Whispering Verse

Chapter 2406 Frowning

This gentleman, who was slightly older than Mr. Albert, stood in the corridor and said to Shade:

"He also said that if a handsome Mr. Watson came to see him and would not wait for him here, he had a letter for you on his desk."

"Okay, thank you very much. Speaking of which, have you and Mr. Albert always been colleagues?"

Shade asked curiously, and the slightly thin coroner immediately shook his head:

"I was transferred here just two years ago. Ptolemy is the oldest and most skilled person here. I want to praise him again. He is a very good person. He is enthusiastic about helping others. When the family members come to claim the body, they will take the initiative to comfort us, which is usually not the case. After all, no one wants to get themselves into trouble these days. "

Mr. Albert's office is separate from the offices of the other coroners. Shade didn't have the habit of rummaging through other people's things, so when he entered the office, he just picked up the piece of letter paper covering the table. The content on it was very brief:

[He is at the dock, Golden Harbor Street, Warehouse No. 32. 】

"Golden Harbor Street" is the street facing the sea of ​​Yuewan Port, and "Princes Trading Partner" is also on that street.

Shade, who learned the address, regretted not asking Luvia to wait for a while and go to the dock with him. Fortunately, when he left the autopsy room, the purple-eyed girl was still waiting for him at the street corner:

"I had a hunch just now that you will come out soon."

She said with a smile, that smile was beautiful.

The two of them took a carriage to the dock together. After Shade sent Luvia aboard the Glory Messenger, he went to the warehouse at No. 32 Golden Harbor Street alone.

Those who can rent a warehouse on the street near the sea are definitely not ordinary people. As soon as Shade walked along the street in the afternoon fog, he saw two sturdy gatekeepers standing at the door of the warehouse.

After thinking for a moment, he hid behind the gas lamp pole next to the wall. Then what appeared out of nowhere was a silver-white cat.

No one would be wary of a cat in the faintly glowing white mist, so the cat climbed up the wall smoothly.

What was even more successful was that Mr. Bernhardt was not in the warehouse house, but in the yard filled with wooden boxes, talking to a man who looked like a businessman wearing a monocle.

A small bat symbol appeared on both of their heads, and the content of their conversation was about the rising freight rates that have recently been affected by the situation between the North and the South.

The conversation ended quickly, and Mr. Bernhardt quickly came out of the warehouse, and then saw Shade head-on.

He raised his eyebrows but did not walk towards Shade immediately. Instead, he continued to walk forward for at least two hundred meters before meeting up with Xia De who was following from behind:

"The manpower and supplies supported by Marquis Molson and Miss Rice have been put in place, and even Mrs. Jude has sponsored me a large sum of money. This week's investigation has gone smoothly. The current level of unity among the people in Yuewan is really beyond compare. In short, there will be results soon.”

Compared to last week, when his face was full of sorrow, Mr. Bernhardt was in much better spirits this week.

"I overheard your conversation. Was that businessman Thomas Pigeon just now?"

Shade asked, Mr. Bernhardt nodded:

"What, you know him?"

Shade frowned and said:

"What you found out from Chandler is that the time when the cultists conducted bulk trade has been matched with two bank accounts. One of them is Thomas Pidgeon."

Herr Bernhardt was not surprised at all:

"Yes, he is also my main suspect. Otherwise, with enough manpower now, I would not personally visit who is the other person?"

"Carmen Eddington. Third son of Earl Eddington, musician, 39 years old."

Mr. Bernhardt immediately shook his head:

"This can't be our kind. It's not necessarily that we have rules. There have been many impossible events in Moon Bay."

After sighing, Shade suggested:

"Don't disrupt your current investigation progress, but focus on Thomas Pidgeon. Since Carmen Eddington's matter involves seven major families, it's up to me to confirm the identity of the other party first."

Mr. Bernhardt nodded in agreement, and then the two of them separated.

Shade did not go alone to test the merchants in the warehouse not far away, but returned directly to the "Brilliant Messenger".

Because Miss Belindel went to the City Council again that afternoon, she did not appear on the stern deck of the Radiant Messenger until just before dinner, and looked at the mist and moon bay dyed red by the sunset with Shade.

"Carmen Eddington?"

The Countess recalled carefully:

"Although he is older than me, based on the relationship between our two families, we should be considered to be of the same generation. Look at what I am doing, I am not 39 years old!"

She gave Shade a small smack as he smiled.

"Xia De, it's not easy for you to meet him. He has locked himself in his home to compose music since the beginning of the year and has not stepped out of the house yet. I can't find any good excuse for you to meet him. Of course, you can also do it yourself Can't you turn into a kitten if you break into Eddington Manor?"

She asked teasingly, but then said immediately:

"Go and ask Margaret. More than a week has passed since the 'Night of the Tusk'. The princess wants to hold a banquet at Margaret's Manor and invite the big shots in Moon Bay to talk about follow-up support. The disaster relief thing not only comforts people, but also takes the opportunity to bring the royal family and Yuewan closer together.

I only received the news this afternoon that the banquet is expected to be held this Friday. When you ask Margaret to send out invitations, bring the young people from the seven major families with you. If Carmen Eddington comes, test him at the party. If he doesn't come, break in to Eddington Manor while there's no one around and take a look. "

"A strange musician who lives in seclusion. This person seems suspicious."

The Countess touched his face very gently:

"Don't be so stressed. We are all here now. You don't have to do everything. Luvia is right. Sometimes you just put too much pressure on yourself and you don't shoulder all the responsibilities."

Shade shook his head and did not explain what he was worried about:

"Has the Council prepared the two relics to be used in exchange for the [Star Sword Stone] with the [Light-Guiding Hermitage]?"

"Of course, it can be delivered after dinner. You know, although the Parliament can now deliver ordinary items such as letters, it still cannot deliver relics casually."

She moved closer to Shade, her golden eyes full of worry:

"Sometimes, even I worry that one day you will be overwhelmed by the pressure."

"I have always been like this along the way. Besides, after the Moon Bay incident, I can also take a break."

Then we have to face the visiting Miss Gothe, which is also a big trouble.

"Look at you, you're frowning again."

The countess said softly again, watching Shade holding the railing with both hands and looking at the thick fog in the distance:

"In the beginning, when it was just you and me in Moon Bay, you would still smile occasionally. Since everyone arrived in Moon Bay, you always walked in and out of the manor with a frown on your face. I'm not complaining, I know you've been busy. "

She bit her lip lightly, remembering that day not so long ago.

Somehow, I suddenly felt a little aggrieved. So she lowered her head, not wanting Shade to see her expression. But she soon realized that Shade had grabbed her hand:

"I have been busy with various things recently, and it is indeed different from the beginning."

She raised her head again, only to find that Shade's face was close at hand.

The two looked at themselves in each other's eyes, neither saying a word. The two faces got closer and closer, until the countess took the initiative to hug Shade's neck, and then kissed him passionately.

Except for Miss Eleser, who was talking to Megan about the "Glory Messenger" renovation plan in the cabin, no one would notice the two people kissing in the fog.

The great witch of fate is not someone who is easily agitated. She just feels inexplicable fear, fear of losing everything she has gained now, especially the man she is embracing at this time.

But we have to admit that "kiss" itself really has magical power. At least when Shade took Miss Belindel's hand and returned to the cabin, her face did not show an unhappy look at all. Instead, when she met Luvia, she felt inexplicably guilty.

"That's why I said, Bella is so innocent and cute sometimes."

Miss Aurora said this to Megan, and the great witch, who had already gained wisdom in everything, just showed a "smart" smile.

After a sumptuous dinner, Shade took two relics and went out to find Mr. Chekov of the Guiding Light Monastery to exchange the relics. The two relics that can create darkness provided by the Witch Council are both "Keeper-level", namely [Shady Kerosene Lamp] and [Shadow Cloak].

The former is an oil lamp, but when lit, it does not produce light, but darkness. The latter is a piece of silk-textured clothing. Its main function is actually to make it completely invisible in dark areas after being put on. However, the cloak itself has been verified to be able to block special light.

Speaking of relics that create darkness, Shade can actually think of the [Dark Box] that went out of control when he first met Carina in the "Lucky Southern Cross Club". The relic was seriously damaged after the "Dark Turmoil" incident in Tobesk, but based on its performance at the time, the Balanced Grand Witch believed that it was actually rated as a "Keeper of Secrets" level.

In short, Shade once again entered the long night with two relics. And Luvia called the countess, planning to take advantage of the favorable horoscope tonight to divine the whereabouts of the remaining three dragon scales.

If something turns out, she can also save some special coins.

PS: I feel like this chapter doesn’t have much content, so I’m posting it together.

But it counts as an additional update, so please vote for an additional update!

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