Whispering Verse

Chapter 2486 The Witch’s Clink

Chapter 2487 The Witch’s Clink

After the kiss ended, Bella Belindel, who had been watching Shade the whole time, was still looking at Shade. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't.

However, Shade still had something very important to tell her:

"Do you still remember that golden light flying from outside the city this afternoon? That was the last strength of the descendant of the fourth son of the ancient god, and it was the insurance left after the death of the dragon that the ancestors of the seven major families defeated."

He briefly described the general outline of the matter, and finally mentioned the final effect of the blessing:

"I seem to have the legal principles to rule Yuewan now."

The great witch of fate was not surprised at all:

"The legal basis for ancestors and families to rule this place comes from the recognition of the descendants of the gods. But that recognition only lasts until the prophecy of the destruction of Moon Bay is realized. Now that the prophecy has been realized, we have also completed our mission and passed on the seven dragon scales so that the chosen ones can The ceremony is successful. Now that the mission is over, the power will naturally disappear."

"You already knew?"

Shade was a little surprised. The blonde countess pursed her red lips with lipstick, but she showed a smile:

"Of course, because I am a fortune teller. I can see destiny, Shade. Although the view is not complete or clear, I know that no rule can last forever. Now the seven major families can move to other places outside Moon Bay at will. The land and the destiny no longer help the family to remain in power for a long time and always dominate.

This is a new beginning for everyone, a new Moon Bay, yes, destruction brings new life. "

"If so, here you go."

He took out an envelope, pulled out the letter and handed it to the witch. This is what he wrote before leaving the bedroom just now. Matilda got high-grade paper and ink, and Tifa laid out the table and prepared a pen before letting Shade write it.

[Due to my busy schedule, I hereby entrust Miss Bella Letia Belindel and her subordinates to manage Moon Bay on my behalf. The entrustment shall take effect immediately and shall be valid until the entruster voluntarily revokes the entrustment in writing. 】

【Shad Suellen Hamilton】

[Sixth Age, 10th of the Flowery Moon, 1854]

"Matilda told me your middle name."

Shade said. The countess looked down at the power of attorney in her hand, and then looked up at Shade. Her eyes with light eyeshadow were a little red:

"How do you want me to repay you?"

"In the long run, you will definitely belong to me; if it's just for now, how about another kiss?"

He suggested before his lip was bitten by the next kiss. If there weren't many people here, Shade even felt that the countess was going to push herself down on the deck and kiss her.

After waiting for a while, Miss Belindel, who knew that she was rude, covered her face and returned to the cabin to touch up her makeup. Shade, who had wiped off the lipstick marks and let the swelling on her lips go away, found her with Miss Aurora and Jia. Miss Feliana talking to Miss Linna.

The blonde lady in a purple skirt stood beside a long dining table covered with a white tablecloth, gold and silver utensils and a sumptuous meal. Under the ambiguous silver light spots and the moonlight, her beauty was indescribably stunning.

But Shade knew that it was inappropriate to praise Miss Feliana’s beauty on this occasion, so he just smiled and said:

"Good evening, Teacher Feliana. You saved me again, just like you did back then."

Seeing Shade coming, the witches also stopped talking.

"Judging from the course of that battle, no one saved you. You have already solved the biggest trouble."

She said with a smile, looking in the direction of the cabin entrance behind Shade:

"That girl is so enthusiastic."

Carina and Miss Aurora were snickering on the sidelines, and Shade explained things like "the legal principles governing Moon Bay."

"So, you gave her a piece of territory, right? This way of doing things is very much like the witches we had at that time."

Miss Feliana commented like this, and then Carina and Miss Aurora, who realized how "generous" Shade had spent, couldn't stop laughing.

The demigod witch ignored the wonderful changes in their expressions, turned around and picked up the two wine glasses on the long table - instead of using thaumaturgy to make them float, she looked at Shade carefully, and then handed one of the wine glasses to Shad:

"Now that we're talking about gratitude. Shade, if you want to thank me, just have a drink with me."

Inside the wine glass is deep red wine.

"Of course, it's an honor."

The two raised their glasses and clinked, or in other words, Miss Feliana unexpectedly took a sip of her own glass first, leaving a clear lip mark on the rim of the glass. Then she rotated and tilted the tall glass slightly, and touched the rim of the wine glass in Shade's hand with the lip-marked rim.

She looked at Shade with a smile, obviously waiting to see Shade's reaction.

Shade blinked:

"Then cheers to our reunion, Miss Feliana."

Before he could drink the wine, Myrna Feliana, who was in front of the wine glass, grabbed her wrist, and the curve of her lips became even more obvious:

"No, no, Shade, do you need me to teach you how to drink?"

Golden eyes stared at him, and Shade had no choice but to twist the cup with his fingers, turning the lip of the cup that was touched by the lip print toward himself.

Miss Feliana was then satisfied:

"Cheers, Shade."

She also rotated the wine glass so that the side with the lip print was facing her again, and then drank the wine with Shade.

Miss Aurora and the red-haired Grand Duchess on the side exchanged glances, and then just watched them drink.

After a glass of wine, they officially expressed their joy at being reunited again. At least Miss Feliana looked quite satisfied:

"It seems that you are recovering well. Shade, before you came just now, we were talking about the Witch Council."

Shade's first reaction was about Miss Isabella, but unfortunately he was wrong.

"Your Excellency Speaker, we already know that Miss Feliana has not left yet."

The Witch of Light with long wavy brown hair explained:

"After you fell asleep in the afternoon, many people saw the scene when Miss Feliana returned to the Radiant Messenger with us. It was supposed to be covered up with illusions, but in fact everyone could guess who invited this lady again. "

"It's okay if you know, but how do you explain this to the other witches in the council?"

Shade asked curiously, and Carina, who was wearing a small silver crown, replied:

"What else can we say? Miss Feliana was brought here by the God Caller, so after the God Caller woke up, she left with the God Caller. But we also said that the God Caller was very satisfied with this time. Cooperate, so we may have Miss Feliana contact us several times to answer some of our questions.”

This is to prevent the lady in front of me from really willing to reveal the secrets about the Fifth Era, but the witches who know the truth cannot reasonably pass the secrets to the parliament.

"You handle the affairs of the parliament, I trust you. Oh, Miss Feliana, just now Fiona said that you will stay here for a while, is this true?"

The red dragon girl was also on the deck, but she was with Tifa and Matilda.

Seeing Shade looking at her expectantly, the golden eyes of the witch with purple skirt and blond hair also looked at him with a gentle smile:

"What, is your home big enough?"

"Of course, although it is definitely not as high as St. Byrons, it is at least enough for you and Fiona to live in."

She nodded while holding the wine glass, as if thinking:

"If you stay like this for about a week, there is no need to entertain us specially. Just go as usual. Fiona and I are just here to see your life and see the city of this era. If you have time, you can also go and have a look Of course that doesn't matter at St. Byrons now.

Of course, I hope this doesn't disrupt your life. "

"Of course I won't disturb you. I'm so happy that you can come to me and appear in front of me!"

Shade had even begun to plan in his mind which bedroom in the house he would give them.

On the eve of the Battle of Moon Bay, he was just thinking about how to recruit more helpers to fight against the dragon-devouring god, but he never expected that Miss Feliana and Fiona would really come to this era to join him. Live for a while.

Of course Miss Feliana could see Shade's joy, so she hugged him again while holding the wine glass:

"You know? Fiona and I are equally happy. Shade, we finally meet again."

As for the little Mia on Shade's shoulder, she was not in a hurry to eat, but sniffed at Miss Feliana, and then called out "Meow~", obviously recognizing who it was.

This cat seems to have a pretty good memory.

"Xia De, do you know about Dragon Island?"

Carina just shook the corners of her mouth in response to the hug between the two. When the hug ended, she asked about the business again, which was also a troublesome matter.

"I know, I've known it a long time ago. A folklorist friend of mine told me that with the appearance of the Seventh Chosen One, the dragons that migrated to the ocean and hid in the Fifth Age will also return. material world.

Fiona just said to me, did those giant dragons really appear after I was in coma? "

He shook his glass of wine.

"There are no real ancient dragons in this era. After the dragons on Dragon Island have reproduced for several generations, their power has also degraded a lot in the Sixth Age."

Miss Feliana said, she seemed to know the situation better than everyone living in the Sixth Age:

"They were temporarily scared back by Fiona. Although Fiona is only the thirteenth level and thirteenth ring, she can be regarded as the most powerful dragon at present."

"When Iluna sent a letter two hours ago saying that she could not attend the banquet, she also mentioned the news there."

Carina added that the stars and moonlight floating on the deck also made her look even more beautiful:

"The church and the academy have landed on the island to negotiate with those giant dragons. Although the power of the seventh chosen one is now sealed, and he is unwilling to take the initiative to contact the church forces, fortunately, the thirteen rings of human forces are still there. There are enough to suppress those giant dragons that have not appeared in the material world for a long time.”

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