Whispering Verse

Chapter 2383 The Sword of the Wind King

Chapter 2384 Sword of the Wind King

The red light enveloped the two sisters, and in the light, the eighteen-year-old Hongdie girl wearing a black and white gauze dress appeared, and kissed Shade very generously:

"Really, you must be careful in Yuewan."

"I know that this time I was forced to enter the brink of life and death, but look, isn't the nun here?"

"With the nun here, of course we can rest assured."

The girl carefully patted her xiongpu which looked flat but was actually very heavy:

"What should we do next? Go after that person? Or work with you to solve the pure death of that weird thing in the middle of the bridge. Sir, you should know what it is~"

There was a natural coquettish tone in her tone.

"Of course I know. Don't do anything next. Sister Devlin and I will handle it."

Shade smiled and kissed the girl in his arms on her forehead:

"The big event in Moon Bay is coming to an end, but it's not yet. Dorothy and Lesia are also well prepared, and your strength will be needed when the time comes."

"Of course, at your service, sir."

Miss Hongdie gently let go of Shade, and then looked at the Great Witch of Destiny aside:

"Good evening, Belindel. Do you need us to introduce ourselves? We are Xena Cassandra's teachers, butterflies that have flown from the fifth to the sixth era."

The gentle tone just now suddenly turned cold.

"I know you guys, yes, I know."

The fat-red birthmark between the eyebrows looked very clear even in the fog. The orb in her right shoulder radiated warm heat to prevent her from getting lost in the fog of death, but it also allowed her to more clearly perceive the terrifying power of the relic in front of her.

Although she knew clearly that this was her side's help, it was still difficult for her to see Grace and Helen as girls like them. He forced a smile and said hello, then "hided" behind Sha De again, and sighed in his heart that Sha De could indeed use any power.

In order to avoid the aftermath of the battle just now, the four John Flynns had retreated to a farther position at this time, and only reappeared after the six people above the Moon Bay Bridge came down.

The young man holding the "Wind King's Sword" re-inserted the long sword into the scabbard. The three companions stayed behind. He walked towards Shade with the scabbard alone:

"We meet again, Mr. Watson."

The attitude was very respectful. After all, the power displayed by both Shade and the lady next to Shade was enough to awe him.

"Good evening, how did you find this place?"

Shade asked directly, and the young man did not hide it:

"We have recently established a cooperative relationship with the Zhengshen Church, and I informed them of my candidate status. The church arranged for us to join in the exploration of the edge of life and death during this operation. We were with the large army at first, but later They dispersed after encountering a wave of undead, and then came here unknowingly.”

The person in front of me is either the first or second candidate, and he is kind and upright. Although he and Shade fought over their respective tasks when they first met in Tobesk, Shade actually had a good impression of him.

As for John Flynn and his party establishing contact with the Orthodox Church, Shade did not think it was a surprise. After all, John Flynn even made friends with the coroner Mr. Albert:

"Light Chaser was here from the beginning?"

"Yes, he was here when we came. I highly doubt he was waiting for you here from the beginning."

John Flynn had already speculated on Shad's identity, but he never mentioned it:

"I don't know much about the edge of life and death. Before entering here with my three friends, I learned some details from the Church of Nature. Although there are amulets given by the church, the four of us cannot support it again. Let’s fight. The core of this incident is at the front, Mr. Watson, I’ll leave it to you here.”

After saying that, he nodded slightly, turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Sha De:

"Want to make another deal?"

He took the initiative and suggested:

"I'll tell you part of the information about the Chosen One ceremony, and you'll let me check the sword in your hand."

John Flynn just thought for a moment and handed the sword to him:


Shade turned around and handed the [Ocarina of Time] in his hand to Miss Elise. After taking the [Wind King's Sword], he did not pull it out immediately, but spoke first:

"Candidates of the chosen ones of the light need to go through some kind of trial ceremony before they can obtain their identity. If my understanding is correct, this requires defeating some specific enemies in a specific order. Didn't the Light Chaser mention [ "Higgs Dragon Head Stone"? Do you know this relic? "

"Yes, when I was in the New World, I also heard about the deeds of the famous 'God Caller'. Do you need to defeat a certain target who uses the [Ancient Dragon Transformation Stone] to turn into a dragon?"

John Flynn guessed, Shade shook his head:

"I don't know either, and that's all I know about it now. Of course, the [Higgs Dragon Head Stone] is in the hands of the God Caller, but I don't know where the [Hafana Dragon Body Stone] is."

"[Dragon Feast Order]."

The young man suddenly said:

"We [New World Mutual Aid Association] have also had conflicts with [Dragon Food Cult] in the New World. Please wait a moment."

He turned around and called his companion, an elegant middle-aged man who looked like a clergyman. After exchanging a few words, he said to Sha De:

"The ring warlocks in the mutual aid association had seen an eight-ring warlock from the [Dragon Feast Order] use that relic about three years ago. And it was not an ordinary use. He had the stone embedded in his chest. This enhances the strength of the self-transplanted Dragon Heart and Dragon Lungs.”

"[The Truth Society's] relic fusion technology?"

Shade frowned and asked, John Flynn nodded:

"Yes, we therefore suspect that [Dragon Feast Order] learned the relic fusion technology from [Truth Society]. In fact, [Truth Society] did study the ability of dragon blood to infect humans, and [Dragon Society] There has been cooperation with the Taoist Cult, but I don’t know whether the cultists brought the [Hafana Dragon Body Stone] to Yuewan.”

There is a high probability that the relic is in Yuewan. Even if the [Dragon Cult] does not know that this is a relic required for the ceremony of the chosen one, fate will definitely make the relic appear here in a reasonable way.

After communicating this information, Xia De pulled out the [Wind King's Sword] from the scabbard in the fog.

The sage-level relic [Sword of the Wind King] requires a noble character to be used, otherwise this sword is just a sharper long sword. The sword body shows a complex metallic color that blends gradient cyan and sky blue, and the hilt is golden. The long sword is not heavy, and can even be said to be somewhat light.

Although the outsider does not think he is a standard good person, this sword does not refuse his use. As for its negative characteristics, it seems to be related to the risk when calling the wind, and Shade is just trying out the power of this sword, so he is not worried about this.

The long sword that was pulled out of the scabbard was completely invisible, but Shade, who was holding the long sword, could clearly perceive its shape and position. After trying two swings, he suddenly slashed it upwards. As the dazzling silver moonlight flew into the sky shrouded in thick fog, the strong wind that appeared with the light actually dispersed the large white fog above everyone's heads.

"A casual swipe is a high-strength wind blade."

And through a specific method, the invisible long sword can be revealed. The [Wind King's Sword] in this visible posture will have more powerful power, and can even directly summon a storm when used with full strength.

But Shade did not do this. He just "observed" this beautiful long sword in the end. His eyes stayed for a moment on the ancient saying on the sword "Even strong wind cannot bend justice", then he inserted the long sword into the scabbard, and Returned it to John Flynn:

"Today is Sunday. Are you free tomorrow afternoon? I want to meet you at the Spider Hotel in Spider Alley. I have something to say."

"No problem, I'll wait for you there at two o'clock in the afternoon."

The young man said, then nodded slightly to the ladies behind Shade, and led his three companions away from the Moon Bay Bridge.

"Really walked far away, not hiding nearby."

The girl in the black and white dress who controlled the butterfly to follow them said softly, and the ladies who had been silent just now spoke:

"Looks like a nice guy, but it's a pity he's a man."

This is Miss Sylvia's comment.

"His destiny is indeed unique, but the threat of death also hangs over him."

This is what the countess said, and the blue dragon girl is more concerned about the sword:

"I have never seen the [Wind King's Sword], but it is very practical. The old gods of the four elements symbolizing wind, fire, water and earth have blessed that sword. Although the holding requirements are a bit stricter, it can be regarded as the most powerful among the sage-level. One of the most useful weapons.”

Sister Devlin had relatively few words:

"He has very pure light in his body, and his talents related to light have not been displayed."

As for the Red Butterfly girls, they don’t care about anything John Flynn:

"Sir, let's settle the matter here. Once you've left the edge of life and death, we'll return to Fort Midhill."

Even though the battle just now dispersed the thick fog around the Yuewan Bridge several times, the fog in the center of the bridge never dissipated. After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, a group of six people went on the bridge deck under the Yuewan Bridge and continued to move deeper into the bridge in the fog.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and the smell of death even made Shade feel a little uncomfortable.

In order to resist this force that is extremely unfriendly to the living, Miss Sylvia’s right hand ring and Miss Belindel’s right hand bracelet gradually lit up with golden light, and Miss Eliaser also showed the wings and wings on her back. There are small dragon horns on the top of the head.

Sister Devlin was still holding the dark golden scythe, while Shade's body surface gradually began to appear cracked, and within the cracks were red traces of light that symbolized the "primordial fire".

PS: The picture in this chapter is "The Sword of the Wind King".


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