Whispering Verse

Chapter 2374 Letter from Gao De

Just as Shade was about to speak out his plans for the next "Red Butterfly Day", Lesia interrupted him with a smile:

"Are you anxious? But you can't be anxious this time.

Dorothy, Grace, and Helen and I have agreed that since the Moon Bay thing is coming to an end, maybe we need the power of the 'Chosen One of Space'. We can only perfectly integrate with Grace and Helen on the Red Butterfly Day, so next Wednesday's 'Celebration Day' is temporarily canceled. If you have any bad intentions, I'm afraid it will take some time to realize it.

Oh, don't ask us how to contact Grace and Helen, it's our secret. "

"What bad intentions could I have?"

Shade asked.

"for example."

The blonde girl bit her lip lightly:

"Don't you prefer girls' legs to fish tails? Speaking of which, I still have very important knowledge about this fairy tale that I haven't taught you. Shade, sit next to me and I'll tell you. , what kind of magic power does the beautiful legs that the mermaid princess pursues have."

Before Shade could move, the two of them heard an impatient knock on the door:

"Lecia, I don't mind if you talk so loudly. But aren't you teaching? Don't flirt during teaching time, okay? And, did you let me hear it on purpose?"

Lesia covered her mouth and chuckled. Judging from Shade's understanding of her, she most likely did it on purpose.

"If you don't want to listen, can't you just slip a silencing charm through the crack of the door? Although Dorothy has been feeling a little unwell recently, I have plenty of ways to make Shade happy. I'm going to start, but don't you want to Eavesdrop. Come, Shade, tell me how much you love us. Yes, in any way you want."


So that night, it wasn't until early morning that Shade took the two ladies of the Cavendish family back to their room to rest.

After Saturday, it was Sunday again. Tobesk, which had been raining for three consecutive days, finally had sunny weather, but the streets that had not yet dried out were still wet even in the morning.

"I feel like even the newspaper is wet."

Shade said at the breakfast table. Next to him was little Mia, and next to him was a letter from afar, Miss Gauthe. Lesia was reading another copy of "Tobesk Literary News" in a good mood. The duchess, with a rosy face, was about to drink porridge with a spoon, but when she saw the sticky thing, she immediately thought of what happened last night:

"Shad is really ungentlemanly sometimes."

Of course, when you complain in your heart, you have a smile on your face.

Shade's summer travel plan had to be put on hold due to the severe spread of plague on the east coast of the Old World. The heirs of an ancient family whose hometown town was plagued by plague also worried Shade.

Although he spent a lot of time in Moon Bay in the past month, he was also paying attention to the plague. Specifically, with the cooperation of the Kingdom and the Five Gods Church, the strange plague that was spreading rapidly at the beginning of the month, and even everyone in Tobesk, where there was no case, was in danger, has been brought under control.

It is said that it is under control, but in fact it is just that the plague is not allowed to spread to more areas. Currently, in various blockaded areas on the Old Continent, various tasks such as the investigation of infected persons, corpse disposal, patient treatment, and case tracking are still in progress.

Newspapers have been publishing good news about plague control for two consecutive weeks, and after being confirmed by Lesia and Miss Carina, it is rare that the content in the newspapers is all true this time.

In this month's letter, Miss Gold also mentioned that the spread of the plague in the town where her declining family is located has gradually improved.

Since Miss Gothe returned to the family, she recruited adventurers and a large number of craftsmen to renovate the family's old land. Since last year, she has caused a series of things in the old house, manor, farm, harbor, wilderness and other places. Therefore, the little girl is well prepared for the danger. The town actually did not suffer too serious losses in this round of plague attacks.

Although curfew control is still implemented in the town, the order of the town has returned to normal, and the townspeople no longer gather in churches and other places to help each other.

From the lines of this letter, Shade could clearly feel Miss Gauthe's joy. She claimed that now that the plague was almost over, she planned to continue renovating and exploring the lands left by her wealthy ancestors. Although in her early letters, she described the weirdness and abnormalities in those "ancestral lands", it was obvious that the ancestral treasures left in them were worth such a big effort.

"Look, how happy Shade is smiling now? Who will be the owner of little Mia?"

Miss Carina said to Lesia who still didn't "leave". Her Royal Highness the Princess glanced at Shade who was reading the letter seriously:

"I don't care who she is. As long as she's not a girl with cat ears, I don't have to worry about her."

So the duchess also joked:

"When Luvia and I were chatting, I asked her if she would be worried that the appearance of the beautiful witch would threaten her status in Shade's heart. But Luvia said at the time that she would only be worried when the cat-eared girl appeared. That’s why I’m a little worried.”

Shade certainly heard the Cavendish ladies' "slander" about him, but he did not respond while reading the letter.

This time Miss Gothe's letter was obviously more content than before, so she also used several more sheets of letter paper. Shade guessed that it was probably because she had nothing to do during the spread of the plague, so she was willing to say more when writing the letter. .

The first half of the letter introduced the local plague situation, and in the middle was the planned town reconstruction and family revitalization plan. The situation in the town that he learned from the correspondence over the past year even made Shade almost able to A map of the town and its surroundings was drawn out of thin air.

As for the second half of this month's letter, it is Miss Gold who is concerned about the situation of her cat, Xiao Mia. She once again asked Shade to mail her a photo of little Mia, thinking that the cat, now over a year old, should have grown up a bit.

She also did not forget to thank Detective Shade Hamilton for taking care of the cat, and at the end she wrote something that surprised Shade.


He stood up from the table at once, causing not only the Duchess and Her Royal Highness the Princess to look over, but even the cat that was licking the goat's milk looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong? Miss Gothe said she is a cat girl?"

Lesia asked with a smile, reaching out and pulling Shad back to sit down again. It seemed that she and Carina were still talking about the topic just now.

"Of course not. But Miss Gold said that she will most likely come to Tobesk for business at the end of this month or the beginning of next month, and then she will visit the Hamilton Detective Agency."

As Shade spoke, he picked up the letter again, fearing that he had read the wrong content.

Lesia asked curiously:

"Is she coming? Is she coming to take away little Mia?"

"It didn't say anything in the letter, it just said that I would come here once. It's the beginning of this month, and there's still half a month to a month left."

Shade murmured to himself and looked at the cat who had no idea what was going on.

Carina then smiled and said:

"Look at you, you have never been so nervous when facing dangerous enemies before. Relax, Shade, no matter whether Miss Mia Gold wants to take little Mia away, I can help you keep little Mia." Next. The legal method is to use gold pounds to convince her, but the illegal method can actually be used by yourself.

Anyway, what are you worried about? Isn't this a great opportunity? You finally have the opportunity to make little Mia your pet cat. "

"Yes, you originally said that you wanted to see Miss Gothe by yourself, and now she is coming to see you. What else do you have to be dissatisfied with?"

Lesia also asked, while Shade continued to look at the letter. No matter when Miss Gothe comes, judging from the time, it will be after the Moon Bay incident, and we cannot let this matter distract us now.

"Ms. Gothe is actually a very easy-to-talk person. I can feel it from our correspondence over the past year."

Shade spoke slowly, then raised his head and asked:

"Miss Gothe said, let me take a picture of little Mia. Now that the cat is more than a year old, it's not okay to still have the same size as before. There should be some kind of magic potion that can make little Mia look bigger. Some, right?”

"The age-increasing potion is barely a high-end potion. Just ask Megan to prepare it for you. Grandma Cassandra can also prepare it."

Carina said, and Lecia asked curiously:

"Since there are age-increasing agents, is there an 'age-reducing agent'? Shade's "Secret of Agelessness" contains spells, secrets and potions to maintain youth, but there is no way to regress age."

"Aren't you and Dorothy the right age now? Do you still want to be seventeen or eighteen like Agelina and Emilia?"

The red-haired witch smiled, but still answered the question:

"Age reduction such as illusion is definitely not the answer you want. If it is true age reduction due to changes in physical state, there is indeed a magic potion that can do it, but what is the point of that magic potion?

The illusory experience of returning to the age of eighteen for a few hours or days, and then changing back to the original state to face reality. This is just the moon in the water, the flowers in the mirror. I think it is better to face reality. "

She picked up the bacon casually with her fork:

"Girls always have to face the fact that growing older is something they have to face, so we have to cherish every moment more. Of course, Lesia, if you want to pursue permanent age reduction , I suggest you ask Shade to quickly learn how to turn back time."

"That's it~"

Lesia glanced at Shade and did not mention this topic again.

At the breakfast table, Shade talked with the two Cavendish ladies about the plague. When breakfast was almost over, Dorothy came back again, lamenting that she was really not used to not having Agelina on the table at Yodel Palace.

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