Whispering Verse

Chapter 2498 The Principal and the Librarian

Chapter 2499 Principal and Librarian

"If we really want to give this spell to the college and the church, we actually don't have to reveal the location of the Night Temple in the Randall Valley. There are actually many relics related to the Silver Moon Ancient God scattered in the Old Continent. ”

When this topic came up, Meghan suggested.

"But this volume of miracles we wrote is a precious original. We are not so generous and cannot give it away. I can copy a few more copies with Lesia, but the effect of the copies may not be as good. After all, they have special significance. And I used special ink."

Dorothy also said, so Shade asked curiously:

"What special ink did you use? Can't the church find it?"

"In order to achieve the best effect, of course it is the ink related to you. After all, you are the descended body of the Silver Moon God."

Shade nodded in agreement:

"Indeed, this is indeed the most appropriate in occult science. But are you using my blood? My [Echo of Blood] did not see any blood stains on this parchment."

The blonde girl took back the parchment that had just returned to her hand, glanced at Megan and confirmed that Miss Feliana and Fiona were talking to Luvia on the side, and then winked at Shade:

"Just think of it as blood. It's very precious anyway. When Lesia and I shared it with each other on the day of the Red Butterfly, we were right to transfer some of it into the bottle."

Megan blushed at the side, and Shade looked at Dorothy in surprise, who smiled happily:

"After I go back, I plan to try to record other stories about the Silver Moon God. He has done many things before."

Sharing the [Night Seal] to the Five Gods Church and the three major colleges was a very necessary thing in Shade's opinion, and he didn't even think about collecting money.

Next, there will be a series of chaos in the material world. Similar to the Moon Bay Incident, death, space, earth, and light will mutate together. It would be a good thing for the entire world if churches and colleges, which are "positive forces" in the material world, have more power.

After all, no matter how strong the outsiders are, they cannot handle everything that happens. Only by uniting every force that can be united can we overcome the next difficulties.

Until lunch, the girls were still talking about the [Night Seal] and guessing what conditions must be met in order for the spell to become a thaumaturgy. Margaret had disappeared from the table during lunch. For Shade, the incident in Moon Bay was over, but for the blonde princess, it had just begun.

A letter from His Majesty the King of Willendale ordering Margaret to stay in Moon Bay for at least one more month to help rebuild Moon Bay.

Of course, everyone can understand the meaning contained in this. But even Miss Belindell admitted that even if Shade and the coroner reversed the outcome of Moon Bay's complete destruction, it would not be enough to rely on the seven major families to rebuild this city that was traumatized by the disaster.

It's just that these political matters are not very interesting to outsiders. Besides, there is still something very important to deal with this afternoon, which is to meet Miss Danister.

Since he had to bring Miss Feliana and Fiona with him to meet that lady, Shade was a little worried that Miss Denist would feel nervous. Maybe this worry was unnecessary. So before departure, he even found Emilia who was packing her luggage with Agelina and exchanging souvenirs.

"Amelia, do you want to come with us to see Miss Denist? But you can't take little Lianna with you."


The pointed ears seemed to twitch, and Emilia immediately shook her head:

"You probably have something important to talk about, so I won't bother you."

In fact, I was afraid of being asked what I did during this holiday.

Although there is no such thing as "summer homework" at St. Byrons, even if there are study tasks during the summer, they are quite few. But the problem is that the young Miss Emilia Siam Nord has not even opened the books under the box once since she boarded the train and left the academy in the far north.

Since Amelia wasn't going, Shade just set off with Miss Feliana and Fiona. He left the cat taking a nap on the boat. The cat's daily life was really comfortable.

Belindale Big Ben is very close to the manor, so there is no need to take a carriage. After the two witches used illusions to hide their appearance, they walked to the street with Shade.

It was obvious that Fiona was in a very high interest. The red dragon girl hid her horns, wings and big tail and looked at everything on the street with great interest. However, this time she was no longer wearing a maid's costume, but that Wearing an old school uniform.

Miss Feliana naturally changed out of her gorgeous purple dress as if she was going to a party, and put on a light purple dress and a beige sunhat.

She seems to like purple skirts very much, which is consistent with the aesthetics of outsiders.

The two were holding hands. Specifically, after leaving the gate of the manor, Shade's hand accidentally touched Miss Feliana's hand, and then the two hands were held together somehow.

Although the tall witch was also looking at the street scene, she was looking more at Shade:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet. Did you have fun last night?"

"Oh, Miss Feliana"

Shade immediately blushed. The smiling witch was obviously teasing him:

"Don't worry, I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying that those witches don't know how to take care of people."

She squeezed Shade's left hand and seemed to be in a particularly good mood:

"Girls of this era generally seem to be more reserved and conservative than ours."

That's because the witches of the Fifth Age are just too unrestrained.

"I talked with your soothsayer lady. If you choose her, it is indeed a good idea. She and I have the same idea. Maintaining a relationship cannot just rely on promises, otherwise even mountains and rivers will Therefore it is dirty.

Relationships maintained with heart and emotion are relatively more reliable. Shade, it looks like you did have them chained. "

This statement is really no different from Luvia's. Shade is not sure what they talked about, but he really wants to ask this lady some other questions:

"Miss Feliana, your current time should be after the last time we met at the Witch Council. Therefore, the test results of the blood I provided to you."

He wanted to ask this question after he woke up on Sunday, but there were various other things going on at the time and he never had the chance to ask.

Miss Feliana didn't seem to be surprised at all by Shade's inquiry. She continued to walk side by side with him while tilting her head and saying with a smile:

"There are no results, or in other words, your blood is normal. However, we used that blood to complete this time travel. If we didn't have this as an anchor, I'm afraid we would have to make more attempts."

"Is it normal? Oh, thank you so much to you and Fiona, and Miss Olanold. It's a pity that I didn't see her this time."

Shade didn't worry too much about his body. Whether Miss Feliana and the others really didn't find anything, or they found out but couldn't tell him, he felt it didn't matter.

After all, you still have to discover the truth yourself.

Suddenly he saw a figure carrying a flower basket at the corner of the street. Shade let go of the witch's hand and walked over quickly.

After a while, he came back with two flowers. One is a fiery red rose, and the other is a gorgeous violet.

The violet was given to the witch in the purple dress. She happily pinched off the branches and decorated the flower on her hat.

The fiery red rose was given to Fiona. The red dragon girl took it shyly and put the flower behind her. The small bag on her waist is a rare space relic. It seems that she intends to take the flower back and keep it.

Miss Belindle has already arranged this meeting, so there is no need to be secretive in using Belindle's Big Ben. The tower guard had already known in advance that a "distinguished guest" was coming, and the three of them successfully boarded the elevator and reached the top of the tower amidst the sound of chains clattering.

The time at this time was one forty in the afternoon, twenty minutes before the agreed time. But when Shade took the lead in pushing open the door to the terrace at the top of the bell tower, he saw that the lady with bright red hair had arrived.

Miss Danister stood alone by the railing of the terrace, looking at the Moon Bay at this moment in the afternoon sun.

Under the sun, her long red hair became more vivid, like burning crimson flames, and her dress today was also quite formal. When she heard the door open and turned around, Shade saw that she was wearing a dark long dress with a high waistline and loose skirt. The neckline and cuffs of the skirt were decorated with exquisite lace and embroidery, which made her She looked more dignified.

After seeing Shade, she looked behind him without even saying hello.

And seeing Miss Feliana and Fiona appearing right after him, the red-haired sorceress tried hard to control her emotions even though she was well prepared.

She walked a few steps toward the door of the terrace to greet her, then lowered her head and greeted her very respectfully:

"Hello, Principal Feliana, hello, Principal Drago."

The blonde lady in the purple skirt nodded to her calmly and said hello, without any trace of the tenderness she had shown when she held Shade's hand on the road. The red dragon girl was stunned for a moment by the title "Principal Drago", then she tried her best to hold back her smile and nodded pretending to be serious, but in fact there was no dignity at all.

If it weren't for hiding her big tail, Shade believed that her tail would be wagging back and forth at this time, which is what little Mia does when she thinks she has done something great.

"Good afternoon, Miss Denister."

Seeing that he seemed to be ignored, Xia De greeted loudly:

"You're really early. Let's sit down and chat. No one will disturb us throughout the afternoon."

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