Whispering Verse

Chapter 2388 The last time in 4260

"What? He and"

The Countess was startled, then imagined it, and her face immediately turned rosy:

"How could they?"

"What's not allowed?"

Meghan asked curiously:

"That Miss Anat is not a witch. Shade seems to be in good health and mentally normal. It would be strange if nothing happened to them."

She acted completely relaxed, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

"Meghan, but him, he, I know what you said makes sense. This once again proves that Shade is really a man. But I still feel that this is strange. This is my manor, the man I like, and his My lover is sleeping on my bed. It’s really weird the more I think about it.”

The fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows trembled due to the movement of her eyebrows, so Megan asked jokingly:

"Why, are you interested in going quietly to see what they did at night?"

"Oh! What are you talking about, Meghan! A qualified lady should be reserved!"

Miss Belindel's face immediately turned completely red:

"Besides, am I the kind of person who likes to pry into other people's privacy? Shade will do whatever he wants, can I really stop him? Humph~ I never thought that a unicorn could like this kind of man."

It could be heard from her words that she felt uncomfortable, so Meghan asked with a smile:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked yet. Bella, where are you and Shade now? You don't just dare to hold hands, do you?"

"Don't underestimate me!"

The countess raised her head:

"Don't think of me as a girl who doesn't understand anything. Of course we kissed."


Audrey hugged Megan's neck with both hands and stuck her head out from behind Megan, with an even bigger smile on her face:

"Is it just like this? Remember when we were at Green Lake earlier this year, when the Battle of Green Lake had just ended, Sivi, Emma, ​​Vanessa and the others were carrying Carina on their backs."

She softly described the "wonderful" story of that night, which made the Countess, who thought she was bold enough, even more surprised:

"How can you still be like this? How many things have you done without telling us? Well, you should, not with him."

Audrey and Megan's expressions remained unchanged:

"As far as I know, they are the boldest. Bella, now that you know Shade the latest, I have to tell you what they don't tell you.

Don't think those girls will abide by the rules, they~ Just look at Carina, even if she hasn't come this time, won't she send the head maid with a good figure? I heard from Luvia that the loyal black-haired maid is also a very capable girl. "

They didn't notice that Matilda, who was standing silently beside her, immediately lowered her head to cover her red face.

The countess nodded thoughtfully:

"Indeed. Megan, Audrey, I was the last to know Shad, and you are the second to last to know Shad. We have to stand together."

The two sisters smiled and nodded together:

"Of course, we will talk to you about many things in the past when we have time. But you don't know that even the young witch apprentices are thinking about great things in their hearts."

As she said that, Audrey from behind glanced at the blond maid beside her. As for Miss Belindel, she was blushing and imagining all kinds of things that had not happened yet. If she wasn't in the bedroom now, she would have even wanted to put her head directly into the quilt and let herself calm down a little overnight.

(Little Mia is running)

Where did Shade sleep this weekend night? Although the witches did not get together to discuss it, in fact even Emilia's pointed ears heard the news. This was from Agelina. As for Agelina, at least she didn't hear from the manor maid that in the middle of the night, a certain twin witch who was not a "space" seat but was proficient in space power quietly opened the portal and went to Luvia's room.

Of course, the Miss Edwardses at least vaguely remembered and returned to their rooms before dawn to prevent the matter from being "exposed."

But early Monday morning, when the family gathered for breakfast in the manor restaurant, no one took the initiative to talk about it. Only the great witch of fate kept looking at Luvia secretly, but when Luvia looked at her again, she looked away instead:

"Louvia, you look really good."

The countess said without anything to say, so Megan couldn't help but snicker at the side, making Miss Aurora quite curious as to what good thing happened to her.

The "edge of life and death" was solved last night, but the glowing fog outside the window is still spreading. I heard the news this morning that with the efforts of the church, the "Edge of Life and Death" that had been partially integrated with the real world has completely returned to a sleeping state, and the church has also sealed its other relatively unstable entrances and exits.

As the moon sets and the sun rises, abnormal daylight continues to affect the city. Therefore, this morning's newspaper devoted the entire second page to introducing the damage caused by strong sunlight to the skin. The city hall urges people not to stay outside for too long. Even if they have to do outdoor activities for a long time, they must wear long-sleeved clothes and a hat.

The investigation report of Yuewan bank account, the investigation report of [Eternal Light] and the notebook dropped by "Light Chaser" brought by Shade last night have been handed over to the Witch's followers for inspection and summary, but at present No results yet. As for Shade, there are two most important things today, the time key that will be used later, and the afternoon meeting with John Flynn.

Of course, meeting him was just an excuse. After Luvia confirmed that the candidates of Priest August, Dragon Egg, and Emilia were all relatively low in order, as long as Luvia confirmed whether John Flynn was the first choice, , Shade can basically determine who the chosen one is this time.

"Don't you keep the time key like before and use it in the decisive battle?"

At the breakfast table, Luvia asked Shade, and Shade shook his head:

"We're not sure yet when the final battle in the Moon Bay area will take place, so there's no need to keep it."

Besides, he hasn't used this month's black time key yet. Shade is still thinking about Miss Isabella.

"So Shade, are you ready with what you need to bring?"

Miss Aurora also asked, and Shade nodded immediately:

"The small statue Vanessa gave me symbolizes the earth, the broken holy symbol purchased by Luvia symbolizes light, the flawless moonstone I bought on the local black market symbolizes the moon, and this cat symbolizes the sun."

As he spoke, he patted the cat at hand, but the cat enjoying breakfast just gave a perfunctory "meow~", and it was unclear whether it was in response to Shade or in protest against his actions.

The time returned to the past corresponds to the fact that only three seconds have passed in reality, so Shade was ready to set off after breakfast.

The other ladies all had things to do on this brand new Monday, and only Luvia and the Countess, who had never seen Shade go to the past, went to see him off.

This time, Shade chose to use the door of the restaurant. After making sure that he had everything he needed, he turned little Mia, who was extremely docile after breakfast, into a toy.

"Then I'll set off. See you in three seconds. Oh, I should have brought the armor back with me when I came back. I don't know what it will look like now after it continues to absorb the sunlight of the sand sea."

Waving to Luvia and the Countess who were standing side by side, the stranger took out the cracked wooden key:

"May the World Tree protect me in time~"

The key penetrated the keyhole, and the clicking and rotating sound this time was heavier than any before. Shade thought this was probably because the door used this time was very large.

After turning the door handle, I unexpectedly found that it couldn't be pushed open. Shade was confused for a moment, and then realized that there were two doors in the manor restaurant, the left and right. Maybe the key judged the two doors as a whole, so he couldn't just push one of them:

"No need for this troublesome door next time."

He bent slightly and shifted his weight downward, pressing his hands on the left and right doors respectively, so that the door gap was aligned with the center line of his body. And as his arms exerted force, the two doors that were pushed open scraped the ground, making the sound of a giant stone door being pushed open.

Luvia and Miss Belindel watched as Shade pushed the double doors open to a gap big enough for him to pass through, and behind the gap was a thick white mist.

The great witch of fate stared at this scene with wide eyes, and Shade turned around and waved to them for the last time, and then walked into the crack of the door.

The door closed automatically. The Countess originally wanted to say something to Luvia, but Luvia spoke faster:

"Three, two, one."

The door that had just been closed was pushed open from the inside, and the dazzling golden light radiated from the crack in the door made them retreat together.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[The summer of 4260 in the Fifth Age, the Eastern Continent, the Golden Sand Sea. 】

[Event: Looking for the "Heart of Oasis". 】

[Duration sixty minutes (3/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The test given to you by the ancient god of time will continue:]

【Witness three sand sea illusions with the god "Misty Lady". 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: a piece of true information - the Holy White Auditorium, thaumaturgy - the crystal of truth. 】

"Sixty minutes? So long this time? Is something going to happen this time?"

With such doubts, Shade stepped out of the thick fog and returned to the blazing sea of ​​sand over there.

The strong sunlight made it impossible for him to open his eyes even if he raised his hands to block his eyes. He was obviously wearing a thin white shirt when he set out, but within a few seconds he was already covered in sweat.

Shade, who had already experienced it twice, quickly lowered his head and moved forward. Rapid breathing accompanied the weak wind as Shade moved forward, while the gravel blown by the wind rolled quietly.

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