Whispering Verse

Chapter 2437 Siege, Ring and Threat

Chapter 2438 Siege Ring and Threat

Of course, in addition to the denser dragon scale marks on the Dragon Scale Sword, there was also a fiery red mark at the place where it was cut off last time.

[Your physical talent is not weaker than any alien creature. ]

"She" said gently when Shade entered the door, and then added:

[Even a dragon. ]

"Thank you for the compliment."

Shade smiled, and "Strong Spatial Perception" sensed the terrain inside the building, then jumped up suddenly, crashed through two floors with a bang, and passed Mr. Albert who was "cleaning" the lower floor and went directly to the third floor.

Probably the defensive crowd gathered downstairs, and Shade didn't see too many people on the third floor at first glance. He looked at Thomas Pidgeon who stayed on the first floor, pulled him up with a chain, and then his perception touched the defensive ritual on the upper floor.

[No danger, keep going forward. 】

"So, this world is too dangerous for ordinary people."

Two minutes and forty-eight seconds after Shade and Mr. Albert entered the room, they stepped onto the spiral staircase leading to the room at the top of the tower. Mr. Albert still maintained the appearance of a vampire, but there was no blood on his clothes.

Shade kicked open the tightly closed door, and the gray mist symbolizing death immediately floated out.

Even without Shade doing anything, Mr. Albert turned his left hand, and a bright golden ball of light floated out, which actually dispelled the terrible mist.

In the room that was decorated like a noble's private bedroom, Mr. Bernhardt, although a little embarrassed, had already subdued Carmen Eddington, who also showed the appearance of a vampire. The latter was pinned to the ground, his left leg broken, and his eyes were filled with hatred as he looked at the two people at the door:

"You fools!"

"Our great musician is actually a vampire."

Shad said, and Mr. Bernhard shook his head slightly:

"That's why I said that many incredible things have happened in Moon Bay, and it wouldn't be surprising if there were a few more."

Carmen Eddington, who was pinned down by him, exerted force suddenly at this moment, and took advantage of Mr. Bernhard's distraction to break free. He immediately turned into a large group of bats and fled towards the window and the door. Mr. Albert waved his hand again, and four lightsabers formed a regular quadrilateral to surround the bats, and the bat in the center of the four lightsabers was forced to turn back into the appearance of Carmen Eddington.

Even Shad couldn't see the clue of this move, he could only see that it combined some of the "space closure" effects of [Moon Thorns] and the "sealing special ability" effects of [Sin Chains].

"When did you learn this trick?"

Mr. Bernhardt raised his eyebrows. The coroner was about to speak, but suddenly turned his head to look out the window.

The translucent dragon seemed to appear out of thin air at this time, and it breathed a hot dragon's breath at the window outside the tower.

The spitting flames lasted for at least two minutes before it ended. After the flames disappeared, the building materials of the entire tower top showed a molten crystal state.

But then a black chain shot out directly from the ruins on the top of the tower, and the chain bound the dragon's neck. Then, amid the dragon's wailing, a lightning spear went straight through the dragon whose scales were almost transparent.

Shade jumped out of the ruins on the top of the tower, and with the pulling force of the chain, he came to the head of the dragon and pierced its neck with a sword.

Blood mist gushed out, and the dragon screamed and fell down, and Mr. Albert, who turned into blood mist and flew out of the ruins on the top of the tower, condensed a long sword wrapped in blood mist in his hand. Before the dragon landed, he chopped off its head with a sword.

Boom~ A dull sound represented the end of the battle.

"You are all so powerful, it makes me look useless."

Mr. Bernhardt muttered to himself as he looked down from the edge of the tower top, and then he saw Shade transformed into a red butterfly and flew up again with the blood mist.

"This should be a special dragon beast that the [Dragon Feast Cult] used alchemy to mix. It looks like it has the blood of the 'Invisible Moth' added."

Shad said:

"The relic is still effective. It should have been hidden in this castle from the beginning. It just took advantage of our relaxation to attack. Fortunately, this thing has a good hiding ability, but its strength is too weak."

"The [Dragon Feast Cult] is willing to arrange a precious dragon beast for the two of them. It's already very good."

Mr. Bernhardt said, looking at the two "fellows" lying at his feet:

"Although I said I was not surprised just now, it's really unexpected that the local fellows actually dared to infect the blood of the seven major families. Mr. Watson, leave it to us next. Didn't you two make an appointment to meet tomorrow? Looking for some cards? Then I'll see you at the old place tomorrow morning, and I'll give you the results of the interrogation then." The coroner also nodded: "Finally, this matter will have a result." Xia De didn't think about participating in the interrogation. He listened to the voice: "It's 7:24, I'm still in time, so I'll go back to the banquet. There are people waiting for me to dance at the banquet." The two vampires laughed, and Xia De bent down and pulled a ring from Carmen Eddington's hand: "If I meet Count Eddington later, I want to use this to see his reaction." The vampire lord nodded: "Then see you tomorrow morning. Thank you for troubling you tonight." "Don't be so polite, you two, we'll see you tomorrow morning, and be careful when you go back."

Shade waved his hand and jumped directly from the gap on the top of the tower that was melted by the dragon's breath. Throwing the glass slipper during the fall, he immediately returned to Tobesk.

Mr. Bernhardt, who was still standing at the top of the tower, after confirming that Shade had left, his dehydrated face gradually plumped up and returned to a normal human appearance. Then he asked inquiringly to his friend who had also returned to a normal human appearance:

"Speaking of which, when did you become so powerful?"

Ptolemy Albert was speechless, but fortunately a bloody light suddenly lit up in the distance, and both of them frowned:

"This signal is a message from the neighboring clans, and it is an enemy attack. It seems that the [Dragon Feast Order] still values ​​them very much."

Mr. Bernhardt asked directly:

"Mr. Watson has left temporarily. If there is a high-level warlock, are you okay?"

The coroner stood in the gap of the tower facing the wind, and the three moons above the mist illuminated his frown. The newly restored human form once again transformed into the body of a vampire. His claws collided with each other in front of him, causing sparks to fly. He narrowed his eyes:

"Don't bother Mr. Watson with everything. After all, this is our own business. I think as long as the Thirteen Rings don't appear, I'll be fine."

"Okay, let's go, we have a lot to do tonight."

The two turned into blood mist and rolled up the unconscious two people on the top of the tower. After the effect of the relic was withdrawn, they flew straight towards the red light in the distance.

(Little Mia is running)

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

In the magnificent banquet hall of Margaret Manor, Shade, who was wearing a formal suit and holding a glass of champagne, hurriedly came to Miss Belindel who was chatting with the Marquise of Ankara.

The countess, who was wearing a golden evening gown that matched her hair color, looked at Shade's hurried appearance and couldn't help but cover her mouth with her right hand wearing a white lace glove and said with a smile:

"Look at you like this, are you going to kill someone again?"

The ladies and noble ladies around him all laughed. Shade was stunned for a moment, then sniffed his cuffs:

"I obviously remembered to take a shower."

As a result, the laughter around them became more obvious, but many people also blushed.

Although Shade missed the opening part of the banquet, at least the banquet had just begun when he arrived.

Seeing that Shade was back safe and sound, the Countess knew that things outside the city were going smoothly.

So she and her "cousin" continued to chat with the local nobles and celebrities. When Earl Eddington came over and wanted to say a few words to her, the old Earl politely nodded to Shade. He nodded, then suddenly froze, looking at the ring on Shade's hand in shock:

"Where did you get this?"

"Lord Eddington, please be polite to my cousin."

Bella Belindel said a little unhappy, turning sideways to block Shade, but Shade took the initiative to take a step forward and took off the ring:

"Is this this? I went around outside the city this afternoon and picked it up in the farmland. What a coincidence, it actually has the crest of the Eddington family on it. Earl, is this something from your family?"

The old Earl Eddington's hand holding the wine glass began to tremble, and he subconsciously wanted to take the ring, but he immediately retracted his hand.

The countess, who was wearing a ruby ​​forehead jewelry to cover up her fat-red birthmark, smiled and lowered her voice:

"Earl Eddington, after all, you are still my elder. You should know that it is a small mistake to connect those so-called ring magicians, but it is not a small problem to let your own heir become that kind of thing."

The gray-haired old earl suddenly poured all the wine in his glass into his mouth. He did not look at Shade, but looked directly at Miss Belindel. The expression on his face was quite complicated:

"Belindl, are you threatening me?"

"Earl Eddington, my father once said that whenever you ask a question using this sentence pattern, it often means that you are trying to cover up your panic with your own strength."

Her smile grew brighter, and the corner of Earl Eddington's mouth twitched;

"There's something you don't know about me. No matter what Carmen's situation is now, he is no longer Eddington."

He took one last look at the ring in Shade's hand and showed no intention of taking it away:

"Earl Belindel, let's talk to the city council tomorrow. Everyone has topics they don't want to talk about at home. I don't want things to come to this."

"Are you so cruel to abandon your son? That's right, your family has quite a few heirs."

Although she said this, she still agreed to the conditions of meeting tomorrow. Earl Eddington nodded stiffly to Shade before turning and leaving. The countess was quite satisfied with the result and said to Shade with a smile:

"Do you think it's possible for me to find out the whereabouts of the last dragon scale tomorrow?"

"I feel that you are more likely to hear a vulgar family story. Family love, rebellion, resistance, and adventure, that's about it."

The blonde countess was so amused by Shade that she held Shade's hand again:

"None of them are here tonight, only Princess Margaret and I are here. You will have to dance with me for a while. I heard them say that you are very good at dancing."

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