Whispering Verse

Chapter 2452: The Heart Entered

Chapter 2453 The Entered Heart

As she spoke, she started to cry again. Shade wanted to help her wipe away her tears, but felt that this action seemed a bit frivolous. Miss Isabella hesitated for a moment, then summoned up the courage to ask him:

"Can you let me hug you?"

"Of course, didn't I give you a hug before I left last time?"

So the witch opened her arms and really hugged Shade. The firelight of the fireplace projected their figures onto the moldy wall. The shadows were motionless, and they were motionless.

After a long time, Miss Isabella let go of Shade and said softly:

"Sorry, I seem to have lost my temper and forgot to praise you. The [Regression Principle] you just used is very good. Your talent is better than I thought."

She was only slightly shorter than Shade, so she basically looked at Shade's level. Perhaps the first half of the sentence made her feel a little weak, so she used the second half to try to regain "majesty" for herself.

"I have no future here. All I can do is help you better, so I wait for your arrival every time."

"I will keep coming. Oh, I have found the [Hope Diamond]!"

Shade then remembered this incident and felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. But at least the dilapidated home is really warm at this time:

"That relic is in the hands of the seventh chosen one. I can borrow it after I finish working on Moon Bay."

Miss Isabella originally wanted to smile and nod, but suddenly she was startled, and then she understood everything:

"The gods are coming!"

This is something that Shade already knows, so her saying it doesn't count as informing her of something that didn't happen.

"So you are so worried because you are in a period when the righteous gods cannot appear. No one in the material world can be a match for that god, not even the Luvia Anat you know."

She looked at Shade worriedly:

"That's why you behave like this today. You told me your story. I know that you can use the power of gods, but Shade, you shouldn't be able to defeat that god, right?"

Shade didn't lie:

"So I found some helpers. If I can't do it alone, I'll find a few more. Although there are only evil gods and five righteous gods left in the Sixth Era, I still have some friendships with several of them."

The worried look on her face was even worse:

"Although in the end, even sin can become power, but even so, is it really enough to cooperate with the evil god?"

This is what Shade has always been worried about, and now that the conversation has reached this point, he can finally express his thoughts:

"In addition to the power of gods, I actually have other means. Mystical Lock."

"Not enough mystery locks."

She shook her head without thinking:

"Even a mere gaze from the gods is enough to destroy the unstable space formed by the Mystery Locks."

"So it's not an ordinary puzzle. At the end of the Battle of Green Lake, I almost completed a puzzle that shouldn't have appeared: [Doomsday City Tobesk]."

Just saying this name, Xia De seemed to feel the yellow sand hitting his face.

Miss Isabella felt that this time the surprise was enough, but she also understood that if he had not had so many surprises, it would not have been enough to be chosen by Luvia Anat;

"If it is this, although it is not enough to help you fight against the gods, its effect in the battle between gods may be stronger than the unknowable relics, but it will bring the power of doomsday into your era."

Even if she had never seen the unformed Mystery Lock, she understood it all just by hearing Shade's introduction:

"If it's just to defeat that god, it's not worth it. I know that the failure of the God War means the destruction of Moon Bay. I have witnessed it. But once you use this mystery, it will have a negative impact on the entire timeline where you are. It will have a huge impact and the whole world will have to face problems.”

"So I have a way around it."

When the topic reached its most critical moment, the witch stared at Shade curiously, waiting for him to come up with a way to surprise her again. However, she saw that Shade was hesitating and did not speak, and did not dare to look at her, so The clever witch understood.

She smiled softly, raised the corners of her mouth, slightly arched her eyebrows, and pointed her finger at herself:

"related to me?"

"Yeah, I mean, that's right."

Shade has never been an indecisive person. Now that he has spoken out about this matter, he said it directly:

"I also have a thaumaturgy [Mysterious Lock·Bell Tower Lovers], which can be combined with the thaumaturgy [Spur of Cupid] to make the girl I fall in love with become one. At the end of the Battle of Green Lake, I relied on this, It was the power of the Chosen One that combined balance, death, and space that defeated Laplace Howard.”

Of course Miss Isabella also knows the classic love fairy tale "The Lovers in the Bell Tower". After listening to Shade's brief description of the functions and limitations of the mystery lock, she immediately knew his plan:

"If you can fuse my power, then you will be a person in this world and the past at the same time. The contradiction of time will cause [Doomsday City Tobesk] to also fall into a time contradiction. If you use the power of doomsday in this world, you will It will bring disaster to this world, but if it were used by me in the past life, it would still inevitably have an impact on your time, but this impact can be accepted. "

She frowned and thought for a moment, then asked seriously:

"In other words, your plan is to use this mythical lock and the unknowable relic of the Zhengshen Church to deal with that god first, and then transform into a god at the best time?"

"Yes, because I don't know when the helpers I've found will arrive, and I only have one chance to use Divine Desire."

The arrival of the Vampire Duke depends on the completion of the Chosen Ceremony, and the arrival of the "Lord of Gluttony" depends on when desire cooperates.

The blonde witch nodded slowly, even winked a little playfully, and continued to look at Shade:

"So, why did you hesitate to tell me about this just now?"


The firelight was still swaying gently, and he saw his own shadow in her eyes, which was so close.

"Shad, you know what? I have never fallen in love with anyone in my life."

Her voice was really soft:

"In the process of exploring the mystery of time, I learned that there is no eternity in this world, and the so-called love is just fleeting. Therefore, I was left alone in this doomsday era, quietly waiting for my own death. ”

"There are exceptions to everything. Maybe I can find a way to get you out of this era."

Shade said immediately, but Adele Isabella just smiled and shook her head:

"You know? I have met all kinds of people in my life, but you are the last person I met, and you are the reason why I live.

I told you when I first met you in this era. At this time, I am just a projection, a force that came to help you with the permission of the tree father. The real me is still wandering aimlessly in this yellow sand, huddled in the corner of the ruins of the glorious buildings of the past, waiting for your next arrival. "

She sniffed;

"I don't know if I love you, Shad Hamilton. After all, we have only known each other for a few dozen hours, but I really like the stories you tell me, and I really like that I can let you into my heart if you want. Not just to keep you on guard about Luvia Anat, I need you too.”

She hurriedly explained:

"It's not because you are the only one I can see now, but"

As he said that, he was already blushing, and "she" in his ear smiled and urged Shade to hug the girl in front of him, so Shade opened his arms and hugged her.

She hugged him just now, and he hugged her now. The two hugs had completely different meanings.

Miss Isabella pursed her lips and put her head on his shoulder, then suddenly pushed him away. At first, she was a little shy and didn't dare to look into his eyes, but then she boldly put her lips together.

After a deep kiss, her face was already stained with blush:

"It seems like Carina and the others have really taught you a lot."

After saying that, he tilted his head slightly and stopped talking, so Shade took the initiative and said:

"I can"

The fingers of the witch's right hand touched Shade's lips:

"I don't need any promises from you."

She shook her head slightly:

"What needs to be considered now is what you are facing. There are still conditions required for me to travel to your time and space with my own body. Even in the parliament last time, we didn't have time to say much."

"I have a solution."

Shade briefly described his words of sublimation:

"Using the [Dragon Feast Sacrifice] as the ceremony venue, although the words of sublimation are ineffective for you in this era, I plan to use the 'Philosopher's Stone' to cast the maximum spell. This time the Orthodox Church will rely on my power to suppress that He is an evil god, so the reward for me is very generous.”

Shade was actually worried that Miss Isabella would suddenly say what relic she needed to find in order to summon her to the present day. Fortunately, the witch just thought about it for a moment:

"Extreme casting, especially extreme casting when using the Word of Ascension, will cause irreversible damage to your body."

"Don't worry, I plan to use the Mystical Lock first, and then summon the gods. This way, I can heal myself during the summoning stage."

Shade then said with a smile, and Miss Isabella also smiled:

"This sounds feasible. After you leave this time, I will be ready to respond to your call. As long as the echo of shaking space and time can be transmitted to me, even if you can't pull me over, I can myself after establishing the time coordinates. past.

In the Fifth Age, when the restrictions imposed by the Tree Fathers were not so strict, the Witch Emperors were already able to explore the future. But in today's era, those scattered documents, relics and ritual venues are all ownerless things. Shade, I'm waiting for you. "

The stranger nodded slightly:

"Then Miss Isabella"

"Please call me 'Adele'."

"Okay, Adele, I'm afraid I'll call you that when I see you in this world."

Shade said, and the witch in front of him smiled again:

"Don't worry, I don't care."

But what Shade is worried about is that "Adele Isabella" cares.

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