Whispering Verse

Chapter 2455 Despair, Hope and Light

Chapter 2456 Despair, Hope and Light

"Grandpa Augustus, Grandpa Augustus!"

After an unknown amount of time, amidst the dull air and severe pain all over his body, a soft call woke up Priest Augustus in the darkness.

When the old priest opened his eyes again, he only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and his entire left arm had lost all feeling.

There was complete darkness in his field of vision, and the air was so turbid that his lungs were twitching, but fortunately the breathing of the three children he was protecting was still steady. Two of the short boys fainted whether they were injured or frightened. Only the braided girl Marian, who was holding the princess stuffed doll, was still conscious. It was she who had woken up the old priest just now.

"There was an earthquake, this building"

After waking up, Priest August made a judgment immediately, and then tried to move his hands and feet in the ruins, only to find that the four people were fixed in the gaps of the building debris. His current second-level strength alone was not enough to crawl out from the deepest part of the ruins of the collapsed three-story building.

"Grandpa Augustus, are we going to die? Just like mom and dad."

Marian, who was being protected, asked, her voice already a little weak. The seriously injured old priest tried to make his tone more lively:

"No, of course he won't die. Someone will come to save us soon."

Then little Marianne stopped talking, and the priest realized that she finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

The blood was flowing down the old priest's cheek. It was his own blood. He guessed that besides the back of his head, there must be other wounds on the top of his head.

But the pain all over his body has made him unable to carefully perceive his body. After most of his strength was used to imprison the shoulder blade that was infected by the special light, he did not have the ability to recover immediately, nor could he take the children with him. Get out of here immediately.

Although he had just comforted the little girl that someone would come to rescue them, Rat August knew very well that based on the current situation in Yue Bay and the intensity of the sudden earthquake just now, when people came to dig them out, I am afraid that except for None of the three children besides myself survived.

The air filled with smoke and dust made him suffocate, and the dark environment made him feel more depressed. He tried hard to mobilize the spirit in his body, stretched out his only right hand that could still move freely, and used his hardened fingers to forcefully grab a claw mark from the stone above his head.

In fact, he can release the suppression of the bone at any time, but this will also cause the breath of death to leak out, directly turning the three children he is protecting into undead.

The old priest, who did not have any hope for the future and did not think that luck would come to him, once again used his fingers to dig a crack in the stone above his head in severe pain. He looks at the world and everything pessimistically. He is never afraid of his own death, but he absolutely cannot let his children die here with him.

"Up! Up!"

Stone chips peeled off and hit the corners of his eyebrows and cheeks. Even though the "hardening technique" was added to the fingers, the blood had already flowed down the arm and soaked the sleeves.

The thinness of the air and the despair in his heart almost made the old man dig upward mechanically, and the memories of this life were also being carried out in reverse order at this moment.

Together with the doctors and detectives, they experienced more and more exciting adventures. The angel's bones were recovered and fused at an unimaginable speed:

"If they knew I was trapped here"

I first met Shard in the psychology clinic last summer. At that time, I didn’t realize what great things this shy but inexplicably mature young man could accomplish:

"The favor I owe him has not yet been repaid."

In the accident two years ago, the unknowable relic that reversed time caused him to fall into cycles again and again. However, this almost invincible relic was still solved and contained by him and the mysterious fortune-teller in his group. Got:

"If time could go back at this moment"

Four years ago, he accidentally heard a strange voice in his ear, pursued a lifelong talent, and unexpectedly awakened at an old age. He could not forget the shock and loss at that moment:

"If you could come earlier"

He has kept a secret for almost his whole life since his youth. The mutilated angel that he has seen in his dreams almost every night for thirty years is a responsibility and a mission, but he has not been able to discover it on his own. Secret opportunity.

"Why, you chose me"

On that night thirty years ago, the angel who stood quietly under the night sky, bringing death to anyone who looked at it, seemed to appear in front of him again at this moment. Many people died, but he was the only one alive. He didn't know why.

"It was just a coincidence, or maybe it was because I was shot by a robber at that time, and I was already on the verge of death."

Studying in boyhood, adventures in youth, waiting for thirty years for awakening, until he met Dr. Schneider, writer Louisa, fortune teller Luvia and detective Shad.

A long life just flashed before my eyes in the mechanical process of digging upwards.

The usually amiable old priest would never tell anyone about the complex and contradictory emotions hidden in his heart, the regret and disappointment in this life.

At this moment, the death that I dream about every night seems to have really come to my side. The pain gradually became numb, and he felt like he was back in the autumn of last year, back in the quiet waters of death.

However, this time there is no longer the young man who brought light to everyone in the darkness of death. This time, he was really alone.

There was a crack, like a broken bone, but he still didn't stop digging upwards. After an unknown amount of time, the hardened right hand dug a large hole in the main beam of the house that was barely enough for the body to move.

So Priest Augustus first checked the condition of the three children, and then endured the severe pain and pulled his unconscious left hand out from under the boulder.

The posture was changed to kneeling on one knee, allowing the children to have more space. Then, with this posture, they raised their heads and looked diagonally upward, and started digging again with their right hands.

"But why?"

Rat Augustus asked himself:

"Why is my life so unlucky?"

The inner voice overlapped with the voice of "another me", and that cold voice was clearly the angel calling for death.

In his youth, he was passionate about helping others, but was shot in an alley;

He survived because of the unexpected encounter, but not only did he have to be doubted by the church, but he also had to endure the breath that had been engraved in his soul after looking at the afterimage of that angel;

In middle age, I longed for the extraordinary, and longed to collect the bones of angels to find answers, but I waited for no chance;

When he reached old age, he gave up all his thoughts, but he got a response at this time, when he had already accepted his fate.

No one had ever seen Rat August cry, but now tears mixed with blood were flowing down his cheeks. The hole in my heart that expanded due to death became even larger at this moment:

"It won't be saved."

With this thought in his mind, the hand digging diagonally upward unconsciously slowed down.

"My whole life, fate has always played tricks on me. What did I expect?"

The gravel fell down with crackling sounds, and the ground shook slightly again. The aftermath of the big earthquake had not yet passed.

"In this world, things are always developing in the worst direction. Isn't this the way I have always thought?"

The hand had completely stopped, and the crying old man knelt dumbly in the turbid darkness without saying a word. The gray breath on his shoulder blades appeared unnoticeably. There was obviously nothing around him, but the sound of flapping wings appeared behind him.

The gray color representing decay and death appeared in his cloudy eyes. On the brown coat stained with blood and mud, some indescribable patterns were slowly taking shape. They were clearly what Shade had seen underground in the Fort. The pattern on the double-opened [Death Door].

At this moment, a slight call came from the darkness:

"Grandpa Augustus"

The absent-minded Priest Augustus suddenly lowered his head and saw in the darkness the little girl Marian holding the princess doll, clutching the hem of his clothes tightly in a coma:

"I think I saw my parents."

At that moment, the cold heart seemed to be pierced by the sharpest arrow, and a ray of fire appeared in the hole corroded by death in the heart;

"But I can't let you die here!"

His right hand slammed into the ruins of the building diagonally above, and the bricks were shattered with one punch:

"No matter what my future is, they still have a future!"

From kneeling on one knee to trying to stand up, he wanted to use his old spine to hold up the sky for them:

"We will be saved, we will be saved!"

A hoarse and old voice sounded in this small space. The old priest, whose heart was ignited with fire, kept punching upwards, and gravel fell one after another, but this was not enough, not enough.

He held his breath and tried to stand up. The shaking ground and severe pain all over his body almost made him lose consciousness again.

"Even if I die here, I can't let them die here."

The old man, who had forgotten how long it had been since he had longed for luck and mercy from fate, was praying and longing in despair that was rising again. Tears, sweat and blood had soaked most of his shirt. The loss of strength and stamina finally made him fall to the ground after breaking off a small piece of gravel with his fingers for the last time.

His fingers trembled slightly, and his cloudy eyes looked up desperately. The consumption of oxygen made his breathing gradually become heavier, and the small environment made his consciousness even more blurred as he approached a state of mental collapse.

The three children lay there quietly, death was coming to them.

Lath August prayed to God, to fate, and even to himself, but nothing happened. He lay there motionless, the story of his life was almost over, and in the end, he still reached the worst ending as he thought.

Using his last strength, Priest Augustus propped up his unconscious left arm and looked up at the large hole dug above. His right hand covered with blood and mud trembled and stretched upward:

"If you can give me a ray of light, even just one ray"

Then, his muddy hand passed through the thick stone from above and grabbed the right hand of Priest Augustus. While the old man thought it was an illusion, the moonlight shining on his hand slowly restored his spirit and strength.

The hand above was retracted, and from the large hole penetrated by the arm, a thick beam of sunlight slanted into the small space under the ruins. Dust flew up and down around the beam of sunlight, which illuminated the tearful face of Priest Augustus.

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