Whispering Verse

Chapter 2359 The Second

Shade lamented the bad taste of the mermaid in his heart, but Richard did not object to this view:

"This world is heading towards disaster and destruction. If you can use her power to help civilization, that's fine. I insist on my justice, but I don't ask others to be the same as me. But be careful and remember to remind yourself that in the end Are you using her, or is she using you."

"Yes, I'll be careful."

"Then farewell."

Richard said, and Shade nodded:


The originally blurry figure flickered again, and then disappeared completely. At the same time, the notebook pierced by the sword on the ground also completely completed crystallization. Even if Shade was right in front of him, he could only perceive an extremely weak whispering element. Even the simplest elements of a poet-level relic are more obvious than this.

After canceling the moonlight thorns, Shade pulled out the silver cross sword. Holding the thick pink crystal that no longer looked like a notebook in his hands, Shade asked in his heart:

"What's this?"

【crystallization. 】

"Other than that?"

【Nothing. 】

[Outlander, you sense that the whispering crystal contains a power. Do you want to use your mental power to touch it? 】

"What power?"

【Gift. 】

With just a simple touch of spiritual power, a small amount of whispering elements penetrated into Shade's soul. The new power was easily mastered by Shade, and "she" in his ear reminded softly:

[Outlander, you have mastered the curse "Heart Curse". By mastering the real name and appearance, and using simple gestures, you can cause an individual with a heart to suffer a sudden heart attack. 】

"Curse" is one of the most basic manifestations of extraordinary power, and the power that Xia Dexin has mastered is a kind of curse. This spell sounds powerful, but in fact it is not very practical. Heart disease is not a problem at all for most extraordinary people. As for the heart disease that Marquis Molson almost died of this morning, it was obviously because the person who initiated it was a relic.

Shade's curse - Heart Curse is not yet so powerful. It is just a curse, not a thaumaturgy. And when Shade was able to curse an object like Marquis Morson to death with this spell alone, he could actually have a better effect by hacking out a beam of moonlight.

"It's all for nothing anyway. I just haven't come into contact with curse-type powers yet."

He sat on the stone again and looked at the river in front of him, and Mr. Albert, the coroner who received his signal, quickly walked out of the rice field.

The coroner in a brown robe did not sit down, but stood beside Shade and looked at the river with him:

"You seem sad?"

"Sadness doesn't count, I just heard a melancholy story. No one in that story had a good ending, but I couldn't imagine how I would get a good ending if I were the person in the story."

Listening to the river, Shade sat on a stone and told the coroner the love story of Madeleine and Richard. He didn't say it was related to the relic, but he believed the coroner could tell.

Mr. Ptolemy Albert listened to the story without saying a word. After Xia De finished speaking, he looked at the river between the rice fields and said:

"It is indeed difficult to make a choice. If it were me, I probably wouldn't make a better choice than them."

It was obviously Shade who confided his troubles to him, but the coroner seemed even more troubled:

"So, what is the so-called justice? If justice is exchanged for the sacrifice of some people, is it worth it?"

The river is not very wide, and the stars are not reflected on the river. In addition to the sound of water, there is also a slight chirping of insects in the rice fields. Shade wanted to go back for a while, he would have to deal with Mrs. Jude's affairs later, and he needed to think now.

"Justice is really hard to say."

Shade did not give an answer immediately. The two men looked at the river at night and the night scenery in the countryside. Xia De suddenly looked up at the night sky again. A few clouds were floating in the dark blue night sky, the stars were shining, and the three incomplete moons were quietly shining on the earth.

The chirping of insects at night is soothing, and the sound of the evening breeze blowing through the rice fields needs to be felt with your own skin. None of the flying insects flying around Shade landed on him, nor did they disturb him from enjoying the night view tonight.

If possible, Shade really hopes that he can have more time to look at the stars here instead of thinking about the next series of things:

"Justice, this is my understanding."

Shade said suddenly. Mr. Albert looked at him in surprise. Shade patted his chest:

"Don't look at other people's feelings, but look at your own feelings. Before going to bed every day, think about what you have done. If you can still close your eyes and fall asleep, then this is a just thing - the above words are only for those who have the foundation A moral person.”

Mr. Albert blinked, and Shade sat on the cold stone and continued to say with a smile:

"Some things are destined to have no right option. If you are forced to make a choice, choose the option that allows you to sleep peacefully."

"I do not understand."

Mr. Albert shook his head slightly.

"It's very simple. Does a person impose justice in order to get praise from others?"

"I think not. Even if it is, the more reason is still wanting to help others."

Shade smiled, crossed his left leg on the stone, and continued to step on the river beach with his right leg. He looked up at the starry sky. Mr. Albert looked at him quietly, looking at the young man under the moonlight like a marble statue of a god.

"Why should a person impose justice? To help others? Then why should he help others? Is it because he cannot bear to see the tragedy, or can he feel satisfied by helping others?

Whatever the reason, do it because it makes you happy. "

Mr. Albert frowned slightly:

"I feel like you are being sophistical, but ah, imposing justice can indeed make you happy. A sense of responsibility, honor, and satisfaction, even the most conservative ascetic will definitely get these when he lends a helping hand to the weak."

His eyes seemed to be shining:

"But if justice is just to make yourself happy, isn't it a little too pale?"

Shade's gaze moved down from the starry sky and met Mr. Albert's gaze. The latter seemed to see the moon in the former's eyes.

"Mr. Albert, do you think that justice must be a very noble thing? Isn't this a little too arrogant?"

Thinking of the story just now and his various experiences in Yuewan for ten years, the middle-aged coroner only thought about it for a moment and then relaxed:

"Yes, pale, why must justice be colorful? Pale, this word is really good, justice should be pale."

Shade also joked:

"If it were in ancient times, just relying on what you understand now would be enough to become a 'paladin'."

The coroner grabbed his shoulder bag strap and shook his head slightly:

"I feel like I've lived for so many years and I haven't seen as much as you can understand."

"I actually don't understand. It's just that in the past year, I have experienced too many stories. When I occasionally stop to look at what I have done at night, I think of these things. Pale justice, justice is pale and humble, But it’s anything but powerless.”

"This is a very good statement. Who said it?"

"What an old folklorist said when he was talking to me about the angelic relic [Pale Justice]."

Mr. Albert nodded, patted his chest, gave a rare smile, and then continued to turn around, looking at the night scene in front of him with Shade.

No one said they wanted to go back immediately, and when Shade's eyes fell from the starry sky back to the front and looked at Mr. Ptolemy Albert by the lake, he suddenly felt that the other person seemed to have put down a heavy burden.

[Outlander, you have guided a hero, and you have some insights into "guidance". 】

"She" suddenly said softly in Shade's ear, and the voice blended into the night, the sound of wind, and the chirping of insects.

"Is this the second 'Guidance'? It seems that this spiritual rune will appear soon. Blasphemy - Dragon, Enlightenment - Flesh, Whisper - Red Butterfly, Whisper - Prejudice, if the guidance ends up being the 'Miracle' spiritual rune, It would be great."

He said in his heart, looking at Mr. Albert's profile:

"Also, it turns out that's what it is."

"She" was still chuckling, and her voice was so gentle under the moonlight.

A long time later, when Shade and Mr. Albert returned to the barn, Madame Jude and Mr. Bernhardt were still in the barn yard.

The mud and stains on Mrs. Jude's luxurious evening dress had disappeared. She stood under the tree with her arms folded; Mr. Bernhardt was not far in front of her, looking at the troubled expression on his face. , obviously he was much more troubled than Shade and the coroner who had just watched the night scene calmly.

"You promised to help me, and this is what you did?"

"Madam, just tell me whether we can help you."

"You promised Miss Rice that you would repay the favor, but this is how you repaid the favor?"

"Judging from the results, just tell us whether we helped you or not."

"I almost got strangled to death by your friend with that damn chain!"

"I'm sorry, but just say we haven't helped you. Ahem, don't be angry yet."

Mr. Bernhard coughed:

"Didn't you also agree to Miss Rice, she will help us, we will help you, and you will no longer suck blood in the near future?"

This time Mrs. Jude shut her mouth immediately, so Mr. Bernhardt "pursued the victory":

"Don't complain about my friend's heavy attack. This is to lure out the relic. Haven't you realized what you are being stared at? Sage-level relic [Richard's Notes], to deal with this level The price of existence is that you are knocked to the ground and hung under a tree. This is really a good deal.

And to be honest, madam, this friend of mine is very extraordinary. There are many beautiful girls who want to be tied up by him, but they haven’t had the chance yet. "

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