Whispering Verse

Chapter 2337 Iluna’s warning

"It doesn't matter. The nun will come sooner or later. It's more important to deal with her own affairs first."

Shade said, while Miss Aurora turned her head behind her hands and continued to look at Shade:

"Actually, I don't quite understand the significance of the 'Primal Fire', but the Speaker attaches great importance to the nuns. This time I accompanied Sister Devlin to the New World as she ordered. The Speaker said at the time, 'Hands down. All the things in there, the things of the Primeval Fire are more important than anything else'."

Shade frowned slightly. Regarding the "primordial fire", all he knew was that the flame came from the beginning or even before. Miss Isabella's attitude seemed to indicate that there was an unknown connection between the flame and the Witch Council.

Miss Aurora suddenly stopped, winked at Shade and said:

"My shoes are wet and really uncomfortable. Can you help me take them off?"


Shade then knelt down on one knee on the beach. Miss Aurora pursed her lips and raised her right foot slightly, looking down at Shade as he took off her purple buttoned low-heeled shoe, and then her left The foot.

Then Shade did not turn the shoes into toys, but took out a rope from his pocket - he had everything in his pocket, tied the two shoes together with the rope and put it on his shoulders, and then put his coat on the same The position covers the shoes.

The brown-haired witch smiled slightly, hid her feet under her skirt again, and continued to move forward with Shade while stepping on the slightly warm sea water. However, she quietly stretched out her hand to Shade, and then hooked up with Shade's hand.

"When we were in the New World, we often contacted the Congress and learned about John Flynn and the [New World Mutual Aid Association]. Before leaving the New World, we did some research and found that the Congress had no contact with the [New World Mutual Aid Association] before. This time we relied on An investigation conducted by the connections of the Avora family.”

"Is that John Flynn also famous among the ring warlocks in the New World?"

Shade asked, and the witch holding his hand nodded slightly:

"Yes, although his level is still in the middle, but because of the [Wind King's Sword], he is actually very powerful in combat. People think highly of him and think that he and his team are truly righteous people. Together they execute the mission in the New World They have done many tasks and helped many people. They are quite capable.

The only mistake he made recently was when he went to Tobesk alone earlier this year to intercept an angel-level relic transported from the New World. He encountered a very dangerous team. "

As he said this, he looked at Shade, who laughed:

"Yes, he met our group in Tobesk. At that time, we received a mission from the academy to escort and guard the dangerous relic. That was during the Green Lake incident. At that time, I did not expect that it would happen again. Met him. However, we can talk about John Flynn later. Now tell me about your experiences in the New World. I like to hear stories like this."

Before the two left the beach that morning, they stopped talking about serious matters. Holding hands and looking at the sea view together, Miss Aurora was concerned about Shade's recent life, and Shade asked her about other stories from her time in the New World.

So when the two of them returned to Belindle Manor holding hands at noon, the Countess, who saw the two figures on the second floor terrace, said to Miss Eleser beside her:

"Look at the two of them, their relationship must be abnormal!"

Miss Matilda behind her blinked, thinking that the earl was a little out of sorts. The blue dragon girl asked curiously:

"But they were not just ordinary friends in the first place."

"I mean, they went to the beach in the morning and must have done something."

Miss Elise just covered her mouth and chuckled, while the countess stared at the two holding hands and continuing to walk towards here. She couldn't control other places, but this was her home, her house, and she couldn't let the witches do "shameless" things here.

Shade had lunch with everyone at noon that day, and the green dragon scale and other dragon scales were also discussed at the lunch table. These dragon scales have similar properties, and they all have strong miraculous elements. Each one can give other people the power of dragons. Even if they cannot resonate with each other to produce dragon language runes, these scales that are suspected to be related to the ancient god [Dragon of Light] are themselves very precious treasures.

During lunch, Shade also announced another thing:

"Luvia will probably come to Moon Bay in the next few days, Miss Belindel. She will also live here then. I would also like to trouble you to instruct the maids to clean up the room in advance."

No one else reacted at all. Even Emilia and the little unicorn knew Luvia, but the countess sat up straight:

"Luvia Anat? Yes, I have heard you mention this lady many times. She is also a fortune teller, and we will have a common language."

The highly competitive countess planned to make good preparations. Because she did not know Shade's true identity, she was unprepared when Miss Sylvia and Miss Benenice arrived. But this time, since she knew the other party's identity in advance, she wanted to prove that the one who came early was not necessarily the best.

So after lunch, Shade returned to Tobesk as arranged and participated in this year's Holy Prayer Festival at Dawn Church. He was scheduled to speak and, together with a host of Tobesk's notables, visited the church and made collective donations.

In the evening, Shade also participated in the distribution of Holy Communion with the August priest, and said goodbye to the people in the church when the lights of Dawn Square were first lit.

Priest August put Shade into the carriage. After Shade entered the carriage, he reached out and shook hands with the priest outside:

"Priest, I wish you a pleasant journey ahead."

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Detective."

The Feast of Holy Prayer in Tobesk diocese was able to go on peacefully, but Yuewan diocese was not so lucky. Early on Tuesday morning, when Shade met Iluna at Belindel Manor, she sent new information:

"Now, except for normal religious activities, the local Dawn Church has stopped all other activities. The Dawn Church has sent a new team from the Holy See to isolate and examine all local ring warlocks."

"Including Mr. Joshua Brooklyn, the 'Glorious Hand'? Is that the Thirteenth Ring? He shouldn't betray, right?"

Miss Aurora asked curiously, and Iluna shook her head:

"I don't know. Even I can't find out the current situation of that gentleman. Some people say that he has returned to the Holy See, and the Dawn Church will send a new Thirteen Rings to guard Yuewan. But now there are all kinds of theories. When I come to Yuewan, I heard from Shade before I heard that the clergy in the City of Fortune might have some minor problems, but I didn’t expect that it would turn out like this in the end.”

She put the cookie to her mouth and took a bite:

"Also, Shade, you need to make your vampire friends be careful. Although the attack on Sunday night is a large-scale fire in the city and a pirate attack to ordinary people, the church treats vampires and cultists Put them in an equally dangerous position."

She shook the biscuit at the cat who was looking at her. The cat, whose tail flame had gone out, turned around in disgust and changed its position to lie down. Iluna smiled and shook her head:

"Last year's incident of God's descent in Middle Fort. Although the evil god's arrival did not have any impact on Middle Fort and Sikal Mountain, the church still believed that the [Vampire Order] must have a conspiracy. Now something like this happened in Yuewan The church is very suspicious that some vampires are going to break the secret agreement that has lasted for nearly a thousand years."

Shade fed half of the biscuit in his hand to little Mia:

"I will tell them to be careful, but my friends are actually more inclined to think that it was the vampires in the New World who did this. As you know, there are many vampires in the [Blood Spirit School]."

"The church doesn't care so much. Now, as long as a vampire ring warlock dares to show up, he must first go to the church to live for a month. Oh, Miss Aurora, the church is also looking for you and wants to talk to you about the information about vampires. Of course. , I also want to find the God Summoner and ask if her ability to summon the moonlight sword after turning into a dragon is related to this chosen one ceremony."

The eighteen-year-old girl said to the brown-haired witch again, who pointed at Shade:

"Can't you just ask him?"

Shade shook his head:

"It's not appropriate to talk too much about dragon roars, and I don't know much about vampires. I'll go see my friends again later, hoping to gain something. Iluna, what are you going to do next?"

"Participate in the investigation of the Holy Sword and the investigation of the seven major families. The church is promoting 'cooperation' with the seven major local families. It basically means entering every manor and searching. Although the nobles are opposed, you also know that if the church If you really want to do something, the nobles can’t stop you.”

"So what does the Church know now about the Chosen Ceremony of the Seventh Chosen One?"

"The matter of drawing the sword is basically clear. The Zhengshen Church has naturally preserved a few 'holy swords' and is now coordinating their transportation to the local area for backup. However, I feel that these swords have not been deeply involved in the 'story' of Yuewan." , probably of no use.

In addition, the number seven is mentioned in the fragments of the poem preserved by the Zaras Academy of Literature. The church believes that the candidates for the election may also come from the seven major local families. In short, they are the focus of the recent investigation. "

Iluna swallowed the last bite of biscuits, clapped her hands and stood up:

"I'll go back if I don't have anything else to do. I have to lead a team to the countryside to investigate the local dragon legend. I will also attend a seminar on 'Special Lights' in the evening. The church is trying to find a universal method to prevent those dangerous lights. .Now that the phenomenon of light melting and self-ignition has appeared frequently in all parts of the material world, we cannot leave it alone."

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