Whispering Verse

Chapter 2540: Gaode Visiting

Chapter 2539 Visiting Gaode

"Shadow, what are you going to do with these two umbilical cords?"

Dorothy asked curiously:

"Moreover, what is the function of these two umbilical cords now? I didn't understand the message Luvia asked me to convey to Lesia at that time."

Shade replied:

"Two effects. The first is that anyone holding it will be immune to time effects to a certain extent. For example, Dorothy, if you hold this jar now, my time suspension will definitely be ineffective on you."

The writer lady immediately refused:

"It's breakfast time and I don't want to touch something disgusting like this."

"In addition, these two umbilical cords can stabilize the surrounding time to a certain extent. You know the effect of my [Space Stabilization Halo]. These two umbilical cords can now be regarded as having their own weakened [Time Stabilization] effect."

"Does such a strange thing have no active ability?"

Dorothy asked again, and Shade shook his head:

"I didn't choose the magic eye or soul, so I can only get this power. But if you really want to use it, there should be two ways:

Either another candidate directly absorbs this homologous power, or the two umbilical cords are implanted into the human body and become a part of someone. "

Both ladies shook their heads, obviously unable to accept this kind of thing. As for how to use the two umbilical cords next, Shade has not yet thought about it, so he left them at home for his care.

So at the breakfast table, the topic about the "umbilical cord" ended for the time being, and Luvia thought of another thing:

"Xia De, if we can use this method to deprive the fourth candidate of the power of the 'Time' candidate, can we also deprive the other candidates of their power? Or even directly obtain the power of the first candidate."

"Theoretically yes, but the other party must make a big mistake that destroys the continuity of time. Do you still want me to get another [Aiken'ola - Arrow of the Chosen]?"

The purple-eyed girl smiled and nodded:

"Of course, compared to the chosen one who has all kinds of troubles, it is obvious that the dead object with the power sealed is more trustworthy."

"Actually, the selected candidates are quite good. I know that the previous first candidates had problems, but isn't Mr. Albert from Moon Bay normal?"

Shade reminded, Luvia was noncommittal:

"Anyway, everything is up to you. I'm just making suggestions."

"But this time the chosen one should be a woman."

Dorothy, who was sitting across the table, said again.

"Why do you think so?"

"You see, among all the first candidates, the balance is Iluna, the female. Then Darkness Darkness, Death's Joy Barton, Sir Prisha of Knowledge, and Mr. Albert the Light are all male. The guardian of the earth and the space counterpart Edwards are one, so he can actually be considered a male.

In this way, among the stories of the first seven people chosen, six of the first candidates were men. It must be a woman’s turn this time, right? "

Dorothy's idea was very interesting. Shade had never thought about this issue before.

"But no one requires that the ratio of men to women must be one to one. It's just that from a probability perspective, the candidate this time is more likely to be a woman."

Shade explained, while Luvia asked with a smile:

"Shad, do you think it's Emilia?"

The image of the elf girl with pointed ears jumped to Shade's eyes almost immediately, but Shade still shook his head:

"I don't think so.

You all know more or less the first candidates among the first seven candidates. Regardless of whether they are good or bad, these people have their own firm beliefs and goals to pursue. Even a bad guy like Ivan Darkness can be called a very powerful person if he dares to let the devil coexist with him. , as for Emilia"

"I know that the comment you were embarrassed to say was 'immature'."

The writer lady could tell what Xade was thinking:

"That girl is very similar to Agelina. She is innocent and has illusions and hopes for life. I hope they can stay so young forever, which means that their lives will be smooth and safe. Think about it. , among the first few candidates, who doesn’t have their own stories of bitterness and hatred?”

"The fate of the chosen one is indeed not easy to bear, and I don't really hope it is Emilia. This will be too heavy a burden on her."

Luvia also nodded and said, then tilted her head and looked at the jar again:

"But what is it that can scare the princes out of their wits and make them rather wipe out their souls than face it? Oh, I forgot to ask, how is the situation of the pair of babies?"

"Both are seven pounds, smaller than little Mia. The newborns are not pretty, but Agelina looks happy to be a big sister again.

They don't remember anything, but Luvia, if you want to see them and confirm whether they have really lost their qualifications, I'm afraid it will take some time even for Carina to arrange it. "

"I'm not in a hurry. When I saw these two umbilical cords, I knew you did a great job."

During the entire breakfast, the three of them kept talking about the incident in the Yodel Palace. It was not until after breakfast that they mentioned Miss Gold to Shade.

But Shade was no longer nervous at this time. After all, it was enough that little Mia was still here.

"Ms. Gothe came here yesterday, that is, at nine o'clock on Saturday morning. Oh, by the way, we asked for leave for you at the group meeting yesterday afternoon. Doctor Schneider said that you have really bad luck."

Dorothy took off her apron and came from the kitchen to the living room, with a smile on her face:

"Yordle Palace was sealed off at nine o'clock yesterday morning, and Luvia was also thinking of a solution at home. But her divination will not work until she knows the time loop."

"So you have all met Miss Gold, right?"

Shade asked curiously while holding the cat. They all nodded:

"Of course, she was a pretty pretty blond girl who looked to be in her mid-twenties."

As she spoke, she touched her golden hair, and Luvia sat down on the short sofa on the side:

"It had been raining lightly yesterday, and Dorothy and I were startled when she appeared at the door with an umbrella. Miss Mia Gold was about the same height as me, and her eyes were bright brown, or yellow. Yes. She is beautiful and has a very warm temperament.

Miss Gothe is easy to talk to. We said she was your friend, and then told her that you were in Yodel Palace. She asked little Mia to lie on her lap and talk to us, and then "

"Wait a minute! Is little Mia willing to get close to her?"

Shade asked. Luvia had already guessed that Shade would ask this question, so she smiled and said:

"She was sitting where you are sitting now. Originally, Mia was standing on the back of the sofa. When Miss Gothe sat down, she naturally ran to Miss Gothe's skirt and lay down, just like now Little Mia’s actions are the same.”

Shade lowered his head and glanced at the cat. The cat looked lazy after breakfast. Then he imagined that more than twenty hours ago, Luvia and Dorothy were also talking to the person sitting in this position, but the person they were talking to was the blond lady.

"Echoes from the past!"

Suddenly he launched his thaumaturgy, but after many attempts, all he could hear were the voices of Dorothy and Luvia discussing the situation, the voices of people in the square outside the window, the screams of little Mia, himself, Dorothy, and Jia Lena talks about Queen Diana's voice.

"Okay, what did you talk about then?"

"She said thank you for helping to take care of her pet cat this year. She also said that although Xiao Mia is still a kitten, she is surprised that the cat looks very healthy and is in good spirits. She is very satisfied. .

We both know how you raised this cat, so on your behalf you told it about the ingredients of the cat food that little Mia eats, where she sleeps, and her usual habit of lying on the windowsill to take a nap. In short, we talked a lot. "

"So, about Mia's stay"

Shade looked at them.

"Look at your expression now, Shade, of course we talked about little Mia's stay.

Miss Gothe herself said that the revitalization and reconstruction work in her hometown town is still in progress. She does not have time to take care of cats for the time being, and she is also worried that city cats will not be used to life in the country, so Mia will stay with you for the time being. "

Dorothy and Luvia immediately saw the smile on Shade's face.

"Miss Gold is such a sensible lady! Is that all? How long did Miss Gold sit here yesterday?"

He happily touched the cat's little head.

"For about an hour and a half, she chatted with us about little Mia and her own affairs. Although you said that Miss Gothe was not born into an aristocracy, I think she must have received an aristocratic education, and she was very old-school. aristocratic education.

Her posture when sitting and drinking tea are exceptionally elegant, and her demeanor and temperament when speaking are also outstanding. I think highly of her. "

Dorothy said this.

"So have you talked about the armor? And about little Mia? Is Miss Gold really just an ordinary person?"

Shade asked again, and this time it was Luvia's turn to answer:

"How can I put it, some people's temperament seems to be extraordinary. Miss Gaode's temperament is of a very warm type. Even people with cold hearts can't help but feel comforted when facing her.

I originally wanted to try it out, but didn't find a suitable opportunity, but I tend to think that she has some kind of special ability. That kind of warm temperament is really impressive. Dorothy and I were very worried about you and Carina and the others at the time, but after she came to visit, we actually felt less anxious. "

Dorothy also nodded:

"We said at the time that you were in some trouble outside, and she comforted us by saying, 'Detective Hamilton will be fine. He will definitely be able to overcome every difficulty.' This sounded like a simple reassurance, but she said it , I couldn’t help but feel relieved.”

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