Whispering Verse

Chapter 2380 The Returning Nun

Since two months ago, the residents of Yuewan City, who have become accustomed to big events happening in the city every Sunday, will certainly not doubt that the police are lying about the "optical smoke leakage". Therefore, the foggy Yuewan City tonight The bay is eerily quiet.

The countess went to investigate the situation tonight, and the people who stayed in the manor would certainly not be idle. All the witches gathered together, and Shade explained the communication situation with the Guiding Light Hermitage in the afternoon.

His original plan was to take out 20 dragon scale coins and then look for information on the "Light Worshipers Training Society" to trade with Mr. Chekov. But after listening to Shade's explanation, Miss Aurora directly helped him make up his mind:

"Two Keeper-level relics that can produce dark effects, right? They are just Keeper-level relics. How can I find two in the collection of the Parliament? I will mention it to the Speaker when I report on the local situation in the Parliament tonight. No one else will have any objections to this matter."

This is not bad, it also allows Shade to save those coins that may have other uses. While waiting for news from Miss Belindel, Shade also did another thing, which was to ask Tifa to take the maids to help him sort out the document bag sent by MI6 in the afternoon.

"My vampire friend obtained the time records of [Dragon Feast Cult]'s local bulk cargo transactions. Based on these records, he searched for account transaction information before and after the corresponding dates, and finally screened out thirteen suspicious accounts. . This amount is still too much, and MI6 does not know what I am checking. Now it is necessary to conduct further screening based on transaction information."

"No problem, the girls here are pretty good at handling this kind of paperwork."

Megan smiled and took Shade's document bag and handed it to Tifa who was standing aside. Tifa then went to select maids to participate in this task. After Margaret and Agelina volunteered to help, the work of sorting out the account information should be completed soon.

But while they were still reading the information provided by MI6, the great witch of fate returned to the manor with a group of maids from the glowing fog in the long night.

I called Vanessa, who was sensing the earth in the manor courtyard, and then asked the maid to call Miss Sylvia, who was reinforcing the semi-permanent portal in the basement, and Miss Aurora, who was experimenting with materials. Finally, I passed through the portal and was at the pier. Luvia and Miss Aurora on the ship also called over, and everyone sat down together in the restaurant of the manor.

"The situation is not very good. Which Sunday is this? Something big happened in Moon Bay?"

The blonde countess covered her forehead and sat on the main seat:

"Let's talk about the weird 'lightbulb people' first. This thing is very troublesome. Because of the contagiousness of the light, almost nothing can shut them down, so the Church of the Five Gods has not been able to obtain first-hand research information for the time being. .

However, it has now been determined that the location of the cracks that occurred after this time the edge of life and death was out of control, covering the area from Mungleton Street to St. Loon Pedestrian Street. Now that area is in a state of complete conflict between life and death, and the citizens have been evacuated, but the tide of undead in the fog is fighting fiercely with the church's team, and the church has just entered it.

As for the Thirteen Rings in the church and college, most of them are still in their respective positions to prevent other situations from happening in the city tonight. It would be ridiculous to be lured away again like last week during 'Tusk Night'. However, the church and the academy are concentrating their efforts to stabilize the area where life and death overlap so that it will not expand.

The news from the two men who followed the team into the Thirteenth Circle on the edge of life and death, namely Mr. Bill Camorra, the 'Giant Hunter' of the Church of Nature, and Miss Maria Ingram, the 'Nightmare Witch', is, The internal problems are extremely complex, and they are fighting more than a dozen bone dragons. "

"Bone Dragon? Those people again?"

"I don't know yet whether it was caused by cultists again, or whether the local undead souls in Yuewan were awakened. Didn't Shade say that there had been a great war in the local area in the ancient era? There must have been more than one dragon that died at that time. Moreover, my relationship It’s also impossible to find out first-hand information about the church’s combat troops.”

The Countess shook her head and asked Xiang Shade:

"What should we do this time? Find an opportunity to check out the situation, or stay put for now and wait for things to develop further?"

"Don't move for now."

Shade said decisively:

"This incident is not directly related to us for the time being, and the church is not unable to cope with this situation. We don't have to do everything. It's better to take advantage of this change in the moonlight to collect data and conduct experiments to try to analyze these Strange lights and new monsters. There will definitely be more serious abnormalities than this next, so it’s better to prepare in advance now.”

Naturally, the witches had no objections, and neither did Luvia and Miss Elise. But when they stood up and prepared to do their own things, Vanessa was suddenly startled, and the witch of the earth issued a reminder:

"The earthquake is coming. Five, four, three, two, one."


The earth was shaking, as if a giant's moans were coming from deep within the earth. During the Middlesbrough incident last year, every vibration in the "Chamber of Life and Death" would also cause an earthquake, so the ladies who had read the information were not surprised even though they just stood firm.

Only Shade frowned and looked at the badge he was wearing. At the moment of the earthquake, the badge clearly shook:

"Wait a minute, there won't be anyone in the rioting edge of life and death in Yue Bay... huh?"

Suddenly, he felt that the flames that were almost completely integrated with him were becoming more and more active. Shade was startled, and then said in surprise:

"Sister Devlin is back!"

Downstairs in the manor, the door of the mansion was open, but not a single bit of the raging thick fog could flow into the room.

The blurry figure walked out of the white mist, and the white mist lingered on the side of the long gray hair. The silver eyepatch with a densely patterned crown did not become dark even when the cold-faced nun lowered her head.

The gray-blue robe trembled as the legs hidden under the robe moved. She walked out of the fog, holding her hands together and hanging naturally in front of her, and stopped in the center of the hall.

When the cold nun raised her head and looked at the top of the double spiral staircase hanging with the oil painting of Belindel's ancestor, it was really difficult to judge whether it was the brilliant light of the crystal chandelier reflected by the silver eye mask or the The slightly cold face is more delicate.

"Sister Devlin, long time no see."

Shade, who was walking at the front, smiled and said hello, while the witches followed behind him. As Sister Devlin, it is worthy of their welcome.

Miss Belindel, who was walking side by side with Luvia, saw a slight smile on the nun's slightly raised face when Shade greeted her.

The countess's eyes widened in surprise. She could not imagine that Sister Devlin would make such an expression. Luvia, who noticed her expression, kept her mouth motionless and her eyes still looking forward. She just used her belly to exert force and whispered softly:

"What are you surprised about?"

"Sister Devlin actually showed such an expression. I thought she would always have an indifferent expression. Wait a minute, she and Shade don't."

She turned to look at Luvia again, and the purple-eyed girl continued to speak in ventriloquism:

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything."

Sister Devlin not only brought the high-circle nuns from the [Spiritual Order] to the local area, she even brought news from Iluna:

"We met her on the way here and she was time limited and couldn't come in person."

The nun had no intention of going upstairs, so she talked to everyone in the foyer:

"The fortune tellers of the Seer Association believe that if tonight's white fog continues until tomorrow morning, and once the sun-month-sun cycle is established, the light in the fog will make the gaping edge of life and death even more terrifying."

There was almost no tone in Sister Devlin's voice, because her eyes were covered by a blindfold, and people could not see her expression:

"In addition, the Thirteen Rings of the Church have determined that there is a big guy in this restless edge of life and death."

"big guy?"

Thinking of the vibration of the badge he just felt, Shade just hesitated for a moment and then changed the plan he had just made upstairs:

"Sister, can you open a passage in this manor that directly connects to the core of the edge of life and death?"


She answered quickly, so Shade looked at the ladies around him. The witches also realized what Shade wanted to do, and they all looked at him and waited for him to make a decision.

"Miss Belindel, Miss Sylvia, and Miss Elisa, you and I and Sister Devlin go to the edge of life and death together, without anyone else. Luvia, you and Miss Aurora, Fan Nessa and Megan stay in the manor and be careful, this abnormality on the edge of life and death will definitely not be just a coincidence.”

The countess is allowed to go with her because of her excellent divination ability, the great witch of "space" is allowed to go with her because of her long-distance teleportation ability, and Miss Elisa is allowed to go with her because she is apparently the strongest here.

"no problem."

Luvia agreed with his choice, but asked again:

"But Shade, which sword are you going to bring this time? [Night Watch], which has a special damage effect on the undead, the sacred weapon [Angel Right Arm], or the [Ocarina of Time] that enhances time control? Or bring both? superior?"

"No, no, even I don't dare to put so many high-risk relics on my body, and I'm not good at using double swords. This will only weaken my spell casting ability. Well, Emilia, you can let me borrow it. [Ocarina of Time]? I would like to take this opportunity to become familiar with the power of this sword."

Shade said to the pointed-eared elf girl behind the crowd. The latter smiled and nodded immediately, and quickly went to get the weapon.

"Do you need the remaining two swords?"

Shade asked the girls who set off with him again, and they all shook their heads. Although powerful relics can increase strength, in the face of unknown environments, familiar means and power are more reassuring.

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