Whispering Verse

Chapter 2483 Luvia, the Witch and the Maid Fiona

Chapter 2484 Luvia, the Witch and Maid Fiona

The stars twinkle in the night sky, and March shines on the sea outside Yuewan Harbor in the clear night sky.

The huge Glory Messenger was currently sailing in the waters outside Yuewan Port. The ship had returned to its original appearance. The entire ship was brightly lit, and the girls were preparing for the banquet on the deck later.

This is a celebration banquet to celebrate the Battle of Moon Bay, and also to celebrate that the city was not completely destroyed as predicted.

Myrna Feliana was still wearing that gorgeous purple dress, but she didn't wear the big pointed hat. She stood alone at the end of the deck looking at the starry sky above the sea, and footsteps came from behind her.

"Madam, are the stars in the fifth era different from those in the sixth era?"

Luvia had already changed into the dress she would attend the banquet at this time, and came to the side of the ancient witch with a wine glass in hand.

The blonde witch in the purple skirt nodded slightly:

"There is a difference. The stars in the Fifth Age were brighter and more numerous than here."

She withdrew her gaze from the night sky and looked into those purple eyes:

"Is Shade still awake?"

"I just woke up, but he seemed a little confused. I originally wanted to give him a slap to let him know not to show off, but in the end I just kissed him. He is very tired today."

The purple-eyed girl leaned sideways against the railing on the deck with a smile on her face:

"Let him rest a little longer, but he must be invited to come with us during the banquet. This banquet is specially held for him."

The witches were all gone at this time. They had gone to the parliament to report the situation since evening. Doctor Schneider and Priest August were not there either, and they went to visit the children at the Red Heart Orphanage outside the city. Joy Barton and Marilyn Hendel were also absent, and the couple went to town to quell the resentment and resentment caused by too many deaths.

Iluna is in the church now, probably worrying about how to write this report, and maybe she will ask Tifa for help in the end; Sister Devlin and Miss Swift went to check out the situation in the city where life and death were on the verge of death, but Will definitely come back before the party.

The guardian of the earth has long since returned to the Randall Valley, where he is indispensable; as for Ptolemy Albert, he is not familiar with these ladies, so naturally he will not appear here.

"Welcoming the hero back with a sweet kiss is indeed the best ending to a story in any era."

Miss Feliana commented with a smile.

"Yes, and look, the weather is really nice~"

Luvia said again, looking at the demigod in front of her, her tone and demeanor were very relaxed:

"Lecia proposed to hold an open-air party on the ship, which is a great idea. She must be very anxious now. After all, half of the 24 hours that she and Dorothy can see each other have passed, but Shade has just woken up~"

"I have never heard of the problem between the two of them, even in the fifth era, but now it seems that Shade has solved it."

Miss Feliana shook the wine glass. This intellectual, elegant and powerful witch did not despise the girl in front of her because she only had seven rings and was about to reach eight. She knew who was the most important around Shade:

"The girls of the Sixth Age don't seem to be taking good care of him."

She said this again, and Luvia nodded slightly without refuting:

"Yes, we did not take good care of him. The burden I gave him may be too heavy. This time, it even needs to be done to achieve the ending that everyone expects. I can't imagine what he will need to do next time. "

Miss Feliana shook her head:

"This is not a responsibility you give him, it is the path he chooses.

I just want to say that since he has taken the responsibility, he should also have the power, which is only fair. I don't admire the lifestyle of those Witch Emperors, but if you let him die once, isn't it a bit too much? "

When she and Fiona came from the past, they saw the entire battle.

Luvia couldn't answer this question, she just held the wine glass and sipped her mouth:

"We don't have as much power as you."

The blond lady in the purple skirt looked at her with meaningful eyes, which made Luvia feel that she was in front of a very oppressive teacher, indeed a teacher.

But Miss Feliana did not explain what she saw, but asked again:

"You want to know how long Fiona and I are going to stay in this era?"

"Yes, Miss Aurora said that before she could finish discussing this topic with you in the afternoon, Megan called her to negotiate for the spoils with the church.

Shade should have been the one to ask you, but he has just woken up now. This question is important, and if you and Miss Drago are to stay in this era for any length of time, there are many things to consider carefully, after all, many people have seen you this afternoon.

Of course, the most important thing is that I have to arrange your place at home. "

Luvia replied, and Miss Feliana nodded:

"This time setting is a one-time one. I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back after leaving, so I plan to stay with Fiona for a while before leaving."

"Well, there are a lot of rooms in the house, and I think Shade will also be very happy. You know? Shade is really looking forward to meeting you again."

After saying that, Luvia was very satisfied with the result. She looked at the witch with her purple eyes and asked:

"Miss Feliana, did you and Miss Drago come to this era just to meet Shade?"

The witch looked at her with a smile. Even Luvia was stunned by her appearance under the starry sky:

"Some things can't be said."

"I see."

"But coming to see Shade and see how he is doing is indeed the most important purpose. I know he is thinking about me, I have always known it."

"I also understood."

While they were talking, Grace and Helen came over holding hands. The two sisters did not shy away from the fact that Luvia was here, and they bowed to Miss Feliana together:

"Long time no see, Miss Feliana."

"Long time no see, thank you very much for your hard work."

The witch looked at the sisters in front of her and shook the wine glass again:

"So, how does it feel to get what you want?"

The girls in black skirts and white skirts looked at each other at their sisters, then they both covered their mouths and laughed like a lady.

On the other side, in the corridor of the VIP cabin area on the top floor of the Shining Messenger, the wheels rolled over the red carpeted floor, making a very slight sound. Tifa and Matilda walked in front, and behind them were the maids from the North and South Kingdom respectively.

The maids were divided into two lines and followed their respective head maids, carrying changes of clothes, towels and toiletries. The dining cart pushed by the maids at the end of the line contained tea cups, tea sets, recovery potions, and A snack and fruit platter to fill Shade's belly before dinner.

Although the maids of both teams are dressed in black and white maid skirts, the styles of the maid skirts are slightly different due to different countries. However, the girls who followed their respective maids were all dignified and elegant. This was of course due to their usual training, but also because they did not want to fall behind in front of their "peers" from neighboring countries.

Black leather buckled shoes lined up in two lines soon stopped in front of the cabin door where Shade was resting. After everyone stopped, Matilda asked Tifa softly:

"Other than Shade and little Mia, who else is inside now?"

"Your Highness Agelina and Miss Siam Nord should be here, while Your Highness Lesia and Miss Louisa are going to prepare the dresses for the banquet."

Tifa also answered softly, Matilda nodded, and after the two head maids checked each other's clothes, they raised their hands together and knocked on the door three times in perfect sync.

"Oh, who is it? Please come in."

There was a voice immediately from the door, but the head maids looked at each other. It was not the voice of any girl they were familiar with, let alone the voices of the young girls under them.

Footsteps came from inside the door, and then Agelina opened the door, letting them see that Shade had woken up at this moment, sitting on the bed wearing a shirt and a quilt, as if he was thinking about something.

Little Mia was lying on the quilt. Behind Agelina who opened the door, Emilia was trying to peel an apple with a fruit knife. Thanks to her improvement in swordsmanship, her technique of peeling apples was also very good, and the apple skin was not broken at all. Therefore, while she was peeling, the little shiny unicorn happily chewed the drooped apple skin.

On the side of the bed close to the room, a red-haired dragon girl wearing a black and white maid dress with a pair of wings curled up on her back stood beside the bed holding a saucer in both hands, and her big tail was curling up flexibly on the side of the bed. Curtain.

Fiona's maid uniform is different from Tifa's and Matilda's. The fifth era's standard maid uniform is more cumbersome, but the fabric is obviously better.

Seeing the door open, everyone in the cabin looked towards the door. The red dragon maid greeted the two maids outside the door enthusiastically:

"Miss Anat just left. She said you would come back with the clothes Shade needs."

Shade also stopped recalling the memories before he fainted, and said to them with a smile:

"Good evening, Tifa, Matilda, thank you for your hard work.

I just woke up. I slept for a whole afternoon. Luvia seemed to want to hit me just now, but she hugged me again with red eyes. Life is so wonderful, oh, come in quickly,"

So the two head maids led the team into the cabin. Matilda took the initiative and said to Fiona:

"Miss Drago, you are our guest and we do not need you to do such a thing."

As he spoke, he wanted to help her carry the saucer, but the red dragon girl shook her head shyly:

"It's okay. When I was in school, I often acted as the maid for Teacher Feliana and Teacher Oranod."

After all, in the age of witches, apprentices have many obligations to their teachers. Of course, teachers also have the responsibility to impart valuable knowledge to apprentices.

"And I haven't seen Shade in a long time. I mean, I can keep him safe too."

Matilda looked at Tifa as if asking for help. Whether it was out of responsibility or selfishness, she could not let the new maid take her place.

But he didn't expect that the black-haired maid who was supposed to be "on the same side" as him just smiled and said to Fiona:

"Then it'll be hard on you, Miss Drago."

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