Whispering Verse

Chapter 2562: Spiritual Potion and New Night Class

Chapter 2561 Amazing Potion and New Night Class

"To put it simply, it is a 'blessing potion', but I prefer to call it a 'spiritual potion'. It can permanently purify the soul. It does not increase the power of the soul, but improves the quality of the soul. I don't know about you. How much do you know about the soul? It is easy to improve the power of the soul, but it is difficult to purify the soul. "

Shade only remembered the evaluation he received in the "Sin Mansion". In addition to the number of sins, there was also——

[Complete Soul (Powerful, Flawless, Holy, Balanced, Dark)] (Chapter 699)

The priest said as he put the small test tube into Shade's hand:

"This is the most complex potion I have made so far, and making the potion itself takes a lot of time. I know your soul is extremely powerful, but in addition to purifying the soul, it can also purify the curse that entangles the soul. You might be useful."


Shade nodded and suddenly asked:

"You know about the time curse, right? Is this potion effective against the time curse?"

The priest thought for a while:

"It's effective, but it depends on how strong the curse is. This potion alone won't be able to completely eradicate the time curse, but it should be able to permanently slow down the effects of the curse. Of course, you have to let the other party use it to know the true effect."

He could see that there was no curse on Shade, so Shade smiled and praised:

"Priest, can you even brew this kind of potion? That's amazing."

Since it couldn't be completely eradicated and there was only one copy, he planned to put the potion away and give it to the two ladies when needed.

"It's nothing. I brewed two portions. I will use one when I am promoted to the middle ring, and the other will be given to you. But you must be vigilant. Even if this potion can purify the curse, it is not omnipotent. Don't You think that with this, everything will be completely foolproof. You are always cautious. Among the five of us, you are the one I don’t need to worry about the least.”

Shade then thanked the old priest again.

"The priest went to Yuewan, and the changes that happened were really big."

Saturday night was night class as usual, but in the past month, although the "lazy" girls continued to date Shade, they had not attended much class.

Now that the Harvest Moon is halfway through, Dorothy and Lesia are finally ready to continue their weekly lessons with Shad this Saturday.

They had all completed their respective promotions some time ago, and now they have gained different insights into the elements of enlightenment. That night, after Dorothy sat down across from the desk, she asked Shade under the light of the gas station if she wanted to learn this time. What fairy tale:

"In the past, we helped you choose. How about you choose this time? The higher the level of the ring magicians, the stronger their inspiration. I want to see what you can choose for yourself."

As he spoke, he looked at little Mia who was lying lazily on the desk, guessing that Shade would choose a fairy tale related to cats.

But she guessed wrong. In the past, outsiders didn’t know much about ancient fairy tales in this world, but in one year, he already knew enough:

"'Crystal Light'."

This is the story recorded on the stone tablet that I got from the black market not long ago by helping the mysterious elf in the woodland.

Dorothy raised her eyebrows:

"That fairy tale about greed, eternity and desire?"

She nodded slowly:

"The choice is good, but this is not a widely circulated story, and it cannot be compared with the Cinderella, Mermaid Princess, and Tree Kiss we learned before.

How did you come up with this fairy tale? Was it because of Lesia's glass slipper? "

Even if it weren't for this, Xia De couldn't tell the truth at this time:

"Yes, that's why."

He met the blonde girl's bright blue eyes:

"I don't have that unique habit of collecting shoes, but I have to admit, Lecia and your foot shape are really..."

"Stop talking, otherwise you won't be able to attend the evening class again this time."

The writer lady with a red face said hurriedly, and then looked at her pocket watch:

"Let's go to class first. I'll explain to you the current mainstream version of the fairy tale [Crystal Light]. You can do whatever you want after nine-thirty."

Although "Crystal Light" is also an ancient fairy tale that can provide power to ring magicians, just like what Dorothy introduced, it itself is not widely circulated. Therefore, neither Dorothy nor Lesia has mastered the thaumaturgic spells related to this fairy tale.

However, Her Royal Highness and Miss Writer are both girls who study hard, so they know that the most famous thaumaturgy related to this fairy tale is [Crystal Touch].

This is a standard high-level thaumaturgy. The effect of thaumaturgy is to irreversibly transform life into "crystal", just like the elf who was turned into crystal by the traveling merchant in the story.

This "transformation" is a type of human body transformation technique, and its irreversibility means that once the resistance is insufficient, it is basically equivalent to a one-hit kill.

But "crystal resistance" belongs to the branch of "petrification resistance", and this "crystalization" is much weaker than the crystallized state of the soul caused by Shade's thaumaturgy "Spur of Love".

Therefore, in Shade's view, the only advantage of the thaumaturgy [Crystal Touch] is that the crystals created by this thaumaturgy have almost "eternal" properties. As long as it is not destroyed by external forces, time cannot damage it at all.

In the early Sixth Era when the "dominance" of the Church of the Five Gods was not so strong, there were many ring magicians with eccentric personalities who liked to use this thaumaturgy to turn living people into crystals and collect them.

"This kind of person is really perverted."

"But it's very good for preserving corpses. If the princess who was poisoned by her stepmother was subjected to this kind of magic, there would be no such thing as the prince who kissed the corpse. Shade, if I or Lesia"

"Dorothy, I don't want to assume you die in front of me."

"I was just thinking that we were turned into eternally beautiful crystals, and you touched our frozen cheeks and chuns with your hands. What a heartbreaking scene it would be~"

"Well Dorothy, you didn't read those books that were confiscated by Agelina, did you?"

Lecia and Dorothy planned to try to learn the thaumaturgy [Crystal Touch] on their own first. Although they were only in the seventh ring now, the power of the chosen ones brought about qualitative changes.

Even though they didn't know much about this fairy tale, they were still confident in teaching Shade well. Dorothy called it "learning together", while Lesia thought that if Shade learned better, she wouldn't mind calling Shade "teacher".

Shade felt that Miss Writer was referring to something else.

All in all, weekends at home are still reassuring. And early on Sunday morning, during breakfast, Carina came to the door with the maids:

"How was your talk with Flora yesterday?"

The Duchess asked eagerly as soon as she sat down at the dining table. Dorothy, who was sitting next to Shade, couldn't help but smile, and Shade said:

"She said: Shad Hamilton, you don't want others to know about you and Carina, right?"

Dorothy covered her mouth and laughed harder, but the smile on the red-haired witch's face suddenly disappeared:

"Oh? Flora, did she threaten you?"

"No no."

Shade touched the cat and explained yesterday's conversation:

“She just wanted me to do something for her, and the reward was quite generous.

But she said at the time that if I really maintained friendships with many witches, she might just report it to Miss Isabella, so in the end I didn't say anything about other witches besides you. "

"That's it~"

The smile on Carina Cavendish's face still hasn't returned:

"Xia De, can't you see that she is playing tricks on you?

First, he said that he had the means to threaten you, then he said that he would not threaten you, and finally he asked for your help. Although the remuneration is quite decent, I am very aware of her speaking skills.

And how do you know that after you help her, she won't immediately tell the Speaker about your matter? "

"Because she can't beat you, and she can't beat Miss Denist."

Carina is very fond of this sentence:

"An eleventh-level witch must look like an eleventh-level witch. I am a twelfth-level witch."

Then I thought about Vanessa who was about to arrive locally, and I felt a little unhappy again:

"Then don't tell Flora for the time being. Since she said so, wait until everyone is busy and see if Granny Cassandra has time. Then the seven witches will block her door together. I think What did she dare to say?"

"I feel like Miss Winslet is not that kind of a bad person. I saved her after all."

But Shade didn't object to letting Carina bring someone to talk to her when the time came. Now that most of the Witch Council was on his side, he didn't have to be as timid as before.

"I've been wanting to ask since just now."

Dorothy said suddenly, put down her knife and fork and looked at Shade:

“Just now Carina called her Flora, and you said she was Miss Winslet. So, the witch you met was named Flora Winslet?

Is it the musician from Kasenlik? The man whose masterpiece is "Maine Nocturne" and who also wrote "Breakfast at Languedos" as a writer? "

"Yes, you know her?"

Shade asked curiously.

"I haven't seen it, but it was because of reading her books that I embarked on the path of becoming a writer."

Dorothy was greatly surprised:

"So Miss Flora Winslet is also a witch?

She became famous much earlier than me. I came into contact with her early literary works when I was still studying in a girls' middle school, and I watched her writing mature step by step.

do you know? She is very good at depicting the image of 'death', and is particularly good at using the image of 'death' to describe the growth and changes of characters in her writing. This is not a low-level way of deliberately using tragedy to arouse readers' emotions. She is really interpreting life and death in a profound way. "

As he spoke, he also recited a short passage of classic sentences that Shade had not read:

"[The wind gently blew the treetops in the cemetery, and Maria stared at the starry sky in the distance. Death follows her in the journey of life, but just like the twinkling stars in the sky, although they are out of reach, they are an inescapable part of fate. about.

So the sad woman put down the bouquet in her hand, looked at the lonely pale tombstone in front of her for the last time, and then decisively turned around and left -

She accepted death, said goodbye to death, and this was her last time here. ]"

PS: This chapter has 3138 words. Because it is less than 200, it is charged according to 3000 words, so it is equivalent to the last paragraph being free, so the last paragraph does not belong to the water word count.


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