Whispering Verse

Chapter 2368 Gift from the Ocean

"But I just want to use this coin for divination. Counting this one, I have six special coins in my hand. It's really good. Speaking of which, if this coin is used in the Moon Bay area, I don't know what will happen."

After coming out of the black market, it was already past eleven o'clock. Thinking that there would be nothing more to gain in Coldwater Port, Shade was too lazy to go to the beach to find trouble with those smelly fishmen that occasionally appeared, so he finally went to the "Pink Rose Hotel" in the deep alley of the dock slum area.

This is the place where Shade first met the "demon scholar" Mr. Sean Asmon. It was also here that Shade listened to the beginning of the demon story, and won the Suit Moon 9 [Demon Soul Stealer Bishop] by playing cards. 】.

The wet weather made even the hotel look damp. The light inside was not good, so the stingy shopkeeper lit kerosene lamps on the tables where customers were staying.

There were not many people in the tavern on the first floor of the hotel on Saturday morning. In addition to the guests, there were a few seductively dressed women sitting in the corner waiting for the guests.

Shade sat down at the table next to the wall where he had played cards with the demonologist. After ordering a glass of rum that he didn't intend to drink, he planned to sit down at 11:40 and then go home for dinner. Unexpectedly, this hotel , there is really an accident waiting for him.

After he sat down, he unfolded that day's "Daily Delrayon" to see if there was anything interesting in the advertisements on the back page. But before he could finish reading the second advertisement for "Lapp Tobacco Company Lemon Flavored Cigarettes," someone took the initiative to sit across from him.

Shade poked his head out from behind the newspaper and saw that it was a strange man wearing a black hat, and he was just an ordinary person. The latter seemed to be afraid of the light, with a hat covering less than half of his face, and a cloth mask on his face. His whole body was wrapped in thick black clothes, and his hands with exposed cuffs were wrapped with yellowish bandages.

"Who are you."

Shade raised his eyebrows, and the stranger lifted his dirty black suitcase on the table, and then took out a dirty gray cloth bag. The bag was tied with a rope. He loosened the tie and pushed the bag to Shade:

"Businessman, businessman of the raffle game. Three pounds, choose one of the three prizes in the bag."

Shade twitched his nose and could clearly smell the stinky smell that only belonged to the ocean. If he met such a person elsewhere, he would immediately identify him as a liar. Three pounds is not a small amount, but now

"Okay, I like lottery games."

He took out three 1-pound coins from his pocket, and the man across the table casually swept them into his coat pocket.

Shade stared at the pocket in front of him again, thinking for a moment before putting his hand in it. The size of the space in the bag was normal, and what Shade touched were three paper balls rolled up in a very simple way.

Because "she" can perceive the outside world from any part of Shade's body, theoretically, Shade can use some means to know the contents of the paper ball. But he didn't do this. Instead, he followed his own wishes and took out one of them from the bag:

"Let's do this."

The stranger across the table motioned for him to open it himself, and the crumpled paper looked like it had been torn randomly from a notebook. After unfolding it, there was only a red swirl pattern painted on it, so the person across the table casually patted his suitcase three times with a bandaged hand, and pushed it to Shade with force:

"It's yours."

After saying that, he stood up and left, not even thinking of taking away the pocket containing the paper ball. Shade didn't think about chasing after him, but looked at the suitcase inquiringly, and then at the pocket:

"What's on the other two paper balls?"

He satisfied his curiosity with action. After opening the other two paper balls, they revealed a dark blue skull pattern and a brownish yellow lightning pattern.

【do you understand? 】

"She" suddenly asked in Shade's ear, Shade nodded:

"Representing those three people. I think if the paper ball I pulled out is different, the contents of this box will be different."

As he spoke, he stuffed the bag, which was really just an ordinary item, into his pocket, then picked up his suitcase and left, leaving only the untouched wine glass safely placed next to the flaming kerosene lamp.

Of course, Shade would not open the suitcase in the tavern. He carried the suitcase and umbrella to a remote part of the slum, threw the glass slippers and returned home.

He closed the umbrella with a bang, and before the raindrops splashed onto the beds of the maids, Shade controlled him and flew back.

Little Mia Deng Deng~ The sound of coming downstairs to greet her immediately appeared. Shade touched the badge on his chest and knew that Miss Carina, who went to a meeting this morning, had also returned.

"How was the meeting?"

When she came to the second floor holding little Mia in one hand, the Witch was sitting on the sofa talking to Dorothy. Dorothy moved her body slightly to make way for Shade, letting Shade sit between them, so the red-haired witch leaned directly on his shoulder unceremoniously:

"Oh, what else can come of this kind of breakfast meeting? I prepared the meal, the Speaker prepared black tea, and everyone else prepared their own snacks. Grandma Cassandra's snacks are the most delicious every time, she is sure There is an exclusive secret recipe, and I don’t know how much that Miss Rita Swift has learned.”

"Carina told me just now that they didn't come to any conclusion after discussing it all morning. They just used the power of the council to know what kind of skin care products can resist harmful rays."

Dorothy covered her mouth and said with a smile, and the beautiful red-haired duchess also nodded:

"Yes, yes, but the Speaker asked again this time if she needs to go to Moon Bay to help. Bella said that it is not needed yet, and if necessary, she will directly ask others for help. This time, the Speaker generously opened the parliament The weapons arsenal allows the girls involved in the Moon Bay Incident, yes, the witch and the witch apprentice to be counted, and even Sister Devlin, Miss Elisa, Grace and Helen who are present at the council to be counted."

She seemed to feel it was unfair:

"Megan and Audrey didn't claim that they were two people this time, but why didn't I?! Although the best weapons in the open arsenal this time are only Sage-level weapons, I have long been interested in weapons There is a very beautiful set of jewelry in the library.”

"Because you are in Tobesk."

Shade said with a smile, and Dorothy was also smiling.

"But meeting so early is not just about distributing weapons. There are two things that have been concluded this time. One is the matter of the Keeper-level relic [Star Sword Stone] you mentioned."

She leaned lazily on Shade's shoulder and watched as her maids cleared away the teapots on the coffee table and replaced them with new teapots and fruits:

"The Speaker said that the material of her pocket watch is not a remnant of the Fifth Era, but a product of the Sixth Era. The [Star Sword Stone] is most likely in the hands of a small-scale ring warlock organization [Volcano Alliance]. This is A group of ring magicians operating in the Island Kingdom off the western coast of the Old World. It is said to be an order of followers of the old god - the volcano god - the [Lord of Lava], but this organization is too small and we don't know much about it."

She sat up straight and picked up the newly poured teacup, but handed it to Shade:

"Since Bella said that they can still control the situation in Moon Bay, the Speaker and the Great Witch of the Moon set out to find the relic. They can fly, and they also know the approximate location of the [Volcano Alliance]. No matter it goes well or not, once There will be news in two days.”

"That's a good idea."

Shade said, deeply feeling the benefits of having enough manpower:

"What about the second conclusion?"

"Tomorrow, that is, Sunday afternoon until night falls, there will also be problems with the sun's rays. It will still be centered on Yue Bay, because the sun's rays are much stronger than moonlight and starlight, so this time it will cause some bad weather in Yue Bay. Influence.

This is the result of accurate divination by the power of the Council itself. Miss Isabella asked Bella to remind the church. But I think the church should be able to know in advance. After all, they have a large number of diviners from the Seer Association. "

Shade frowned slightly, and Dorothy on the side asked again:

"Shad, what's in the suitcase you brought? Why does it smell so fishy? Look at little Mia, it's hiding on the back of the sofa behind you."

“Cats actually hate the smell of fish~”

The witch covered her mouth and chuckled, but she and Dorothy also moved the things on the coffee table away, and asked Shade to put the suitcase on the coffee table.

"I just went to Coldwater Port, and a few guys who were unwilling to help sponsored me some good things, but I don't know what they were."

The lock of the box lid opened with two clicks. The good news was that Shade did not feel the divine power. Carina and Dorothy could both see what was inside. The bad news was that there was no divine power inside. This is what Shade lacks most when facing the evil god who is about to come to Moon Bay.

After all, even the most powerful "Unknowable Relic (Level 0)" can only slightly restrict the gods at most.

The box was opened, and three items were embedded in the lining: a "ruby", a "square stone" with a cross pattern on the surface, and a blood-red copper whistle.

"Only these three things? You are stingier than I thought, this is"

Shade picked up the "ruby" that was about a quarter of the size of his fist. He was surprised when his palm touched it:

"Philosopher's Stone? So many?"

The rest of the Philosopher's Stone he got from Laplace Howard and the gifts from the church only amounted to this much.

"But give me the Philosopher's Stone for what? I know the Philosopher's Stone is valuable, but for what follows."

After a slight pause, God has a reason for everything he does. Although Shade thinks those three are very stingy, since they gave it, there must be a reason.

So his eyes narrowed again:

"Is this really the case?"

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