Whispering Verse

Chapter 2377 The whereabouts of [Star Sword Stone]

"The Priory of the Guide of Light?"

Shade looked away from the soup in front of him in surprise:

"I know this, I have acquaintances, I just go and investigate."

"In this case, the problem will be your fault again."

Miss Sylvia said softly, but Shade shook his head indifferently and brought up a new topic:

"Miss Sylvia, have you seen Emilia's [Ocarina of Time]? The power of that sword is very interesting."

"It's interesting, but I don't have the gift of time, and I'm not an elf from the Yuexi clan. That relic is not suitable for me."

She looked at Amelia again:

"The power of this sword is too dangerous for you. You are not Shade. If it is not necessary, try not to pull it out of the tree."

Emilia nodded quickly, and then Miss Sylvia looked at Margaret again:

"In addition to the things Shade asked you to investigate and deal with the daily matters, don't forget the tasks Vanessa gave you. Vanessa has high expectations for you. Now that you have become a witch's apprentice, you must understand yourself When your identity changes, don’t think of yourself as an ordinary girl. Look at Tifa, Matilda, Rita and Hailey, they are all your targets.”

"Yes, Teacher Sylvia."

She nodded seriously, and then while Miss Sylvia turned to talk to Shade, she playfully winked at Shade.

During lunch, Agelina seemed a little depressed, but Shade had to concentrate on the bowl of weird-tasting soup in front of him, so he didn't find a chance to talk to her.

Fortunately, Margaret could see that Shade was really not interested in that bowl of soup, so she cleverly arranged for the servant to change Shade's soup bowl while continuing to serve the food.

After lunch, Shade actually talked with Agelina. The little princess and Shade were both sitting on the sofa in the study room. The former grabbed her skirt:

"When I first came to Yuewan, I felt very excited. Later, I ate and played with Emilia, and I also felt that this life was very interesting. But now it seems that everyone has something to do, and I am the only one who is of no use. Even little Lianna is more useful than me.”

"But Lecia didn't ask you to come to Moon Bay to go directly to the battlefield like other girls. She knew that you only had one ring, and she just wanted you to experience the dangers of this era.

In fact, you are always willing to help everyone with various chores, and you don't have any airs about being a princess, nor do you complain that the living conditions here are not as good as Yodel Palace. This is already amazing in my opinion, after all, you are also It was my first time to travel away from my elders and sister. "

Shade said, but Agelina still wasn't happy:

"You are always good at comforting others. Sister and Princess Margaret are the people I want to be. They are so amazing."

"But you're not their age either."

Shade gently patted Agelina on the shoulder:

“Don’t always envy what others have, it’s better to think more about what you have.”


The red-haired little princess looked down at herself, then bit her lips:

"I'm younger than them."

"Yes, but you can just say this to me, but you must never say it in front of Lesia."

"I know, but I would rather grow up quickly and be able to take on the same responsibilities as my sisters. Being younger than them is not a good thing, and I don't think becoming mature is a bad thing."

This is probably the margin that young people have. After all, during breakfast, Lesia was still talking to Miss Carina at the dinner table about the topic of "returning to eighteen years old."

"Who says there are no benefits to being young?"

Shade asked again, and Agelina looked at him:

"What's the benefit? I can't do anything my sister can do."

Shade smiled and looked at his reflection in her eyes:

"Lecia didn't meet me when she was your age. But when you were seventeen, you held my hand and talked to me."

Agelina's face immediately turned red, she pursed her lips and looked away embarrassedly, not looking into Shade's eyes:

"Really, I can't let my sister hear these words, otherwise sister, forget it. Shade, I'm so glad to meet you. You're so kind."

She immediately hugged Shade's neck, and then kissed him very passionately.

As a result, Emilia soon became curious as to why Agelina suddenly became so happy.

The two of them trimmed the fast-growing branches of the small potted tree at the window on the second floor. Shade said hello to them, then went to say goodbye to Margaret and Miss Sylvia, planning to go back first. Trip to Tobesk.

"Why are you so happy?"

The elf girl still couldn't hold back her curiosity, but Agelina smiled and shook her head, but refused to say:

"This is my secret. Can this sword really pause time?"

She looked at the sword stuck in the tree, and Emilia nodded slightly:

"It's possible, but I don't know how to use it. By the way, did you know? Shade can pause time by himself. I'm only telling you this, but don't tell anyone else."

The little princess nodded, and both of them lowered their voices:

"Sister also mentioned it to me. Pause time~ Did Shade use it on you?"

Emilia blushed immediately:

"What are you thinking? He is just testing the power of this sword."

"If you hadn't thought about it with me, how would you know what I was thinking?"

"Oh, Agelina!"

On the other side, Shade, who had lost his glass slipper and went home temporarily, wanted to talk to Old John, but when he arrived at home, he found that although Carina and Dorothy were not at home, the maid gave him a very thick Portfolio:

"This was delivered personally by Director Dark Anlos of MI6 at about ten o'clock in the morning."

Only then did Shade realize that entrusting MI6 to help investigate the bank accounts of the cultists was probably coming to fruition.

Of course, he did not open it immediately to check its contents, but chose to visit Old John first.

There were no customers at the pawn shop on Sunday afternoon. When Shade walked in, the old man behind the counter was wearing a special single-eyed magnifying glass and observing an emerald in his hand.

When he heard the voice and looked up to see it was Shad, Old John said in surprise:

"You don't usually come to my place on weekend afternoons? Detective, what do you want to buy?"

"The Keeper-level relic [Star Sword Stone], I heard that this relic is in your hands."

Shade did not beat around the bush, so Old John was even more surprised:

"How do you know it's in our hands? Yes, it is indeed in our hands. That relic can realize the fixed production of special metals. It is an important doomsday reserve material. It is also a relatively important relic in the list of the Priory. You Want to buy this?"

"Yes, this is not for sale?"

"Detective, there is nothing in this world that is not for sale. If the price is high enough, of course this can be traded, but what do you want this for?"

The old man looked at Shade's expression carefully and asked again without hesitation:

"I know you must be in Moon Bay, so don't tell me that this has anything to do with the Chosen One Ceremony."

Telling the truth means that the price will increase or even the other party will not sell, but Shade still nodded:

"It's just a suspicion, but I'm not the chosen one, don't get me wrong."

"You are really honest, but since you are willing to tell the truth, I won't lie to you. This relic is not in Tobesk, but in Yuewan.

I can't tell you exactly how to sell it. It depends on your negotiation with the other party. I'll tell you the address, but the sale of such important supplies requires the signatures of at least three core members of the Priory. I can sign it for you, but you have to find someone else.

Don’t you have a way to move in space? I will tell you two more addresses. If you go to them, they are my friends and will not embarrass you. "

Shade asked:

"Mr. Edmond from Coldwater Port, and Granny Natalie from Green Lake, do they count?"

Old John raised his eyebrows:

"Do you still know them? Is a stubborn old guy like Edmond actually willing to be friends with you?"

But he didn’t feel too much:

"Of course. I'll write you a letter, you take it to them, and they can just sign it for you. Then you take this letter to Yuewan to find someone, but whether the deal can be concluded in the end depends on you. Myself. But I’m not worried, after all, you are best at persuading others.”

He found the letter paper and his seal and started to write. Shade asked again:

"By agreeing to help me so easily, does the Priory really not care about the chosen one? Now almost everyone wants the chosen one to belong to their side."

Old John didn't even raise his head:

"It doesn't matter who the chosen one is, it's only important that the chosen one belongs to a party that is beneficial to civilization. You have to understand, detective, we can't choose the chosen one, so just wait patiently. Wait until the matter in Moon Bay is over, If you are willing to tell me the story of the chosen one, that would be the best reward for me."

Taking Old John's letter, Shade went to Coldwater Port and Green Lake again. Mr. Edmond and Granny Natalie from Kingfisher Tailor Shop actually read the letter and signed their names. The only thing Shade was worried about was the situation in Yuewan. After all, even if the other party and Old John belonged to the "Guiding Light Hermitage", Shade, the member of Yuewan, was not familiar with him at all.

Because the previous things went smoothly, it was not yet four o'clock in the afternoon when Shade returned to Yuewan.

The members of the Guiding Light Monastery seem to like to run the black market in their place of residence, and the same goes for Mr. Chekov who Shade is going to visit this time. The other party lived on Sybil Street in the Lower Town in the south of Moon Bay. This street was right next to Herring Street where Shade was looking for the "Hope Diamond". The two streets were completely parallel.

Mr. Chekov runs a second-hand bookstore. This kind of bookstore in the lower city will certainly not make a lot of money, but it will not lack customers. When the coroner Mr. Albert introduced the local black market to Shade, he also mentioned this place, but because it was very small, Shade had never been there.

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