Whispering Verse

Chapter 2449 Angel of Light

Chapter 2450 Light Angel


After the bathroom door was opened, there was a familiar white mist behind the door. Shade reached out and touched the white mist——

[Outlander, please take note. A message from the "Father of the Infinite Tree": This time you are allowed to carry an additional relic. 】

"Still [the perfume vial of desire]."

He temporarily put all the other belongings on the floor, but "she" asked at this time:

[Are you sure you want to use this key now? 】

"Yes, I can't sit at the table and keep draining my energy. This is a warm-up before the war."

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[The past life, the sixth era, the old continent, the city of the end, Tobesk. 】

[Event: Tobesk, the Last Era. 】

[The duration is arbitrary (5/∞). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[You have stepped into a history that does not exist. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[Note that during this exploration, you cannot leave the area of ​​Saint Teresa Square. 】

[Note that you are allowed to bring any casting materials into this period of time. 】

[Note: Using the Time Key to defeat any powerful enemy can return to the "now" time. 】

Stepping into the white mist, Shade returned to his dilapidated home again.

With the pressure of facing a possibly unwinnable battle between gods, the bad effects of the doomsday environment seemed to be weakened, but Shade's mood did not get better.

The location where he appeared was still Room 1 on the second floor of his home. He sat on the sofa and covered his forehead for a while. Then he stood up and summoned the Staff of Yggdrasil, using it as a crutch. Take the creaking stairs covered with black stains and mildew to the first floor.


After struggling to push open the door, which was stuck in the severely deformed door frame, the strong wind brought sand and gravel and hit Shade directly on the face.

Don't worry about the slight pain at all. After walking sideways through the crack in the door, you raised your head and squinted your eyes to see the sun with fiery red lines flowing downwards from the yellow sand in the sky.

I don't know if it is because he has been exposed to too many special lights recently, but Shade's perception of light has also been greatly enhanced. The light from Moon Bay and the Golden Sand Sea is violent and aggressive, but the light at this moment only leaves decay and nothingness:

"The light here is going to die too."

He walked down the half-missed steps at the door with his long staff, and after taking out the silver pocket watch in his pocket, a palm-wide string of white runes with a floral body appeared on the ground under his feet. The wind blew away the gravel, allowing Shade to clearly see the meaning of the runes. He clasped the pocket watch with his left hand, but did not immediately read the meaning of the runes.

[You are hesitating. 】

"Yes. It's wrong to try to seduce a girl to fall in love with me for some purpose."

"Her" gentle laughter is still clear even in the wind and sand at this moment:

[Perhaps you can convince yourself this way: everything is for justice. 】

"But that's not my justice."

He lowered his head and stared at the runes at his feet, and after a moment he said softly:

"Adele Isabella."

After taking two steps back, in the soft white light radiating upward from the runes, the great witch slowly stood up with her skirt in hand, gradually turning from a phantom into a real entity.

The long dress on the blonde witch is no longer the same one as last time, but it was also provided by Shade. She raised her head and looked at Shade, the tear marks at the corners of her eyes becoming more charming because of her smile.

Adele Isabella endured the joy of being reunited with Shade again, and smiled tenderly at Shade:

"We meet again, how are you doing recently?"

She herself was only a girl in her twenties, but she could tell at a glance that Xia De was deeply worried at this moment:

"Have you encountered something difficult? It doesn't matter. It's normal that you can't learn the principle of regression for the time being."

She thought that Shade was worried about his studies, but Shade still shook his head:

"I have mastered the principle of regression and cannot show it here. Only the relic sword can allow me to use that move. What I am worried about now is other things."


The witch had a slightly surprised expression on her face, but then she asked with some pity:

"Have you been having a hard time lately? If you don't face enemies one after another, you won't be able to learn this trick."

She did not suspect that Shade was lying:

"So what's bothering you? Can I help?"

"I am facing a battle that I may not win at all. Let's solve this mission first, Miss Isabella. After this mission is over, I want to talk to you in detail."

The blond lady nodded slightly and wanted to retreat to the wall, but after a moment of hesitation, she opened her arms and hugged Shade:

"The only reason for my existence now is to help you. So don't worry, I will listen to all your worries, Shade, I am always here."

After saying that, he retreated to the wall and smiled at Shade. Shade showed a slightly surprised expression, but he quickly nodded to her and walked towards Saint Teresa Square, which was half buried by the yellow sand, carrying a long stick. .

For a moment, Adele Isabella felt that she was seeing a martyr who was about to reach his end.

Lifting up the shoes, the footprints were left on the fine quicksand blown by the wind. The black coat was thrown away and covered the footprints behind him.

Because he came with the mood of the prelude to the battle between gods, Shade's expression was particularly serious this time.

As he moved forward, a high and distant female voice came from the sky. This sound was like a soprano in an opera troupe practicing her voice, or like the prelude of some deep hymn.

But there were no enemies in front of him or around him.

[Above. ]

"She" said softly, and Shade looked up.

Under the dim sky, a huge pure white glowing figure gradually appeared.

The figure's body was extremely slender, with three pairs of huge white light wings on its side. The spread of the light wings on the left and right sides even exceeded its body length, and the evil creature's tail end, which should have been below its feet, was a slender tail.

It looked a bit like a dragonfly, but more like a humanoid angel. In addition to the six wings, countless pure white light spots around the body were densely scattered in the sky.

"This time, is it an evil creature that appeared because of the disaster of 'light'?"

The "angel" was located at a very high position, so Shade couldn't see its face and which acquaintance it was, and could only roughly estimate that its size was about half the size of Saint Teresa's Square.

And it was not completely motionless. When it slowly "crept" and flew to the point where it could just cover the black sun with its own light, the two short arms that were almost fused with the pair of wings in the middle pointed at Shade below.


Accompanied by another cry, hundreds of beams of light shot out from the densely packed hundreds of light spots, sweeping across the entire square from left to right.

In the stirred-up yellow sand, the golden shield protected Shade, who could not leave the square, but those beams only swept across once, and disappeared without even touching the houses around the square.

The wings of the "angel" continued to flap, and the pure white whip of light was thrown out by its right hand. Shade had no intention of dodging at all, and instead held the long staff with his left hand, and threw out the [Chain of Sin] with his right hand.

The dark chain emitted a faint light in the wind and sand, and the whip of light was actually a solid object. After the two came into contact, they were tightly bound together. Then, the light that was enough to melt everything slowly dyed the rune chains on the chain of sin with light:



After another cry, the angel held a ball of light in his left hand and threw it higher. Then the ball of light burst out like the sun, and the special light that was stronger than the current Yuewan City illuminated the entire Saint Teresa Square.

Miss Isabella, who had experienced the complete doomsday, waved her hand and cast a black curtain to block the light. This was something that no one in the "Present World·Sixth Epoch" could do, not even Shade.

She looked at Shade in the center of the square with concern, and Shade was indeed unable to use the dark art because he could not carry the [Disaster Card·Shadow of the Deep Sea].

The witch wanted to help, but the next moment, in that light, the dragon roar that she had not heard for a long time exploded in the wind——


The white light in the sky gathered together, and most of his clothes were melted, his hair almost disappeared, and even his skin was glowing. Shade took back the chain, and then threw a lightning spear into the sky.

The lightning spear was scattered by the "angel" waving a long whip, and the high-raised Yggdrasil Staff gathered light due to the magic of the dragon roar, and then turned into a pure white sword. The sword was much shorter than the long staff.

[Stranger, don't continue to touch these lights directly, otherwise you will also turn into light. ]

The "she" beside his ear reminded softly, and Shade waved the greatsword in his hand to collide with the long whip that was chopped again. Because the sword and the long whip had the same light properties, this time [Yggdrasil Staff] did not show any abnormality, but Shade was almost pushed to the edge of the square by the huge force:

"Miss Isabella, I need your help this time!"

He made his request:

"This thing can fly, I can't deal with it myself, please help me."

Facing something that he really couldn't defeat, Shade never hesitated to ask for help. Besides, since the tree father allowed Miss Isabella to appear here, she is actually part of Shade's power.


Looking at Shade's half-melted body with some worry, the blonde witch with teardrop mole took Shade's hand and flew directly into the sky, thus avoiding the second sweep of hundreds of rays of light that followed.

The Saint Teresa Square under his feet was already riddled with holes, and the screams in the air continued. The light tracked the two people in the air, but Miss Isabella flexibly avoided them all.

She led Shade to quickly approach the "angel" upwards, and did not forget to remind Shade:

"This thing is one of the most difficult evil things in the doomsday era. Don't expect any power related to light to kill it. Even if your moonlight is pure, it won't work. You need darkness. Do you have mastered the power of [Night]?"

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