Whispering Verse

Extra Chapter 2513: Drinking Game

Extra 6 Drinking Game

(The story in this chapter takes place after the pre-war banquet in Chapter 2447.)


In the bright banquet hall of the "Brilliant Messenger", Emilia, Agelina and Iluna toasted and clinked glasses under the crystal chandelier. The last banquet before the war had ended, but they still didn't want to take a rest. .

"Since we are going to play the game of 'one person says [I have never done it], and if others have done it, they need to take a sip of wine,' then we must be honest!"

The little princess put her right hand wearing a long lace glove on the table, glanced at the maids cleaning the banquet hall, then looked at her two friends, and the first one said:

"Well, let me go first: I've never sneaked into the kitchen late at night for a late-night snack!"

Royal princesses need to strictly control their body shape, so she really never did.

The pointed-eared elf girl and Iluna sat together, opposite Agelina. She had no choice but to pick up the wine glass and take a sip:

"I'm a student living on campus, how could I not have done this kind of thing?"

The gorgeous green evening dress was just a temporary preparation, so it didn't have much elf style, but wearing this dress made the oldest girl look the youngest among the three.

Iluna, who was wearing a golden dress, thought for a moment:

"I did this when I was training in the Holy See, okay."

She also took a sip, looked at the maids cleaning around, and once again made sure that no one cared about them, she said with bright eyes:

"Let me tell you the second thing: I have never actively tried to lose weight."

The elf and the princess stretched their heads to see her figure at the same time. The little red-haired princess asked in disbelief:

"how did you do it?"

Iluna smiled and said:

"Because I always pay attention to exercise and I am usually very busy."

The red-haired princess and the pointed-eared elf girl both took a sip of wine, and the latter looked at her two friends with emerald eyes:

"I must think of one thing you all have done that I have never"

She lowered her voice slightly and said embarrassedly:

"I had an erotic dream."

"how did you do it?"

This time it was Iluna's turn to be surprised. Then she realized what she had said, so she blushed and picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Agelina on the side also took a sip of wine and said to Emilia pretending to be pitiful:

"It seems like you haven't grown up yet."

The elf girl would not tell them. This is because her college dormitory is very close to the family's sacred tree, and most of her dreams only dream about that tree. As for the dream of holding hands with Shade and running under the moonlit night, that was not considered an erotic dream.

"The first round is over! Emilia, you figured out the trick to the game."

The little princess praised again:

"This game is for friends to share their privacy and tease each other, so it's my turn again."

She believed that Emilia was no longer a "threat", so she decided to use the game to test the relationship between Iluna and Shade:

"I never stayed at Shadd's house for long."

As expected, Iluna did not raise the glass, but Emilia picked up the glass:

"Oh, I stayed at Shade's place for several days before I came to Yuewan."

She frowned and took another sip of wine. The little princess was surprised to find that she had forgotten this matter.

Iluna, who had not yet realized the true purpose of this game, still said happily:

"It's me again, I've never, I've never ridden more than two mounts alone. I've only ever ridden a horse and a skeleton horse, and those are the two mounts."

Of course Agelina didn't know how to hold a cup, and the frowning elf girl raised her cup again:

"I feel targeted by you."

"Besides little Liana, what else have you ridden in the academy? A chocobo?"

Iluna asked curiously, and Emilia swallowed another sip of wine "painfully":

"Recently, before leaving Tobesk and going to Moon Bay, Shade turned into a very beautiful dragon and let me ride it once."

After she finished speaking, she felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, but the maids were still cleaning the banquet hall and did not eavesdrop on their conversation. The red-haired seventeen-year-old princess and the brown-haired eighteen-year-old chosen one also pretended not to care. :

"That's amazing, it's your turn again, Emilia."

The two of them were already very wary of this seemingly innocent elf, so Emilia, who felt a little dizzy, said:

"I never kissed Shade."

She wasn't allowed to drink alcohol in the academy, so she was a little drunk at this point. But after all, he is a five-ring warlock, and his body has a strong resistance to alcohol, so he is only slightly tipsy.

"Oh, I did this."

Agelina pretended to complain and sighed, but in fact she felt happy and immediately went to pick up her wine glass. Then she was surprised to see Iluna also picked up her glass, and looked at her with the same surprise:

"Kissing. Shade and I have had it several times. This kind of thing is very common."

They all took a sip of wine and realized that everyone at this table was not simple. Emilia looked at them with bright eyes, thinking that since they all had the courage, she might choose to give it a try after the next battle.

"It's my turn again, oh, Emilia, let me pour you some wine, you drank too fast."

The little princess picked up the wine bottle and said:

"The essence of this game is to force your companions to admit the scandalous things they have done, so be careful what I say~ I have never dated Shade alone in the middle of the night."

The few dates she had were all before midnight, and she was embarrassed to say "staying overnight at Shade's place", so she could only express it in this slightly euphemistic way.

Iluna recalled it and did not pick up the wine glass.

But Emilia asked:

"You ran to the college to call me out of the dormitory, and then went with me to find Little Lianna, and asked Little Lianna to walk with us. Is this a date?"

This refers to the night of the Battle of Randall Valley, when Shade asked her to help point out the truant passage connecting "St. Byrons" and "Randall Valley".

Emilia did not wait for them to answer, and took a sip of the wine glass:

"Ajelina, I will not escape punishment. Then let's continue, I have also thought of a good question."

The little princess and Iluna looked at each other, and the latter felt that she knew a lot of things that she didn't know before. However, she felt that she had been recognized by Luvia, so there was no need to compare with the two "immature" friends, so she said:

"Why is it always about Shade? Let me tell you something else. I have never worn my feet or fallen because of wearing high heels."

She rarely wears high heels, and her sense of balance is very good.

Emilia did not move this time, but Ajelina picked up the wine glass:

"Girls in Cavendish will receive "high heel training", and I admit that my feet were not suitable for this kind of shoes at first."

She told a little story when she was young, and everyone laughed together.

So Emilia, whose face was slightly red and who had not yet digested all the alcohol, said:

"It's my turn again, so I have never done anything in bed!"


Ajelina immediately covered her mouth and looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping:

"Emilia, ladies can't say such things."

The pointed-eared elf looked at her friends with some drunkenness:

"Aren't we going to expose each other's scandals? Oh, everyone should be honest, do you want to drink?"

Ajelina looked at Iluna, and Iluna also looked at Ajelina, and both of them saw what the other meant from each other's eyes.

Although they were ashamed to admit such things, they were unwilling to lie about it:

"Emilia, I guess elf girls and human girls are really different."

The two human girls raised their glasses and decided to teach this elf, who was older than their ages combined, a "lesson".

"It's my turn again!"

The little princess thought carefully, but suddenly found that she couldn't think of anything that could make Emilia embarrassed. The young elf was too naive.

So she looked at Iluna for help. Iluna's ears moved a few times, and Ajelina understood: "I have never worn earrings at formal banquets since I was twelve years old." She found that she and Iluna both had earrings, but Emilia didn't. There was no sign of piercing on her ears. So the distressed Emilia had to pick up the wine glass: "Yes, Ajelina, you caught me. I have thought about wearing earrings before, but my ears are more sensitive than ordinary elves. I almost fainted from the pain when I tried to pierce them last time." She told her friends about the past more than ten years ago, and Ajelina and Iluna comforted her, saying that formal banquets did not require earrings. After a few words together, their relationship became closer. Seeing that the little princess had misunderstood her meaning, Iluna said the sentence she had prepared:

"It's my turn again! I don't know who has done this - I have never eavesdropped on other people's intimate conversations at night when I visited someone else's house."

Iluna knew that the elf girl had lived in Shade's house for a few days, and even knew that Luvia had also stayed there overnight, so Iluna was very curious whether Emilia had heard "strange" sounds.

Sure enough, the elf girl picked up the wine glass and explained embarrassedly:

"Once Shade and Luvia did not use the Silence Note Spell at the beginning, I listened for at least ten minutes. I didn't eavesdrop on it intentionally."

Then she blushed and was surprised to find that Ajelina also picked up the wine glass.

The red-haired little princess also blushed, and then explained calmly:

"When my sister took me to Shade's house to spend the night, she forgot about the Silence Note Spell a few times."

And she suspected very much that her sister did it on purpose.

In short, sharing each other's privacy with each other has brought the three girls closer and greatly deepened their friendship.

Emilia, Ajelina and Iluna played several more rounds, some deliberately teasing their friends, some pretending to be indifferent and testing something.

But no one was angry because of this game, instead, everyone got to know each other. Iluna and Ajelina knew about Emilia's troubles in college life and the boredom of not being able to leave the college at will, Ajelina and Emilia knew about Iluna's huge work pressure and responsibilities, and Emilia and Iluna knew about Ajelina's dissatisfaction and longing for her sister.

The reason why the game ended was not because it was too late, but because one of the three was really drunk.

Of course it was not Iluna, the eight-ring sorceress would not be drunk by this kind of alcohol. It was not Emilia either, the elf's body quickly adapted to alcohol and became sober.

Therefore, it was Ajelina, who only had one ring, who was drunk, and the drunken little princess did not act crazy, but suddenly cried:

"I feel really uncomfortable~"

The two friends thought she was drunk and uncomfortable, but they didn't expect that she pulled them out of the banquet hall and walked into the cabin corridor:

"You guys come with me!"

Then Agelina led Iluna and Emilia into Lesia's room on the ship.

Because there were no outsiders on the ship, and Miss Elisa could monitor the signs on the ship, the door was unlocked, and Lesia was not here at this time, probably to talk to Margaret.

So the drunk Agelina got in, opened Lesia's closet, knelt down in it, hugged her sister's dress hanging in the closet, and started crying:

"Oh, sister, why can't you share some with me? Am I not your favorite sister?"

Iluna and Emilia were confused, and then they saw a crown in the closet:

"What's this?"

The pointed-eared elf asked. Agelina, who was crying due to drunkenness, threw the crown out of the closet:

"This is my father's crown. It is used by my sister and when playing games. Oh, sister Lesia, my dear sister, do you know how much I envy you? Since you have so much, why can't you share some with me? Woolen cloth?"

She continued talking drunken nonsense that no one could understand. Emilia picked up the crown and looked at it curiously:

"Is it authentic?"

"Like the real thing."

Iluna on the side commented, asking Emilia to put it on the table, and said a little uneasily:

"It's not good for us to break into Lesia's room like this. Let's leave here first and let Tifa help clean up."

But Agelina, who was in a state of sadness, didn't care about this. She still cried and fussed while hugging her sister's clothes, probably mistaking those dresses for Lesia.

So, the helpless Iluna had no choice but to drag Agelina out of the room together with Emilia. And this also led to Agelina returning to the corridor with a lot of clothes.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as the three girls returned to the corridor, they heard someone asking a question. Turning around, Lecia and Margaret appeared at the corner of the corridor.

Iluna and Emilia were immediately embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but Lesia understood the situation immediately. She was not angry, but said to Margaret:

"That's why I said, little Agelina is immature."

"Young girls are like this. When I was a kid, I secretly wore my sister's high heels."

The blonde princess of the southern kingdom said with a smile.

"I'm causing trouble for you."

Lesia said to Iluna and Emilia again, walked up to Agelina who was leaning against the wall holding a pile of clothes, and flicked her forehead.

After the spell was cast, Agelina, who was originally drunk, immediately sobered up.

And when she saw her sister clearly in front of her, she remembered what she had just done and she hoped it was a dream.

"I'll let Tifa take care of it. Remember to thank Tifa."

Lesia smiled and said:

"Agelina, I punish you for wearing these clothes that are stained by alcohol. You can't take them off until twelve o'clock. Look at you like this. How much did you drink? I remember that my sisters seemed to have inherited it. My father has a great talent for drinking.”

Agelina stood there with a blushing face. She could see that Lesia was really not angry, but she still felt embarrassed.

And when Lesia and Margaret left, she silently changed into the clothes she was holding.

But there must be more than one set of clothes. At this time, Iluna and Emilia also came over. One put on Lesia's velvet black cloak, the other put on Lesia's sunhat, and then they rushed towards the little princess:

"Agelina, are you ticklish?"

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

The two of them chased and one escaped and started fighting again. It wasn't until early in the morning that Shade came back from outside after "summoning the devil" and saw them (Chapter 2448), and the three of them changed their clothes.

But after this incident, at least the friendship between Iluna, Emilia and Agelina has become deeper, which is something worth celebrating before this war.

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