Whispering Verse

Chapter 2372 [Ocarina of Time]

The wind on the summer night was slightly cold, and the stars and moonlight illuminated the quiet countryside. Under the big tree at the crossroads, the elf girl blushed a little because of Shade's gaze:

"Okay, I know. I'm just a little scared, but I also want to accomplish great things like those legendary heroes and you.

I don’t value fame, and I know that accomplishing great things often requires sacrifice, but I long for myself to be such a person, someone who can make other people’s lives better. "

"Then hold this expectation and wait for fate to give you a suitable opportunity. It doesn't necessarily have to be an opportunity to defeat the devil again. Sometimes it's easy to be a hero, even if it's just to save a child in a fire."

Shade said, Emilia pursed her lips and nodded, then looked up at the stars above the canopy with some relief:

"Agelina is right, Shade, you are really good at comforting others and you are so kind. No matter how dark the future is, I will remember your words. This is the ray of light you gave me."

This compliment made Shade a little embarrassed. He thought about it and said seriously:

"Don't let others be your light, Emilia, remember-"

A slight cough was followed by a somewhat awkward but elegant non-human language:

"No matter what kind of darkness we face in the future, we must believe in our own light. That is the purest power we possess as extraordinary human beings (elvish language)."

The elf girl looked at him curiously, but saw Shade also raising his head and looking at the starry sky:

"That's what my teacher said to me a long, long time ago. (Chapter 381)"

"Is that Miss Denister?"

"No, it's Miss Feliana, Miss Myrna Feliana."

At the mention of this name, the face of a blond witch wearing a big pointed hat and as beautiful as a violet flashed in front of Shade.


The pointed-eared elf girl exclaimed quite cutely, nodded, but suppressed her curiosity and didn't ask any more questions:

"This is such a good sentence. Even though I am not a human but an elf, I will remember it."

The little elf clenched her fists, feeling a little warmer in her heart, but she saw Shade look at her again:

"Look behind you."


Emilia turned her head and looked back, and thick steam mist had emerged. The elements of enlightenment that were not very strong, but had a strong sense of presence, followed Emilia's gaze and converged on the life ring emerging from the thick fog.

The whistles and bells were playing, and the brassy aura was not dazzling, but it was absolutely clear. A moment later, the last spiritual rune of the five rings belonging to Emilia, Enlightenment - [Light of Self], was engraved on the life ring.

Emilia said that she had already obtained the first spiritual rune of the middle-level sublimation language, which meant that she was ready to advance to the sixth level. By elf standards, even though she is still a minor elf, she can be called a "genius" among her peers.

"When I was at your house, I got the Whisper - [Fear] (Chapter 2117) because of the [Vicious Serial Curse Letter], and when I drew the sword on the clock tower, I got the Miracle - [Hero], and now I got this . Before this summer is over, I have already obtained three spiritual runes. What is written in the adventure stories is true. The more dangerous the place, the greater the rewards."

She withdrew her gaze from behind and made the life ring disappear again. With joy on his face, he was probably thinking about writing a letter home to report the good news.

Shade was also happy for her, and he was not surprised that Emilia obtained the spiritual rune just because of a word.

Maybe the elf girl has already accumulated it, but she just lacks the final understanding. And she is a candidate for "Light" after all. No matter how low her ranking is, it is quite normal to obtain the spiritual runes related to "Light" before the story of Yuewan is about to end.

But when he saw her life ring just now, Shade thought of another thing:

"I wanted to ask before, you only have space-related spiritual runes and no time-related spiritual runes, right?"

Emilia, who was a little excited just now, nodded sheepishly:

"My mother also said before that with the bloodline I inherited, there is a high probability that I will be able to awaken the gift of time before I reach adulthood. I was looking forward to it before I entered school, hoping to enter the history academy like most of my ancestors, but unfortunately I failed, so I joined I joined the School of Chemistry and took care of little Liana and the others."

After speaking, he whispered again:

“I look forward to joining the School of History because my ancestors left a lot of course notes and examination materials, which will make learning easier.”

"Yes, that's a pity. The examination subjects in the History School are not easy. Do you know, this summer I took the cross-grade examination. Not only did I take subjects from two grades, Miss Danister even added two more The subjects of the School of Library Management were originally agreed upon, and I was asked to take those two as elective courses."

Talking about college life together and complaining about exams made the conversation easier and easier.

After the conversation ended, the two of them remained tacitly silent and stood together under the tree looking at the vast stars. It can still be considered midsummer, and the sea of ​​​​stars in this slightly cold summer is as magnificent as in previous years.

Emilia has experienced this kind of season more than fifty times, but she likes this year especially; this is the second time that the stranger has experienced this kind of season in this world, and he cherishes this memory.

The time to meet the agreed delivery person was eight o'clock in the evening. The delivery person appeared on the country road facing Shade and Amelia at 7:53 p.m.

He was wearing a cloak, but otherwise he was dressed normally. Because he didn't cover up his appearance deliberately, Shade could tell that the other person was also a pure-blood elf. Judging from his appearance, this elf uncle is about forty years old, but in fact he is probably over a hundred years old.

The strange elf seemed to be a relative of Emilia. Emilia was so happy that she wanted to call out, but the other party looked at her and shut her mouth obediently.

The elf didn't say much. He looked at Shade and nodded slightly. He untied the long package wrapped in cloth and handed it forward. Of course, it was not handed to Emilia but to Shade.

I don’t know what method the elves used, but I can’t feel any whispering elements on this cloth. Only when Shade held it did he feel the surging power.

The other party nodded to Emilia without saying a word. After handing her a letter, he waved goodbye to the two of them, then turned around and returned along the original road. During this period, he came into contact with Shade and Emilia. The total time does not exceed two minutes.

"It's really efficient."

Shade praised, and when he saw Emilia opening the letter nervously and reading it, he lowered his head and looked at what he was holding. After untying the binding rope, the long sword wrapped inside suddenly appeared.

This sword is "thicker" than any relic sword that Shade has come into contact with. He originally thought that the long sword with the name "Ocarina of Time" would be in the shape of a pointer, but the shape of this sword is actually very regular. Emilia said it was made of wood, but it looked like it was made of metal. The white metal wraps the black part in the center of the sword blade. The black sword body has the shape of a tree pattern. Following the tree pattern, several green gems are inlaid on it.

He tried to hold the hilt of the sword, and "she" in his ear smiled and said:

[Outlander, you have come into contact with items from the First Era, and the thaumaturgy "Ancient Voice" has been triggered:]

[The World Tree once supported the world in the First Era and sorted out the context of time. At that time, the elves picked the leaves and fallen branches of the World Tree to peek into the story on the other side of the long river of time. The power of time has been deeply immersed in their blood since then, and this has not changed even today. 】

"You mean, is it really just a matter of time before Emilia awakens the talent of time?"

"She" just chuckled, and Shade waved the [Ocarina of Time]. As expected, there was a melodious flute sound in the swish of the air, and the sound matched the rhythm of Shade's sword swing. Will disrupt his movements during combat.

The length of [Ocarina of Time] is basically the same as [Night Watch] because the blade is thicker and therefore heavier. A black non-slip cloth strap is wrapped around the hilt, and the common hand guard is decorated with elven patterns and vine patterns.

In addition to the white wrapped black body and the black dotted with emeralds, the long sword actually has densely packed consecration prayers that are difficult to detect, which are prayers in the ancient Elvish language. These carvings are difficult to distinguish even with Shade's naked eyes and require "her" to perceive them in order to interpret them.

And the only sentence among them that is not in ancient Elvish language, but seems to be a language from an older age, is written——

[The wind of time blows the flute. 】

This long sword has a sense of antiquity and vicissitudes that is stronger than any long sword Shade has seen so far. Even just looking at the ancient angel-level sword, he seemed to be able to feel the flow of time with his heart.

After trying two more swings, Shade guided his spirit into the relic in his hand. Without even asking Emilia for advice, he knew that if he wanted to use this weapon to "slow down time", "accelerate time" or even "pause time", he only needed to use appropriate methods to activate different ones with his own spirit. Green gemstones with different parts of the prayer.

The "pause time" feature of this sword is not just about pausing the time of a certain individual like "Adele's Time Standstill", but rather pausing the time in an area except for the sword holder himself.

But correspondingly, "she" explained in Sha De's ears that Sha De was not advised to do this:

[It consumes a lot of money, which is basically equivalent to unfolding the mystery lock with all your strength. 】

Shade didn't want to try to use these characteristics now, but wanted to test the sword's enhancement of "time" power. After all, that's what he wanted to use this sword for.

He had quite a few time magic tricks. He thought about it and looked at Emilia who was reading a letter from home with some "evil intentions".

PS1: The picture of this chapter is "Ocarina of Time".

At present, reference pictures have been given for four swords: Night Watch, Angel's Right Arm, Bone Sacrifice Sword, and Ocarina of Time. In addition, the Sword of the Wind King and Bloodmourne will provide reference pictures at appropriate locations later.

In addition, if you have any thoughts and comments on these reference pictures, you are welcome to point them out in the post and book review area.

After all the "Holy Swords" have appeared, a large picture will be given showing the appearance of all the swords.

PS2: Thank you to the reader @for being able to reward the leader of the Envoy of Tiantian, and add an updated chapter. Thank you very much.

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