Whispering Verse

Chapter 2549 Elf Arrow and Journey to Vesta City

Chapter 2548 Elf Arrow and Journey to Vesta City

After bidding farewell to Luvia for the time being, Shade prepared enough cat food for little Mia for lunch before heading to the unfamiliar city in the forest.

After walking out of the tree hole in the clearing of the ruins, he immediately leaned against the big tree and looked around. The forest land was still peaceful during the day, and the shadows of the trees were projected onto the floor tiles at the edge of the ruins. The big-tailed squirrel that was originally picking up pine cones in the shadow of the trees was startled by the sudden appearance of Shade, and quickly ran up the tree holding the pine cones. .

Shade thought that the mysterious elf would appear immediately, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see her.

So I put on a garland and tried to find the sea of ​​flowers based on the location I noted last night. The forest told Shade how to move forward, but when he came to the clearing, although the sea of ​​flowers was still there, the elf had disappeared.

Fortunately, above the sea of ​​silver-blue flowers, the familiar silver-blue flowers are floating in the sun. When Shade walked over, it took the initiative to fly forward to show Shade the way.

Afterwards, Shade entered the forest again and followed the little flower for about five minutes. After crossing a stream in the forest, the flower stopped under a giant tree. As Shade approached, the flower slowed down. It slowly fell into his hand.

Shade looked around, and finally raised his head and saw a tree house on the giant tree. The reason why it is called "a set" is because rope ladders and tree vines connect the upper and lower floors of a fairly large house.

This is a typical elf-style building, and it is obvious that the mysterious elf girl lives here.

Shade turned into a butterfly and flew upwards. At this moment, the door of the middle floor of the three-story tree house was also pushed open. The blond elf dressed exactly the same as yesterday came out and stood on the wooden platform in front of the door. The tree on which the tree house is built is extremely tall. From here, you can see the lush forest sea in early autumn when looking out into the forest.

Then the butterfly group fell beside her:

"Good morning, Miss Siam Nord."

Shade said this and showed his figure, but the elf took a step to the side, seemingly not wanting to get too close to Shade.

Of course, she was only two meters away from Shade at this time.

Putting one hand on the railing, she turned to look at him, with almost no mental activity visible in her emerald green eyes:

"Siam Nord is just one of the priest's surnames among the Yuexi clan elves. Not all Yuexi clan elves have the surname Siam Nord."

"I don't know much about this, I'm really sorry."

The outsider, who had a complete set of "ancient elf knowledge" given by the tree father and had heard many modern elf traditions from Emilia, said sheepishly:

"But this place you live in is really nice."

As he spoke, he took out the slate with "Crystal Light" that he had taken from the black market last night from his pocket. The elf was not surprised by the appearance of such a large slate. She stretched out her hand and the slate floated to the table in front of the tree house door behind them:

"You move really fast."

"Since you have agreed to do something for others, you naturally have to deal with it as soon as possible."

He answered like this, but had no intention of leaving immediately:

"Speaking of which, do you know anything about Vista City?"


Emerald green eyes continued to look at him:

"Why, do you still want to inquire about local information from me? But I am actually more familiar with this woodland than the city. I have not lived here as long as you think. Inquiring about the folk customs and information of this area, etc. You can go to the black market."

"Well, do you know if there is a big hotel in the local area with an accordion-shaped sign?"

The elf's eyes moved away and looked at the distant scenery of the forest:

"You can buy a copy of the "Vista Woodland Travel Guide". Page 8 introduces the details of the 'Accordion Inn'. It is very famous there. It only takes seven minutes to walk from the Accordion Inn to the 'Golden Music Hall'."

She seemed to feel that the questions asked by Shade were boring, and her tone was rather disgusting:

"I feel like you are testing me. Why, haven't you seen elves before?"

"I've seen elves, but I didn't expect to see pure-blood elves living alone around human cities."

"Before humans, the forest belonged to the elves."

She continued to look at Lin Hai:

"If you doubt my friendly attitude towards you, I told you last night that I am just curious about you. You are blessed by a tree. If I were not sure that you are indeed a human being despite your disguise, I would even doubt you. Also a high elf."

"I do know a young high elf."

Shade paused:

"But my purpose of coming here has nothing to do with elves. In fact, I am looking for someone. My friend disappeared here."


"Or teacher. Anyway, she is a very strong lady. You and I can't beat her together.

Although I now have some clues, after all, I am only one person. So if you have time, I would like to entrust you to help me find traces of her in this forest. Of course, I'll pay you. "

The blond elf tapped his fingers on the wooden railing:

"There are quite a few ring warlocks who mysteriously disappear in the Vista Woodland every year. There are always some people who don't know how to respect the forest. It's no problem to help you find someone. I don't charge compensation. After all, I don't think I can help you find them."

She raised her left hand to twist a strand of hair beside her ear:

"I do have some interesting information about Vista Grove. If you want this information, then help me collect something during the operations in Vista Grove and Brookwood Town.

There are many relics of ancient elves unearthed from ruins scattered locally. I need this. "

Light green light spots formed transparent arrows in front of the two people. The arrow kept turning over itself, allowing Shade to see every detail of it. The arrowheads are engraved with ancient elven runes, and the arrow shafts are densely intertwined with patterns of trees and leaves.

"Is this an antique? Or an alchemical weapon? Or a relic?"

Shade asked.

"When you find it, you can give yourself the answer. I don't know how many lost arrows there are in total, but every time you get one back, I will give you some rewards. You can regard this as a commission. I helped. You, you will help me, right?"

The elf said, Shade looked at her:

"There's nothing wrong with helping, but this is only the second time we've met. Why would you want to entrust me with such a thing? You seem to be very familiar with me?"

The blond elf smiled, then twirled his hair and turned to look at him:

"I admit that you are handsome, but please don't use this old-fashioned way of approaching us to get closer. You have the breath of a tree. Like me, you have been blessed by the ancient Father of Trees. This enough."

Some light green light spots floated out again. After touching the wooden railing in front of the two people, these dead wood instantly came back to life.

Shade stretched out his hand to touch it. It was a genuine trace of the miraculous element of the Tree Father's magic. It's just that it's not a time-based thaumaturgy, but a thaumaturgy related to "trees".

"Do you feel satisfied with this?"

"Yes, I will accept the commission to help you find those arrows."

After bidding farewell to the mysterious elf, Shade went to Vesta City wearing a wreath. This time we continued along the forest railway, and then took the train to the Vista City Railway Station.

Yesterday, he arrived in the city in the middle of the night, and now standing at the same position at the door of the train station on a sunny morning, Shade was once again convinced that there was a relaxed and leisurely atmosphere everywhere in this city.

The "City of Music" is surrounded by forests and seems to be completely isolated from other worries on this continent. If it weren't for the children selling newspapers who were still shouting about today's big news, "His Majesty King Lion Lion announced an expansion of the army by 200,000 people," Shade almost forgot that the conflict between the North and the South was really on the verge of breaking out.

Because he had his own destination, Shade did not wander around in this strange city. After finding the taxi at the entrance of the train station, we asked the driver to set off for the "Accordion Hotel".

On the way, Shade also talked with the talkative coachman about whether there was any news in the city recently, but the biggest news he got was that the mayor's mistress was photographed by a reporter in a private meeting, and the upcoming Moon Dance Festival The concert attracted a large number of tourists, musicians and environmentalists from all over the world to protest against small things such as government deforestation in front of the city hall.

The city of Vista is not very large, and it only takes less than an hour to get from the train station in the northeast of the city to the city center. This is because the local streets are not very wide, so horse-drawn carriages do not dare to drive too far. quick.

On the way, Xia De also saw the general appearance of the entire city from the car window. There were not many tall buildings here, but green plants could be seen everywhere. Not only street trees and flower pots on the balconies of residential buildings, flowers and green leaves seem to fill every gap in the city.

Nature and the city grow together harmoniously. Even if this place is not known as the "City of Music," Shade feels that this place can definitely be called a "Garden City."

Of course, Schade also discovered an astonishing number of concert halls and opera houses in the city. Although these buildings are not all very formal performance venues, at least every concert hall and opera house with a sign hanging at the entrance can see the audience entering and exiting.

The terrain of the entire city of Vista is high in the middle and low on all sides, similar to Huntington, both built on hills. In the past, Ximu Town was located in the northeast of the hill, with the main part of the town distributed on both sides of the river. However, today the city completely occupies the hill.

In the center of the city is the "Golden Music Hall", which is actually the highest point in the entire city. The city hall, police station and other city functional departments are built around the "Golden Music Hall", so the "Accordion Hotel", which is less than ten minutes' walk from there, is also the most important hotel and landmark building in the entire city.

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