Whispering Verse

Chapter 2432 Deterioration

Chapter 2433 Deterioration

When Shade and the blonde girl walked out of the bedroom, Carina was sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea. The maids who had not slept in the middle of the night had prepared snacks and hot water. The sleepy little Mia He also slowly climbed onto the back of the sofa and waited for Shade to sit down.

"You should thank me."

Lesia said angrily:

"If I hadn't let you into the bedroom today, you might have been making out with Shade when you were suddenly called into the council. No matter how well you concealed yourself, I don't believe the witches wouldn't be able to tell."

Carina didn't care about her attitude at this time. After all, if she was suddenly interrupted in the middle, she would definitely lose her temper even more.

Golden eyes looked at Lesia's outfit, and then said to Shade:

"Shad, sit down and talk about the matter. It was Bella who notified the Speaker at short notice, and the Speaker called us all over for a meeting. By the time we had the meeting, 98 incidents of light had occurred in the Yuewan area in just three hours. Spontaneous combustion phenomenon. 70 of them occurred in the urban area, and the rest were scattered in the countryside outside the urban area.”

"Nearly a hundred?"

Shade, who had just picked up the soft cat, asked in surprise:

"Although this phenomenon continues to occur in Yuewan, according to the previous frequency, it can only occur more than ten times a night at most. Moreover, now citizens also consciously tighten the curtains and do not expose too much to the light. What is going on? ?”

"Xiwei is the great witch of light. She senses it most clearly. According to her, if the original abnormal light was 1, it suddenly became 5 tonight, and there is a tendency to accelerate the change."

"Wait a moment."

Shade, who had just sat down, stood up again, walked quickly to the window with the cat in his arms and opened the curtains. Torbesk's summer evenings are shrouded in mist, a phenomenon where the "Steam City" proves its industrial prowess. Looking at the three bright and frightening moons through the night fog, Shade put his hand on the glass and felt:

"The intensity of the moonlight is also increasing on our side."

"Now the fog in Yuewan is full of crazy people running around. The entire city except the dock area has been put under martial law."

Carina was worried:

"In addition, a large group of dragon beasts flew in from the outer sea after eleven o'clock, and the mermaids also tracked the manipulated murlocs mixed with dragon blood and other sea monsters approaching Yuewan Port. No, don't worry, it's over. . The church organized a powerful counterattack, Megan and Audrey went out to help fight, and Bella, Luvia and Miss Elisa were on standby on the ship.

Now that the battle is over, Vanessa has also rushed to the ship from the Goethe Hotel, and nothing happened there. They felt that there was no need to disturb you, so they asked me to tell you after the matter was over. "

Lesia asked with concern:

"So, the situation has worsened?"

The red-haired witch nodded:

"In addition to what I just said, there was an earthquake in the Yuewan area. Fortunately, the epicenter was not in the urban area. Also, the 'Crazy Land' appeared again outside the city. This time, the scope was larger. The Fall was born from it. The earth elemental djinn is the cause of this earthquake.

The 'Edge of Life and Death' that was sealed in Tianyue Bay City a few days ago also showed signs of instability. Fortunately, the church's sealing method is very good. The current impact is just a little bit of the white mist of death blending into the glowing white mist. There may be some more evil spirits in the fog tonight. "

"It's more serious than I thought."

Lecia pursed her lips and said, but Carina still added:

"Bella said that they had just received news before entering the parliament that an entire street in the dock area had temporarily disappeared and been replaced by rice fields, but fortunately it had been replaced by the church's space stabilization device. Finally, the largest street in Yuewan City Some strange things rushed out of the "Moon Flower Library", like story characters running out of the book. "

"Except for Balance and Darkness, everyone is here."

Shade said, but then changed his words:

"No, everything except darkness has arrived. The balance is the first to be broken, or in other words, the balance has always been distorted."

"Lecia, look, I'm not interrupting your 'good things' without any reason. Although these things can be discussed at the dinner table tomorrow morning, I feel it's better to let Shade know as soon as possible."

The blonde girl nodded, she never cared about this kind of question:

"Dorothy and I just discussed it and we changed our minds. We will deal with our own affairs during the day tomorrow, and we will go to Moon Bay in the evening. We won't have to wait until Saturday the day after tomorrow."

Carina tilted her head slightly and said:

"That's fine, but I'll be the last one to arrive. Sometimes I really feel that being a Duke is inconvenient."

Lesia ignored her nonsense, but picked up little Mia in Shade's arms and put her aside, then hugged Shade's neck enthusiastically:

"If there is nothing else, can you rest? Shade, let's continue."

After saying that, she kissed Shade, and the duchess waved the maids around her to rest first, and then coughed:

"This is the living room, and I'm still here. It seems that something is really wrong with the Cavendish family's education of girls."

"This is home, and you're not an outsider."

Shade admired that even in this state, Lecia could still find time to speak, so as an "elder", Carina covered her forehead and shook her head:

"I'm really impatient. Let's go to the bedroom."

"Oh, it was agreed that it would be me tonight!"

"We are leaving tomorrow. This is our last chance to be at home together before the decisive battle. Lesia, don't you want to have more fun tonight? I don't think Dorothy's body is stronger than yours."

Her Royal Highness the Princess thought for a moment:

"Okay, let's go."

Then he sat in Shade's arms and said happily:

"Shad, come and hug me!"

"Why doesn't anyone come and ask my opinion?"

"Oh, my dear knight."

The red-haired lady stood up and said with a smile:

"The two Cavendish girls have invited you to spend the evening together. Do you actually want to refuse?"

They walked to the bedroom together, and little Mia jumped off the sofa and ran through the crack of the door before it closed.

Shade's hand accurately captured the cat and sent it to the temporary cat nest in the closet. And when he closed the cupboard door and turned around, in the too bright moonlight shining through the gap in the curtains, the red-haired and blond-haired people had already stretched out their hands to invite him.

In short, due to various reasons, it was already eight o'clock in the morning when Shade got up on Friday morning, a full hour and a half later than the normal waking time in the past.

But at the breakfast table, at least Dorothy and Carina were in pretty good spirits. The Duchess did not blame the maids who always looked at Shade with strange eyes this morning, and even asked Shade if he would renovate No. 6 Saint Teresa Square after the incident in Moon Bay was over.

"Why decorate?"

Shade asked while eating a pie, and stroked the unhappy cat at his hand.

"Somehow, I just want to spend some money on you."

The Duchess said very bluntly, and Dorothy beside her immediately started coughing, as if she was choking:

"I won't tell Lesia this sentence."

Lecia, Dorothy and Shade made an agreement that they would appear in the Dragon's Nest in the north of Moon Bay around 4:30 to 5:00 this afternoon. Although Shade was going to attend the banquet at Margaret Manor tonight, he would pick them up anyway, or at least let the witch pick them up.

When they sent Agelina to Moon Bay, they actually already knew the way. But the situation in Moon Bay is so complicated that Xia De doesn't trust them to act alone.

So after breakfast, Shade took little Mia to the rich harbor city again. Just like what Carina said last night, he had already noticed the thin mist even though he was still in the cave after leaving the dragon's nest.

When he left the cave and came to the small woods outside, the thick luminous white fog was almost the same as the thick fog in the city in Shade's memory.

A rustling sound suddenly came from not far away, so Shade gave up his plan to turn little Mia back into a cat, and frowned as he watched a crazy figure with a whole body shining towards him from the thick fog.

It was a humanoid creature, still wearing the clothes of people in the countryside. It's just that his whole body is covered with pustules, large and small, and those pustules are brighter than the light on his skin, as if the pustules are not pus, but liquid light.

The pustule caused his body to swell and move quite quickly. After appearing in the fog, the light in the pustule even caused it to pull out several bright afterimages of light behind it. In almost a breath, the monster was already close to Shade.

And when the silver moonlight split by the "Night Watch" in Shade's hand crossed its body, in addition to adding a blood stain on its skin, it only made the pustules on its body swell even bigger:

"So I hate these monsters that can absorb light energy."

Shade took a few steps back:

"Corrupted Blood Mist!"

He opened his mouth and spat out scarlet blood mist. The monster that rushed straight towards Shade was immediately submerged in the blood mist. But Shade was still retreating quickly, because after the body's flesh and blood was dissolved, the abnormal light contained in the monster's body immediately exploded like a steam bomb.

Shade did not simply dodge and watch the light disperse, but swung the long sword and changed the way he held the sword, and threw the [Night Watch] straight like a javelin:

"Black Moon Talisman!"

The silver sword pierced the center of the light. As the huge talisman appeared in the light, the light was instantly annihilated, leaving only a handful of fine glowing crystals on the ground:

"Sure enough, as Miss Belindel concluded in 'The Edge of Life and Death', 'end' type of power can also completely annihilate the special light."

But the problem is that this kind of power is difficult for even high-level warlocks to master, and it still cannot be used as a routine method to deal with Moon Bay's problems.

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