Whispering Verse

Chapter 236 The old woman’s commission

"What's the meaning?"

The duchess's slender index finger tapped the armrest of the single sofa, which probably showed her inner anxiety:

"I can't say a certain big prophecy, not a single word. It's related to the future of this world. You can think of it as some kind of ritual, or an epic in a knight's novel, which is about to begin. That's why I I just returned to Tobesk. The church, academy, parliament, and many ancient organizations are all working on this, but ordinary ring magicians know nothing about it..."

Shade looked at her without saying a word. He would not reveal anything about Miss Bayas to others. Miss Carina interpreted Shade's expression as confusion:

"News came from the Council, and there is a new direction in the interpretation of the prophecy. The first one... is about to appear... Do you understand?"

she asked hesitantly.

"I don't understand at all."

Miss Carina covered her forehead:

"Oh, I know you don't understand if you say this, but you can't be easily involved in this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. In short, if you find a sorceress with strange powers from the Zhengshen Church recently, remember to tell me One sound."

She looked at Shade with some annoyance:

"Actually, I don't quite understand what that prophecy means. Maybe it's the end of the world, maybe it's the beginning of a new era, maybe it's the return of the gods. No one understands, but it will happen... The Parliament hopes If you find them, if they are women, you can recruit them into the council. I think other organizations who know the prophecy also think so, so everyone is looking for them.”

"What must happen?"

Shade asked knowingly, but Miss Carina hesitated for a moment:

"Sorry, detective, I really can't say this. But... it will happen. The grand epic is about to begin, but no one understands what that means. Everyone wants to find them, no one is exception. .”

There was a knock on the door, and the maid came back with the jewelry box. Miss Carina shook her head at Shade and signaled him not to talk about this matter again before letting the maid Tifa in.

Next, Miss Carina told Shade about the arrangements for Thursday night. Her plan was indeed more detailed than the three of Shade's, but the more complex the plan, the more likely it would go wrong.

In comparison, Xia De believed that the possibility of breaking into the ruins the night after tomorrow was less likely to go wrong.

By the time the carriage took him home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Miss Carina hosted Shade for dinner in the manor, and if he hadn't been thinking about the cat, she would have even let him stay overnight.

So Tuesday was spent peacefully. The clerical-level relic [Bodor Candle] and the precious sage-level relic [Witch's Gold Necklace] once again added weight to the success of Thursday's actions.

The planned date was getting closer and closer, so Shade woke up on Wednesday and prepared not to go out for a day, reviewing the entire plan for Thursday night at home, and then waiting for Miss Anat and Miss Bayas to come to the door.

Unexpectedly, when I was having breakfast with my well-behaved cat at seven o'clock in the morning, the bell downstairs actually rang.

At that time, Mia the cat was obediently licking the goat milk soaked in cat food, while Shade was holding the bread and reading the newspaper. There are many good articles published in "Steam Bird Daily", and since last week's academic report, Shade has been thinking about whether he can make a fortune by investing in steam machinery, so he pays special attention to "Steam Bird Daily".

Mia drinks goat's milk in the morning and Shade drinks water in the morning. A few weeks ago, he was able to have two bottles of milk every morning, but since he felt that the milk had a strange taste and he just needed to pay the monthly fee, Shade stopped spending this money in the morning.

After all, this body has already passed the time to grow taller, so there is no need to bother with calcium supplements.

When the bell rang, Cat and Shade both looked downstairs in surprise. When Shade got up and went downstairs to check the situation, Mia lowered her head and quickly licked the last of the goat's milk, and then followed Shade downstairs.

After first asking who the person outside the door was looking for, and confirming that it was Detective Shade Hamilton, Shade opened the door.

There were two people standing outside the door. An elderly woman with a stooped figure was standing near the front, leaning on a cane. Shade noticed the gold ring on her hand, which was holding a cane.

The man behind him was slightly younger, and he looked a bit like Captain Rades standing there.

"A man is a guard?"

Shade guessed, and then greeted the guests who came to visit:

"Hello, I'm Detective Shad Hamilton. Who are you two..."

"Lavender introduced me."

The old woman said in a hoarse voice, and Tobesque's accent was so strong that Shade almost didn't understand Baron Lavender's name.

But when she handed over the business card she had given out and the business card of Baron Lavender, he knew it was an introduction from an acquaintance, so he let the two of them in first. When they passed each other, they confirmed that these two people were ordinary people.

After entering the second floor, only Shade and the old woman walked into the living room, while the middle-aged man with a serious face stood at the door of Room 1 on the second floor, facing the stairs, with his hands behind his back.

The old woman sat down slowly, and Shade also went to prepare tea.

After putting down the teapot and filling the teacups, he sat down to talk. But before the client spoke, Shade made a statement:

"Sorry, I'm busy with another commission recently, and I won't be able to conduct a new investigation until at least Sunday. So, if you want to do a detective commission with me, please think carefully before saying anything."

Before Thursday, I was busy with matters related to the silver-eyed people. I had to accompany Mrs. Flamel to receive the inheritance on Friday. I had a meeting on Saturday afternoon and Miss Louisa's class in the evening, so I really had no free time until Sunday.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, my commission is very simple."

The old woman held the teacup with trembling hands with obvious age spots, which made Shade think that the teacup would fall to the ground midway.

He took a sip of tea as if in slow motion, then placed the tea cup on the coffee table tremblingly, and then took out his business card and handed it to Shade.

While the old woman was doing this, Shade and the cat standing on the back of the sofa behind his head were both staring closely at the old woman's movements. The former is worried about the safety of the tea cup he uses to entertain guests, and the latter is curious about what the stranger who broke into the house is doing.

The old woman's name was Greta Watson, a widowed large factory owner in Tobesk South District. She and Baron Lavender have been friends for many years. Mrs. Watson didn't say much about how they met, but it probably had something to do with Baron Lavender's side business of reselling antiques and perfumes.

In short, the old and frail Mrs. Watson needed to find someone to do something recently, so she started talking to her friend Mr. Lavender when they met by chance. After the latter heard the whole story clearly, he introduced her to the detective of Saint Teresa Square.

"To be specific, about half a month ago, when the servant was cleaning up the basement, he accidentally knocked on the wall and found a big hole behind the basement wall."

Shade's expression remained unchanged:

"Treasure? Cave? Or bones?"

The old woman glanced at him in surprise:

"You do have some skills as a detective, you're a skeleton."

There was no expression on her face, and she spoke very slowly, as if speaking faster would be harmful to her health.

"Then the police were called? Even if it's a person who died hundreds of years ago, the Lidwich Field should be looked at, right?"

Shade suggested that he had not actually received a commission related to the murder case.

"No need to call the police."

said Mrs. Watson.


"The police have already arrived. They and I both know who this skeleton is and why he died."

The old woman's mouth was wrinkled with age, and her mouth movements were almost invisible when she spoke.

"Then please, who is this?"

Shade felt slightly wary and glanced at the middle-aged man standing at the door.

"Judging from the clothes and some sundries found at the same time, it should be my husband who disappeared at the age of thirty-two."

The expression on his face was still neither sad nor happy. Shade thought that he was involved in trouble, but Baron Lavender had no reason to let himself get involved in such things.

"That's it..."

"As for the murderer, he should be my unlucky brother. When he was young, he had conflicts with my husband. However, both of them like to drink, and after drinking... After my husband disappeared, I He was the first to suspect, and he admitted it, and even took the initiative to surrender at Ridwich Field. After being released from prison for a few years, he felt much more at ease, but he refused to tell where he hid the body. Because of this, we have never seen each other again for almost all our lives... Counting the time, he has been dead for almost ten years."

She sighed slowly, looked at the tea cup on the table with drooped eyelids, and added:

"These things can be found out on the spot, so you don't have to worry that I'm lying to you."

"A person like you will definitely not lie to me."

Shade said something he didn't believe, and asked again:

"Then I want to entrust you with..."

"When I was young, I thought that one day I could find him and bury him properly so that I could be buried next to him after my death. So, I bought the tomb decades ago and kept it all these years. Now I found it. I found the body, and I also went to notify the Redwich Field, and the case was over. I notified my husband's family and wanted to hold a funeral. Although he did not have a title during his lifetime, he was also from an earl family. I The Watsons, who wanted to bury him, insisted that the nobles be there to say the eulogy, otherwise they would not be there.”

"Why do people from the Watson family make such a request?"

"His death made people in the Watson family very dissatisfied. They thought that our brother and sister conspired to kill him for the sake of the factory's shares."

Judging from the results thirty years after the incident, this view is actually correct. Because it can be inferred from the information on the business card that the controller of the factory is indeed the old woman in front of him. After Mr. Watson's death, everything belonged to the poor widow.

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