Whispering Verse

Chapter 2343 Bloody Prophecy

Although Miss Belindel seemed to have a special reaction to Luvia's purple eyes, she did not refuse to divine the letters with Luvia afterwards.

Of course, she did not use Shade's statement that "Louvia assists you", but claimed that this was a collaboration between two diviners.

Shade didn't know much about diviners and couldn't help much, so he didn't participate in their final preparations. But at least the outcome of this matter was very good. The Great Witch of Destiny teamed up with Luvia and really saw something from those letters.

Everyone discussed this matter at the lunch table that day. When she sat down at the long table in her restaurant, Miss Belindel glanced at Shade and Luvia, only to find that Shade was busy controlling them. The cat was staying, while Luvia was greeting the little unicorn.


The answer given by Luvia is clear:

"Those letters come from fate-type relics. Bella's crystal ball showed signs before it exploded. We determined that the vague pattern represents a 'sage-level relic'."

"Sage level (level 2)?"

The elf girl frowned:

"The relic that I met in Tobesk and sent me a letter was not at the sage level, but it was already very troublesome."

Shade was surprised that Luvia directly called the witch by her name, but the countess didn't show any surprise at all:

"Luvia and I are also surprised by this result. I have lived in Moon Bay for so many years, and the total number of sage-level and angel-level relics I have encountered since childhood is not more than this month."

"What kind of relic is it specifically? It just has the characteristics of sending a letter. I can't think of what it is specifically."

Miss Aurora also asked, and the countess shook her head:

"There are angel-level or sage-level relics related to the power of destiny. It is impossible for the two of us to see what the other party is. But Luvia was really helpful. We got three tips. Shade, you Follow these tips to investigate.”

She also called Luvia by her name. Shade looked at the purple-eyed fortune teller, who smiled at Shade:

"The first one comes from the message that my obsidian pendulum pendant pointed out on the Ouija board: Monsters that suck blood will die in the night. I also saw some blurry pictures at the time, and Tifa drew pictures based on my dictation. Down."

"it's here."

The black-haired maid unfolded the oil painting she drew at the dining table. Everyone frowned at the woman outlined by blood in the picture. This was an obvious ominous sign.

"Tifa, your painting skills are really good. But what does that sword mean? If I am thinking correctly, Luvia's Ouija board should refer to the fact that Lady Jude will be killed by the person who sent the letter at night. Something kills?”

Shade asked, and the countess nodded:

"Yes, and this is something that will happen in the near future. The second clue comes from my [Special Painting Divination Card] and Luvia's standard dip pen provided by the Seer Association: We saw a painting, a barn, Blood, clouds covering the moon.”

She handed the divination card with a special picture to Shade. It was painted directly with the dip pen, but the color was quite full, and the dark tones painted the exterior of the barn in the picture very finely.

"Is this pointing to a real location?"

Agelina on the side asked curiously:

"I heard that fortune tellers can directly find the corresponding location by relying on photos and drawings of real places."

Miss Swift corrected her with a smile:

"The location divined by this kind of relic divination card is just an image and not a reality. Agelina, remember, divination will not directly give exact information. That is not divination, that is omniscience."

Here Agelina is just an ordinary follower of the witch, or a "family member" of Shade, so no one will call her "Your Highness".

"The barn may have been the site of the murder."

Shade nodded:

"Where's the last message?"

"The unjust will surely die."

Luvia said, and Miss Belindel nodded:

"This is the last message before the ritual matrix was burned down, pointing to the characteristics of the relic."

"What kind of characteristic is this?"

Miss Aurora raised her eyebrows, but Shade thought of more things after frowning:

"Is it a fool to pursue justice paranoidly?"

He is not asking others to answer this question, but he feels that he finally knows what "desire" wants to solve by himself.

Shade still lacks other clues, so he plans to start the investigation after meeting Mr. Bernhardt tomorrow morning. If this matter is really related to what "desire" tells him to do, then it must be handled with more caution.

That "Madeline's Love" involves the former followers of the "Mermaid", so if the relics sent in the letter are related to "Madeline", he might know something about "Desire" that Shade doesn't know. .

Shade had been in Moon Bay all afternoon. He originally planned to go around the city, not only to see the situation of the city after the disaster, but also to relax and think about the conversation in his dream last night.

But before he could leave the manor, Miss Benenice hurried up in a carriage. She pulled Shade's sleeve and pulled him to a remote part of the corridor on the second floor:

"I also saw the pattern that you asked us to investigate before you left yesterday. Shade, are you sure that the pattern is what you took out?"

She was referring to the pattern on the mouth "door" of the giant human head that Shade and Granny Siam Nord went to in the adventure of "Golden Sand Sea".

Shade nodded in surprise:

"At least that's what people told me, what, is there a problem?"

"I am the witch of the earth. I inherit not only power, but also some secret knowledge that belongs to this seat that no one else knows. Yes, neither Megan nor Audrey, the 'secretkeepers' of the parliament, know about it. "

The blond female opera singer frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about how to express:

"If you can, Shade, I don't want you to go behind that door."

"But Miss Benanis, you know, it's impossible for me not to go. This is an adventure of time, a task given to me by the tree father. Although the tree father will not have any punishment for failure of the task such as 'obliteration', I We can’t really think that Father Tree’s preference for me is unreasonable. Besides, there are three ladies who need my help, and I promise them that I will help them.”

Shade leaned against the wall of the corridor and saw the witch pouting slightly and her golden eyes looking dissatisfied:

"Shad, call me by another name."

"Okay, Vanessa, you know, there's no way I'm not going."

Then she nodded:

"You will call me this from now on, both of us. You actually call me by my last name."

She moved slightly closer to Shade, with a very gentle expression in her golden eyes:

"I know you won't give up, you always do, so just listen to me -

Even the witch of the earth cannot purify all the filth. Even before the Sixth Era, there were many areas in the material world that were thought to never return to normal. It is not just the changes in the land caused by the distortion of the land like the Randall Valley, but also the changes in the land caused by evil objects, relics and even gods.

The witches of the earth have the responsibility of monitoring the earth in the fifth era. If they encounter a similar dangerous area, they need to use the power of the parliament to seal it or separate it from the material world as a whole. According to records, this does not require the assistance of other witches, and it seems to be very convenient to operate. "

She paused briefly:

"Of course, in the sixth era, I didn't have such a powerful ability."

After all, the [Witches' Council] in the Sixth Age is also declining, and the great witches are not powerful enough, so some of the functions of the council are not open to them.

"So you're saying that behind the pattern I drew is actually the contaminated area sealed by a certain earth witch?"

Shade asked. None of the ladies he met during this adventure were the Great Witches of the Council, so it was normal not to recognize them. Of course, Miss Meister must have known her, but she just didn't say anything.

"Yes, it can be considered dangerous by those earth witches who are at least thirteenth level. I can't imagine what will happen next. But since it is useless to stop you, I will tell you how to open the seal."

She took out her small notebook from her pocket and opened the one with the abstract pattern:

"Although it is a seal, because you may need to enter and exit in the future, this seal is definitely not impossible to open. The witches of the earth can open the seal themselves, but I cannot follow you."

As he spoke, he pursed his lips:

"As for other means, different methods need to be used for different seals. Generally speaking, the power of the ancient gods is needed as a key to unlock this type of seal. Don't think this is an exaggeration. The places that can be sealed must be unusual. As for the seal you drew, judging from the shape, the corresponding keys require four keys to take effect: sun, light, moon, and earth."

"Is it a magical item that contains the power of these four ancient gods?"

"It doesn't have to be a magical item, it can also be a symbol."

As he said that, he took out a small cat-shaped clay statue from his pocket and gave it to Shade:

"Take this. I made it with my own power. It can be used to represent the earth. This way there is no need to waste the Holy Grail, and there is no need to go to the 'Guardians' to ask for the fragments of the Heart of the Earth."

Shade looked at her, and the witch looked at him:

"What, what do you mean by looking at me like that?"

The little finger painted with red nail polish hooked the broken hair beside his ear, and then slowly brought his face closer to Shade:

"If you dare to say thank you, I will definitely make you look good, Shade."

"Yes, Benani Vanessa, can I express my gratitude with a kiss?"

She was satisfied when she heard Shade call her name, then she smiled and put her arms around Shade's neck, pressing him against the wall:

"Yes, of course."

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