Whispering Verse

Chapter 2461 The Battle of Yuewan Port

Chapter 2462 Battle of Yuewan Port


Under the black sky, the waves rolled up and down, and dozens of black storm tornadoes were galloping wildly on the sea.

The flesh and blood of dragon beasts and marine creatures left behind after the previous war has almost dyed the sea surface reddish brown. In the huge ritual matrix, using this flesh and blood as the cornerstone, the priests of the [Dragon Feast Order] will After a pitch-black stone statue and a ball of pitch-black flesh were thrown into the ocean, accompanied by wild laughter, the ancient and vicissitudes of bagpipe sound from the oldest abyss in the deep sea resounded throughout the entire sea.

He caused large-scale chaos in the city several times on the seventh day of every week, finally meeting the most stringent conditions for the summoning ceremony. The evil being that has been dormant for unknown reasons since the end of the Fifth Era and is the Seven-Tailed Stone Statue hidden deep in the sea finally wants to leave the deep sea again and show its power to mortals.

Black water continued to surge from the bottom of the sea to the surface, dyeing the entire sea area ink. The sound of bagpipes gradually became louder, and the strange tone made everyone in the sea area feel inexplicably frightened. One after another, jagged rocks and coral reefs rose up from the earthquake, as if they were palaces of ancient beings, welcoming the arrival of ancient evil things one step ahead.

But just as the first thick tentacle like a stone pillar stretched out from the water, the "Glory Messenger" coming across the sea blasted it into the sea again with one shot.

The "Brilliant Messenger", which had returned from a medium-sized cruise ship to its original appearance, was now glowing with an indigo blue glow. Dragon scales covered the surface of the ship, and huge dragon wings curled up on the sides of the ship. It's just that the bow of the boat doesn't look like the boat girl herself, but a ferocious dragon's head with a gun barrel in its mouth.

In addition to this main gun, hundreds of artillery protruded from the shooting holes on the side of the ship. Then, under the control of the ship girl in the captain's cabin, her huge amount of spirit was transformed into the purest energy and bombarded out. .

The heavy rain could not cover up the light of the entire giant ship, and among the ships of the Righteous God Church, [Dragon Feast Order], [Tyranny Club] scattered in the sea, and even those summoned relic ships, none of the "Glory Messenger" "So dazzling.

The church did not expect to have such strong reinforcements, but when they saw the witch rising from the ship, they knew that this was the work of the [Witch Council] again.


A dull roar came from the water, and the tentacles that had just been bombarded emerged from the water again. Mr. Bill Camorra, the Thirteen-Ring "Behemoth Hunter" of the Church of Nature, jumped up from a dark rock protruding from the water and floated in the air. The thirteen-ring life ring behind him glowed with the thaumaturgy that had been prepared:

"Thumography - Behemoth Banned!"

A halo composed of three rune strings formed in his hands, and then the rune strings were thrown out and collided head-on with the first tentacle of the evil object that poked out of the sea.

The emerald green light turned into a rune seal and was immediately imprinted on the tentacle. It completely stopped in the air as if time had stopped.

And below him, the huge palm protruding from the life ring behind Joshua Brooklyn, the thirteenth-ring warlock of the Church of Dawn, "Glory Hand", punched the sealed tentacle, and immediately the entire stone pillar-like tentacle cracked It fell into pieces into the ocean, and the rumble of the falling sound was the faintest sound in the chaotic sea area.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the heavy rain and snowstorm were more violent than before.

"The summoning ritual of the Seven-Tailed Player is irreversible. Its regeneration ability is extremely strong. No one in this era can completely eliminate it. But as long as the one-time damage reaches the limit, it will enter the deep sea on its own and enter the next round of sleep!"

A loud sound came from the prow of the giant ship that emitted azure light. She had been studying this evil thing since she fell asleep. The ship girl who had never forgotten her hatred naturally knew her opponent best.

In order to cope with the divine descending ceremony in the city and prevent the unknowable relics from getting out of control, on the sea battlefield at this moment, the church and the academy jointly only have five thirteenth rings, but except for the thirteenth ring, the fleet composed of high-level warlocks is still They are fighting fiercely with the dragon beasts cultivated by the [Dragon Eater Order] on this scarlet ocean.

The addition of Miss Aurora, Miss Sylvia and the "Brilliant Messenger" did not effectively change the situation of the battle, because as the weird bagpipe sound became louder and louder amidst the violent storm and surging waves, the elements of whispers and blasphemy The violent increase in elements has even begun to suppress the effects of divine magic.


Three giant stone pillar tentacles popped up from the sea at the same time, sweeping up the sea water to form a huge wave that could submerge the entire Yuewan City and rush toward the port.

"go back!"

Professor Miller Stewart, the provost of the Thirteenth Ring of Sussex Medical College and the "Iron Punisher", stood on the water. After slamming down with both hands, a phantom-like steel city wall about several kilometers long emerged from the water. It rises from below and withstands the mighty force of nature.

The waves rolled back. While the city wall was dissolving, Mr. Rubio, the thirteen-ring warlock of the Church of Peace who was accumulating strength behind the city wall, cooperated with the magical ritual on the ship behind and finally used it. The battle began. His first thirteen-ring thaumaturgy later.

Core Spirit Rune - Enlightenment [War], Miracle Spirit Rune [Weapon], Whispering Spirit Rune [Monster], Profanity Spirit Rune [Hunting].

The magnificent life ring of the thirteen-ring warlock is strengthened by the magical ritual, covering the entire sea area with spiritual light.

"Thaumatology - War Call! Answer my call and fight for peace!"

The spreading spiritual light was not affected by the evil tentacles this time, but his shouting voice was still masked by the sound of bagpipes in the storm and snow.

Where the spiritual light spread, one-fifth of the dragon beasts in the air had white dove symbols in their eyes, and then immediately turned against their companions. But the real effect of this magic is to stimulate the death of ordinary marine life in large areas under the water due to the appearance of evil things.

The flesh and blood gradually coalesced together again, and under the effect of thaumaturgy, they were resurrected into soulless flesh and blood warriors and emerged from the water.

These "war puppets" formed due to the "war call" automatically adapted to the war environment when they were formed. A small number of them maintained a posture conducive to operations in the water, and most of them directly grew wings and flew into the sky, fighting against those who constantly obstructed them. The dragon beasts of the Church Action got into a mess.


Immediately afterwards, even the sky shook with a loud noise, and above the night sky shrouded in thick fog, a giant meteorite as big as Half Moon Bay suddenly appeared, carrying black firelight.

Mr. Clark Cavill, the Thirteenth Ring Warlock of the Peace Church, "Hand of Annihilation", holds in his left hand an angelic relic in the shape of a dark black crown that continuously annihilates the surrounding seawater [Astral Kingship], and in his right hand he holds up the righteous god [Peaceful Father]. dove holy symbol.

It’s not impossible for the church to guess what the evil thing from the deep sea, the Seven-Tailed Player, might be like, so although the manpower is stretched thin, it is definitely well prepared to deal with the relics of this evil thing.

"Thumbs - the Stone of Destruction!"

Everyone, including the cultists and the "Brilliant Messenger", were retreating quickly. Only the three tentacles of the evil thing stretched out into the sky, as if they were trying to actively resist the falling meteorite.

"Such a scene can actually be seen. The properties of this meteorite are very similar to our knight's [Black Moon Symbol]."

The two witches who landed on the ship were still discussing with each other, and then they saw two more tentacles extending out of the sea, but one of them was immediately blasted into the sea by hundreds of light cannons from the Radiant Messenger that was already flying on the sea. , Miss Aurora and Miss Sylvia seemed to be able to hear Miss Elisa's laughter coming from the captain's cabin.

Although the remaining four tentacles were also attacked by the Church Ring Warlocks, their attacks were not as effective as the light cannons on the "Brilliant Messenger" that could be called "Special Attack against [Seven-Tailed Player]".

So while everyone was evacuating the sea area where the meteorite was about to fall, four tentacles extending from the bottom of the sea stretched straight into the night sky. The sound of the bagpipe seemed to have suppressed the sound of wind and waves loudly at this moment, and the black rays shot out from the ends of the four tentacles first violently bombarded the meteorite, and then the meteorite came into contact with the tentacles head-on.


Even Iluna, who was at Belindle Big Ben in the city center, could feel the vibration. The girl with super strong senses could even feel the chaotic elements and spiritual tides erupting in the southern sea.

In the eyes of everyone on the sea battlefield, after the extremely dazzling light erupted, the raging waves almost overturned every ship on the sea.

Then a huge black mushroom cloud rose up in the storm and snow. The loud noise actually covered up the strange sound of bagpipes. But as the explosion ended, five thick tentacles disturbed the smoke cloud together, and the sound of bagpipes was even louder than before. Be loud.

Five tentacles out of a total of seven have appeared at this time, which means that the evil thing sleeping under the deep sea has almost completely appeared.

The dark water surface could not reflect the night moon and the sparse stars behind the dark clouds, but the growing black mass continued to expand under the water surface. The fighting around them is still going on. The fight between the flesh puppets and the cultists and the illegal ring warlock organizations allows the church ring warlocks to free their hands and prepare to use the final means that is enough to make the evil thing sleep again.

But as another group of real dragons flew from the direction away from the coastline, things seemed not to be that simple.

The high-level warlocks once again met the enemy in the air, while the five thirteen-level ones were preparing with serious faces.

There is still thin fog in this area of ​​water far away from the port, but the reduced visibility after the day-to-night transition not long ago did not affect the view because the moon was exceptionally bright at this time.

Suddenly everyone was startled, because under the deep sea, the huge black mass was approaching the surface of the sea. Just before the giant ancient stone statues emerged from the sea together with more and more ruins of ancient temple buildings and strange rocks, a loud dragon roar even suppressed the loud sound of bagpipes at the moment.

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