worst he could do was that the armor would go back with him.

It was inappropriate to place the armor at the entrance of the temple. Shade looked around and selected the altar deep in the temple.

However, after all, this altar was once a sacrificial tool for the Sun God, so Shade prayed carefully first, and then laboriously moved the altar so that half of it was under the sun to all of it.

After doing this, the armor box was moved to the altar.

Originally, Shade wanted to expose the various parts of the armor to as much sunlight as possible, so he opened the box. But then I thought about it, Grandma Siam and the others still have to live here. If the armor can really stay, they will inevitably feel bored looking at this lion-shaped armor every day. Then he thought that he didn't really need to make the armor powerful anyway, his own body was strong enough.

Therefore, what was finally placed on the altar was the armor box in its closed form. Among the "smiling sun pattern", "sword and shield", "golden lion" and "woman's face surrounded by curved patterns" on the side walls of the box, the one facing the slanting sunlight is the "smiling sun pattern".

After doing this, white mist has already surrounded Sha De's body.

Shade held little Mia in his arms and formally said goodbye to the ladies:

"Granny Siam, Miss Sandel, Miss Meister, and Miss Knight, I'm leaving again. During my absence, I will investigate the pattern of the door drawn by Miss Sandel. You should also do your best. Ready to explore together.”

"Okay, feel free to leave."

The old elf said with a smile. Miss Meister just sat there and nodded to Shade. Miss Sandel and Miss Knight sent Shade to the door of the temple together, watching Shade holding the one with the tail on fire. The cat traveled deep into the desert until it completely disappeared.

The two of them returned to the chairs and sat down. After sitting down, they felt that they didn't want to talk or do anything else. After Shade and the cat left, they seemed to take away all the life in the temple, but it was more like they brought life.

Now there are only four people left here, and the souls that have been consumed by a long time have fallen silent again. Although I still have to prepare for Shade's next return and final adventure, there is plenty of time anyway.

Miss Knight looked at the stone heart placed next to her, while Miss Sandel looked up at the metal box on the altar illuminated by the sun in the depths of the temple.

The golden box shone in the sunlight. She stared at this scene blankly, and suddenly felt that this box with armor matched the temple so well. When it was placed on the altar and illuminated by the sun, the mermaid girl even felt that this scene was completely natural, more natural than the most beautiful coral underwater.

"It seems like that's how it should be."

She was completely unaware that her eyes were dyed gold by the golden luster on the box, and Granny Siam and Miss Knight did not see her standing up unconsciously and walking toward her like a moth trying to pounce on the flame. That box.

Fortunately, after the mermaid girl took the first step, Miss Meister, who was sitting next to her, reached out and gave her a hand.

The blue-haired girl sat down immediately, then gasped and lowered her head. Suddenly he turned to look at the lady with light brown skin and whispered:

"Thank you, I just said. That box is so beautiful."

Although the others didn't know what happened, they all looked at the gold box left by Shade. No one spoke, and the solemn atmosphere that suddenly rose in the quiet temple made even ordinary Miss Knight feel a little unable to breathe.

After waiting for a while, the old elf took the initiative and said:

"Don't go exploring, we are just here to find the 'Heart of the Oasis'. If we can leave here safely, there won't be many remaining memories. It's better not to know some things. This is not something you should be exposed to. Don't try to understand , don’t try to feel, don’t think about anything.”

The blue-haired girl nodded ignorantly, but when she lowered her head to look at her feet, she quietly raised her eyes and looked at the box again.

For mermaids in the deep sea, the warm sunlight is something they rarely come into contact with. Compared with the blazing sun in the desert, this box is obviously more warm and comfortable.

In the year 1853 of the Sixth Age, it was early Monday morning on the 28th of the Thunder Moon.

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】


As Shade appeared from the door holding the cat that had not turned into a toy and returned to the present time with him, the red-haired duchess walked forward, put her arms around Shade's shoulders, and danced as if She pulled him around in a circle, then leaned over slightly to let Shade bend back, and then kissed him.

The extremely cold breath was sent from the witch's mouth into Shade's mouth, and Shade, whose whole body was burning, gradually felt that his body temperature returned to normal little by little.

But he didn't notice that the witch opened her eyes and looked forward, so both Luvia and Dorothy gave her a cheering gesture.

Because they were kissing, it was not easy to smile, but Carina Cavendish still stretched one hand down as planned, and then

"Oh! What are you doing!"

Shade separated from her in panic and protested.

"The temperature is indeed high. Oh, you are so energetic early in the morning, Shade, your reaction is really fast."

The witch said calmly, and then kissed Shade unreasonably again to help him continue to lower his body temperature.

It took a long time for the two to separate. The red-haired witch said firmly to the two girls standing next to her:

"The guess is correct, the temperature of the whole body is indeed rising. If any of you are interested, you can give Shade the key next time after he ends his adventure."

"Please stop talking!"

Shade interrupted her, so Carina smiled and shook her head, and then kissed the side of his face very affectionately. The smell of the witch's perfume has spread around Shade. To be honest, he is actually very happy to be able to smell this scent that cheers him up immediately after experiencing the harsh environment.

Luvia smiled and changed the subject:

"Okay, okay, sit down and tell us a story. Of course, before telling the story, you'd better explain why little Mia's tail is on fire."

Shade turned to look over his shoulder. The cat's tail was still on fire. However, little Mia didn't care much about it. When she returned to her familiar and comfortable home, she showed greater comfort than in the desert:

"Little Mia has evolved. I mean, it's better to tell the story first."

The second adventure in the Golden Sand Sea was more complicated than the first, because Miss Meister didn't do much this time, so Shade could describe most of the details.

Female knights, earth powers, illusions, demons, golden armor and of course, the cat on fire cannot be forgotten.

And when Shade mentioned that little Mia's power was further increasing and could now spit out small flames, Dorothy actually glanced at the cat lying on the coffee table with great concern.

Just as Shade thought, the flame on Little Mia's tail was not very hot and would not easily ignite furniture, so it didn't matter if she was allowed to walk around on her own.

"So you managed to keep that armor?"

After Shade finished telling the story, Miss Writer asked again, and Shade nodded:

"At least I didn't find that the armor came back with me. I'm not worried about the armor coming back now, I'm worried that I won't be able to bring it back next time.

After all, for my time exploration, except for the necessary items for the mission, other items with extraordinary power cannot travel between two times. That armor is glowing now, and I'm worried that the next time I go back, I won't even be able to turn it into a toy. "

"After all, it was given to you by Miss Gothe, so you cherish it, don't you?"

The Duchess asked. Shade suspected that she was teasing, but he still explained:

"This is one of the very few pieces of evidence that proves to me that Miss Gold is a real person."

"You see, not only does he still suspect that his cat is not normal, he has even begun to suspect that the cat's owner is not normal either."

So Miss Carina smiled and said to Dorothy, and Miss Writer comforted her:

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this now. If that suit of armor belongs to you, you will definitely get it back. At least this experiment was successful, right? You left an ordinary item in the past."

"Actually, there were similar things before, such as the flowers for Miss Feliana, and Fiona had a coat of mine. Ahem, take a look at this pattern."

He drew on the paper the pattern that Miss Sandel had seen on the door of the human head and mouth when she was running wildly in the middle of the night.

Miss Carina, Luvia and Dorothy all picked up the piece of paper and looked at it, but no one saw what it was:

"Let us help you investigate. There will always be clues in the Witch Council, Zarath Academy of Literature, and the Prophet's Association. The girls in Moon Bay are preparing to face the dragon, and we can also help you in Tobesk."

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