Whispering Verse

Chapter 2443 [Creating Light]

Chapter 2444 [Origin·Light]

The water of the Taton River roared, and the couple with their faces covered with black cloth on the riverside street did not continue to move forward, but confronted the five people blocking the road in front. Mr. Feringa and Miss Brown both held pistols, and the five people in front of them were obviously city gangs.

"Is it someone you know this time?"

Mr. Albert, who was standing at the mailbox at the corner of another street that intersected with the riverside street, asked Shad. Shad squinted and looked at it:

"Although I know a group of dock gangs, I don't know these people. I can't know everyone in this city."

The coroner made a little joke:

"I thought you had connections to use anytime and anywhere. Then let's go, how about just using a pistol? Is your shooting good enough?"

"You can call me a sharpshooter."

Although the revolver issued by MI6 is a single-shot pistol, Shad still only uses it. After counting down three numbers, the two rushed out of the fog together-

Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gunshots were fired by Shade, Mr. Albert, and Miss Brown who heard the gunshots. As the three gangsters fell to the ground, the other two immediately fired back. But because they were no longer in the majority, except for Mr. Albert who dodged a bullet, the return fire had no effect at all.

Bang! Bang!

After two more gunshots, only one of the five was killed directly by Miss Brown, and the other four were seriously injured and fell to the ground, one of whom was about to die.

Shade and Mr. Albert walked out of the fog. The latter looked at the five people on the ground, took out a whistle from his pocket and blew it hard, so the sharp whistle immediately echoed in the riverside street.

"Police sentry?"

"There are still three people who can be saved. I don't want to cause trouble for my colleagues in the police department."

The coroner responded. As for Mr. Feringa and Miss Brown, they greeted the two people immediately after seeing them coming:

"Sir, the Devout!"

Shad glanced at Mr. Albert, but the latter did not look at him:

"Didn't I tell you to hide and wait for me to find you? Why did you risk running out?"

Miss Brown, whose arm was injured, lowered her head in shame:

"Sorry, sir, I wanted to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible, but I didn't expect to be easily discovered by my old boss."

"I remember that you just said that it was troublesome to have a card in your hand, but you didn't say there was any intelligence."

Mr. Albert frowned again, and Miss Brown pursed her lips and lowered her head even harder:

"I'm so sorry, my past involved a lot of trouble."

"Everyone, leave here first, don't be blocked by the police."

Shad reminded, and he understood that this morning's event was arranged, but an accident happened in the middle.

So the four of them left the scene quickly, led by Mr. Albert, who was familiar with the local area, and finally went down the steps of the riverside street of the Taton River and came to the bridge of the "Sigris Bridge" across the Taton River.

This bridge has a history of a hundred years, but because of the width of the bridge deck, it no longer meets the requirements of the city, so the "Moon Bay Bridge" was built further downstream.

The fog under the bridge was as thick as on the street, and Mr. Feringa, who finally saw the disguised face of Shade, finally asked hesitantly:

"Are you..."

"Since Her Highness Margaret is in Moon Bay, can't I be there?"

"It's really you!"

Mr. Feringa said unexpectedly, and Miss Brown, who was treating her wounds, immediately thanked her:

"You saved us for the second time."

Without hesitation, she handed him the suitcase in her hand:

"This is evidence of local gray glove agents accepting bribes, and it is the code name of "Sinking Fish" codenamed "Clock" He bought a precious playing card from the businessman who was killed by the gangsters with a manor outside the city. He was targeted by Gray Gloves because of this transaction. Gray Gloves originally wanted to kill him and take the card on the pretext of being a spy, but after investigation, they found that he was really a member of MI6, so they didn't even need an excuse. Before he died, "Clock" gave me the playing card that caused his death and this box of secrets, and then what happened today happened. "The former royal maid explained the whole story in a few words, and Shade was curious. Said:

"I told you to stay away from Delarion, not to contact MI6 in Yuewan. Why do you know the dead agent? Why do you agree to take these things that will cause big trouble?"

Mr. Feringa responded on behalf of his wife. After half a year, the original mechanical engineer has become more mature:

"I also agree with Jane to do this. It is not safe for us to hide all the time. The "clock" happened to be in the same training batch as her, so I asked her to contact it and she can also find out the latest situation at any time."

"As for taking over the batch of documents, I admit that I was greedy. I thought that if I could return the documents to the six departments, maybe the director would forgive my defection."

When Miss Brown said the last word, she also saw Shad's eyes at this time:

"I understand now. There was no turning back from the beginning."

"Isn't it good for you to live like this? No matter which side has not publicly wanted you, you just need to live a stable life and no one will bother you."

Shad is qualified to say this, because MI6 really did not look for Miss Brown who left Tobesk.

The couple also knew that their adventure was wrong, but they could not turn back time. Fortunately, the worst ending did not happen:

"Your Excellency the Devotee, I'm sorry that we deceived you."

"You didn't deceive me, you deceived all the companions who worked on this matter."

The coroner sighed:

"Next time you attend a rally, remember to apologize to everyone. Go back, Mrs. Fox is still waiting for you to go home. This matter is over now, and I will find a way to cover up your traces, just like what this gentleman said, Let’s live peacefully in Yuewan.”

It's a bit ridiculous to say the word "stability" in today's Yuewan, but the couple thanked them again and left in a hurry. Shade looked at their backs and guessed that if [Eternal Light] can continue to develop in the future, it will definitely use some of the intelligence and espionage skills mastered by Miss Brown.

The story of her and Mr. Feringa has not yet reached the stage of "the prince and the princess living happily together". She once again took a wrong step, and her life will never be completely peaceful after that.

Only Shade and Mr. Albert were left in the fog again. Shade looked at the suitcase in his hand, and the latter reminded:

"It only contains the information that caused this disaster. That card is not here."

He took out his notebook from his robe, and then handed the card inside it to Shade with its back facing up:

"They just said at first that they were being chased by someone looking for this card, so they gave this card to me. Well, I also deceived you. This card has been in my hand since half a month ago."

The thin playing cards were almost weightless. Shade, who thought he was used to big scenes, still felt his heartbeat speeding up slightly when he got this playing card.

He remained calm and turned the card over. On the card was a dragon looking up and roaring in front of the radiant light. The dragon was different from any dragon Shade had ever seen. He could only use simple adjectives such as "ancient", "powerful" and "sacred" to describe his first impression.

Then he looked above the card.

I saw the number 5 in the upper right corner, and the very familiar small symbol of "Star" in the upper left corner. Between the two, that is, in the center of the front of the card, there is a black vertical line drawn in a white circle, which is the logo of the "Original" series.

Then he moved his eyes to the bottom of the card, where there were a few lines of small words:

[After drawing this card and before suspension, you can force your opponent to reveal all the cards in your hand; during the settlement phase when you have this card, if you blow your cards, you can force your opponent's total points to be the same as your own. Only one of the two effects can be activated in the same round. 】

Effect 1 is equivalent to letting the opponent reveal their cards, which is the same as the special rules of the [Big City Players Champion] series;

The second effect is that as long as you draw this card, you don't have to worry about losing the card. Even if you cannot see the opponent's trump card after activating effect two, you can still take radical risks. After all, even if the card is busted, it will only be a draw.

"Light can see all things, and light can melt all things."

The coroner on the side summarized the characteristics of this card in simple words, and completed the final story of the card's dispersion in Moon Bay:

"The reason why the killed businessman who originally had three cards was killed was not only because of the greed of the gangsters. Those gangsters were brought in by Viscount Belgra."

"The 1850 Rockwood City Players champion?"

Shade asked, he and the other party even played cards.

"Yes, according to our investigation, Viscount Guerra is deeply involved with local underground casinos and the black market of Rhodes cards. Over the years, he has publicly announced that he is willing to bet on special cards with anyone, just to facilitate knowing the locations of more special cards, and then Get those cards in various ways.”

Mr. Albert's tone was very calm. They had already been investigating these matters before Shade came to Moon Bay:

"The Viscount's real target is not the other two, but this [Creation Light]. Don't worry, there are only three people who know what this card is: me, Miss Brown and Viscount Guerra. The Viscount is worried that the secret will be leaked and he himself Can't get the cards.

After the three cards escaped, the death of the MI6 agent was actually related to Viscount Guerra. But there is no need for MI6 to take revenge. I have already made arrangements. The Viscount will die of ricin tonight. Too many people have died because of him recently. "

Shade was not interested in the death of the 1850 champion. He stood up the cards in his hand:

"Do you want to give this card to me?"

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