Whispering Verse

Chapter 2518 The Blessings of the Gods

Chapter 2517 Blessings of the Gods

While the three of them were looking around here, Shade did not forget to tell Miss Feliana and Fiona about the information about this place given to him by the Tree Father:

"In the auditorium, we will see the holy emblems of all the gods we have come into contact with. By contacting these holy emblems, we can obtain different short-term blessing effects. Of course, the depth of the relationship with these gods will affect the strength of the blessing."

Therefore, the number and types of holy emblems that Shade saw were different from those of Miss Feliana and Fiona.

This made this place more like an "exhibition hall" or "showroom" than a "hall". And for an experienced outsider, he certainly saw quite a lot of holy emblems.

All the evil gods that have been encountered in the present world - [Vampire Duke Laoel], [Lord of the Blood Feast], [God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea], [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral], [Raging Storm], [Stone Heart Demon], [Dragon Devourer] are all on the list;

All the old gods that have been encountered in the Fifth Era - [Creator of Innocence], [Glowing Door], [Noisy Black Hunter/God of Gambling], [Gray Robe Sage], [Uncertain Wise Man], [Winter Girl], [Thousand Eyes Fantasy Butterfly], [Eternal Night Curtain], [God of Journey], [Golden Ruler], [Giver of Dreams], [Lady of Mist], the holy emblems are also displayed one by one.

In addition, for some reason, the holy emblems of the old god [Forgotten Old Man] that Sirius believes in, the old god [Twin Gods] who helped Helen and Grace, and the old god [God of Love/Red Heart Lock] who is hostile to "Desire" also appeared here.

Although the patterns and light effects of these holy emblems are different, their sizes are roughly the same. The only holy emblem that is larger than these holy emblems observed by Shade is the golden sun pattern holy emblem of the righteous god [Lantern Old Man].

The holy emblem of the righteous god is radiant, but only this holy emblem of the five righteous gods appears. Shade guessed that this is because this [God of the Sun and the Earth] attended the banquet in the dense forest with him in the Randall River Valley.

In this way, a total of 23 holy emblems appeared.

What made Shade very regretful was that he could not see the holy emblem of any ancient god among them. He didn't know whether it was because the holy emblem of the ancient gods would not appear here, or because he had not actually contacted these gods. Shade tended to the former.

"However, it is true that darkness accommodates the shadows of human nature, and light accommodates the power of gods."

Miss Feliana and Fiona both tried to contact the holy emblems that only they could see. Shade counted the number of holy emblems he could see, and then decided to try what kind of blessings this place could bring him.

Of course, the first god he chose was the one he was most familiar with. When Shade's hand touched the holy emblem of the vampire god floating on the octagonal white stone base, "she" said gently: [Foreigner, do you want to accept the blessing of the old god-vampire Duke Laoel? ] [Blood Blessing Effect: Transfiguration-Higher Vampires. ] [Blessing Validity Time: 24 hours. ] "Just now, you said that you can only accept one blessing at the same time. So can I change the blessing at any time, or must I wait until the validity period of the previous blessing ends before I can change to the next one?" [You can change it at any time. ] Shade nodded. The effect of "Blood Blessing" seemed very powerful to him. He had seen how powerful the so-called "higher vampires" were compared to humans from Mr. Bernhardt and Mr. Albert. The blessing effect was so useful, he thought it was because he was too closely related to this evil god. "Don't rush to trigger the blessing effect. This is really interesting. Try this other one, the old god you met in the Thousand Trees Forest - [Glowing Door]." The holy emblem itself is a "door" pattern. This god was the first to tell the outsider that "the Sixth Era is not the real Sixth Era". This mysterious old god also has the power of time and space. "She" reminded softly: [Outsider, do you want to accept the blessing of the old god-Glowing Door? ] [Gate blessing effect: enhance the effect of the spell "Key of the Door". ] [Blessing effective time: 24 hours. ] "Just enhance the spell? It seems that my relationship with this old god is not very deep. That's right, it's just an encounter. But, is it also 24 hours?" He continued to pace, and this time chose the god he first met in this world: "[Pure Creator]." [Outsider, do you want to accept the blessing of the old god-Pure Creator? 】

【Gift blessing effect: Thaumaturgy - [Toy Making] can be used on living things, but if the requirements are not met, toys with souls cannot be brought into the special space. 】

【Blessing validity period: 24 hours. 】


Shad has been trying to find a way to break through the limitations of his thaumaturgy so that he can be used on living things without having to trust him wholeheartedly. Now, with just this one blessing, his thaumaturgy has undergone a qualitative change.

But the problem is that although this enhances his fancy means in battle, it still cannot allow him to take the girls to the past era.

"But that god is really good to me."

Then continue to try, the blessings of the 22 old gods have different effects, and the duration is 24 hours.

Most of the blessings have the effect of improving certain abilities or enhancing specific thaumaturgy spells. And the effects of a few blessings are so strange that Shad thinks he will probably never need them.

For example, the blessing effect of [Twin Gods] is to enhance the favorability of the "twin sisters" towards Shade within 24 hours; and the blessing of [Stone Heart Demon] is that Shade can turn the heart touched by his hands into Stone.

But the problem is that if Shade wants to kill someone, he can just touch the person's heart with his hands and crush it directly. Turning into stone is really unnecessary.

But since these blessings can be obtained without paying any price, he just needs to enter here, so Shade certainly won't complain.

And although the effects of some blessings are not very satisfactory to him now, if he can make these gods like/dislike him more in the future, then the effects of these blessings will be improved.

Shade left the blessings of the Righteous God [Old Man with the Lamp] until the end to check, and as expected, the blessings of the Righteous God were different from those of the old gods:

[Outlander, do you want to accept the blessing of the righteous god - the old man holding the lantern? 】

[Blessing Effect of the Sun and the Earth: When holding a lantern and holding the holy symbol of the god, evil will be driven away. 】

[The blessing is valid for one week. 】

"So the blessing of the Righteous God will be effective for a longer time?"

It's just that he doesn't have the blessings of the other four righteous gods, so it's not clear whether this guess is correct.

After reading all the blessings, Shade did not choose to accept the blessing of the righteous god. Instead, he found the Holy Emblem of the [Innocent Creator] again and obtained the blessing. The feeling of receiving a blessing is strange, like warm water pouring from my head.

Then he asked in his heart:

"As usual, what is the hidden information I obtained in [Holy White Auditorium]?"

[Sacrifice a drop of divinity to gain the opportunity to touch the ancient sacred emblem. 】

[Sacrifice an old sacred emblem containing power to gain the opportunity to touch the ancient sacred emblem related to it. 】

Shade frowned slightly and continued to look at the Holy White Auditorium in the white mist:

"Containing power? It shouldn't mean containing divinity, otherwise it would overlap with the one above. So, it refers to powerful magical items that are worshiped by believers all year round?"

Shade has not come into contact with many similar holy emblems so far. Mr. Bernhardt did take out one in Moon Bay, but it is obvious that Shade cannot snatch that one.

However, if you pay attention in the future, you may have the opportunity to obtain the holy symbols of other old gods:

"I just don't know if those powerful ancient gods' blessings will be effective for a month or even a year?"

Shade is not sure how many gods Miss Feliana and Fiona have encountered, but it is obvious that in the Fifth Era, the number of old gods was much more than today, so they spent more time checking here.

However, Shade did not ask the two ladies what they had gained in this auditorium, and they certainly would not ask Shade this question.

But after the three of them returned to the attic from the auditorium, Shade immediately proposed to try a new improvement in his thaumaturgy.

"Turning people into toys?"

Fiona asked curiously:

"Teacher Feliana is a demigod. You probably can't influence her, so let me try!"

The big-tailed dragon girl was very enthusiastic about this and even helped Shade move the spare curtain cloth from home.

And when Shade covered her body with the curtain, Shade frowned immediately.

"Why, don't you have enough spirit?"

Miss Feliana asked, getting Fiona out from under the huge curtain:

"Fiona is also the thirteenth level after all, and her dragon bloodline makes her extremely resistant to transformation. How about trying to catch a few wild cats? When we went outside yesterday, I saw There are not many stray cats.”

But in the end, the stray cats in the city did not become Shade's experimental subjects. This was not because Shade was worried that bringing stray cats into the home would anger little Mia, but because Iluna appeared in Saint Teresa that morning. The entrance to Plaza No. 6.

"Good morning, Shade, I'm back! Good morning, Miss Feliana, Miss Drago!"

Iluna also set off from Moon Bay on Saturday morning to return home, but the balanced chosen ones did not need to take a train, but took a steam airship. In addition, the weather in the entire western part of the Old World has been surprisingly good recently, so it only took her one day to return to the capital of the Northern Kingdom.

Iluna wanted to come over and tell Shade that she had returned. When she saw the two fifth-era witches at Shade's house, they still looked a little reserved. Of course, it was mainly because they were very reserved in front of Miss Feliana.

After all, last summer before she went to seek revenge on the "Silver Eyed One" and perform the Chosen One Ceremony, she personally admitted to Shade that she admired this lady. And now, Miss Feliana is right in front of her.

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