Whispering Verse

Chapter 2500: Teachers’ magic tricks

Chapter 2501 Teachers’ thaumaturgy

Miss Danister nodded while writing down the information Shade said. Although the Battle of Moon Bay has ended, it is still important to trace and summarize what happened at that time.

Since the God Summoner was able to attract the three evil gods quietly this time, he might be able to attract more dangers in the future. Even though everyone now believes that the "God Caller" is a positive character and is fighting for the world, his behavior this time is really terrible.

"Dan Shade, the Godcaller is here this time"

"When the end comes, even sin can become strength."

Shade said this, and Miss Feliananna on the side looked at this scene with joy. Fiona also nodded:

"Shade is right."

Miss Danister didn't know what to say for a moment. She didn't feel that Shade had done anything wrong this time, she just wanted to remind Shade of the dangers of doing so.

But since the two ancient witches have said this, there is no need for her to continue this topic:

"So what does the Godcaller think about Dragon Island and those giant dragons?"

"It has nothing to do with him. He has no intention of trying to establish contact with the dragons."

"That's right, then what about this sacrificial site?"

The sorceress pointed to the sky again. Because she had risen high enough, even if Shade's eyes could see through the illusion, the huge floating ruins in the sky were no bigger than a fingernail when viewed from here:

"After all, it is the sacrificial site of the ancient gods. If it cannot be moved temporarily, let it stay above the Moon Bay. The God Caller has exclusive rights over the sacrificial site, but he does not plan to do so for the time being. You should discuss this issue with I’ll go talk to the Witches’ Council and I’ll give them a commission, and they’ll be cooperating with me very smoothly.”


Although the sorceress thought of many things in her mind, she said nothing in the end. However, she already had enough doubts about the identities of the red-haired royal ladies of the Cavendish family around Shade.

But she still wasn't going to mention it to anyone.

After talking about this, Miss Daniste glanced at Miss Feliana again, and then hesitantly said to Shade:

"Actually, when I meet with you this time, I still want to talk to you about your schoolwork. If I guess correctly, you should be in the eighth ring, right? The last ring in the middle ring."

After speaking, he glanced at Miss Feliana again, who smiled and said:

"Don't pay attention to me. Although Shade calls me teacher in name, I actually didn't teach him anything. And for you in the Sixth Age, we are obviously not mature enough in the early days of the ring warlock system.

Daniste, you are Shade's teacher now, we all agree on that. "

Of course she was being self-effacing, while Miss Danister once again showed restraint and uneasiness, but she still asked Shade seriously:

"Is your seven-ring sublimated language spirit rune [direction] or [guidance]?"


Shade naturally understood what she meant:

"The words of sublimation in the central circle - the shadow of the silver moon guide the final direction, and now there is only the final [direction] left. I am still reading the "Psychic Compass" you gave me in Green Lake, and it should be effective."

As he spoke, his life ring became even larger. The three ladies' eyes shifted to his back, and Shade introduced:

"My gains from this Battle of Moon Bay are not small. Now I have two more spiritual runes, the miraculous [Guidance] belonging to the seventh ring and the miraculous [Dark Night] belonging to the eighth ring."

As he said that, he remembered the [Night Seal] again, so he briefly introduced the situation. Of course, [Night Seal] cannot be given directly to Miss Danister, otherwise it will be difficult to explain where St. Byrons got the magic of the god that the "God Caller" believes in.

"In this case, the Miracle [Guidance] Spirit Rune is not associated with thaumaturgy, right?"

Miss Denister thought for a moment:

"What kind of thaumaturgy do you need now? Attack? Assistance? Divination? [Guide] is closely related to Huang Yue. I can choose a very useful thaumaturgy for you."

Shade has also considered this issue in the past few days:

"The fortune tellers around me have also said that [Guidance] spiritual runes can be related to divination abilities, but I have always been in awe of fate and should not easily peep into the unknown future. In fact, I don't lack thaumaturgy for the time being. I don't know if you have any. What recommendation?”

The sorceress smiled and said:

"Of course there are recommendations. I have been thinking about your Ring Warlock system. Currently, your development is relatively comprehensive. Judging from your experience, you also have an extraordinary talent for the moon's thaumaturgy. Considering your attack type There are already enough thaumaturgy, so I recommend you to learn the auxiliary thaumaturgy [Hui Yue Shi Jie].

This thaumaturgy can only be learned by the miraculous and blasphemous [Yellow Moon] [Guidance] [Eye] [Truth] spiritual runes. "

She paused to let Shade listen carefully:

"The effect of thaumaturgy is very simple. Once thaumaturgy is activated, when you are under the moonlight, any entity or non-entity that is also under the moonlight within a hundred meters can be perceived by you. This is a bit like your own eyes. It gives you a 360-degree field of vision, but more importantly, this high-awareness state not only allows you to grasp the movements of everything around you at all times, but also makes it easier for you to detect illusions, invisibility, and spiritual bodies.”

"In other words, this thaumaturgy can enhance the perception of fighting under the moonlight, and it can also enhance the ability to break illusions under the moonlight?"

Shade concluded, and Miss Danister nodded slightly:

"The Yellow Moon gives you guidance, Shade. Although you also have the [Yellow Moon] Spirit Rune, according to the ritual I gave you, linking it to the [Guidance] Spirit Rune can achieve better thaumaturgic effects."

"This thaumaturgy is very suitable for you. Teacher Olanode also has a similar secret technique."

Fiona said from the side.

【suitable for you. 】

"She" also said with a smile in Shade's ear.

"fit me."

Shade then said, Miss Denister was very satisfied with Shade's attitude:

"When I return to the academy, I will send you the learning rituals and materials. This is the knowledge that a teacher should give to his apprentices."

"Talk about it"

Miss Feliana suddenly spoke at this time:

"Xia De, for those of you ring warlocks who use the power of the moon, the [Night] Spirit Rune is particularly important in the system structure. It is really a waste to only learn the [Night Seal].

Now that we're on the topic of your studies, and I won't be leaving for the better part of a week - are you interested in the [Night Arrow] I used when I shot that evil thing on Sunday? "

The big-tailed dragon girl who picked up the tea cup cleverly concealed her expression with the movement of drinking tea. She knew that Teacher Feliana said she didn't care, but in fact she was quite concerned.

"Even Teacher Feliana became very interesting in front of Shade."

The Red Dragon girl, who has already had a preliminary understanding of this era, concluded this way and decided to take advantage of this hard-won opportunity to realize her various ideas.

The meeting with Miss Danister lasted about two hours that afternoon. In fact, Shade really wanted to talk to her about what clues she got about her teacher from the believers of the old god, the God of Music.

But since this was Miss Denister's privacy, Shade tried to explore whether to open this topic, but found that she refused to talk about it in front of Miss Feliana and Fiona.

The stranger understood Miss Danister's concern and protection of privacy very well, because he was the same, so after probing her once, he said nothing.

When the conversation was over, Miss Denister once again extended a sincere invitation to the two former principals of the college. She seemed worried that they would forget to visit St. Byrons because they liked the Shade family so much.

The demigod witch graciously allowed Shade and Miss Daniste to talk alone to say goodbye. She took Fiona first to wait for Shade under the bell tower.

The terrace door was opened and closed, and after a moment there was the sound of chains clattering as the elevator opened.

Miss Danister stood up and came to the balcony, and then asked Xiang Shade:

"What do you think those two ladies would say about me now?"

"I think I think highly of you."

Shade guessed that the red-haired sorceress had a hint of complaint in her tone. Compared with the ease and intellectual elegance she usually showed in front of Shade, this tone sounded very interesting:

"So, Mr. Hamilton, don't give me such a surprise next time, okay?"

"I noticed you called me by my last name, so are you mad at me now?"

"No, no, how dare I be angry with a student who was the founder of the college?"

She stared at Shade, and Shade looked at her:

"But I'm also your student, and no one seems to have stipulated that I can't have more than one teacher. Are you right, Ms. Danister?"

The "Red Moon Witch" was not used to Shade suddenly calling her teacher, but at least he knew Shade's attitude:

"So what is your relationship with them?"

"Well, as I just said, Miss Feliananna is a teacher who has taught me a lot, and Fiona is my friend."

Shade told the truth, but obviously the remaining person here didn't believe it at all:

"If the two principals are willing to visit the current college, remember to inform me in time. Also, this is for you."

She gave Shade a bearer draft from Delrayon Bank, and Shade glanced at the numbers on it:

"Four zeros, ten thousand pounds? Sorry, what does that mean?"

"The college pays the Godcaller a special amount to entertain the two principals. The accounting office records the 'special entertainment expenses'. Every year, we have special funds to temporarily entertain visitors from the 12th and 13th Rings. "

She pushed the money order into Shade's hand:

"You may not care about the money, but we cannot refuse to give it. This is a matter of attitude and the dignity of St. Byrons."

Although Shade now owns shares in the gold mine in Randall Valley, is doing business with Miss Sylvia, and often has extra income when traveling in various cities, his cash holdings are not as much as 10,000 pounds. , which is a lot of money.

"Take it, it's not much for St. Byrons. Also, remember not to mention the money to them. Shade, we have done our best by entertaining those two ladies for us. ”

After saying that, he felt quite melancholy:

"It's been hard on you during this period. You just finished fighting the war here, and you still have to be busy entertaining distinguished guests."

"This is what I should do. Also, have the followers of the God of Music given you any news? Is there any latest investigation progress about your teacher?"

She looked at him with eyes that Shade couldn't understand, and shook her head slightly:

"You should do what you are doing first. When you are free, we will talk alone."

PS: This volume is coming to an end soon, and there are still a few small plots left, which are already finished in the archive.

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