Whispering Verse

Chapter 2535 Time Loop (asking for votes)

Chapter 2534 Time Loop (please vote)

The first thing Agelina opened was the one that symbolized Queen Diana:


The face of the divination card is [Mother], and it is the mother in the right position. This is a very positive result when divination for pregnant women.

Agelina looked slightly relieved, then picked up the card that symbolized the unborn children. And when she turned the card over, Shade suddenly felt his eyes blur, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into a rushing river.

The extreme feeling of dizziness and trance made him cover his mouth and retching. The dizzy feeling that he had not experienced for a long time caused serious discomfort all over his body.

"Time is really amazing. Many years ago, I was like Agelishad now. Oh, what's wrong with you?"

Carina stretched out her hand to support Shade, who was covering his head and retching, and his body was twitching.

"It's okay, I feel like it suddenly happened. When did you come back?"

Shade endured his dizziness and looked at the witch who was supporting him. It was only then that "she" said softly:

[Outlander, you have experienced a time regression. Because you have the state of selectively not accepting the power of time, you retain your original memories. 】

"Shad, what are you talking about, come back? Haven't I always been here?"

The witch asked with some confusion, and Agelina's face no longer looked worried:

"Xia De, we were talking just now, and you suddenly started to retching while covering your head. Are you okay?"

"Would you like tea? How about a cup of coffee or wine?"

Tifa asked softly from behind the sofa.

"Time travel?"

Needless to say, Xia De was surprised. He never expected to encounter such a thing. After all, there was no warning at all. But after all, he had heard Priest August talk about similar things, so he wouldn’t be too panicked:

"Listen to me now, something happened."

He grabbed the witch's hand tightly, enduring the headache and nausea and looked into her worried golden eyes:

"I have already listened to the conversation between you and Agelina, and I have also seen Tifa go to inquire for information but get not very good results, and then leave."

He briefly described his experience in a few sentences, and finally added:

"No doubt, I'm pretty sure this is not my illusion. The time back is not long, from 0:13 when you just said, 'Time is really amazing', to 0:40 when Agelina and I did the divination. One point, 28 minutes in total.”

The two ladies of the Cavendish family looked at him in surprise. It wasn't that they didn't believe it, but they just didn't understand:

"But this is Yodel Palace, how could this happen?"

Shade has already stood up:

"I have some guesses. I know that there is a relic locally that can go back in time. Maybe there is something wrong with that thing. I will go and check the situation now. Carina, you stay here. This is not a big deal. Leave it to me. "

The duchess nodded worriedly, but did not insist on going with him:

"Be careful on the road. This kind of sudden thing is very wrong. Logically speaking, everything should have signs. We are not Iluna. There is no reason to encounter such accidents casually."

"If I saw Iluna near the Dawn Church, maybe this matter will be explained. Agelina, follow Carina and don't walk around casually."

As he spoke, he walked toward the window, but stumbled and almost fell if Tifa hadn't held him up. Shade shook his head and pushed her away. He went to the window and opened it. Then he suddenly jumped and transformed into a silver cat and got out through the gap in the window railing.

Like Carina, Shade also felt that something was wrong. No matter what happened in the past, there would always be signs first and then an accident. The more serious the trouble, the more like this. But this time he didn't notice it in advance. to anything wrong.

The night covered the worried silver cat, and he encountered no obstacles when leaving Yodel Palace. No one except Shade noticed anything was wrong here. But when Shade the cat climbed up the wall of Yodel Palace, he found that the city outside the wall was in a strange state.

It's not night, but it doesn't feel like day either. Day and night overlapped, and the rapidly flashing scenes and the chaotic colors produced by the superposition of light and darkness made Shade think he was dreaming.

【Not a dream. 】

The voice of "her" was very gentle, so the silver cat gritted his teeth and jumped down while looking at the strange scene outside Yodel Palace.


It was as if the whole cat had fallen into a maelstrom. After the spinning brought the familiar dizziness and nausea, Shade heard the duchess's voice again:

"Time is really amazing. Many years ago, I was like Ashad now. Why did you suddenly turn into a cat? Oh, are you vomiting?"

Shade Cat felt Carina's hand brushing its back, and it tried to stand up from the sofa:

"I'm fine."

In the bright silver light, the cat transformed back into the ugly-looking Shade. He leaned on the back of the sofa and shook his head, trying to overcome the discomfort. Even if he didn't look in the mirror, he knew that his expression at this moment must be ugly.

Now the time has returned to the beginning of the cycle just now. The only good news is that this time back seems to be less uncomfortable than the last time.

"Can you feel anything?"

[The source of the traceback is within the scope of Yodel Palace. Once someone tries to leave this scope, the traceback will be restarted. 】

"You don't look like you're okay, Shade. If you feel uncomfortable for a while, don't go out with me. Miss Feliana said not long ago that we failed to take good care of you. You should take a rest here. Ah Jelina, you don’t have to follow me for a while, just take care of Shade here.”

Carina said worriedly, and wanted Shade to lie down and asked Tifa to bring a blanket, but Shade refused:

"Back in time."

He covered his head and once again explained the general outline of the matter to the ladies in two or three simple sentences. Although he could not produce evidence for the time being, Carina and Agelina easily believed everything he said this time.

This saves quite a bit of time.

"So, the reason for the time reversal is the Yodel Palace? And when the time reaches 0:41, or someone leaves the Yodel Palace, it is the reason why time jumps back to the 'starting point', right?"

Carina analyzed:

"I've only seen this kind of thing on paper. I didn't feel anything just now."

"The condition for backtracking is not necessarily that the time reaches 00:41, it may also be that someone did something at that time. After all, I have only experienced it once."

"Then can you go through it a few more times and analyze the results after integrating them? After all, one cycle takes less than thirty minutes, so it doesn't matter if you try it a few more times."

Agelina asked immediately:

"And no one will remember what happened when time goes back, so we can mobilize everyone here to investigate together."

[No, after up to five times of backtracking, this small time backtracking location will completely fall into time collapse, and serious consequences will occur. And the more people know the truth about time, the easier it is to cause time to become unstable. 】


Shade repeated "her" words:

"But I didn't feel the abnormal distortion of time or the whispering element of the relic. This thing is really weird. Agelina, let's do another divination now."

He still remembered that when he first looked back, Agelina was about to reveal the second card.

"Wait a minute, according to your description, neither Tifa nor I was present at the time."

The witch said and took the others away temporarily, but this time Agelina's divination result was different from the last time. Last time the first card was "Mother", this time it is the reversed "King".

"It seems it's not because of Agelina's divination."

The time at this time is 00:27 after the second retrospective, fourteen minutes for analysis and for Agelina to complete the divination. And if this matter really had to be resolved within five retracements, Shade would not have much time left.

"What should we do next? I suggest that after the next backtracking starts, if it is not necessary, you don't have to tell us everything, just arrange for us to do things. Anyway, I absolutely trust you."

Carina said again, and Shade, who had already sorted out his thoughts from this unexpected unfortunate incident, also had an idea:

“Although Yodel Palace is not large compared to the entire Tobesk, it is not easy to conduct a comprehensive search, especially when all manpower cannot be fully utilized.

Therefore, now we can only go to those places with major suspicions to investigate, such as the purpose of our appearance here tonight. "

As she spoke, she quickly walked towards the door. The duchess immediately followed with her maids. Of course, Agelina also followed them:

"Shadow, are you saying that the cause of this incident is the mother and the children to be born?"

"Yes, judging from the time of the first retrospective, the time when the retrospective occurred may be exactly the moment when the twins were born. Of course, this is just a guess."

After all, it's the most visible thing right now.

Originally it was Shade who walked in front, but because Shade didn't know the way, Carina ended up walking in front.

She directly found Lesia's father, Larus III, who was waiting for news in the king's study. After a few brief explanations, the king's eunuch attendant actually led a group of people from the secret passage behind the cabinet in the study. He entered the underground and walked out of the cloakroom of the queen's bedroom, which was used as the delivery room.

Carina seemed to know the route, but Agelina had no idea.

At this time, the doctors were still nervously assisting Queen Diana in the bed to give birth, but under the order of the eunuch attendant, the whole group quickly left temporarily through the hidden side door of the dormitory.

Queen Diana was still conscious, and of course knew that the doctors had left. But before the woman with pale lips and sweaty face could say anything, Shade took Adele's pocket watch and pointed at her:

"Time pauses."


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