Whispering Verse

Chapter 2352 Captain’s Information

Amid people's excited whispers, two 20-sided dice were delivered to two people's hands respectively.

These are the ivory dice provided by Mrs. Frey for use inside the Parsifal Club. As for why such a high-end entertainment place has dice, Shade guessed that it was probably for the convenience of girls playing games.

The card game has entered its final stage here, and the captain seems very excited. So the two of them rolled the dice together, and then threw the dice with blue and red ink marks into the center of the table.

At this moment, everyone around them almost held their breath, and the squealing dice also met together in the center of the table.

Shade and the captain are both mid-ring warlocks and have very good control over power. The colliding dice almost bounced off the original path and finally came to rest next to their hands.

"How was it? Who won in the end?"

People at the back of the crowd who couldn't see the results of the dice were already anxiously asking the guests in front.

Captain Rudolph took a deep breath and rubbed his face with his hands. In front of him was his blue 5-point dice. As for the face in front of Shade, on the upward side, red ink was deeply immersed in the indentation of the small numerical symbol "20".

"This is mine."

Shade said, picking up the [Ancient Alchemy·Dragon Stone] that was just thrown on the table. As for the 75 kronor he won from this card game, Shade planned to donate it when he could. He still doesn't like gambling, so even if he participates in such activities, he won't keep the money.

"Speaking of which, there shouldn't be any tax on income from playing cards, right?"

The final showdown of the "Dice Duel" made everyone who watched the game very excited. Even if the local Oracle Association did not promote this classic card game, it would soon spread throughout the Moon Bay through bystanders.

At this point, the Rhodes match held in the Parsifal Club officially ended. Mrs. Frey even held a small awards ceremony, where the girls from the club presented awards to the three semi-finalists.

In addition to the bonuses the three of them received, the gorgeous woman with a feather fan also announced that the three of them would receive a 10% discount on any future purchases at the club.

Although Shade was happy that he got a new card, he felt that if the girls at home knew about it, he would be laughed at for a long time.

After the card game ended, Mrs. Frey also told Shade the origin of [Ancient Alchemy·Dragon Stone] as agreed. However, unlike the [Holy Sword·Dragon-Slaying Sword] which was actively sold by the dead businessman, the card that Xia De acquired was actually hidden in the businessman's home when he died:

"The gang searched his house and failed to find the three cards. Instead, the police who subsequently searched the crime scene found it. However, the two police officers obviously had other ideas, so they secretly hid the cards. As for how it ended up in my hands, the seller they finally found owed me a favor but couldn't repay it. When they decided to move away from Yuewan after last weekend, they gave this card to me for free.

Originally, I was expecting a capable person like you to buy the information about this card from me. After I went to him to buy the card, he proposed that you return my favor as a reward for buying the card, so that I can Let you do something for me. What a pity~”

The gorgeous Mrs. Frey covered the lower half of her face with a fan to make her smile look very reserved:

"By the way, in order to prevent them from being discovered that they had stolen the cards, the two policemen also destroyed some other things. Although I don't know the whereabouts of the other two cards, the information I have so far shows that those three One of the cards is worth more than the other two combined."

Shade's pupils shrank slightly, the value of [Ancient Alchemy·Dragon Stone] and [Holy Sword·Dragon Slaying Sword] were not that different in value. Speaking of which, the most valuable thing should actually be the third mysterious card that he still doesn't know about. And the missing latent MI6 agent most likely died because of this.

"Thank you for your willingness to provide information, Mrs. Frey. What do you need from me for this information?"

The woman asked with a smile:

"Can't I just help you for free? I see that you are not an ordinary person. This means I am investing in you, or I am interested in your face. You can interpret it however you want, but if you find the other two cards one day , remember to tell me what it is."

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Decai said:

"[Holy Sword·Dragon-Slaying Sword]."

"In your hands?"

This time Shade did not answer, and Mrs. Frey did not ask further questions. She just smiled and nodded clearly:

"I knew the person introduced by the 'Boatman' was extraordinary."

After that, Mrs. Frey kindly provided a room on the third floor for Shade and the other three to talk to the captain. The captain was accompanied by two sailors as his entourage. After entering the room, the two consciously put up sentries at the door.

The four ring magicians carefully checked the room in their own way, then avoided the red heart-shaped bed in the center of the room and sat down at the table on the side.

"There are so many rich people in Yuewan. There are so many people willing to pay the 20 crown registration fee."

Schade said that this amount of money is about three or four years' income for the average worker in Tobesk.

"The differences between nobles, merchants and ordinary people in this era have reached a level never seen in civilization."

Mr. Albert said softly, and the other three nodded.

"Speaking of which, do you know the legend of the Dragon Stone?"

Captain Rudolph asked again. He was indeed a little disappointed after losing the card just now, but now he has adjusted his mood. The captain is quite wealthy:

"This is a real ancient alchemical product. It is said to be a top alchemical product made by humans in pursuit of the power of ancient dragons and their desire to turn themselves into ancient dragons. The complete 'Dragon Transformation Stone' is said to have infinite effects, and one of its basic properties is Let humans directly transform into giant dragons, but the 'Dragon Transformation Stone' was already broken in the Third Age.

The stone is now divided into two parts, the 'Higgs Dragon Head Stone' and the 'Hafana Dragon Body Stone'. The latter has been lost for a long time, and the former is now a Keeper-level relic. I heard that it was originally in the hands of Zarath Academy of Literature, but later found its way into the hands of the famous thirteen-ring warlock ‘God Caller’. "

The "legend" about the stranger has been widely circulated in this world, which can be regarded as the footprints he left in this new world.

As for the "Higgs Dragon Head Stone", it was a gift given to him after Shad rescued a professor from Zarath Academy of Literature who was fighting a bone dragon during the Middleburg incident last year and asked him to deliver a letter. So that professor was indeed much more generous than Marquis Molson.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Mr. Bernhardt took the initiative to talk about business. He first cared about Captain Rudolph's health and heart problems, and then told the other party's surprised expression about the encounter between the three of them and Marquis Molson at the "Silver Racecourse" outside the city this morning:

"When you were playing cards just now, I was worried that you would be too excited and faint."

Captain Rudolf asked somewhat seriously:

"That curse can't even be resisted by Molson?"

"It's not accurate to say it's a curse. The prophet I found said it's a relic of fate."

Shade corrected, the captain took a deep breath and touched his chin:

"I understand what you mean. If this is really the case, then the matter is really serious. Are you asking me for clues? But I can't provide many clues. Oh, Viscount Bernhardt said he would come Visit, so the letter is on me for you."

He handed the letter to the three of them, and this time the letter still contained very brief content——

[Give up gambling and repent! ! 】

"Actually, although I'm a good gambler, I'm not a very aggressive gambler. I can't participate in three or four card games a year with the kind of stakes I have today."

Captain Rudolf defended himself a little, and the coroner asked:

"So have you dreamed of strange things recently or noticed any unusual signs?"

The tall vampire immediately shook his head:

"Ptolemy, you know me. I am different from Marquis Morson. My Ring Warlock system focuses on physical strengthening. My inspiration is actually weak among the same level, and I have not developed it systematically. The gift of dreams of our race.”

He thought about it carefully:

"But there is another thing I can tell you. Although my ship is a cargo ship, it sometimes takes passengers who are willing to pay to travel between the north and the south. It was probably this spring, yes, when the first flower in the Randall Valley The Randall flowers were already in bloom, and when my ship was about to set off, it temporarily took on board a lone woman.

As you know, women who dare to travel alone are never easy to mess with, and she has a very unique temperament. Every time I get close to her, I feel very cold, a cold that goes deep into my bones. After some testing, I found out that she was also a ring warlock. Before getting off the boat, she said she would do some divination for me, and then said that I would encounter something life-threatening this summer. "

"A fortune teller?"

Herr Bernhardt was very interested:

"What exactly did she say?"

"Of course I don't quite understand. She said that the breath of death has surrounded me. Although death is not certain, it is as dangerous as walking on a tightrope. Now I think about what she said at the time. She said that the cause of death is my life. Habit. She said that a messenger of justice would come to judge me and told me to be careful. I didn’t take it to heart at the time, but now that I think about it, it seems that this is what she was talking about.”

Shade suspected that the captain had met his acquaintances, namely Ms. Maria Handel and Joy Barton in the spirit state. At the end of the winter of early 1854, they left after helping him in the Randall Valley. It is indeed possible that they appeared in Moon Bay, but there is no need to verify this kind of thing.

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