Whispering Verse

Chapter 2445 Final preparations

Chapter 2446 Final Preparations

"The ritual is almost like this, what do you have now"

"I grabbed the half-elemental life, the poet-level relic [Ointment Slug]. Other than that, I have nothing in my hand."

Mr. Albert said very frankly:

"In fact, I have not made up my mind to become the chosen one. For me, [Eternal Light] is more important."

"Okay, I have five dragon scales here, [Dragon Feast Cult] has one, and the other is unknown; among the five relics, the poet-level one is in your hand, the clerk-level [Mirror of Mafala] and the keeper-level [Star Sword Stone] are in my hand, the sage-level [Apron of the Unknown Swordsmith] is in the church, and the angel-level [Ancient Dragon Stone] is half in my hand and half in the [Dragon Feast Cult]."

Mr. Albert nodded gently:

"The relics in the church's hands need you to communicate. As for [Dragon Feast Cult] I don't think I need to worry about the scales and relics in the hands of the [Cult]. The purpose of the gods coming to Moon Bay this time is to devour the seventh chosen one and snatch the power of the ancient gods. Those cultists will promote the ritual of the chosen one. "But there is still one last dragon scale missing, and that dragon scale originally belonged to the Eddington family." Shade briefly told the origin story of the "Seven Great Families" that Luvia had divined. The coroner didn't know this: "Although [Eternal Light] only develops in the Lower City, we are not completely ignorant of the Seven Great Families. After all, some of the nobles' servants also come from the Lower City. I am very sure that the Eddington family itself does not know about the dragon scales. After I go back, I will use the light and [Hope Gem] to divine." The effect of the unknowable relic [Hope Gem] is actually that when people facing desperate situations look at it, it will show people hope. This is not a directional divination relic like [Destiny Base], but I think the chosen ones can use it for divination. "We don't have time. The God's Descent Ceremony may start tomorrow, or at the latest next Tuesday."

Shad reminded, and Mr. Albert nodded silently:

"We also need to know the order of the trial. There is an order to defeat the five ancient relics, and this can only be known after getting the seven dragon scales."

"I understand, the ceremony can only begin after collecting all the dragon scales."

"In fact, as long as you pull out the sword, you are qualified to perform the ceremony, but it is very difficult, and it is difficult for anyone."

Shad agreed with this point. Whether it was Emilia a month ago or Miss Knight in the Fifth Epoch Sand Sea, their methods could not be copied.

"Then after this matter is over, can you lend me the Hope Diamond?"

Shad asked again, he did not directly ask for the precious relic, and Mr. Albert would naturally not refuse:

"Of course, but are you really the famous detective of Tobesk?"

"Not really a famous detective."

Shad replied, and then raised his head with the coroner, watching the huge fireball fall from the foggy sky. But after descending to a certain height, a light blue, almost completely transparent shield appeared above the city with a buzzing sound.


The fireball exploded in the air with a loud bang, and the dragon beast that flew out of it opened its mouth and spit out a flame at the shield. Then the dragon beast with deformed flesh and blood swelled up all over, rushed towards the shield guarding the sky above the city in the bursting energy and exploded, but only caused a ripple.

"The [Dragon Feast Cult] has begun to test."

After saying goodbye to Mr. Albert, Shade immediately returned to the Belindel Manor with the box of information.

Now, except for Carina and the mistress of the manor, the other witches who should be here are already in the manor or on the boat. It was almost lunch time, and Shade finally conjured Mia first, and then told Luvia what happened just now.

Luvia had known before that the chosen one was Shade's friend. Now Shade had already discussed everything with him, and Luvia didn't have much opinion on Ptolemy Albert:

"Since the coroner cares so much about [Eternal Light], it means he has soft spots and weaknesses, which is a good thing. You know, the more you care about, the easier it is to be manipulated."

The purple eyes were smiling, and Shade blinked, feeling that Luvia's ideas were really strange sometimes:

"During the God's Descent Ceremony, he will venture into the [Dragon Feast Sacrifice Site], and we will definitely go there at that time. Contact Iluna, the church must also cooperate to buy time for the Chosen Ceremony, and the relics in the church's hands also need to arrive at the right place at the right time."

Luvia immediately did this, which caused her to almost miss lunch time.

Because it was not certain when the God's Descent Ceremony would start, Shade considered the lunch that day to be the last lunch before the decisive battle.

Shortly after lunch, the mermaids patrolling near the coast brought new information to Miss Aurora:

"An abnormal storm group appeared in the outer sea."

"The appearance of the evil creature of the deep sea - [Seven-tailed Player] is almost certain. If the battlefield is divided into two parts, where will you be?"

At this time, Shade stood on the deck of the "Glorious Messenger", wearing the [Eye of Crow] on his hand and looking at the sea level covered by thick fog in the distance. Iluna, who had just arrived, raised this question, but Shade had already thought about it:

"It must be the [Dragon Feast Sacrifice]. Although the evil thing in the deep sea is scary, it is not absolutely impossible to contain or even defeat it with the power of the church. The divine descending ceremony and the chosen one ceremony are the focus this time. Iluna , you should also be at the sacrificial site, right?"

The eighteen-year-old girl nodded, took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Sha De, her brows slightly raised:

"Somehow, I always have a bad feeling this time."

"This is already the seventh war, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

Shade asked:

"And when the Battle of Moon Bay is over, you can stay for two days, and we can travel to the open sea with this ship to bask in the sun and go fishing, or let Miss Belindel open her private beach for us to play for a few days. I think. I think it will be a great vacation. ”

Iluna turned to look at Shade and asked softly:

"What if Moon Bay is really destroyed as predicted? I know that prophecies cannot all come true, but what if Moon Bay is destroyed?"

"Then at least Luvia and I are still with you."

Iluna immediately smiled and nodded, looked around to make sure no one was around, then stood on tiptoes and kissed the side of Shade's face again.

In the captain's cabin, Miss Eleser, who was patiently explaining the sailing regulations of Fifth Age ships to the blonde writer lady, suddenly paused. When Dorothy asked her why, the ship girl just smiled and said:

"Nothing, I just think the girls from the Sixth Age are really interesting."

Although Iluna left soon, she would come back tonight. She said she wanted to spend the night on the boat.

Everyone seemed to be busy, so Xia De also wanted to find something to do for himself. The matters at hand were basically dealt with, so while he had time in the afternoon, he went to the orphanage in the city again, wanting to see the situation of Priest Augustus and remind him of what happened tomorrow.

Because of the heavy fog, the orphanage did not organize outing activities for the children. Priest Augustus was inside the orphanage. He needed to suppress the shoulder blade that was infected by the special light, so when he met with Shade, Priest August's aura was a little weak, but at least it did not affect his health.

They were still talking in the stable, and the priest just sighed after hearing Shade say these things:

"I can also feel that the breath of death is gradually covering Yuewan. Yes, something big will definitely happen in the past two days. In fact, because of this heavy fog, the dean has considered temporarily moving the children to the countryside. The fog in the countryside It’s a bit thinner and the situation is much better than here, but there are so many kids here that it’s hard to find a suitable place.”

Shade just thought about it and came up with the answer:

"Do you know that there is a 'Red Heart Orphanage' in the north of the city? I visited there. Although there are not enough beds, it should be no problem to make beds on the floor. If the chefs, helpers and women taking care of the children at Yuewan Orphanage are willing to go there , which can barely accommodate everyone.

There is no need to worry about the food issue. The Red Heart Orphanage has its own farm output, so just pay it when the time comes. "

There are many orphanages in big cities like Yuewan. Although Priest August had never heard of them, he thought it was OK after hearing Shade's description:

"Then detective, please help me contact you. I'm just worried that I don't have enough time. After all, the children can't just leave. The dean needs to consider various things and procedures. You know, this is an official place. 's orphanage.

"Then try to act as quickly as possible. I will go to the owner of the Red Heart Orphanage to discuss this matter soon."

After that, he said to the priest:

"Priest, you should follow us out of the city when the time comes. Don't stay in the city."

He came this time to confirm the status of the priest, and if it was good, he would lend him the [Angel's Right Arm]. After all, the priest was also one of the candidates this time, but under the current situation, the priest definitely could not participate in the war.

Later August thought of the letter from Luvia he received a few days ago, and looked at Shade again:

"Okay, but I will wait until the last child leaves here before leaving. Although I am only a second-level detective now, I am still a better detective than ordinary people. You should be careful yourself."

After the affairs of Priest Augustus were settled, they only had to wait for the arrival of Joy Barton and Ms. Marilyn Handel. They were originally in the east of the Old World and it would take some time to reach Moon Bay. As for Dr. Schneider, Shade planned to find a crossroads to "summon" him tonight.

In this way, preparations for this war are basically complete. The rest is just waiting.

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