Whispering Verse

Chapter 2434 Sunlight Healing

Chapter 2435 Sunlight Healing

There is no need to make special preparations for operations at night. The materials required for Shade's spellcasting are always simple.


After lunch on Friday, with an exclamation from Miss Belinder, she broke through the fog and clouds with wings on her back, and was directly exposed to the bright and excessive sun at high altitude.

Behind her, Miss Eleser and Miss Aurora also broke through the clouds and flew up. The blue dragon girl was still holding Shade.

The four of them looked at the sea of ​​clouds illuminated by the dazzling sunlight. The countess couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her eyes:

"It's brighter in here than I thought."

"Bella, this is your first time flying at high altitude. Let me tell you some things to note on behalf of my predecessor, the Witch of Destiny."

The lady with long wavy brown hair said:

“First, don’t try to fly too high. There are a lot of unstable space cracks above the material world, and you don’t want to know the consequences of falling into them;

Second, don’t fight at high altitudes unless necessary. Humans are land creatures after all. Once they lose their ability to fly and fall from such a height, even Shade’s physical strength may not be able to withstand it;

Third, some rare alien creatures and unique relics will appear at altitudes after breaking through the clouds, which makes flying at such altitudes much more dangerous than flying at low altitudes. "

She thought about it carefully:

"That's all for now. The Speaker should have a "Witch's Flight Manual" over there. You can read it when you have time, or ask Megan and Audrey directly for it. Okay, okay, we'll talk about the flight later. We can take a look here. Not for chatting.”

"Of course I know."

The blonde countess said, throwing the roll of carpet she was holding into the air, and the thick brown-red carpet automatically unfolded and floated above the clouds, and everyone moved over.

The poet-level relic [Michael's Flying Magic Carpet], a product of the Fifth Era, was owned by the Witch Emperor who lived in the early Fifth Era. It later became a relic and has been kept in the Parliament.

Woven from wool, the rug is pleasant to the touch and features a series of delicate geometric patterns on its surface, including complex rhombuses, interlaced straight lines and embroidered patterns that resemble flowers. Although the overall color is brown and red, the pattern is composed of dark blue, bright red and golden yellow.

This is a hand-woven antique artwork, very suitable to appear in that kind of ancient castle or majestic palace.

The greatest characteristic of this relic is flight, but the speed is not very fast, so it is not very practical. Its advantage is that it can spontaneously protect the "passengers" on the magic carpet from wind and cold, and as a relic, there is no need to worry about being affected by special light.

The negative characteristic is that sometimes the wool on the carpet will grow on the passengers. Therefore, if you find that your skin continues to itch during use, you must remove it in time.

The patterns on the side of the magic carpet formed a sentence, which Shade translated as:

[Fifty sheep died because of this, but they went to the sky that they could not reach. 】


Shade thought in his mind, and restored the box of the "Lion Armor of Light" that turned into a golden cube, and placed it in the center of the magic carpet to let it bathe in the midsummer afternoon sunlight.

The war is coming, and he wants to "charge" this armor again. After all, the stronger the sunlight, the stronger the armor will be, and Yuewan, shrouded in thick fog, cannot see much sunlight.

Others were not idle either. Miss Belindel and Miss Aurora arranged a divination ceremony together, hoping to divination the last dragon scale after avoiding the influence of the fog.

The blue dragon girl was playing with the "empty bottle fruit" containing the special light on the side, trying to continue using the empty bottle fruit to absorb sunlight to make further changes in the light.

"I'm going to yell, don't be scared."

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Shade said to the ladies again, then raised his head and let out a dragon roar, and the "Sunshine Sword" emitting dazzling sunlight appeared in his hand.

The left hand grabbed the silver moonlight sword from the air. As the filaments of flames wrapped around the palm flowed towards the two swords, the holy silver runes inside the [moonlight sword] were gradually ignited, and the original The [Sunshine Great Sword] emitting bright yellow blazing light became even more dazzling.

Shade still remembered the amazing scene at the end of the Battle of Green Lake, when he used [Mysterious Lock: Bell Tower Lover] to fuse Iluna and use the power of the sun and moon at the same time, so he brought the two swords closer and tried to fuse them into Together.

But he tried many times without success. Seeing that the ladies were doing their own things, Shade took one last look at the armor without any problems, then scattered the two lightsabers and sat on the magic carpet and squinted his eyes. Towards the sun.

I regretted not bringing little Mia up, but then I thought about how bad it would be if the cat ran away and fell down.

The whole body was bathed in the hot sunshine, and the warm feeling made Shade feel a little sleepy. So in his wild thoughts, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and his raised head dropped suddenly and then raised again. After this cycle four or five times, Shade really fell asleep with his head down.

The area of ​​​​the magic carpet is not very large. The ladies also noticed Shade sleeping, but they all tacitly agreed not to disturb him.

As for Shade, who was asleep, he could still feel the warm light shining on him in his dream, which in turn warmed his soul.

Strange dreams happened one after another during the short sleep, and the external environment made the scene in the dream warmer and warmer, until the dream scene transformed into a "sea of ​​golden sand".

This time, there was no companion. Only Shade walked through the sea of ​​sand alone and entered the half-collapsed Sun Temple.

The blazing sunlight illuminated the walls and the black altar deep in the temple from the gap where the top of the building collapsed. In the center of the altar, little Mia was squatting there and looking at Shade.

After a strange trance, Shade realized that this was his dream. But he did not slow down his pace, but accelerated towards the altar. When he reached out to pick up little Mia in the dream, to his surprise, the cat opened its mouth and bit Shade's finger.

"Mia, you"

This is something that has never happened in the real world. Not to mention biting Shade's hand, the cat didn't even bite newspapers or sofas. It only bit things it could eat.

The shock was more obvious than the pain, so the dream collapsed. Shade, who was sleeping on the magic carpet with his head lowered, suddenly raised his head, looked around in a daze, and then immediately checked his fingers. Although the phantom pain from the dream still existed, there were no teeth marks on his fingers.

"She" in my ear reminds me gently:

[Outlander, you have experienced a "miracle". You have some thoughts about "the sun". 】

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell "Sunlight Healing". Clench your fists and raise your arms to call for sunlight to heal yourself and your companions. This spell can only be used during the day. 】

The healing magic "Cindia's Silver Moon Gift" that Shade had mastered since the first level can only be effective at night, so it is normal for healing spells that can only be effective during the day. Of course, because of the existence of the "Shadow of the Moon" thaumaturgy, Shade can now also use "Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift" during the day.

Seeing that Shade seemed to wake up from a nightmare, Miss Aurora, who assisted Miss Belindel in divination, asked worriedly:

"What's wrong? Are you having a nightmare? Do you need Bella to interpret your dream?"

The Countess also turned to look at him worriedly, and Shade shook his head:

"I just dreamed of being bitten by a cat and feeling the sun."

Shade rubbed the index finger that was bitten in the dream and his normal thumb together twice to relieve the phantom pain. Then he clenched his fist and raised his arm according to the information he received after obtaining the spell:

“Sunlight Healing!”

A spherical light source suddenly appeared above the fist, and the warm yellow light radiated downwards immediately enveloped the four people on the magic carpet.

"The divine magic of the Church of the Sun?"

Miss Aurora raised her head and asked in surprise:

"Don't you claim to believe in Mr. Dawn?"

It was obvious that Luvia and Dorothy were not the only ones who doubted what Shad believed.

Shade nodded:

"Yes, it is indeed that magic. Iluna can also do it. But what she masters is thaumaturgy-sunlight healing, not a spell. Her thaumaturgy can be used during the day and night, but I can only use it during the day."

But Iluna doesn't use this often, at least when she's working with Shade. Iluna is more talented in offensive thaumaturgy than in healing.

"This is already very powerful. In most cases, divine magic can only be obtained by believers through prayer and other activities. You can obtain divine magic just by sleeping under the sun. This is something that devout believers cannot imagine. ”

The witch praised, not finding anything strange about this, after all, there were many weird things about Shade. Shade looked at his finger again. He was still worried about being bitten by little Mia on the altar in his dream.

So, when Iluna hurried to the "Glory Messenger" at three o'clock in the afternoon, she saw Shade sitting at one end of the long table in the banquet hall, constantly trying to put his right index finger on little Mia the front of the mouth.

Of course, the cat was not interested in Shade's fingers, so it avoided it at a loss. It even seemed a little scared because it didn't understand what Shade wanted to do. Even Iluna felt that its appearance was a bit pitiful.

"What is Shade doing?"

Iluna asked curiously. The purple-eyed girl looking at Shade with her face raised shook her head:

"I don't know, it seems like I had a nightmare. Don't worry about him, Iluna. Is there any news from the church?"

"Yes, let's talk in an empty cabin. If the witches are there, come with us."

At this time, Sister Devlin went to the church, and Miss Elisa and Miss Aurora went to the offshore sea to detect if there were any new anomalies with the mermaids. The only witches on the ship were Megan and Vanessa, who was building a new city sandbox. The maids called the two of them, and a group of five people went to the restaurant on the ship.

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