Whispering Verse

Chapter 2507 Debt Collection Entrustment

Chapter 2508 Debt Collection Entrustment

After a dull vibration, the elevator finally carried Shade to the bottom of the sea cliff. He opened the door and walked out of the small room at the bottom of the cliff, and came to the rocks outside the door.

After the Battle of Moon Bay, the weather has been sunny throughout the Moon Bay area. Now standing here looking at the blue sky and the harbor with countless ships sailing, Shade felt that he would actually be in a better mood if he didn't know what he was going to face next.

The person who invited him did not show up immediately, so Shade had no choice but to throw the perfume bottle full of luminous pink essence into the sea beyond the reef.

Pink drew a perfect parabola in the air, but just before entering the water, a hand stretched out from the rippling seawater held it.

The arms were slender and white, and even felt as smooth as silk in the sun. The water droplets began to slide down from the pink nails down the naked arm. The ticking sound should not be very loud, but every drop of water fell, as if it could directly hit Shade's heart.

It looks like a white flesh snake, but also like the pink and white lotus root in the lotus pond. Shade, who knew what he was going to face, was not very surprised. He just suppressed the charming thoughts instinctively arising in his heart and was very grateful that the wonderful night he spent with Vanessa last night allowed him to stay focused at the moment.

"Hello, interesting soul~"

As the arm holding the perfume bottle lowered, the head of a beautiful woman with wet black hair sticking to her cheek slowly emerged from the water.

Bright purple eyes looked at Shade with a smile, and the fat-red birthmark between his eyebrows became even more beautiful after being rolled over by water drops.

So Shade understood that even if he spent the night with the girls in advance, there would be no resistance against this "mermaid".

"Why did you find me here so early?"

Her appearance this time did not let the thick fog cover the area, so when the chin of the beautiful head was slightly raised to look at Shade, the face under the clear sky looked brighter than before.

"It seems I didn't find it, it was your bottle that vibrated on its own. If I understand correctly, you are urging me to come over and see you."

Shade said.


Her slender fingers opened the bottle cork with one hand, then she raised her head towards the sun and poured out the luminous pink essence in the bottle.

The pink lips opened slightly, and the liquid entered the mouth of the head accurately. For some reason, she slightly stuck out the tip of her tongue, and Xia De tried to look away from the pink tongue.

Shade didn't see any swallowing movements from her, but when she looked at him again, there was nothing in her mouth:

"I'm not urging you. I just saw that you haven't come since the war, so I miss you a little."

Her voice was soft and melodious, and her purple eyes held a charming smile:

"It tastes great. I like this gift."

The empty bottle was carried back to the rocks by the tide, but Shade didn't pick it up immediately:

"Before I get down to business, please allow me to express my gratitude. Whether it's the [Gluttony] thing or Luvia and the others saying that you blocked an attack from the [Dragon Eater Demon], this has helped me a lot."

Her beautiful face still looked at him on the shore with a smile:

"So, now you know how good I really am to you, right?"


Shade didn't really want to answer this question:

"Then according to our previous agreement, you helped me. Although Yuewan was destroyed, it also ushered in a new life. So please tell me what needs to be done."

The purple eyes in the water did not immediately answer Shade's question. She stared at Shade's eyes and blinked a few times before she asked softly:

"Look at your nervous look, you know what? I like you better when you are pretending to be a hero. Even I am aroused by you~"

He chuckled softly and flicked the sea water next to his head with his right hand:

"I want you to go somewhere and collect a debt for me."

"Well, when I was in Randall Valley, a demon said something similar, and then he died."

Shade felt his heartbeat speeding up. He was reluctant to admit that the appearance of the head in the water was really in line with his aesthetics:

"Although Goethe, the stone mirror demon, is old, it cannot be older than you, and you are much more powerful than it.

If you really have any debt, you can collect it yourself at any time. You don't look like you like to make contracts with humans to restrict yourself. "

Her right hand came out of the water and she covered her mouth and laughed softly. Of course, before the laughter ended, she licked her right index finger again:

"Of course I can go by myself under normal circumstances, but don't we have you?"

The voice was very soft, but the purple eyes were not pleading, but longing.

Shade shook his head quickly:

"So, this thing has something to do with the old gods? I just finished a battle with gods, and I don't want to do it again in a short time."

"Don't worry, how can I be willing to let you invite danger?"

She laughed again:

"There won't be a battle between gods this time. Do you want to hear a story?"

"I guess this is a love story again, right?"

"I already regret not making a bet with you about the type of story. This time you guessed wrong. It's not love, but something as vulgar as love, wealth and life."

She seemed to be recalling something, and the sea surface under her head was also rippling with circles of waves, as if there were really a girl's legs shaking under the sea.

Xia De always reminded himself that everything was an illusion, and "desire" did not need to be recalled, and "desire" had more than one pair of legs:

"Wealth? Someone found you because of greed, and wanted you to give wealth and was willing to pay a price. And you also agreed to the deal, but when you were about to collect the money, you found that the other party had played a trick, so you came to me. This is still a story of the devil."

"The story I want to tell is much simpler than you think, and it is not old."

She looked at Xia De with a smile:

"That is the story of the Sixth Epoch. Someone sacrificed to me through a ceremony, hoping that I would give him wealth enough to reverse the situation, and let me help him defeat his enemies at this time.

I satisfied his desires, whether it was the desire for wealth or the thirst for life, I satisfied him. But unfortunately, he escaped and hid in a place where even I could not reach. Yes, it's that simple."

She did not ask Xia De whether he wanted to take the commission, and Xia De did not want to refuse. "Desire" helped him, so of course he had to keep his word:

"Hidden, right? Can you give me more clues? For example, the man's name, and what price he paid to make you take action. In my opinion, you are not the kind of person who responds to calls casually."

The woman in the water had watery eyes:

"Yes, you know me very well, very well. Only when you call, I will respond immediately."

The slender red tongue licked his lips again:

"I know what you are thinking, that name is certainly not Shad Hamilton, nor is it anyone else you are familiar with. Responding to his call is because the price he paid is enough, of course, there are some historical reasons.

In short, that person is willing to sacrifice himself. Everything he had, even his three children. I have to admit that his wife was lucky because she died early enough and was not included in the deal. " "So those three children" "If you help me collect this debt, I can give up those three children. This is your privilege." The right hand retracted into the water, and then the left hand dripping with water reached out again, holding up his face: "The wealth I gave him can also be all yours, but everything else he has is mine." "I can guess that the man must have something very valuable. But if there is no name, where can I find someone?" The purple eyes blinked: "It's not easy for you to win this battle of gods, so I won't reveal it. Reveal the specific location so that you can take a rest. Remember the surname 'Bennet', you don't need to look for it specifically, you will definitely meet it later.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the danger of the other party. He is just very good at hiding, and he is not strong. Especially for you, he is not much different from ordinary people. As for how to recognize him, don't worry, you will understand it when the time comes. "

Although she basically didn't give any additional information except the surname, Xia De still nodded: "'Bennet', right? I don't know anyone with this surname. It sounds like a southern surname. Okay, I remember it. But is there a time limit for this task?"

A beautiful and seductive face showed The more unpredictable smile, the corners of her lips were still so charming:

"Do you want to ask about the time? No, this task has no time limit, after all..."

She covered her mouth with her left hand, pretended to look around in panic, and then laughed:

"There are some things that I can't tell you now. Go on vacation, the heroes of justice also need vacations."

She looked at the empty bottle lying on the edge of the reef again:

"It's only two days after the end of the God War, and you can fill the empty bottle to this extent. I guess your vacation life must be very busy. Those girls are really lucky to meet you, at least their desires in some aspects are fully satisfied."

Xia De only knew that this task was definitely not as simple as she said.

But since "Desire" herself said that there was no time limit for this commission, Xia De didn't have to figure out all the doubts immediately. He remembered this matter, but he didn't plan to start investigating immediately.

The Battle of Moon Bay is over, no matter what happens, he has to rest first.

However, if he has other questions about this commission, he can come to Count Darmanin's mansion at any time and ask the "mermaid" about the situation. Just as Shade said when he first met her in Moon Bay, she will stay in this city for a long time and only appear in other corners of the material world occasionally. Therefore, she welcomes Shade to visit her at any time for any matter.

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