Whispering Verse

Chapter 2347 Horse’s Heart

Because Margaret was sitting at the highest VIP seat, no one saw her waving except the maids and a few ladies around her. Shade actually wanted to respond to Margaret, but because conditions did not allow him, he finally just nodded.

So everyone got on the horse and got ready, and the host in the racecourse loudly announced the next temporary addition:

"We invite the 'Dark Executioner', 'The Despicable Stranger', 'The Arrogant Baron' and the undefeated legend of Silver Racecourse - 'Lucky Red Date Palm'!"

The nicknames for the three of them were definitely given intentionally by the Marquis, and he also changed the viscount into a baron. But from the fact that Marquis Molson also has a nickname, you can tell that this is definitely not the first time that he has turned into a horse and participated in horse racing activities.

This person's weirdness was somewhat beyond Shade's expectations.

Four horses carried four people and officially entered the track. Everyone lowered their bodies on the horses. After catching the sound of the starting gun in the shouts and cheers of the crowd in the audience, they almost rushed out of the starting point together.

Mr. Schade and Mr. Bernhardt are obviously better at riding horses than Mr. Albert, who works in the autopsy room all year round. But the superb skills could not cover up the shortcomings of the horse's quality. Even if the vampire servant did nothing, the maroon horse had already jumped to the front with him.

The sound of horse hooves could be heard incessantly. At the first turn of the circular track, Marquis Molson had already gained an overwhelming advantage over the three of them.

This race lasts two laps, so time and opportunity are fleeting. Shade, whose shoulders were almost level, looked at each other and Mr. Bernhardt looked at each other, and the latter recited a prayer very covertly using ventriloquism.

The holy symbol in his pocket immediately glowed slightly, but the blasphemous element was quite difficult to detect. So the maroon horse running in front suddenly slowed down for no apparent reason at the next bend, and was quickly caught up by the two people behind it. But after re-entering the straight track, the maroon horse once again showed its superb speed.

Because it could never be discovered by the audience, not only Mr. Bernhardt, but also Shade's "Psychic Explosion" and Marquis Morson's "Slowness Technique" in front were used very covertly.

The effects of these basic thaumaturgy and spells interacted with each other, allowing no one of the three to gain an overwhelming advantage in the following matches. On the contrary, Mr. Albert, who had been chasing at the end, was not left too far behind because he was not affected by the hidden "spell war" of the three.

But the distance between two laps was actually not much at all. The three people chasing each other in front still maintained the situation of Shade and Marquis Molson in the front, and Mr. Bernhardt was slightly behind but could catch up at any time. They sprinted into the sprint. The final acceleration straight.

The surrounding cheers almost drowned out the sound of the horse's hooves, and Mr. Bernhardt, who used secret techniques to stimulate the blood circulation of his mount, caught up directly. The horse suddenly accelerated and rushed to a position almost level with Marquis Molson.

The finish line could already be seen ahead, but Mr. Bernhardt did not reach the first place. Because the maroon horse actually turned its head to look at him and his horse while running, and it just looked at the black horse riding by Mr. Bernhardt, and the horse staggered and fell down in fear. On the ground.

Shade, who continued to move forward, heard the cry of the horse and Mr. Bernhardt's complaints as he rolled to the ground. He glanced back, but in fact he was not looking at Mr. Bernhardt, but at Mr. Bernhardt. He looked at Mr. Albert who was not far behind him.

"The plan is that Mr. Bernhardt and I will contain the Marquis, and if necessary, we can even 'die together' so that Mr. Albert can win the final victory."

"Despicable Stranger" repeated the plan in his mind, but instead of secretly using "Psychic Explosion" again, he used "Puppetry" at the last moment to completely control his mount.

No one noticed that the white horse's eyes suddenly became hollow, and then the horse suddenly accelerated forward as if to break through the limit, keeping pace with Marquis Molson.

The audience around the racecourse cheered again, and the maroon horse transformed by Marquis Morson turned its head again, wanting to use the "frightening technique" again. But the moment it turned its head, Shade, who was holding the reins with both hands, pointed his hand downwards quite naturally:

"Mind blast!"

The white horse that Shade was riding and the maroon horse that Marquis Morson transformed into staggered almost at the same time, but neither horse fell down in the end. But their deceleration finally allowed Mr. Albert at the rear to catch up, and the White Horse and Marquis Morson, who had recovered, also accelerated again at the same time.

The finish line was right in front of them. The three of them almost crossed the finish line together. This result made the onlookers even more excited:

"Who won?"

After crossing the finish line, Mr. Shade and Mr. Albert continued to ride forward for a while before letting their horses stop. They were about to turn around to see what result the referee gave, but they saw the jujube horse. The big red horse slowly took two steps forward, then suddenly fell sideways and fell on the track.


"what happened?"

Mr. Bernhardt, who finally crossed the finish line, jumped off his horse and asked, Shade immediately shook his head;

"I didn't hit hard just now. No! His heart sound was wrong! Heart disease! Get out of the way, I'm a veterinarian, no, I mean he is a veterinarian."

Shad took M. Albert's hand and rushed through the assembled crowd. The coroner hesitated for a moment, then announced loudly:

"Please spread out gentlemen, I'm a veterinarian, please spread out, I'm here to save him!"

(Little Mia is running.)

The noise in the distance still seemed to be the cheers in the racecourse, and the pain in the chest made people a little crazy.

When the maroon horse opened its eyes, it was already surrounded by familiar stables.

It did not get up immediately, but was wrapped in a scarlet light. In that ball of light, the human form of Marquis Morson appeared again. He unbuttoned his coat and shirt, looked down at his chest with obvious stitching marks, and then looked at the blood stains on the ground around him and the trolley that had not been pushed away. Various surgical instruments were put on the table, and finally he raised his head and looked at the three Shade people standing around with wide eyes:

"How long have I been unconscious? What happened? What happened?"

"You're having a heart attack."

Mr. Bernhardt said with his arms folded in front of his chest. Marquis Morson continued to stare while holding his still painful chest:

"Armand Bernhard, do you want to listen to what you said. Us? Heart attack?"

Vampires do not suffer from heart disease, which is also a racial advantage.

"It's definitely a heart attack."

Shade looked serious:

"I have heart-related thaumaturgy, Marquis. You should remember what happened at the end of the horse race. The tingling feeling in your heart is not the fault of any of us. You are an advanced vampire yourself. Please carefully recall the feeling at that time."

Then the middle-aged man with a fashionable moustache suddenly looked ugly, and Mr. Albert, who was still wearing a burqa, but with blood stains on his robe, said:

"If Mr. Watson hadn't used thaumaturgy to save you at that time, you would probably have become the first advanced vampire to pass away in the form of a horse. However, his thaumaturgy could not last long, so I performed an operation on you."

The coroner looked very professional, while Marquis Morson's pupils shrank slightly:

"Surgery? Wait, what did you do to me?"

"As long as you are not dead, even if you fall into a coma, you cannot automatically return to your original state. This is the basic principle of transformation."

Shade said:

"So we can only operate on the horse. Although there are professional veterinarians in this horse farm, you are still a vampire after transformation. We are worried that something will happen if the veterinarian comes into contact with your blood, so we can only ask Mr. Albert to come. You are lucky , this coroner. I mean he is very professional, he is good at all kinds of anatomy, ahem, in short, the bad news is that your original heart is completely necrotic."

"But it's a good thing you were in horse form."

Mr. Bernhardt showed a strange expression:

"It's hard to find a humanoid vampire's replaceable heart, but it's easy to find a horse's heart. After all, it's the most indispensable thing here."

"Wait a moment."

Marquis Molson then covered his forehead. After waking up, he suddenly received so much information. He really couldn't accept it:

"You said that in order to save me, you installed a horse's heart on me now?"

"don’t worry."

Mr. Bernhardt comforted him kindly:

"Our bloodline is very strong. After the horse heart enters your body, it will be automatically assimilated by our bloodline. So don't worry about your body functions weakening. You just need time to adapt to this new heart. ."

"By the way."

Shade didn't give him any time to think before continuing to introduce:

"Mr. Albert said that the heart is very suitable for your body, as if it was born for you. We are sure that this strange heart disease is related to the letter, but your luck helped you overcome it." A fatal threat. Speaking of which, it’s a good thing we arrived a little early, otherwise the heart would have been destroyed by yourself.”

The Marquis was startled, and then asked incredulously:

"Destroyed by myself? Where did that heart come from?"

Mr. Bernhardt, who was still holding his arms together, blinked:

"Isn't it obvious? It's the heart of the horse you were dealing with when we came here just now."

Marquis Morson took a breath and looked like he was about to faint. He covered his head and looked at the three of them again. Shade looked serious, Mr. Albert kept his mouth shut and did not speak. Only Mr. Bernhardt had a smile on his face:

"In other words, you put the heart of my lunch into my body? Are you kidding me? Am I being teased by fate? Wait, you three look at me, don't dodge your eyes. , are you kidding me?"

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