Whispering Verse

Chapter 2345 Investigation of three people

"The Chosen One?"

On the terrace, Emilia, who was talking to Luvia alone, felt a little relieved after she finished talking. The girl with pointed ears looked at the city lit by gas lights on the terrace, and looked at the night sky shrouded in black fog. It was clear that she had projected herself to the clan's holy land before, and when asked by Grandma Qisara, her answer was that she still didn't want to be the chosen one. But when faced with Luvia's inquiry at this time, she did not refuse immediately.

I thought of the tragedy in the city I saw when I went out with Shade on Sunday night, I thought of the burning city and the monsters in the sky, and I thought of the two statues of elven warriors I saw in the creek at the foot of Vulture Mountain not long ago. She felt that her thoughts seemed to have changed:

"I still don't want to take it, but if you need me, I'll draw the sword again. Can I think about it?"

"Of course, you have time to think until the last minute."

Luvia said very gently and patted her shoulder:

"Shad doesn't want to involve you, and I don't want you to fall into the whirlpool of fate. We will protect you, Emilia."

The long-haired figure that they couldn't see was leaning on the railing and looking at the scenery of Yuewan. She listened to the conversation between herself and Emilia, sighing in her heart that all of this was ultimately because of Shade's change.

After Wednesday, it was Thursday. When Shade got up from Miss Carina's red-haired entanglement early in the morning, he realized that today was the 31st day of the Thunder Moon, and July was coming to an end.

The end of July means that half of the traditional summer in Tobesk has passed. This summer left Shade with many memories, and the most important thing is that this summer was really cold.


The red-haired duchess woke up lazily and pointed at the curtains. As the curtains opened, the gray Tobesk morning scenery with light snow appeared in front of her. The sound of the cat knocking on the door was heard outside, followed by Dorothy's voice:

"Xia De, get up quickly! Is it that woman who won't let you get up?"

It seems that she is not the writer but the princess.

"If you don't feel well, don't blame me."

Carina smiled and said to the door, then she also sat up, hugged Shade and kissed him gently as a morning greeting. The body of a witch is really special. Even if she wakes up early in the morning without washing, she still has a charm that ordinary girls cannot match.

[Angel's Right Arm] is currently being held in Belindle Manor. Shade took [Night Watcher] and [Madeline's Love] with him that day before setting off for Moon Bay. He still entered the city from the St. George Stone Bridge and watched along the way as the city gradually recovered from the riots last Sunday.

When I brought little Mia to Belindel Manor, I found that the big witches were not there, but Luvia and Miss Elise were standing on the second floor terrace chatting with teacups in their hands.

When the blue dragon girl faced Luvia, she was still a little reserved for some reason, but after Shade came, they also told Shade the new news:

"You need to be careful when you go out today. Miss Belindel said that the police will be searching the whole city today to arrest the gangsters who tried to break into the core city of Yuewan during the turmoil last weekend."

"But aren't most of the gangs in Moon Bay controlled by the Hawthorne family and the Black family?"

Shade asked curiously, Luvia shook her head:

"In addition, there were seven 'light melting' incidents in Moon Bay last night. I followed Miss Eleser and Miss Belindle early in the morning to see the scene of the crime closest to here. The deceased was on the City Parliament Square. Two cleaners. The problem is quite serious. Not only did the body and clothes of the deceased completely disappear this time, even a circular area with a radius of more than 30 feet in the square was affected."

"The church got ideas from your dragon spell and tried to restore the glowing land to normal by absorbing light. But the current progress is not very ideal, so if you see a very big building in the square for a while, Please don’t be surprised by the unexpected temporary cabin.”

Miss Eleser also said, and Shade looked at the Belindel Big Ben not far away from the terrace:

"The restlessness and restlessness in this city have become like a volcano gathering strength."

"Oh, Miss Belindel asked us to tell you that the church is trying to contact you through the [Witches' Council] again. This time they mainly want to ask you if there is a way to expel those alien lights."

Miss Long said again:

"We know that your [Power of the Earth·Healing Aura] and Dragon Spell: Sword of Light are both fine, but you shouldn't be interested in appearing in front of the church, right?"

Shade shook his head decisively:

"It is better to let him or her solve the matter after the chosen one who has received the light appears. It should be soon. Now the five holy swords are gathered in Moon Bay, and the final battle is coming."

"It's six."

Luvia corrected:

"I had a conversation with Emilia alone last night. She said that the Yuexi clan has an angelic relic sword [Ocarina of Time] in its collection. That is the Blade of Time, which is contained in the Holy Tree, but if Emilia speaks to the clan, and the sword will arrive at Moon Bay tomorrow.”

She asked Shade with her eyes if she needed the sword to come here, but Shade just shook his head:

"Don't involve Amelia easily, at least not yet. She doesn't have the determination of Sister Devlin, Iluna, the guardian of the earth, nor does she have the determination of Grace, Helen, Dorothy, and Lacey. With such a special opportunity like Ya, her status as the chosen one will overwhelm her."

"No problem, everything is decided by you. You are the master of this family."

Her purple eyes showed a gentle look, and Miss Long beside her coughed. When she saw both of them looking at her, she said with her hands behind her back:

"Shade, don't worry so much. I still have the dragon spell that Miss Violet asked me to teach you. Although it cannot help you defeat the gods, it should be able to handle other situations. ."

Luvia plans to visit Moon Bay with Miss Elise again. She seems to have a lot of topics to talk about with the blue dragon girl. And when they heard that they were going to take a boat to visit the offshore islands today, the elf girl and the little princess also went together.

This gives the little unicorn more opportunities to walk outside. Compared to cities, the church's surveillance power is slightly weaker in offshore harbors.

As for Shad, after leaving little Mia in the care of Tifa, he went to the autopsy room at the end of Spider Alley to join Mr. Bernhardt.

Mr. Albert, the coroner, was also waiting for them, and he was to act with both men today. Nowadays, the life of the vampires in the city is becoming more and more precarious, and he wants to do his part.

"The divination of those letters has yielded results."

Shade brings good news, and Mr. Bernhardt's investigation has made significant progress. The three of them exchanged information in the autopsy room. The two vampires were surprised that the fortune teller Shade had found could divine such accurate information.

The information Mr. Bernhardt investigated surprised Shade even more:

"After my investigation around Mrs. Jude, I actually found that there are other living people who have received similar letters. They are all our kindred, and you know them. Captain Rudolph and Marquis Morson, the former has a good relationship with you, and the latter We judged him to be murderous."

"Weren't they alert after receiving the letter?"

"What are you wary of? They usually have many enemies, and those letters do not have special elements. In fact, if I hadn't taken the initiative to inquire and investigate, they wouldn't even realize that those letters were different from other letters."

Mr. Bernhard said, and Mr. Albert nodded:

"Although it is not easy to trace the corpses in downtown that died of heart disease, I have also found similar letters. Basically, we can connect those corpses that died of heart disease with Mrs. Jude's threatening letters. . Mr. Watson, fortunately you have always asked me to pay attention to those corpses, otherwise it would be really difficult to investigate.

So today the mission of the three of us is to meet Captain Rudolph and Marquis Molson together, and in the afternoon we will meet Mrs. Jude. Since the soothsayers say Lady Jude will be in danger at night, at least we don't need to worry about her safety during the day today. "

"Then let's set off now. Who should we go to first? The captain or the marquis?"

"I have sent a letter of visit, but the problem now is that the two of them are in different places. The Marquis is at the racecourse on the northern outskirts of the city, and the captain is on his ship in the harbor in the south of the city in the morning. Considering that we must not mess around in the city Flying, so the speed must be faster. Let’s go to the north of the city first, I heard that Princess Margaret is also there.”

Mr. Bernhar said, and Shade nodded to show that he had no objection. The coroner asked to change his clothes before going out, so the two waited for a while, and then saw Mr. Ptolemy Albert changing into a brand new brown burqa and carrying a crossbody on his shoulders. satchel.

Except that the burqa was a little newer than the one I originally wore at work, it was actually the same style.

Probably because he was worried that the smell of his body would affect others, when the three of them boarded the carriage, Shade also smelled the perfume sprayed on Mr. Albert's body. It wasn't the pungent perfume that Shade hated, and he asked the coroner for advice, who shared his own original formula for extracting floral scents.

Because the carriage had to leave the city from the St. George Stone Bridge in the north of the city, the three people in the carriage inevitably talked about the aftermath of the turmoil last weekend on the way.

The coroner, who was well-connected in the local police department, shared his experience:

"Ordinary people can only deal with ordinary people. The police have launched a large-scale operation against urban gangs in the past two days. I think they will be able to fill the prisons soon. However, the Hawthorne family and the Black family are surprisingly cooperative and even take the initiative to help in the city. We are looking for people here. Now, except for the dock gangs who have almost no losses, almost all the gangs in other areas of the city are involved."

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